Thursday, December 16, 2010

WRH News stories for Thursday, December 16, 2010 Part 1

Jubilee 2012 Report #6: Ownership, Rights and Silver Vigilantes

No Conspiracy: IRS Agent Joe Banister Acquitted

At approximately 2 p.m. on the 14th floor of the Federal Court Building in Sacramento, California, Joe Banister supporters got word that the judge had received a note from the jury and quickly moved from the hallway into the courtroom. He announced that the jury had reached a unanimous decision. The verdicts were read by the clerk of the court with Judge William Shubb presiding: "Not Guilty", "Not Guilty", "Not Guilty", "Not Guilty". Carol Delaney, assistant prosecutor in the case, was not in attendance at the verdict.

EU in Flames of Uprising: Athens, Rome, London - Who's Next?

Crime Minister? US, EU in on Kosovo PM's 'mafia plot' - report

Christmas Time Terror Rhetoric Right On Schedule

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security are following leads and raising the terror level as Al Qaeda threatens new attacks during the Christmas Holidays.

This is almost laughable. These supposed terror threats are in reality completely exaggerated scare tactics used to push the threat of non existent cave dwelling ninjas. Al Qaeda was created by our government to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, as admitted by multiple mainstream news outlets. Iraqi officials have claimed that captured insurgents have told them of a plan to commit suicide attacks in the United States and Europe. This has prompted government officials to contact state and local authorities about the threat and to remain vigilant and look for any suspicious activity.

Rail operator was 'unprepared' for winter

Swedish national rail operator SJ admitted on Wednesday that it was inadequately prepared to deal with the winter weather which swept through Sweden in recent weeks.

They should visit WRH more often.

"You losers just don't get it; the ice is CAUSED by global warming! Honest! Really! No kidding!!!

Texas water board calls emergency meeting

The Bexar Metropolitan Water District in San Antonio, Texas, has called an emergency meeting for Thursday to discuss the possible firing of general manager Victor Mercado, who was indicted Wednesday in Detroit. Mercado was chief of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, hired by then-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, from 2002-08. He was indicted along with Kilpatrick and three others in a federal racketeering case that accuses him of being part of a criminal enterprise that extorted money, accepted bribes and rigged city contracts.


ADL director: Nixon was a bigot, but a practical supporter of Israel

Former Greek minister attacked by mob as riots break out in Greece

A former government minister was stoned by a mob in Athens as riots broke out in the Greek capital in protest at the government's austerity measures. Webmaster's Commentary:

Good for the Greeks! You don't mess with those people. The NAZIs learned that one the hard way!

Younger People -- Pay Attention to This

Simon Black Sovereign Man

If you’re reading this and under 30, let me be absolutely clear about one indubitable point: your government is going to sacrifice your future in order to pay for its own mistakes from the past . . . The path to prosperity in the Age of Turmoil depends on this ability to reject the old system, declare your economic independence, and carve your own path ...

"You losers just don't get it; the ice is CAUSED by global warming! Honest! Really! No kidding!!!

As Britain braces itself for the coldest winter since 1927 the warming alarmists have already worked out the cause, Global Warning or Climate Change or Climate Disruption.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Desperation on the cusp of madness, and a demonstration why belief must be abandoned as a model for thought and behavior.

"TRON: Legacy:" A $170 million insult

Webmaster's Commentary:

I wouldn't have bothered with this, but since I worked on the original 1982 TRON (my GAWD; am I really that old?) I found this review more entertaining than the movie!

WHOOPSIE! Sheriff's database of confidential informants and victims released

"A Colorado sheriff's online database mistakenly revealed the identities of confidential drug informants

Webmaster's Commentary: ... who are fleeing the state even as I type these words.


The trip I took last summer was to Israel and Palestine. I am Jewish and wanted to see first hand what life is like for Israelis and Palestinians. If I went on the standard tour to Israel, I would not be shown how Palestinians live. So I went on a tour that showed me both worlds, Israel, and the Israeli occupied Palestinian West Bank. I went with 2 Palestinian-American friends. You would think Jews and Palestinians going together to visit Israel and Palestine is something the U.S. government would encourage.

Instead, we are now being ordered by the FBI to go before a Grand Jury for going on that trip. The US government says it supports peace between Israel and Palestine. It says it supports separate Israeli and Palestinian states.

Mitchell proposes 'parallel' but separate U.S. talks with Israel, Palestinians

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to convene his inner forum of seven senior cabinet ministers on Thursday morning, to discuss a new proposal by the United States’ Middle East envoy George Mitchell aimed at restarting indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

Webmaster's Commentary: A memo to George Mitchell: these talks cannot possibly produce any progress for either side. It is crystal clear what Israel wants and what the Palestinians want. Palestine wishes to become a nation, and have Israel retreat to its 1967 borders. Israel wants the Palestinians to leave any area in which they now live, and claim that as part of greater Israel. There you have it.

Paper Declares TSA Scanners Don't Work

Ironically, it was the purported effectiveness of the scanners that security officials touted in order to assuage concerns over the use of the invasive scanners. Two physics professors at the University of California, Leon Kaufman and Joseph W. Carlson, contend that is not the case. In a recent paper published in the Journal of Transportation Security, Kaufman and Carlson assert that the body scanners can easily be fooled.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So in light of the facts that these back scatter full body scanners can be easily fooled; that they can increase the chances for cancer in people who fly frequently, or people handling the equipment,why are they still being purchased and used?!?

The answer is simple, and twofold. First, Michael Chertoff (remember that guy?!? Former head of Homeland Security) and OSI, the company manufacturing these units, are making millions of dollars off them. And in this country, money trumps everything else.

The second reason is that the US government is looking for every way possible to cow Americans into accepting every capricious whim the government wishes to exercise against them.

What Janet Napolitano and her minions have done here, for all practical intents and purposes, has been to obliterate the 4th Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure with the grope/scan requirements for airline travel.


Claire Rivero's original work, "I Have Seen a Woodland at Fall" will be premiered by the Kona Choral Society 4PM Sunday, December 19th at the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort, Big Island. Tickets are (I think) $20. You can hear a demo of this work at the above link third from the top of the player.

Long time readers of WRH know that Claire, in addition to adding commentary to the radio show, provides most of the music heard on our program.

Webmaster's Commentary: Is it obvious I am a proud husband?

The TSA 'gropefest'

A couple of weeks ago, I was running very late for a flight that was leaving out of SFO, my home airport. I was literally running for my gate and dreading the dance that I do every time with the TSA there:

Me: "I refuse to go through that machine."
TSA: "Why?"
Me: "It is my right to opt-out."
TSA: "It is also our right to ask you why you are opting-out."
Me: "Because it is a violation of my human dignity and civil rights and I don't want you all to see me naked."
TSA: "Female screening!" (As they yell for someone to come and grope me with gusto, and "someone" always happily obliges).

Webmaster's Commentary: The police state only "...has us over a barrel..."only as long as US citizens allow it to do so.

'Israel involved in Kosovo organ trade'

A European Union prosecutor who says Israel has been trading with an elaborate organ trafficking network in Kosovo has brought the case to Pristina District Court, a report says.

In A Letter Send To Turkish PM; Likud MK Says Israel Should Have Killed All Marmara Passengers

Israeli sources reported Wednesday that Israeli Member of Knesset of the Likud Party, Dani Dannon, sent a sarcastic letter to Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, telling him that Israeli soldiers should have killed all of the passengers of the Marmara Ship that was heading to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This after Turkey sent firefighters to help with the Carmel blaze!

Israel's national character on display for the world to see.

No gratitude for favors received.

No remorse for crimes committed.

Debt-Contagion Threat Splits European Leaders Seeking Rules to Stem Crisis

European Union divisions widened over how to contain the debt contagion that threatens the euro, limiting a summit that began today to an agreement on a crisis- management mechanism that takes effect in 2013. German Chancellor Angela Merkel balked at boosting or making more flexible use of the EU’s 750 billion-euro ($1 trillion) emergency fund, as leaders neared an accord on the tool to contain future debt shocks and the European Central Bank armed itself with more capital.

Webmaster's Commentary: Half the European leaders want to hang the bankers. The other half want burning at the stake. Confusion reigns!

China’s U.S. Treasury Holdings Reach $907 billion; Chingquin Rural IPO in HK

Webmaster's Commentary: Chinese leadership has to be more than a little nervous about their US treasury holdings, given the current state of the US economy and the dollar.

Now that the Carmel fire is out, Israel breaks promise to compensate families of flotilla victims Israel murdered.

Webmaster's Commentary: Why does anyone believe anything Israel says any more?

Taliban could still seize large parts of Afghanistan, U.S. spies warn Obama

President Obama’s hopes for progress in Afghanistan were undermined today by a spy agency report that paints a bleak picture of the conflict. Large swathes of Afghanistan remain in danger of falling to the Taliban and Pakistan is still secretly supporting the insurgency, according to U.S. intelligence experts. The grim assessment of the nine-year war is in start contrast to the upbeat view of defence chiefs. Webmaster's Commentary:

Just give me a minute, please, to wrap my head around this: is this the same Afghanistan characterized by the President's assessment that the Taliban is "diminished" to the point where the US will be in Afghanistan at least another 4 years?!?

In Praise of Junk Silver

It's doomsday plus a few weeks. Say you need to bribe the border guards at the state line but they seem to have all the wristwatches and free range eggs they can use. Hah! There's nothing like a few good ol' silver coins to become their number one tourist, let this man through. Or your gas station's not accepting Visa and the ATMs have gone dark from sea to shining sea and you've got a hard to get reservation at a fallout-free retreat. Hah! Dazzle 'em with the sheen of silver my friend, fill 'er up and happy motoring to you...

U.S. rethinks strategy for an unthinkable attack

Suppose the unthinkable happened, and terrorists struck New York or another big city with an atom bomb. What should people there do? The government has a surprising new message: Do not flee. Get inside any stable building and don’t come out till officials say it’s safe.

The advice is based on recent scientific analyses indicating that a nuclear attack is much more survivable if you immediately shield yourself from the lethal radiation that follows a blast, a simple tactic seen as saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Even staying in a car, the studies show, would reduce casualties by more than 50 percent; hunkering down in a basement would be better by far.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is the Obama administration's answer to the "duck and cover" drills, mandatory for California schools in the 50s. However, the one point they avoid completely to help people cope with such a disaster is suggesting they have a supply of potassium iodate on hand.

As reported at:

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) stated July 1, 1998 in USE OF POTASSIUM Iodate IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE:

"Potassium Iodate, if taken in time, blocks the thyroid gland's uptake of radioactive iodine and thus could help prevent thyroid cancers and other diseases that might otherwise be caused by exposure to airborne radioactive iodine that could be dispersed in a nuclear accident."

What strikes me is the timing of this interest in educating the US public about surviving a domestic nuclear attack. One has to wonder if some in the bowels of power in DC aren't thinking about some sort of domestic nuclear "false flag", to be blamed on the villain du jour, to get us off and running into yet another war.

Who Is the FBI Really Trying to Entrap?

The FBI’s war of entrapment amounts to a huge extortion scheme targeting the American people. The object is to terrify the public into surrendering their civil liberties in a twilight struggle with a mostly nonexistent domestic enemy. “These are high crimes, as high as they come, which, in a just world, would warrant many counts of impeachment for both chief executives responsible: presidents Bush and Obama.”


This was one of my first concrete experiences in the West Bank in which I was able to see just how soldiers viewed Palestinians. It was as if they were not fully human or at least, not as human as Jews.


“The US reaffirms strong opposition to any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians,” the motion says, also stating that “real and lasting peace could only be achieved through direct negotiations between the two sides”. As things stand there is only ONE side…. Israel. The US Congress should be ashamed of itself! Webmaster's Commentary:

Sooooo, if the official US policy is no statehood for Palestine, then all those "negotiations" were just hoaxes to convince the American people to go along with all the billions of dollars sent to Israel in support of a "two state solution."

A Galaxies Cluster Older Than Possible! Scientists say

It is a confirmation that brings havoc among astrophysicists! If are correct the conclusions of Stefano Andreon, of INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Brera (Italy) and Marc Huertas-Company, of the Astronomical Observatory of Paris-Meudon (France), reported today on Astronomy & Astrophysics this news may lead to the revision of the most reliable models of galaxy formation and galaxy clusters. The data collected by two astrophysicists about JKCS041, confirm that fact, the cluster of galaxies "miracle" is really old, so old that it can not exist in accordance with what is believed about the universe today.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Talk about timing! This just came in.

Getting past the mechanical translation, what this article says is that a fully-formed cluster of galaxies has been discovered at a distance that should be impossible according to the theory of the Big Bang.

No doubt those "scientists" who have drunk the Vatican Kool-Aid are hard at work to explain why even this discovery should not be used to question the divinely revealed truth of a universe brought into existence in a moment of supreme creation by Quetzalcoat (or whoever they are calling it this week).

South Korea announces new military drills

South Korea will conduct naval fire drills near a flashpoint with the North that resulted in the deaths of four people, military officials said Thursday. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff announced the exercises will take place in the seas southwest of Yeonpyeong Island on a day to be announced between December 18 and 21. Webmaster's Commentary: The actions of the South Korean government do not at all appear to be the actions of a country wishing to soothe tensions in the region.


In 1929, a Cal-Tech astronomer named Edwin Hubble observed that objects which appeared to be much further away showed a more pronounced shift towards the red end of the spectrum. Scientists building on Hubble's discovery concluded that the farther an object was away from Earth, the faster it was receding, and calculated the relationship between distance and velocity, called the "Hubble Constant" and concluded on the basis of this one observed fact and the assumption that there was no other explanation for that observed fact that the universe was expanding.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I am relinking this article and encouraging readers to repost everywhere in light of the flood of articles reporting observations that contradict the theory of the Big Bang and the "epicyclic" efforts of scientists to reconcile the new facts with their religious delusions.

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

Obama war review: Taliban, al-Qaida diminished

President Barack Obama's expansion of the war in Afghanistan has eroded the power of the al-Qaida terrorists who attacked America in 2001 and the resurgent Taliban militants who gave them cover, according to his own government's review. The findings ensure that Obama will stay the course, with U.S. forces to remain at war through 2014.

Webmaster's Commentary: Forgive me, but by what standards is this administration assessing the situation in Afghanistan so that they can collectively characterize the Taliban here as being "diminished" with a straight face?!?!? The only folks "winning" here are the drug lords and the defense contractors!!

TSA Choir Will Sing While You Are Groped

The LAX TSA Choir, a group of 17 singers and musicians, all of them employees of the TSA, have been surprising passengers with performances of holiday music and other tunes in the midst of one of the nation's busiest airports, reports USA Today .

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Don we now our gay apparel..."

Clueless bloggers attack Fox News for memo that says “show both sides” of the global warming/cooling story

So Sammon instructed staff to incorporate the most basic tenets of science and journalism – skepticism and political neutrality, respectively – into their reporting on contentious scientific issues with tremendous political implications. And this is a problem?

US Response To Massive Decline In Foreign Travelers: Keep Crazy Policies, But Set Up Ad Campaign

Sometimes it feels like the US government likes to take incompetence to new levels. It should come as little surprise that foreign tourism to the US is way down. Basically ever since the Patriot Act, visiting the US has become a huge pain for foreign tourists, and with our lovely new "we see you naked or we touch your private parts" strategy for airline passengers (thank you, TSA), it appears that things are getting even worse. So, if you're the US government, how do you respond? Do you start thinking about modifying such policies to make visiting the US less unwelcoming? Do you start thinking about more effective, but less insulting security procedures? Do you start looking at why those foreign tourists are staying away in droves? The answer appears to be no, no and no.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I know this is a total waste of time, but I sent the following email to the local newspaper, the Staradvrtiser.

I hate to say I told you so … no, wait… actually I rather like it, but this article confirms what I have been emailing you about (and you have ignored) for years. Hawaii’s devastated tourism industry is the direct result of the abuses heaped upon foreign travelers by the TSA.

Here are the facts.

1. Michael Chertoff as head of Homeland Security mandated massive security procedures for all US airports.
2. Michael Chertoff then left public office and founded the Chertoff Group, which makes millions of dollars selling those very same systems and services to airports.
3. Complaints about the intrusive searches and X-rays are countered by the Crotch Bomber, the Shoe Bomber, and the Bandini Bomber, all of whom failed to actually do anything, and which in hindsight appear to have been publicity stunts staged for the sole purpose of promoting further sales of scanners and x-ray machines.
4. The US Government insists these scanners are safe, but then this is the same government that insisted shoe-store fluoroscopes were safe in the 1940s and 1950s. The US Surgeon General actually created educational films promoting the use of these machines for proper foot health. Then in the 1960s, shoe store salesmen started dying of cancer. Even then the last shoe store fluoroscope was not removed until 1981! The government’s excuse was that the effects of the X-rays were not fully understood. This brings us to the present day situation with the terahertz scanners, a new technology also not fully understood. The government is telling us all they are safe, but both Los Alamos Laboratories and MIT have conducted studies that prove terahertz waves damage DNA through induced resonant vibrations. This is a phenomenon that TSA did not test for when evaluating the machines. See
5. TSA is now refusing to make public the results of whatever testing they did actually do. See
6. Safety and security of travelers is not the agenda of the US Government. This is proven by the scandal now breaking around the world that Boeing 737NGs built from 2001-2007 were built with substandard and illegal structural parts, with the cover-up involving the FAA and Department of Justice. At least three crashes of 737NGs involved the faulty parts. See

So, again I ask; is the StarAdvertiser really a news organization? Are you going to tell the people of Hawaii what is really going on and why their lives and businesses have been destroyed? Or will you persist in ignoring the important to focus on the trivial, which means will you continue to lose your readership? When will you do your traditional duty to the people to report on government wrongdoing?

U.S. Rethinks Strategy for the Unthinkable

Webmaster's Commentary:

The "unthinkable" in this case may be a false-flag attack using a nuclear weapon, since nobody will get hot and bothered for war by crashing a plane into a building.

Lighthouse transformed into a fairy castle after being encased in sparkling ice

Rising from the water in shimmering tiers, it looks more like a fairy tale castle than a lighthouse.

But this incredible sculpture was actually created by layers of frost encrusted on the walls of the structure which sits at Cleveland Harbour on the shores of Lake Erie, Ohio.

Sub-zero air temperatures have caused the water to freeze in multiple layers, coating the entire building in ice. It has also made it virtually impossible for mariners to see the light.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Read the comments; nobody is buying the WSJ b******t!

FLASHBACK - Russian Professor Predicts the USA Disintegrates

And he was correct. The USA as we have known it is already gone.


More reasons not to pay attention to the corporate media.


Webmaster's Commentary:

"Awww, forget all about how we took your homes to save the banks, and forget all about the rigged elections, and the Gulf Oil Disaster, and all that silliness about how we lied you into wars and tried to lie you out of a carbon tax; we got Terrorists for you! Real terrorists. Al Qaeda! Ooooooh, big scary, SCARY, SCARY Al Qaeda to wave at you. They're gonna GITCHA if you don't do as we say. They're planning to kill Santa Claus! Guy we waterboarded a couple hundred times told us so! Because nobody hates Christmas more than those gosh darned evil MOOSLIM AYE-RABS!!!!!!!!! Be afraid. Be REALLY AFRAID!! But don't stop shopping. Don't stop using those credit cards. Or the terrorists will win... Honest... Really." -- Official White Horse Souse

Governments high on taxation

The taxman wants to make sure he scores off Adrienne Baker-Hick’s pot purchases.

The Warkworth woman didn’t expect to get hit for nearly $100 of HST monthly when buying her usual $750 shipments of medical marijuana.

But the taxman has been digging into her pocket ever since the HST came into effect in July.

“It’s ridiculous,” said Baker-Hicks, 52, who became licensed to purchase marijuana last year.

“I am charged $97.50 per shipment. The pills I have to take from my doctors, I don’t have to pay HST on them,” she added. “Here, the doctor signs it. That’s how they fill out the cards — they have to put how many grams you get for the month. It’s the same thing as a prescription.”

In the case of prescription drugs, a patient pays only a dispensing fee.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Let me tell you how it will be;
There's one for you, nineteen for me.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

Should five per cent appear too small,
Be thankful I don't take it all.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman." -- The Beatles

Israel denies plans to expand East Jerusalem hotel, but documents prove otherwise

Foreign Ministry says reported plans for construction on Jordanian-owned compound are from 1988 - but Haaretz has obtained blueprints and letter from 2010 that show recent approval for expansion.

Bank of America to pay $137 million in state fraud cases

Bank of America will pay $137.3 million to settle allegations that it defrauded schools, hospitals and dozens of other state and local government organizations, federal officials said Tuesday. The settlement stems from a long-running investigation into misconduct in the municipal bond business that raises money for localities to pay for public services.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Bank of America is insolvent. Yet they are paying $137 million to settle state fraud cases and BofA is now admitting they are having to buy back fraudulent mortgage-backed securities.

Where are they getting the money to fund these settlements and buy-backs?

From confiscating and selling YOUR homes!

And just how are they able to confiscate your homes? Because the US Government gave tax credits to corporations that encouraged them to send high paying American jobs to other countries, removing the ability of millions of Americans to make their mortgage payments, thus setting them up to have their homes taken to save the bankers, while tricking Americans into thinking it was all their own fault!

Do you get it, yet?

Do you understand just how the government and Wall Street looted you?

Disagreement over EU debt crisis stalks summit

Gabriele Steinhauser Associated Press

BRUSSELS — European leaders disagreed over how to fight the region's crippling debt crisis as they headed into a two-day summit in Brussels on Thursday and uncertainty spooked financial markets once again . . .

MUST SEE VIDEO! Boeing using faulty parts in 737NG aircraft (52min)

Bank Of America In Settlement Talks Over Mortgages

Being Bank Of America Means NEVER Having To Say Sorry For Countrywide Fraud Screw Ken Lewis - Punish Bank of America

Treasury Says GM Buys Back Preferred Shares

Geithner has no concern for profit - He would rather give your shares away


Kaufman Delivers December TARP COP Report

Elizabeth Warren & Ted Kaufman

Official TARP Oversight Video Reports From August Thru December



Chairman Ron Paul: "We Must Audit The Fed In 2011"

VIDEO - Texas Straight Talk with Chairman Ron Paul - Dec. 13




Chris Whalen: Devaluation & Default Will Be Dominant Banking Themes Of 2011 - Bank Of America Is Insolvent

Chris Whalen - New Bank Bailouts Under Dodd-Frank For Bank Of America, Citigroup & Wells Fargo Within 12 Months

This is a must see... Whalen says Bank of America is COMPLETELY INSOLVENT...

The Age Of Rage: Europe Is Exploding

The Age Of Rage: Europe Is Exploding

Britain, Italy, Russia & Greece paralyzed as 2011 shapes up to be year of mass civil disobedience
Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Riots are sweeping Europe and the age of rage continues to intensify as the financial terrorists who caused the economic collapse now meter out the punishment for their own wrongdoing. Britain, Italy, Russia, and Greece are all gripped with unrest as 2011 shapes up to be the year of civil disobedience.

More Retail Fallout... A&P Files Ch. 11

The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company Inc. (A&P) filed a voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. A&P said it plans to continue to conduct business and serve customers at its 395 stores while proceeds through the Chapter 11 process. The company said the financial and operational restructuring was necessary in order to shed debt and restore it to long-term financial health...

Coming soon: Google browser that maps out human body

After its controversial Street View programme, Internet search giant Google is all set to unveil a new browser that can map out the entire human body. The high-tech 3D application, called Google Body Browser, has been hailed as a breakthrough in the study of anatomy that could revolutionise people's understanding of the human body and even fast-track medical research. The application, yet to be released officially, lets one explore the human body in much the same way you can navigate the world on Google Earth -- a virtual globe, map and geographical information programme.

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

If you want to know how the New World Order Boys do what they do, read this online book. Linked in response and in addition to PR's link on the CFR.

Our Domestic Enemies

The CFR is above the law because the CFR makes the law. There is absolutely no legal way to beat them, which is why what I’m saying has to be. Once this defensive program starts, the CFRs will of course try to become invisible and avoid the inevitable, but it will be no use. There is just too much knowledge at our disposal now, thanks to the amazing technology of information. Let’s make good use of it before we get our own China syndrome, which the CFR is plotting right now. They call it Internet 2. They will try to shut us down before we shut them down.

Inside the moral corruption of Israeli society

After being arrested in a Palestinian demonstration near Hebron some time ago, I was handcuffed and blindfolded then sat in the direct sun along with another Israeli activist. After some time, an IDF commander arrived on the scene and asked one of his soldiers, “why are those two in the sun?” The soldier reported that he just put us next to some Palestinians that were arrested in the same demonstration. The commander, clearly upset with his young soldier, ordered that we be moved to the shade because ‘they are Jews.” Then he personally inspected the zip-tie handcuffs of the Palestinians, making sure that they were as excruciatingly tight as possible. This was one of my first concrete experiences in the West Bank in which I was able to see just how soldiers viewed Palestinians.

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

US House against Palestinian state

The US House of Representatives has declared its opposition to the recognition of an independent Palestinian state, urging Palestinians to stop their efforts to push for such a move.

Police may ban future marches to prevent disorder

Police may ban anti-Government marches through central London to prevent further disorder and strain on officer numbers.

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, said that outlawing the demonstations was an option for the authorities but conceded it could anger protestors further.

He admitted he was “very worried” about the effect on law and order in town centres and suburbs caused by large numbers of officers being sent to the centre of the capital.

He added: “I would urge those who turn up for protests to think about the impact this could have on their future careers.”

Your reality or mine? Private reality, the media and the manipulation of information

There is a postmodern position that states "reality is a social construct". In other words, individuals and groups have their own realities and, according to the postmodernists, one reality is as true as another.

Quantitative easing: it's time for the world to refuse Israel's 'easing' rhetoric on the Gaza blockade

As anyone who's ever seen or heard Israeli Prime Minister's spokesman Mark Regev in action will know, Israel is no slouch when it comes to generating positive PR in challenging circumstances. For years he and others speaking for the Israeli authorities have been adept at getting out their message about the Israel Defense Forces' exemplary military tactics and superior morality, about Hamas being a "terror" organization, about the number of rockets fired into northern Israel, and — more recently — about how Israel's punishing economic blockade of Gaza has "eased" since the summer.

The PA's ultimate act of resistance

An international battle for recognition of a Palestinian state must be based on a clear vision and preparedness to confront Israeli actions. For international support alone will not lead to the creation of a Palestinian state. Regardless of whether Palestinians opt for a one- or two-state solution, they cannot avoid a battle to end the occupation under which they currently live.
The PA cannot be taken seriously as long as it accommodates Israeli terms and demands. Israel continues to prevent the movement of goods and people, to conduct raids and arrests in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and to strike at the Gaza Strip. Thus a prerequisite for any significant Palestinian move must be an immediate halt to security coordination between Israel and the PA.

UPDATE: The Kangaroo Trial of PFC Andrew Holmes

It is breath-taking that Army CID failed to fully interview all of the eye-witnesses prior to charging Andrew with premeditated murder. Once again, CID has demonstrated that they are not competent to handle homicide investigations.

Whenever something starts to stink during a trial, it usually involves prosecutorial misconduct.

Go Privacy? Tracking Your Every Move Through The Internet

Its no secret anymore; Online advertising is lucrative because it is sociologically representative of the individual. Traffic habits, economic status , and now geographic location can be accessed fairly easily by big business or the federal government.

In 2008/2009, Microsoft Users’ IP addresses were used to identify when a person moved their place of residence, and where they moved to. The chief issue here is that a system such as this would enable certain advertisers (ex. Google ) to be able to subvert the new “do not track” legislation being deliberated over in congress. The first step was categorizing IP addresses as “travel” if they are located 250 miles or more away from the users home or “home” for residential areas.

Violent clashes erupt in Italy after Berlusconi survives no-confidence vote

At least 50 police and 40 protesters have been injured as hundreds of students clashed with police near the residence of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy's capital on Tuesday. The riots came as parliament decided on the prime minister's future. Berlusconi secured a comfortable victory in the no-confidence vote at the senate, but survived a similar motion in the lower house by just three votes. Demonstrators marched through Rome's historic centre, throwing firecrackers that boomed as lawmakers cast their votes. Similar protests took place in other parts of the country.

Mid-Holiday Ramblings

"What you do may seem insignificant - but do it anyway."

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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