Instead of working to modify loans on a timely basis, Bank of America proceeded with foreclosures while borrowers’ requests for modifications were pending, a violation of a 2009 agreement with Arizona to help borrowers facing the loss of their homes, Terry Goddard, the state’s attorney general, said yesterday in a statement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
We keep hearing how all these home loan modification programs were actually used to trick home owners into foreclosures instead of helping them refinance. Bank of America is just the latest.
The reason is simple. The banks are caught in the middle of a forced repurchase of the toxic (i.e. fraudulent) mortgage-backed securities Wall Street got rich selling over the last several years. Now the banks NEED your homes to re-capitalize their balance sheets, because simply printing up more money to cover the buybacks destroys the value of the dollar. The banks need something of real value on their balance sheets ... and they don' care how they get it.
This is forced wealth confiscation, done in a way to trick Americans into thinking it is their own fault they lost their homes.
The government took your jobs so the banks could take your homes, to keep the fraudsters out of prison by buying back the bad paper!
South Korea announced today that it will go ahead with an artillery drill that will see the South Koreans lob shells close to disputed waters near North Korea. North Korea has announced that they will view this as a direct provocation and will respond accordingly in retaliation. Any response from the North Koreans could then trigger a major conflagration on the peninsula that could even escalate to the use of nuclear weapons. Both Russia and China have advised South Korea not to go ahead with the drill and have asked the United Nations to intervene. Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is urging North Korea to show restraint despite, it seems, it looks like being South Korea that’s going to fire the first shots. Webmaster's Commentary:
"My plan to save the US Banks is to murder all the people we owe money to. After all, that is what worked for Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V and if that is good enough for them it should be good enough for you, so here is your rifle, and good luck; America is proud of you! Death to the Templars ... I mean death to the other guy's bankers!" -- Official White Horse Souse.
What Moody's is saying is that unless the government of Ireland agrees to force the Irish people to cover the bankers' frauds, the bankers won't play nice with the Irish government any more. God reason for the people of Ireland to emulate the people of Iceland (it is just one letter's difference) and replace the government.
The second half of 2011 will mark the point in time when all the world’s financial operators will finally understand that the West will not repay in full a significant portion of the loans advanced over the last two decades. For LEAP/E2020 it is, in effect, around October 2011, due to the plunge of a large number of US cities and states into an inextricable financial situation following the end of the federal funding of their deficits, whilst Europe will face a very significant debt refinancing requirement (1), that this explosive situation will be fully revealed.
Jewish organizations are aghast after the German-Canadian Congress complained about plans for a permanent Holocaust exhibit at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Tony Bergmeier, president of the German congress, said he recognizes the atrocities of the Holocaust, but said his main objection to a permanent exhibit on it is that other human rights abuses will not receive the attention they deserve.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Other human rights abuses? Were there any?" -- Israel
I hardly need to go down the list of lies used to start US wars. We have been though that over and over again. Nor do I need to elucidate on the many reasons why the US Government is in desperate need for yet another war with which to scare the American people into acceptance of more takes and fewer rights and freedoms. Anyone with half a brain realizes that the US Government, unable to gain support for an invasion of Iran, has changed gears and decided that North Korea will be the next step towards World War III. Here is the big lie...
"So far, not one CEO or CFO of a major investment bank or financial institution has been charged, arrested, prosecuted, or convicted in what amounts to the largest incident of securities fraud in history: the sale, cover up and eventual forced repurchase over three trillion dollars of toxic assets to European banks.
So now we are hearing that it’s not happening on 2012 but going to occur starting Dec 21, 2010. We could be in an, any minute frame of reference, or we could just be getting further annoyed with whatever we are waiting for, continuing to not show up. However, since we don’t know what’s coming, not having it show up can be a very good thing, depending on which end of the equation you are on. Well, you can take off your mind any concerns about the ‘no show’ factor. The show is on, you are in it and part of it and if nothing has happened yet, that means you should be… happening.
Most international trafficking rings have involved wealthy Israeli patients on 'transplant tours'
Webmaster's Commentary:
If they are that wealthy, why has the US taxpayer been forced to give Israel four times the entire cost of the Apollo Moon program while Americans sleep in alleys and eat out of trash dumpsters, even after Israel attacked aid workers including Americans in international waters?
In 2007, Saban, a self-described Zionist, acquired control of Univision, the most popular U.S. media outlet for Latinos. As America’s fastest-growing voting bloc, their support is also critical to Israel. This latest acquisition confirms the systematic imbedding of pro-Israeli influence in opinion-shaping domains, including media, think tanks and politics.
Israel is waging war on the U.S. by way of deception. That strategy can only succeed if this war is waged in plain sight by its adept game theory war planners.
Boycott, divestment and sanctions, endorsed overwhelmingly by Palestinian civil society and growing around the world. It has even gained support from some Israelis. Its aims are to do what the U.S. government should be doing but will not: pressure Israel to end discrimination against Palestinians in Israel, end its occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
A media experiment of feeding live tweets onto a giant television screen displayed in the EU Summit Building while it was in session had to be switched off after Italian twitterers bombarded the system at light speed with attacks on Il Duce, Silvio Berlusconi.
This strange weather phenomenon alledgedly happened in Newfoundland where the waves were actually frozen as they crashed upon the beach. P.S. There is something wrong with this video, but I, having watched it four times, cannot define the problem; e.g. the man at 4:00 et seq. is wearing shorts and T-shirt, but still there is more than this wrong here. Maybe I just stayed up too late and/or had too many beers to spot the problem. Any ideas? - Nyon
I'm w/ Lieberman - WTC 7 is still standing, the U.S.S. Liberty WAS NOT attacked by the Israeli air force, the U.S. DOES NOT fight all of Israel's wars for them, American Blood is NEVER spilled for Israel, Mossad was NOT INVOLVED in the 9/11 attacks, Israeli? spies HAVE NOT been repeatedly caught spying on their 'ally' the U.S., AIPAC DOES NOT COMPLETELY CONTROL U.S. foreign policy to it's own ends, Lieberman is NOT a 'dual citizen' of the U.S. & Israel. Lieberman is RIGHT - WTC 7 Still Stands..
What the tax package proves conclusively is that the President, the House and the Senate have absolutely no intention of getting their fiscal house in order. We will address the lurid details later. There is no change in the policies of borrowing continuously in order to sustain current consumption and to keep the economy from collapsing. As far as we are concerned the hold up in the package was to load it up with pork and stimulus. Some call it bells and whistles – we call it irresponsible. The Fed and all the players are buying time and 70% of the public knows that and they are going along with it. Very few want to face the music.
The GOP has gone to such a new level of low in showing its heartless contempt for suffering Americans that stuns even a TV anchor for FOX "News," also known as the propaganda arm for the Republican Party.
One has to wonder what drives the real motivation behind the GOP efforts to block health care benefits for the 9/11 responders.
The Senate on Saturday blocked a bill that would create a path to citizenship for certain illegal immigrant students who came to the United States as children, completed two years of college or military service and met other requirements including passing a criminal background check. The vote, 55-41 in favor of the bill, effectively kills the measure for this year, and its fate beyond that is uncertain.
The Fed’s lender-of-last-resort power has so far been used only to keep rich bankers rich and the rest of the population in debt peonage, a parasitic and unsustainable endeavor. If this power were directed into projects that increased productivity and employment, it could become a sustainable and very useful tool. We the People do not need to remain subject to a semi-private central bank that was ostensibly empowered by our mandate. We can take our Money Power back.
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has banned journalists with the popular defense daily Stars and Stripes from consulting leaked diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks, prompting charges of censorship.
"The editorial independence of Stars and Stripes and its readers' right to news free of censorship are being threatened by an overly broad and misdirected response to the Wikileaks debacle," the daily wrote.
"Amazingly, the government wants to bar this newspaper's journalists -- along with most federal workers -- from reading information already plastered all over the public square."
Seoul prosecutors said Sunday that they have informed the United States Forces Korea (USFK) of a U.S. Army soldier suspected of uploading a fake picture of North Korea's shelling on a southern island on the Internet. According to the prosecution, the Korean-American private, identified only by his initial M, allegedly posted a satellite photo of the U.S.'s 2003 attack on Baghdad, Iraq, on an Internet bulletin board, contending that it depicted North Korea's deadly artillery attack against South Korea's border island of Yeonpyeong on Nov. 23.
Henry Kissinger should have the door shut in his face by every decent person and should be shamed, ostracized and excluded. No more dinners in his honour; no more respectful audiences for his absurdly overpriced public appearances; no more smirking photographs with hostesses and celebrities; no more soliciting of his worthless opinions by sycophantic editors and producers. One could have demanded this at almost any time during the years since his role as the only unindicted conspirator in the Nixon/Watergate gang, and since the exposure of his war crimes and crimes against humanity in Indochina, Chile, Argentina, Cyprus, East Timor and several other places. But the latest revelations from the Nixon Library might perhaps turn the scale at last.
Police arrested 22 demonstrators who blocked entry to a downtown Chase bank branch Thursday to protest what they said were unfair home foreclosures. The demonstrators, which included homeowners facing foreclosure, community advocates and labor leaders, silently allowed officers to bind their wrists behind their backs with plastic restraints and guide them into a police van. Dozens more demonstrators chanted and marched on a nearby sidewalk holding sighs that said "Stop Bank Greed, Save Our Neighborhoods" as the 12 men and 10 women were taken into custody...
Dramatic plans to erect up to 20,000 wind turbines and put millions of electric cars on the roads were unveiled yesterday by the Government’s climate experts. Business guru Lord Turner, chairman of the Committee on Climate Change, said the UK had to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent by 2030 to help tackle global warming.
A WSJ Investigation finds that iPhone and Android apps are breaching the privacy of smartphone users
Scott Thurm and Yukari Iwatani Kane Wall Street Journal
Few devices know more personal details about people than the smartphones in their pockets: phone numbers, current location, often the owner's real name—even a unique ID number that can never be changed or turned off...
Sama Adnan argues that efforts to educate the US public about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the need for a just solution to this conflict will remain incomplete and essentially toothless without pro-peace political actions committees that raise funds for congressional candidates who push for an end to Israel's occupation.
Tensions are rising in Korea has the South prepares for live fire drills in the same area that the North attacked weeks ago. The United Nations is expected to convene an emergency meeting due to the expected violence in Korea. Bloomberg is reporting that Russia asked for the emergency meeting of the United Nations and that it will take place tomorrow at 11pm.
“The United Nations Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting on North Korea tomorrow at Russia’s request, the Associated Press reported, citing Mark Kornblau, a spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the world body.”
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