Thursday, December 2, 2010

News stories for Thursday, December 2, 2010 Part 2

Debt, So what's all the FUSS about?

IRS Paid $130m in Fraudulent Tax Refunds to 50,000 Prisoners

TIGTA’s analysis found that the majority of tax returns the IRS identifies as being filed by prisoners are not being screened to assess their fraud potential. The review found that 253,929 (88 percent) of the 287,918 returns filed by prisoners as of March 24, 2010 were not selected for screening. Of those, 48,887 who claimed refunds totaling more than $130 million had no wage information reported to the IRS by employers.

Orphanage Used As Big Pharma Testing Ground For HIV Aids Medicine

This article deals with pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC. This piece was investigated and written in summer through winter of 2003 and published in January 2004, with occasional updates. The story broke wide in early 2004, with coverage in the New York Post and the New York Press. It served as the basis of investigation for the BBC film “Guinea Pig Kids,” and has prompted further investigation by the Associated Press – as well as a pointed attack by the New York Times. The investigation is ongoing. Introduction:


It seems that the only difference between the nazis and the zionists is the colour of the film used…


Israel is laying the political groundwork for an escalation of attacks on the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, the prime minister in the Hamas-led government, said Wendesday.


Israeli occupation forces arrest MP Nayef Rajoub

The Shrink Wrapped and Processed Formica Life.

For some years, maybe around five of them, I’ve been expecting war on Iran; a major or series of major false flag events, assassinations, world upheaval, earthquakes, super storms, tidal waves and any and all of the collection of possibilities that are bandied about in the alternative press. If these things were supposed to happen, something is holding them back. There is a degree of uproar going on around the world and all of that is connected to the psychopathic behavior of bankers and we are hoping they get their just reward sooner rather than later.

The four corners of the non-California economic recovery – Underemployment at 23 percent, affordability signifies bubble in prices, $25 billion budget deficit, no market is healthy when active foreclosures out number MLS non-distress inventory.

We have two economic worlds developing in the US. In one, you have a stock market that is bouncing back with many companies, especially large banks reporting extraordinary profits thanks to cheap loans from the Fed. In the other world, you have millions of Americans who have exhausted unemployment benefits and 1 out of 7 Americans on food stamps. Here in California it is expected that 454,000 will lose their benefits by year end if nothing is acted upon.

Fed Trying to Make It Harder for Homeowners to Fight Mortgage Fraud by Gutting Truth In Lending Laws

As reported by the Washington Post, the Fed turned a blind eye for years and allowed massive fraud in the mortgage market. After Alan Greenspan changed his mind and admitted that financial players commit fraud unless laws are enforced (see this and this), many hoped that the Fed would start cracking down on fraud a little bit. Unfortunately, the Bernanke Fed is continuing to try to sweep fraud under the rug. As just one example, the Fed has been consistently trying to downplay the significance of mortgage fraud, claiming it's not widespread and that nothing much really has to be done about it.

Now, the Fed is proposing a change to the Truth in Lending laws which would make it harder for homeowners to fight mortgage fraud. Webmaster's Commentary:

In order to prevent the banks from collapsing when they were forced to buy back the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities from Europe, the deliberate decision was made by the US Government to allow the banks to seize private American homes to preserve their capital structure. But the US Government could not just grab homes the way Roosevelt had grabbed gold. Even the TV-numbed American people would have awakened at that and hanged the politicians from the streetlights. So the US Government and the bankers needed to find a way to allow the banks to grab the property, but make it look like it was the homeowners' own fault.

But homeowners are daring to fight back, and that just cannot be allowed, in the view of Wall Street!

Yes Virginia, there really are monsters, and they wear Armani jackets and Rolex watches and they gaze into their mirrors and admire the reflections of incarnate gods, to whom we mere mortals are but tokens in the great game of global greed.

We shall have no more debate about a civil war. It is already upon us! Millions of Americans have been driven from their homes by the invaders; not with guns and bayonets but with pens and papers and corrupted law. The American victims of this war already wander the desolate byways of this land, outcast from their own friends and families, made as destitute and hopeless as any refugee fleeing any tyrant in history. The war for America is already at your front door. What will you do?

FLASHBACK - President Obama: offshoring fears are outdated, unwarranted

The perception that Indian call centers and back office operations cost U.S. jobs is an old stereotype that ignores today’s reality that two-way trade between the U.S. and India is helping create jobs and raise the standard of living in both countries, U.S. President Barack Obama told a gathering of business executives in Mumbai on Saturday. Webmaster's Commentary:

The reality is that offshoring has accelerated under Obama.


Because in order to prevent the banks from collapsing when they were forced to buy back the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities from Europe, the deliberate decision was made to allow the banks to seize private American homes to recapitalize. But the US Government could not just grab homes the way Roosevelt had grabbed gold. Even the somnambulant American people would have awakened at that and hanged the politicians from the streetlights. So the US Government and the bankers needed to find a way to allow the banks to grab the property, but make it look like it was the homeowners' own fault, so that the people would sit in the homeless camps, feeling sorry for themselves, and not be a nuisance.

The US Government took your jobs so that the US banks could take your homes, and make you think it was all your own fault.

The Hackett Group: Acceleration of Offshoring Trend Driving Loss of Millions of Finance and IT Jobs in U.S. and Europe

There's no end in sight for the jobless recovery in business functions such as corporate finance and IT, in large part due to the accelerated movement of work to India and other offshore locations, according to new research from The Hackett Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCKT). The dramatic job losses seen by U.S. and European companies in 2008 and 2009 are expected to continue through 2014, according to The Hackett Group. Webmaster's Commentary:

The US Government took your jobs, so that the bankers could take your homes, and make you think it was all your own fault!

FLASHBACK - OFFSHORING AMERICAN JOBS - Corporations, Campaign Cash, & Bush Administration Policies.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This document lays out the means by which the Bush administration changed the laws and tax codes to allow and even encourage corporations to send high-paying jobs to American companies even as Wall Street was already cranking up the machine to create and sell fraudulent mortgage=-backed securities.

The email responses to my expose' that the US is being looted to cover the buyback of fraudulent mortgage-backed securities usually view the firestorm of foreclosures as a knee=jerk reaction by the bankers to keep their balance sheets intact, but in looking at the timing of the Bush policies, and the fact that President George W. Bush was the first President to end his administration with fewer working Americans since Hoover, it seems clear that it was intended right from the start of the crisis to destroy Americans' ability to pay their mortgages, in order to allow the banks to seize those homes to preserve their capital structure.

Outright nationalization of private property would have triggered a rebellion, but by getting rid of the high paying jobs, the banks could grab the property to recapitalize themselves and make it look like it was the homeowners' fault!

This is the only possible explanation of why, in his first two years in Office, President Obama did nothing to stop the offshoring of American jobs, and indeed in the last two years, overall, offshoring has increased, and those jobs are never coming back!

This disaster is a deliberate creation of Wall Street and Washington DC. It's purpose is at best fulfillment of simple greed by the money addicts; at worse a plot to trap the whole world in a globalized version of a private central bank; a Federal Reserve on steroids!

Kentucky state to pay 37 million for Creationalist Park

This ain't gonna be free: the state guvmint is kickin' in $37 million in tax incentives to help a gang of Bible-totin' theocrats build a fancy Disneyland for ignoramuses. Webmaster's Commentary: Here comes the slide into the new Dark Ages!

Turkish official: Israel initiated massive leak

Further deterioration in ties: The Israeli government initiated the massive WikiLeaks disclosure this week in the aims of pushing Turkey into a corner, a senior official in Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan charged Wednesday.

"We should look at the countries that are satisfied by the leak, and Israel is very satisfied," said Huseyin Celik, the deputy chairman of Turkey's ruling party. Webmaster's Commentary: Given that there was absolutely zero criticism of Israel represented in these leaks, and everything seemed to fit the agenda Israel's government is backing, one can see how DC Celik might have come to this conclusion.

Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding"

The Defense Department forced all "war on terror" detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of a controversial antimalarial drug, mefloquine, an act that an Army public health physician called "pharmacologic waterboarding." The US military administered the drug despite Pentagon knowledge that mefloquine caused severe neuropsychiatric side effects, including suicidal thoughts, hallucinations and anxiety. The drug was used on the prisoners whether they had malaria or not. Webmaster's Commentary:

This is torture, with all the modern medical refinements, but torture nonetheless!

“Israeli Police Used Dogs In Attacking Homeowners In Jerusalem”

The Research and Documentation Unit of the JCSER reported that resident Mohammad Robin, an owner of a print house that was demolished Tuesday was attacked by dogs unleashed by the police while he was trying to get his father and equipment from the print house. The dogs attacked and bit the two while the police used pepper spray against them before beating the wife of Mohammad. The police also fired gas bombs during the attack. Webmaster's Commentary: So this is what "to protect and serve" looks like to Arab residents of East Jerusalem?!?This is blatant, flagrant ethnic cleansing: there is no other term with which to accurately describe what happened to these people.

F.A.S.T. by DHS: Seems like The Minority Report

Webmaster's Commentary: This is truly a terrifying glimpse into this country's future.

FLASHBACK 2006 - The dream machine: invention of credit derivatives

That meant JPMorgan needed a new idea - one that its rivals could not copy too fast. As the bankers assembled in a hotel conference room, close to the Boca Raton marina, Hancock tried to prod them through their hangovers and jetlag into some brainstorming. “The idea was that we should think about how to take forward this large swaps business we had built... and apply it to other areas,” Hancock says. Webmaster's Commentary:

Read this carefully. This is how the whole derivatives mess that the people of the US and EU are losing their homes to pay for came about!

Lethal cold weather grips northern Europe

Calif approves use of pesticide linked to cancer

California regulators approved a pesticide Wednesday for use by fruit and vegetable growers despite heavy opposition from environmental and farmworker groups that cited its links to cancer. The state Department of Pesticide Regulation will register methyl iodide as a substitute for the pesticide methyl bromide, which is being phased out by international treaty because it depletes the Earth's protective ozone layer.

California's $1.6 billion strawberry industry will undoubtedly provide one of the biggest markets for the chemical, as will the Central Valley's nut orchards and the fresh flower nurseries dotting the coast in Ventura and San Diego counties. Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder how much this cost the big makers of methyl bromide, who stand to win handsomely from this decision.No matter how or where you make your food purchasing decisions, please make it a point know where it came from.

Record cold in Denmark Worst in 131 years

Another oil rig explodes.

Snow closes roads and schools from Cornwall to Scotland

Lebanon at Stake: Turkey Must Reveal Its Cards

Now Turkey has appeared in the picture. A new and solid card, it perhaps has the power to change the rules of this painfully predictable game. Israel, in response, is trying to undermine the risk.

The Austerity Hammer Starts to Fall on United States as Debt Consumes Europe

Problem, Reaction, Solution: Derivatives, Crash, Too Big To Fail, Bailout, Nationalization, Budget Crisis, Privatization, Debt Slavery, Austerity, Evaporating Pensions, Central Banks, Big Government, World Government. It’s been quite a saga, but this economic crisis has been planned sabotage by design. The age of the Offshore Global Cartel is the age of economic warfare with the wealthy Western world. The 3rd World has largely already been brought to its knees. The remaining vestiges of national sovereignty must be eliminated and the middle class consumer society must be swept back to the feudal age by way of a tidal wave looting of living standards, cut wages & pensions, and the bread and circuses of cheap plastic goods and entertainment.

Coldest in Trondheim, Norway, in 222 years

And the would-be dictators in Cancun keep screaming about global warming. Or "climate disruption," as they now so coyly want to call it.

5-year-old Palestinian boy witnessing Israeli soldiers dragging his father away

TSA chief: Public outcry over pat-downs weighed vs. risk

The nation's transportation security chief says he decided to launch controversial new airport pat-down searches without first warning travelers, against the advice of his public relations aides.

"What it came down to was I wanted to make sure people are not subjected to additional risk of planes being blown out of the sky," Pistole told USA TODAY's editorial board. "I was gravely concerned that we needed to do something with a sense of urgency and professionalism that did not signal to terrorists that we had a vulnerability." Webmaster's Commentary: This has absolutely nothing with passenger safety, and everything to do with cowing the American people to accept more and more physical and emotional intrusion and indignity from a government gone wild.In Pistole's world, apparently, the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America no longer exists. One has to wonder just how far the American people can be pushed with these practices until they push back.

Calif approves use of pesticide linked to cancer

California regulators approved a pesticide Wednesday for use by fruit and vegetable growers despite heavy opposition from environmental and farmworker groups that cited its links to cancer.

Uproar at Budapest pensions plan

Hungary’s financial sector is in uproar over government plans to make citizens transfer more than €10bn ($13.1bn) of savings out of private pension funds into the state pension system to reduce the country’s budget deficit – or lose much of their pensions. The move, dubbed “blackmail” by a founder of the 12-year-old private pension system, is among several recent steps by the government of Viktor Orban’s centre-right Fidesz party that have spooked investors and caused a sell-off of Hungarian assets. Webmaster's Commentary:

Well, the people of the US may bend over and say "Thank you sire, may I have another?" but the people of Europe are angry that their governments are going along with this looting and sell-out to the IMF.The Money Addicts of Wall Street created this tsunami of ruin with the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities, reaping billions in bonuses and secure in the knowledge that the costs would be dropped on the people of Europe and the US.

Students Occupy Colosseum, Mole Antonelliana and Leaning Tower of Pisa

Police clashed with demonstrators in Florence as protesting students stormed the Colosseum, the Mole Antonelliana and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Up and down Italy, another day of protests against university reform came to an end after a government defeat in the Chamber of Deputies over a Future and Liberty (FLI) amendment. The final vote has been postponed until Tuesday 30. Webmaster's Commentary: Good for the Italians!

Alan Grayson Says 'Which Foreign Banks Got The Fed's $500 Billion?' - Bernanke Responds: 'I Have No Idea'

New York Times admits it got state department cables from UK Guardian, not from WikiLeaks!

New York Times editors said Sunday that although the paper's reporters had been digging through WikiLeaks trove of 250,000 State Department cables for "several weeks," the online whistleblower wasn't the source of the documents.

U.S. Citizens Bailing Out Banks Around the World - Did Fed Do this - Due to them KNOWING The Fraud of MERS and Selling of MBS many times over? Could it all Lead back to the MERS and Foreclosure Fraud and to Ultimately Try to Cover it Up?

Now that I have given you a sample of the Information out there about the Fed bailing out Foreign entities with the Citizen's of the United States money, so there is no need to me to go into the finite details here.... I do have a question about it. Webmaster's Commentary:

All the numerous tendrils of financial corruption are starting to re-converge on the core of the scandal. Here is what happened and how you got screwed by the bankers and the US Government.

1. Wall Street created the mortgage-backed security as an investment device, sold them, used ponzi scheme tactics to make them look immensely profitable while the SEC looked the other way.

2. In order to meet the demand for MDS created by the illusion of major profits from the Ponzi activity, the mortgage bundlers pledged the same mortgages over and over and over again into different investment bundles.

3. In late 2008 the fraud started to appear in US financial circles. Congress, itself invested in the financial firms that bought those fraudulent mortgage-backed securities, voted through TARP to save their own fortunes at the expense of the US taxpayer.

4. In 2009, the foreign banks began to realize that Wall Street had screwed them and began to demand the repurchase of the bad paper. The Fed started handing out trillions of dollars borrowed against the American people, mostly to foreign banks, to cover the fraud.

5. But cash was flowing out of the nation faster than the Federal Reserve could print it up. Something needed to be done to balance the loss and put the bankers back into the black, so the only real hard assets left n the nation, Americans' homes, were to be sacrificed for the good of the banks' capital structure.

6. By perpetuating tax credits that encouraged the offshoring of American jobs to other countries, the US Government created a situation in which millions of Americans would no longer be able to make their mortgage payments and lose their homes to the banks. The banks would then add the full value of those homes to their balance sheets to keep themselves appearing solvent.

The US Government deliberately killed your jobs, so the fraudulent bankers could save themselves from prison by taking your homes to cover the buybacks from Europe. That is pretty much the story of the last few years. And now that it is out I expect US Government propaganda about how wonderful the economy is doing to hit the flood stage at least until they can get a good war with China going!

Israel Announces More Settlement Expansions in East Jerusalem

In a move expected to spark another flurry of international condemnation and cheer from Israel’s far right, the Israeli government announced today that they have approved another 625 settlement units inside the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. Webmaster's Commentary: There will soon be no place for Arabs or Palestinians in East Jerusalem or the West Bank.The world watches Israel (literally) getting away with murder, and does absolutely nothing.

Japan, US to conduct biggest ever military drill

Japan and the United States will hold their biggest ever joint military drills just days after a US and South Korean show of force amid tensions on the Korean peninsula, officials said Thursday.

The previously announced "Keen Sword" drills, which were planned before North Korea's artillery barrage of a South Korean island last week, will take place from Friday to December 10, a US military official confirmed. Webmaster's Commentary: Between this drill, slated for this Friday the 3rd and supposedly ending on December 10, and the South Korean drill, slated for Monday, 6 December, it appears that that US is doing everything to provoke North Korea militarily it can possibly do. If North and South Korea engage militarily, China will have to engage on the side of North Korea, and the US will have to engage on the side of South Korea. It appears as though those in the bowels of power in Washington are pushing this country on a collision course to war with China, as insane as this notion might sound on the surface. And why?!? 1. The US government is hovering on insolvency, and cannot possibly pay back the billions it has borrowed from China to conduct its illegal and immoral wars without end.

2. China refused to revalue their currency at the G20.

3. Russia and China have done away with using the dollar at all in bilateral trade.

Please note: Secretary of State Clinton was on a whirlwind tour of Central Asia these last couple of days, with stops in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Take a look at the following map:

One has to wonder if Clinton is "shopping" for overfly and/or forward basing capabilities in advance of such a potential military conflict with China.

Less Money Brings More Problems

How can the U.S. economy hope to “recover” if Americans have less money to spend? Tens of millions of Americans are going into 2011 scared to death about losing their jobs. Most of them know if they do lose their job that they have a very slim chance of finding another one...

South Korean spy chief warns of more attacks by North

South Korea's spy chief said Wednesday that there is a high chance that North Korea will attack again following a strike last month that has led to renewed tensions on the peninsula, the Yonhap news agency reported. Meanwhile, South Korea and the United States wrapped up joint military exercises on the Yellow Sea, while South Korea carried on with plans for artillery firing drills next week amid simmering tensions with Pyongyang. The live fire drills are a routine monthly exercise aimed at securing the safety of ships in the area, the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff told CNN. They are scheduled to begin Monday. Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: it appears that South Korea has been given its marching orders by the US to provoke North Korea to the point of military confrontation, and corporate media has been given its marching orders that if North Korea responds, that it will be made to look as though North Korea started the provocation.

All news and commentary taken from Mike Rivero's,

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