Decision to force bondholders to pay for banking system's collapse appears to pay off as economy grows 1.2% in third quarter.
In contrast to Ireland, Iceland's taxpayers refused to foot the bill for the debts accumulated by the banking sector. Bondholders were told to accept dramatic reductions in the value of repayments on bank debt after the sector borrowed beyond its means to fund ambitious investments abroad.The return to growth is likely to put pressure on Irish politicians to explain why Dublin rejected a more radical restructuring of its debts and a departure from the eurozone.
Webmaster's Commentary:
In short, the people of Iceland told the bankers Vadd?rassgat and refused to pay for the bankers' greed. Iceland's economy is now out of recession. Quite a contrast with the United States Government, which has plunged you all into a quarter million in future tax debt to bail out Wall Street and offshored your jobs so the banks could confiscate your houses to recapitalize their balance sheets after having to buy back those fraudulent mortgage backed securities.
So, why are the Icelandic people doing so much better than Americans?
Well, to start with, they kicked out the government that sided with the bankers over the people.
This is a very long video, so yo may want to bookmark this and watch it when you have a couple hours' free time. But this is worth watching because this documentary explores the history of social engineering projects undertaken by government to turn free human beings into controllable resources, and betrays an attitude by our rulers that ordinary citizens are property; an attitude which makes it perfectly reasonable in their eyes to take away your jobs so that banks can take away your houses to recapitalize their balance sheets. Take a good look at the techniques being tested and demonstrated in these films clips, and see how many you recognize are now being used on you in the airports, city streets, shopping malls, and public buildings.
Parents of children who participate in school breakfast programs are "criminally negligent," says the Washington editor of the conservative National Review. She continued, "If that’s how many parents are incapable of pulling together a bowl of cereal and a banana, then we have problems that are way bigger than -- that problem can’t be solved with a school breakfast, because we have parents who are just criminally ... criminally negligent with respect to raising children."
O'Beirne's comments come even as statistical evidence mounts that more and more Americans are struggling to eke out a living. Webmaster's Commentary: One has to imagine that in O'Beirne's most perfect fiscal world, all school nutrition programs would be halted, and education would be completely privatized, only for those families which could afford it. If people do have food to put on the table for their kids, they do it; if not, that morning breakfast may be the only real meal those kids get all day. It's not a question of parental laziness, in most cases, but a real issue of the handiness of food resources.
A child of twelve was charged with ‘threatening behaviour’ at his school in Bowmanville, East of Toronto last week. The arrest happened when the boy (who cannot be named for legal reasons) threw a tantrum refusing the Hepatitis B vaccine. The National Post reported (…) that police were brought into Ross Tilley Public School because the boy had threatened to damage the school. Unfortunately, the report failed to give the reason why the child was refusing the vaccine or what made him so angry. Webmaster's Commentary:
The mandated 1976 Swine Flu Vaccination killed more people than the flu did. Frankly, everyone involved with that program should have been charged with murder. But at the very least, people have an inherent right to decide what to do with their own bodies. The global dictatorship wants you to think otherwise (which is one reason for the TSA grope and STD fest at the airports), but really; do you trust the government with a needle stuck in your arm?
We already knew that food stamp use was growing because of the prolonged, sluggish recovery, but the Christian Science Monitor provides this handy chart to show exactly how dramatic the increase in need has been. More than 15 percent new recipients were added compared to last year. Webmaster's Commentary: The phrase in the above paragraph, the words "prolonged, sluggish depression" should be substituted for "prolonged, sluggish recovery", because there is no such thing as a "jobless recovery".
Scuffles have erupted outside Italy's famous La Scala opera house in Milan during a protest against proposed funding cuts to the arts and education.
Opera house workers from across Italy were rallying peacefully ahead of a protest speech by conductor Daniel Barenboim when trouble broke out.
Students clashed with police wielding truncheons and using teargas, and 14 officers suffered minor injuries.
The audience inside applauded Barenboim for his impassioned defence of culture.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The globalists wanted global government and global economy, and to get it, they needed global poverty. But now the plan is understood by the people of the world, and the plotters may just have set the stage for a truly global revolution.
Every half century or so, it seems the world is cursed with a few individuals who want to stand atop a pyramid built to their own glory and scream how they are the rulers of the world, and that no sacrifice of other peoples' lives and money is too great a price to pay for the attainment of that dream. It is happening again right now with a clique of sociopaths who want to bring about a global government through lies, deceptions, and enforced mass poverty, because they believe that whatever gods they sacrifice to want the world to be that way. Such true believers will never admit they are wrong, indeed history shows they cannot ever admit they are wrong, and the long train of revolutions stretching back to the dawn of time illustrates just what happens when such fanatical self-indulgence meets the real world.
Congressional Republicans appear to be quietly but methodically executing a plan that would a) avoid a federal bailout of spendthrift states and b) cripple public employee unions by pushing cash-strapped states such as California and Illinois to declare bankruptcy. This may be the biggest political battle in Washington, my Capitol Hill sources tell me, of 2011.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"The people must make do with less so that we may have more!" -- The Bankers' prayer
"We didn't make this mess and we are not paying for it." -- The Peoples' prayer
Public transport has come to a halt in Athens as union workers slap the Greek capital with crippling strikes in protest to the government's austerity measures.
According to the driving force behind Big Sis’ creepy Wal-Mart spy campaign, if the state encouraging Americans to report each other to the authorities causes you unease, you’re insane, similar to how critics of informant programs were also branded mentally ill and persecuted in the former Soviet Union.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Dear Nazi-bitch.
In point of fact, I have said something whenever I saw anything suspicious and I have been doing it for 16 years.
Long before WikiLeaks became the darling of the corporate media, hundreds of blogs just like this one were blowing whistles and reporting on wrongdoing all across this nation and around the world. You didn't listen. Not once.
So kindly shut the @#%$ up. Unless and until you are ready to listen to the citizens report of wrongdoing, please do not waste precious oxygen flapping your yap about "See something, say something", because We The People do see! We see everything you are doing. We have been speaking out. Yet you stand there fingers in ears, eyes tight shut, screaming "I can't hear you and I can't see you and you can't make me!" at the top of your lungs, trying to imagine terrorists under every bed and in every closet because you cannot bear to look in a mirror at what monster you, the government, has become.
This year's omnibus spending bill refuses to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay and would block the transfer of any suspected terrorist detainees to the United States in what appears to be the final blow for President Obama's campaign pledge to shutter the facility.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Ve haf konzentration kamps UND torture, jahr?
Remember when the torture scandal first surfaced, and the government said it was just a few overzealous individuals at the bottom? And I warned you that the truth was going to be much worse; that torture and camps were official policy? I also warned that those people who allowed themselves to get lured into accepting torture of prisoners and guilt by coerced confession would become psychologically trapped, unable to face themselves, becoming the most fanatical supporters of the tyranny that now grips the nation.
Glaciers have grown in western Norway, New Zealand’s South Island, parts of Asia and the Tierra del Fuego in South America. However, overall ice and snow on mountains has been retreating since the industrial age, according to scientists from around the world.
Money is tight, and everyone is cutting costs. But it's all about knowing where to cut; the family will skip the vacation, but doesn't try to save on clothes by turning the neighbor's cats into loincloths. Unfortunately, when large organizations try to cut costs or figure out new sources of revenue, they tend to take the kitty loincloth approach.
While everyone is focusing on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, another important information dump is getting largely ignored since September 1, 2010 when James Gourley of the International Center For 9/11 Studies obtained nearly 5 terrabytes of videos and reports concerning the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon buildings. Although some of the tapes have had some audio/video manipulation, it is clear why NIST did not want to release any of this material for the past 9 years. The 9/11 coverup demands that no evidence of explosions or bombs be included in the official story, and some of these videos have even been kept hidden simply for including the WORDS “bomb” or “explosion” in their contents.
The US, simply put, has repeatedly called on Arabs to come to its aid, in combating Nazism during World War, Communism during the Cold War, Khomenism since 1979, and global terrorism since 2001. Never for once, however, did the US lift a finger to help Arabs challenge the one thing that has kept them awake at night, for the past 62-years, being Zionism
Argentina and Uruguay said Monday they were joining Brazil in recognizing an independent Palestinian state, earning praise from Palestinian officials ng>an immediate sharp rebuke from Israel.
One issue seemingly untouched by the all the legal eagles out there who claim to be defending independent and family ranchers and farmers is the conflict of interest with intent to benefit between the state corporations (in every state) operating as “Departments of Agriculture” and private and individual farmers and ranchers who are being prosecuted and persecuted as these state-owned corporations are empowered to make their own laws to benefit their own interests and to enforce those laws with full knowledge that constitutional rights and protections have been fraudulently eliminated for the sovereign individuals.
France has declared that it will recognize a free and independent Palestinian state based on borders before the 1967 war, becoming the first European nation to do so.
(NaturalNews) Recent data presented to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Children's Vaccines has revealed some shocking information about the effects of the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine on pregnant women. According to the report, the rate of miscarriage among pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 / swine flu pandemic soared by over 700 percent compared to previous years, pointing directly to the vaccine as the culprit -- but the CDC denies the truth and continues to insist nobody has been harmed.
In his 1970 short fiction story "Facing the Forest," the famed Israeli author A.B. Yehoshua portrayed a mute Palestinian forest watchman who burns down a JNF forest to reveal the hidden ruins of his former village. Forty years later, as the JNF forests around Mount Carmel burn, right-wing Israeli lawmakers have demanded a search for the Arab who must have sparked the blaze, even though there is no firm evidence about the cause of the fire. Michael Ben Ari, a extremist Member of Knesset from the National Union Party, called for "the whole Shin Bet" — Israel’s domestic intelligence agency — to be mobilized to investigate what the right-wing media outlet Arutz Sheva said "may turn out to be the worst terror attack in Israel’s history."
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is pushing all members of America’s armed service to buy and eat as much seafood as possible. This is as sinister as it gets! BP has destroyed the gulf and is now working with the U.S. military to get it in the homes of American troops(already poisoned by continued exposure to depleted uranium) throughout the country! Multiple scientists have declared gulf seafood toxic and for good reason. Over 2 million gallons of toxic dispersant has been sprayed in and around the gulf. The facts are so heavily documented that there is no logical way that any literate human being not pushing an agenda could believe otherwise.
The secret world of "cyber situational awareness" is a spymaster's wet dream, made all the more alluring by the advent of ultra high speed computing and the near infinite storage capacity afforded by massive server farms and the ubiquitous "cloud."
Lost in the debate surrounding privacy invasion and data mining however, is the key role that internet service providers (ISPs) play as intermediaries and gatekeepers. From their perch, ISPs peer deeply into and collect and analyze the online communications of tens of millions of users simultaneously, in real-time. Concerted efforts to eliminate online anonymity, in managed democracies and authoritarian regimes alike, are greatly enhanced by the deployment of deep packet inspection (DPI) sensors and software on virtually all networks.
"To unpack this a little" they aver, "all data traffic that courses across the 'net is contained in individual packets that have header (i.e. addressing) information and payload (i.e. content) information. We can think of this as the address on a postcard and the written and visual content of a postcard." All of which is there for the taking, "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial," Cryptohippie chillingly informs.
Former Pakistani General: CIA, Mossad behind WikiLeaks Reports TEHRAN (FNA)- A former Pakistani army commander said that the disclosure of classified documents by the whistleblower site of Wikileaks is a US plot to create rift among friendly and neighboring states.
"The US has a hand in this plot, and these reports (posted by the WikiLeaks website) are part of the US psychological warfare," former Chief of the Staff of the Pakistani Army General Mirza Aslam Beg told FNA in Islamabad on Tuesday. He stated that the US could prevent the leak of information if it wanted to do so, and warned that the real plot and conspiracy pursued by these reports will be unraveled in future.
The UK, like all other countries that think themselves civilized, is under an obligation to enact legislation. If that is not done then double standards become very manifest; By Stuart Littlewood Professor Richard Falk put it most eloquently: “The idea of Nuremberg after World War Two was that crimes against the peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes are also offenses against the whole of international society…”
For years, people have been laughing at the horrific economic decline of Detroit. Well, guess what? The same thing that happened to Detroit is now happening to dozens of other communities across the United States. From coast to coast there are formerly great manufacturing cities that have turned into rotting, post-industrial war zones. In particular, in America's "rust belt" you can drive through town after town after town that resemble little more than post-apocalyptic wastelands. In many U.S. cities, the "real" rate of unemployment is over 30 percent. There are some communities that will start depressing you almost the moment you drive into them. It is almost as if all of the hope has been sucked right out of those communities.
Meanwhile, the economic downturn has been incredibly hard on the finances of state and local governments across the United States. Unlike the federal government, state and local governments cannot use the Federal Reserve to play games with their exploding debt burdens. Facing horrific budget deficits, many communities have begun adopting "austerity measures" in an attempt to slow the flow of red ink. All over the nation, deep budget cuts are slashing police departments, fire departments and other basic social services, but it seems like no matter what many of these communities try the debt just keeps growing.
From its inception, Wikileaks has been hailed as a mysterious entity, capable of exposing government corruption on every level. Even more mysterious, Wikileaks founder and public face, Julian Assange, has been able to out maneuver multiple federal agency’s on his supposed quest for truth. Alternative news outlets across the globe have applauded Wikileaks for its exposure of our disastrous military policies and there implications for the people of Afghanistan. Basically,Wikileaks has been given a free pass within the “truther” community. In our info battle against this so called “New World Order,”[Old World Order] we tend to overlook the shady tendencies of the people and groups we perceive to be allies.
The question here is who leaked the information and what do they stand to gain from it? If the cables were leaked by the U.S. government, was it to prove that the United States is not the only one to adopt double standard when it comes to Middle East politics? The alternative would indeed be an embarrassment.
German daily Bild reported Tuesday that cold weather in the last two years has caused damage to most of the 2,711 slabs that form the 5-year-old memorial.
There’s also something about WikiLeaks that smells nasty to me. I sense the leaks have been heavily censored, or cherry-picked before the public saw them. Much seems to be missing. But what these missing pieces are remains an unknown. For example, the New York Times, one of the recipients of the entire leak package of thousands of cables, appeared to use them selectively to push its pro-war position in Afghanistan and press for war against Iran. The "revelations" brought cheers from the war party. But where was information about involvement of Afghanistan’s Tajik-Uzbek Northern Alliance, the key US ally there, in running the drug trade? Or the influential Afghan Communist Party? Call them the dogs that didn’t bark.
Daniel Ellsberg Exposed Along with the Real Purpose of the Wikileaks Psyop 5 December 2010 By Scott Creighton So what do you do when you want to feed the generally left-leaning public a pack of lies given that you know most of them are extremely skeptical about everything you tell them? Well, if “you” are the problem, then you take the “you” out of the equation. Get someone else to tell them the lies. Someone they are conditioned to trust.
The following are 30 Ben Bernanke quotes that are so stupid that you won’t know whether to laugh or cry….
#1 (October 20, 2005) “House prices have risen by nearly 25 percent over the past two years. Although speculative activity has increased in some areas, at a national level these price increases largely reflect strong economic fundamentals.”
#2 (On 60 Minutes in response to a question about what would have happened if the Federal Reserve had not “bailed out” the U.S. economy) “Unemployment would be much, much higher. It might be something like it was in the Depression. Twenty-five percent.”
From what the press is reporting about this Wikileaks “dump,” perhaps 10% are Secret or Confidential, the rest Unclassified, and nothing is Top Secret or above.
The one striking exception in all of this global tour de farce is the Middle East. Certainly, even aside from Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s fulsome praise of Binyamin Netanyahu, what is said and what is not represent the message Israel and its partisans in the US Government (itself heavily Zionist and “Israel First” in orientation) want the world to hear, believe and accept. The message coming across in the US diplomatic cables could have been designed and drafted by Avigdor Lieberman, and who knows? It may have been….
US speculator Jim Rogers is known for his outspoken views but today went further than usual suggesting Britain is 'totally insolvent'.
In an interview on business TV channel CNBC, Rogers, who made his name making millions while partnered with legendary financier George Soros, suggested Britain was the true sick man of Europe. He said: 'Greece is insolvent, Portugal has a liquidity problem, Spain has a liquidity problem, Belgium has been cooking the books for a long time, Italy has been cooking the books for a long time and the UK is totally insolvent.'
The spying game wasn't all it was cracked up to be for Craig Monteilh, a convicted criminal recruited by the FBI to investigate the march of radical Islam into Southern California. His endless talk of violent "jihad" so alarmed worshippers at the local mosque, that they took out a restraining order against him.
DUBLIN (AP) -- Lawmakers narrowly approved tax hikes as part of Ireland's most brutal budget in history, a euro6 billion ($8 billion) slash-and-tax plan imposed as a key condition of the nation's international bailout . . .
The president of South Korea vowed today to turn five islands along the tense border with North Korea into "military fortresses", with jobs for permanent civilian communities, including those destroyed in a North Korean artillery attack.
Essentially, once the FCC has gained power and authority over the internet, it will use that power to push a Big Government / Big Business agenda that censors the truth, keeps people trapped in a system of disinformation, and silences anyone who challenges the status quo. The FCC is poised to become the FDA of internet information, banning alternative speech and enforcing an information monopoly engineered by powerful corporations. Think of the FCC as the new the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's novel 1984.
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