Once again the Israeli Lobby has convinced another puppet to work in the name of Israel. The ads that were to run in Seattle have now been canceled.Surprise Surprise?
With the real Osama bin Laden bin so dead for so long, the terror marketers need a new version of the Zionist world's greatest villain. They're looking for a new one... Check it out!
There is no education in this clip. This is mindless comedy. You pretty much just need to watch this one. Runs 1 minute. Happy Holidays to WRH readers.
German, French and British soldiers realized that night, that the so-called enemy was just as human as they are. Afterwards the soldiers involved in the incidence were dispersed and the dehumanizing propaganda campaigns against the other side started for real. The war-mongering elites on all sides had become afraid, that their cannon-fodder might no longer follow orders unconditionally, no longer be useful tools or pawns in the elite´s grand “chess games”.
For those among you, myself included, who have never actually seen the clip of Geithner explaining his tax problems to Congress. Video - Runs 2 Minutes - Pretty Funny Stuff Geithner discusses why he "accidentally" missed paying taxes on his income from the IMF. Happy Holidays.
The next time the CIA comes up with another Osama bin Laden videotape, you might want to compare their images of the alleged al-Qaeda leader to the photograph I’ve provided here. If he looks any healthier than that, then you’re probably looking at an imposter.
Yitzhak Levanon, without any prior announcement, left for Tel Aviv with his wife on Wednesday night on an Israeli airline, El Al, following the busting of an Israeli spy ring two days earlier in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.
The police crackdown on a rogue Government spy agency at the break of dawn on October 23 this year was compromised by a police double agent, who tipped off agency head Nigel Clement that a high-level police swat team was on their way.
The US is to make millions of acres of public land eligible for wilderness protection, officials have said.Under the new policy, announced on Thursday, the US Bureau of Land Management will have the authority to designate certain public land as "wild lands" and recommend they be roped them off from future commercial development.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 22 January, 2008 at:
"Our Land: Collateral for the National Debt"
"The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development was created in 1982. The commission published the "BRUNDTLAND REPORT," setting the stage for unlimited enactments to take over ecology, and environmental and pollution laws throughout the world. The report stated: "We will have a proposal for very harsh, quasi-spiritual ecological laws for MOTHER EARTH. A MOTHER EARTH COMES FIRST mentality will arise throughout the world." DEBT COLLATERALIZATION IN THE HEARTLAND When James Baker made his keynote speech in 1987, he stated that, "No longer will the World Bank carry this debt unsecured. The only assets we have to collateralize are federal lands and national parks." Baker's definition of federal lands includes Heritage sites, of which there are about 20 in the United States. I say "about" 20, because they are being added on a regular basis."
In light of this, I have to wonder: is this real land "protection" going on here, or a a further collateralization of Federal debt?!?
It will play out against a backdrop of totalitarian watchfulness all too imaginable. A digital world lends itself to tyranny, making it, I think, inescapable. For practical purposes, the capacity to store data is infinite, to network it across the world, to track, to scan, to watch. This is not the place for a disquisition on the technology of surveillance. Just note that the machinery exists for a totalitarian watchfulness beyond Stalin’s wettest dreams.
In May 2009, the federally financed RAND Corporation published a 183-page report, “A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Options for Creating US Capabilities”. The report, conducted for the US Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) at the Army War College, examined the need for a “stability police force” (SPF), which it described as “a high-end police force that engages in a range of tasks such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and investigations of organized criminal groups.” Webmaster's Commentary: ... like peace activists.
At the end of July, The Independent carried a piece by Christina Patterson in which she observed that many of her fellow inhabitants in Stamford Hill were intolerant of her presence. “I didn’t realise that goyim were about as welcome in the Hasidic Jewish shops as Martin Luther King at a Ku Klux Klan convention,” she wrote. “I didn’t realise that a purchase by a goy was a crime to be punished with monosyllabic terseness, or that bus seats were a potential source of contamination, or that road signs, and parking restrictions, were for people who hadn’t been chosen by God.”
This is why everything in America gets sucked down a hole. Because what people really value is acquiring crap. Oprah’s show purports to be a lot about spirituality. If it was, then wouldn’t she tell her worshipping flock to sit down and stop losing your shit over material stuff. As for me, I don’t really know what spirituality means, but I know if you’re weeping over a sweater you don’t either. Merry Christmas everybody!
One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian government is its fixation on hiding everything it does behind a wall of secrecy while simultaneously monitoring, invading and collecting files on everything its citizenry does. Based on the Francis Bacon aphorism that "knowledge is power," this is the extreme imbalance that renders the ruling class omnipotent and citizens powerless.
A seven-year effort by the Central Intelligence Agency to hide its relationship with a Swiss family who once acted as moles inside the world’s most successful atomic black market hit a turning point on Thursday when a Swiss magistrate recommended charging the men with trafficking in technology and information for making nuclear arms. The prospect of a prosecution, and a public trial, threatens to expose some of the C.I.A.’s deepest secrets if defense lawyers try to protect their clients by revealing how they operated on the agency’s behalf. It could also tarnish what the Bush administration once hailed as a resounding victory in breaking up the nuclear arms network by laying bare how much of it remained intact.
Or, Merrrrrrry Self-Hating Jew Smothered in Hypocrisy and Giving a Hand to the Other Team? Is it wrong for a Jew to sing these songs? Am I spreading cheer — or Christianity? Should I be doing this at all? I started asking other Jews what they think, and was shocked to find incredibly strong reactions on both sides.
“‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ is a song you can’t listen to and feel depressed at the same time,” said Robin Barr, a product inventor in Mission Viejo, Calif. For her, the carols usher in winter, same as “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over” ushers in, well, June.
Christmas festivities in the Holy Land focus on the West Bank town of Bethlehem, where Christians believe Jesus was born and the Palestinian Authority hosts annual celebrations. Israel’s government highlights events in Nazareth, a predominantly Palestinian city in Israel where Jesus is believed to have spent much of his life growing up with his mother Mary and her husband Joseph. But there will be no celebrations this year in a Jewish suburb of Nazareth, after its mayor sparked outrage by refusing to allow Christmas trees to be placed in town squares, calling them provocative.
When Andrew Schneider, AOL's public health correspondent, contacted the TSA to find out what maintenance and testing is in place to ensure the safe operation of the scanners, he discovered that the TSA appears to have no regime at all to ensure that they are functioning within normal parameters. While the TSA claims that entities like the FDA, the US Army and Johns Hopkins all regularly inspect their machines, none of these groups agrees, and they all disavow any role in regularly maintaining and testing the TSA's equipment (the Army has tested machines in three airports, but has not conducted any further testing). And Johns Hopkins denies that it has certified the machines as safe for operation in the first place -- let alone taking on any ongoing testing and certification program.
Webmaster's Commentary: These machines have been installed not for the protection of air passengers, but for the huge amounts of money they are making the manufacturers and lobbying groups with represent those manufacturers, such as The Chertoff Group. It will be interesting to discover if the manufacturers of this equipment, like OSI, RAPISCAN, and L-3 COMMUNICATIONS, already have a "hold harmless and indemnify" clause in their contracts with TSA, preventing people who become ill from exposure to this radiation from suing these companies.
The ACLU of Tennessee says it ended up on a map of potential terrorist threats after it sent a letter to school superintendents asking them to be "inclusive" in their holiday celebrations.
It is deeply disturbing that Tennessee’s fusion center is tracking First Amendment-protected activity," Hedy Weinberg, executive director of ACLU-Tennessee, said in a statement. "Equating a group’s attempts to protect religious freedom in Tennessee with suspicious activity related to terrorism is outrageous. Religious freedom is a founding principle in our Constitution—not fodder for overzealous law enforcement."
Webmaster's Commentary: There are things the ACLU has done which I have applauded, and some I have questioned, but to put the Tennessee ACLU on the Tennessee Fusion Center's terror watch list for this?!? It is apparent, from this action, that the people staffing this center have gone absolutely frothing-at-the mouth, barking dog mad!!!
One of the snowiest Decembers on record just keeps getting snowier as the metro area awakens Friday to several inches of new snow layered over the piles and piles of not-so-old snow.
A seven-year effort by the Central Intelligence Agency to hide its relationship with a Swiss family who once acted as moles inside the world’s most successful atomic black market hit a turning point on Thursday when a Swiss magistrate recommended charging the men with trafficking in technology and information for making nuclear arms.
The outcome is that data published in 2009 by New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) entitled ‘Are we feeling warmer yet’ has been abandoned and replaced with real, unadjusted data that shows a picture that warmists don’t want you to see....
Associated Press JERUSALEM — Hundreds of Israelis and African migrants have marched down Tel Aviv's main boulevard to protest a government plan to build a detention facility to hold those who enter the country illegally...
Julian Assange has stated on al Jazeera that he will release some 3,700 secret (and even “top-secret”) documents pertaining to Israel in 6 months. Why would he wait if he had “truth” that needed to be revealed to the world? What he is doing is providing an existential threat to the state of Israel; one that can and will be used by AIPAC to pressure members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass legislation effectively shutting down the open internet as we know it.
George Bush and his supporters like to point to the absence of major terrorist attacks since 9-11 as a vindication: “His policies kept us safe.” Lisa Simpson once parodied such arguments: “By your logic, I could say this rock keeps tigers away.” Homer: “Oh, how does it work.” Lisa: “It doesn’t work. It’s just a stupid rock… But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?” Homer: “Lisa, I want to buy your rock.”
Merrill Hartson Associated Press WASHINGTON — Stymied in Congress, the Obama administration is moving unilaterally to clamp down on power plant and oil refinery greenhouse emissions, announcing plans for developing new standards over the next year...
What in the world is happening over in Europe? Well, it is actually quite simple. We are witnessing the slow motion collapse of the euro and of the European financial system. At this point, many analysts are convinced that a full-blown financial implosion in Europe has become inevitable.
This is something you really don’t expect to see this far into solar cycle 24. But there it is, the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite shows the sun as a cueball. The Ap index being zero, indicates that the sun’s magnetic field is low, and its magneto is idling rather than revving up as it should be on the way to solar max. True, it’s just a couple of data points, but as NOAA’s SWPC predicts the solar cycle, we should be further along instead of having a wide gap.
Rupert Murdoch's close links to the Conservative party were thrown into the spotlight today after it emerged that the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, held a private meeting with the tycoon's son, James, at which no civil servants were present. The meeting took place on 28 June, shortly after News Corp said it had made an offer to buy the 61% of BSkyB it does not already own. James Murdoch is chairman of BSkyB and chief executive of News Corp in Europe and Asia. Hunt's relations with the Murdochs are now under fresh scrutiny since he was handed official responsibility for ruling on News Corp's bid to take full control of BSkyB.
Plans to set up an online age verification scheme in the United Kingdom to limit access to pornography is not possible, according to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country. Trefor Davies, chief technology officer at the ISP Timico, told BBC News that it is "technically not possible" to block all online pornography because of its sheer volume.
"You end up with a system that's either hugely expensive and a losing battle because there are millions of these sites or it's just not effective," he said. "The cost of putting these systems in place outweigh the benefits, to my mind."
Always on the terror streak, the mainstream media is now warning Americans that terrorists may strike the food supply by dumping poison into restaurant salad bars and buffets, for example. CBS News broke the story, quoting anonymous "intelligence" sources who insist that terrorists might use ricin or cyanide to poison foods in salad bars. I have news for CBS, the federal government, and the terrorists: If you really want to poison the U.S. food supply, just use aspartame. It causes neurological disorders and yet remains perfectly legal to dump into foods such as diet sodas and children's medicines.
Today while in downtown Seattle, it was the first time I have ever seen bomb sniffing dogs in the Seattle Downtown bus tunnel. There were also a presence of numerous sheriff deputies in the bus tunnel besides the ones that are normally there. Westlake and Pike Place stops had bomb sniffing dogs and the security / Sheriff presence was five times more than a typical day in Seattle. This was before the announcement that Seattle / King County Metro Transit decided to reject the anti Israel bus ads. If the increased security presence is still there Monday, then it will be obvious they are preparing for a possible arab terrorist attack over New Years and likely during the 'New Years Eve Celebration At The [Space] Needle' or on New Years Day.
David DeGrawAmped Status Here’s a brief summation of my recent reporting:If we continue to let our politicians and wealthy members of society live in comfort, free from the consequences of their actions, we are complicit in our own demise...
Once again a terror warning has been issued with an unspecified homeland threat from Al Qaeda as U.S government preps the masses for a possible (false flag) terror attack. Keeping the fear level pumping through the general publics adrenal glands during the holiday season is their M.O.; that’s what the powers that be do best. The question is how long can the establishment go, or how far will they go to stage another terror event much like 9/11 or even worse? How long will the masses be duped by these recent poorly staged terror attacks where no one (thankfully) has been hurt?[Such as the Times Square "Fizzler" or the "Christmas Day Bomber"]
On Tuesday, Moody's Investors Service cut its sovereign debt rating for Greece to A2 from A1, following similar moves this month by peers Standard & Poor's Corp. and Fitch Ratings, and warned of further downgrades ahead.
"A further downgrade will depend on the Greek government's plan being followed through -- as demonstrated, for instance, by a sustained increase in tax revenues and/or the effectiveness in reining in expenditure," Moody's said.
From YouTube Description: This is a video that I took of my husband being wrongfully accused and detained. They originally came because someone wrongfully accused my husband of firing a crossbow in our yard (crossbows are legal in our state). He told them he was not firing a crossbow and there was not a crossbow outside or any evidence of one being outside. The police asked him for ID and he refused on grounds that he wasn't doing anything to facilitate them asking for ID. Next thing he knew the police jumped him, then the police tripped over our steps and crashed through a wooden fence which injured the officers hand. They slammed my husbands head against my front door, breaking my door (I can't even shut it properly now and have to replace it) and sprayed him with mace and started beating the crap out of him. All of a sudden my husband is being charged with assault on an officer?! SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!!!!!
StandWithUs said Wednesday it plans to buy its own ad if the "Israeli war crimes" ad appears on buses. On Tuesday, the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Stop Islamization of America both said they plan to run ads to counter the ad that touched off the controversy.
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