The local friction broke out last week over controversial, dueling bus advertisements that were slated to appear on Metro buses -- one group's ads alleged "Israeli War Crimes" and another countered with "Palestinian War Crimes."Metro decided to drop both ads while it reviews its non commercial ad policy.
A major women's clothing retailer that specializes in fashion brands for plus-sized customers is closing two of its Hagerstown stores in 2011. Lane Bryant and Fashion Bug, both owned by Charming Shoppes Inc. of Bensalem, Pa., will leave the Valley Mall in the first quarter of 2011, company spokeswoman Ilana Bagell said in a recent e-mail.
"The company's decision to close these locations is based on an ongoing process of analyzing the performance of the entire real-estate portfolio," she wrote...
Adrian Salubchi and others have brought forth documents that seem to indicate the powerful, globalist CFR actually is a part of the US State Department. The connection to Zionist Israel is also there. The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope. Listen To Adrian talk about his new book and the documents that he uncovered.
Bloomberg News filed a lawsuit against the European Central Bank, seeking the disclosure of documents showing how Greece used derivatives to hide its fiscal deficit and helped trigger the region’s sovereign debt crisis.
Here are the links in the story...
* Greece Hires Former Goldman Sachs Banker as Debt Chief
* Goldman Sachs Is 'Morally Culpable' for Greek Debt (Video)
* ?Et Tu London: Goldman Sachs helped Britain hide debt
* Europe freezes out Goldman Sachs
* Goldman Sachs Says Greek Swaps Not ‘Inappropriate’
The Coalition government under David Cameron ordered an immediate review of British military planning in the Gulf after the election last May. The Daily Telegraph can reveal that new proposals are being drawn up to coordinate military activity in the region with local allies hostile to Iran, particularly the United Arab Emirates. Planners have realised they had to tear up existing emergency plans for local British residents. Since the previous review in the 1990s, the expatriate population has grown to more than 100,000 in the UAE alone, while a million British tourists, from businessmen on stopovers to England footballers with marital problems, come to Dubai every year.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If attacked by the US and/or or Israel, Iran will retaliate, and they have made that abundantly clear.
But such an attack against Iran may very well not be a slam/dunk for the following reasons:
1. The US military is exhausted and overstretched to the max and will most probably be unable to sustain extended operations against Iran; the current troop strengths necessary in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations work against this.
2. This operation has to be the proverbial blitzkrieg: the US will not be able to provide a sustained military operation against Iran because it has outsourced most of its manufacturing.
3. Russia and China will very probably not sit idly by, watch an attack against Iran get started, and do nothing. Russia and China will very likely take the side of Iran in such a conflict, and both countries are nuclear armed.
4. Such an attack will unify the Iranian people around their government.
5. Such an attack will make our men and women in uniform in places like Iraq sitting ducks for a counter-attack.
The purported confessions of Tareq Abdul Razzaq Hassan, a businessman, represent the latest evidence of growing public tensions between Israel and Egypt. Severe disruptions to Egypt's internet service in December 2008 were blamed at the time on damage to underwater data cables caused by a ship's anchor. But Hassan told police that the incident was, in fact, the work of Israel's foreign intelligence agency, according to interrogation records leaked to an independent Egyptian newspaper.
As the South African freedom fighter Steve Biko once said, “The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” The State of Israel can oppress the Palestinians for another sixty-three years, but it will never defeat their spirit, or win their minds.
The South said it was planning more drills this week, despite objections from Russia and China who have urged calm on both sides and increasingly bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang which promised a "sacred" nuclear war if the South impinged on its territory. But while the world has grown inured to such language from the North in recent years, the hardening tone in the South has raised concerns among many analysts that a future provocation by North Korea could now spark a war between the two sides.
Webmaster's Commentary: I am infinitely more concerned about a US-engineered "false flag" or South Korean provocation (which is what happened on 23 November) than I am about North Korea starting a shooting war.
After the tumultuous years of the Great Recession, a battered people may wish that 2011 will bring a return to kinder, gentler times. But that is not what we are predicting:
Webmaster's Commentary: One issue Celente doesn't touch is the possibility of a shooting war next year, potentially with Iran and Israel; between Lebanon and Israel, or Syria and Israel (which will inevitably bring the US in on the side of Israel) or North Korea and South Korea (which will inevitably bring China and the US into the equation).
In the latest operation on 17 December 2010, the Italian Guardia di Finanza, under the instruction of Milan's prosecution office, carried out raids on about 150 companies in eight different regions of Italy. These operations happened just a few weeks after the Italian Power Exchange (G.M.E) halted all trading in carbon credits due to a high number of abnormal transactions. The potential VAT-loss is estimated to reach 500 million euros. Earlier this year authorities in France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and other countries conducted numerous operations against criminal networks involved in carbon credit fraud.
For three years in a row, global warming models have predicted - erroneously - that Europe would have warm, snow-free winters. Meanwhile climatologist Piers Corbyn warned London of a white Christmas weeks ago. His models have been far more accurate than the UN-approved “science,” but he’s ignored. Why? Because Corbyn’s research shows the sun has far more to do with climate patterns than your Prius does. Unfortunately, there’s no money to be made at places like the Potsdam Institute studying things like the sun. No legislature can regulate excessive solar output, and there are no jobs to hand out at the Department of Sunshine Control. Until they can, you’ll just have to keep scraping the global warming off your windshield.
Like a bad penny that keeps showing up, UFOs have been around on a regular basis from antiquity through modern day. And as 2010 unfolded, the UFO mythology was alive and well. Famed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, the pope's astronomer, a high-ranking Italian politician and even the late Winston Churchill (according to recently unearthed documents) helped keep UFOs in the news. And sightings of unexplained flying objects came in from all over the world. – AOL News Dominant Social Theme: It's all true – the UFOs are coming...even the experts say so.
New York City’s major airports resumed operations after the heaviest December snowfall in six decades left travelers in the Northeast struggling amid waist- high drifts and blizzard winds. The city’s Central Park had 20 inches (51 centimeters) of snow by 8 a.m., the most for the month since 1948, the National Weather Service said. Skies cleared over New York by daybreak as the agency issued blizzard warnings for Boston and into Maine. The storm forced airlines to cancel more than 6,000 flights since yesterday, when airports began to close. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International and Newark Liberty airports opened tonight for outgoing traffic.
An environmental law firm in New Orleans said it was preparing to challenge the government's public declaration that following the nation's worst-ever oil disaster, seafood from the Gulf of Mexico remained safe to eat. Stuart H. Smith, Esq., of the law firm Smith Stag, LLC., was leading the charge, rallying additional litigants to his side through a website called Oil Spill Action. He's the attorney who secured a verdict awarding over $1 billion over the radium contamination of leased land due to oil drilling. Webmaster's Commentary: I hope Mr. Smith has his Kevlar undies handy on this one: to date, I would be willing to bet that he has never before confronted a company (BP) which literally dictated to the White House precisely what the Federal response would be to an environmental disaster!
The 22 statistics that you are about to read prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in America. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate. Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a blinding pace.
The ice may look beautiful, but it's causing some ugly situations in Russia.Irate holidaymakers beat up Aeroflot staff at a Moscow airport on Tuesday as thousands were stranded with little food or information, after icy rain and blackouts disrupted traffic for a third straight day. And more snow and sub-zero highs are predicted for the next several days.
Jonathan Cook views the role of the so-called "God-TV" channel and other Christian evangelical extremists, such as the Israel lobbyist pastor John Hagee, in the ethnic cleansing of Israel's own Bedouin citizens from the Negev.
Alan Hart argues that if US President Barack Obama was able to put America's own real interests above those of Israel, he would win the hearts and minds of the overwhelming majority of Arabs and Muslims.
I hope the New York Times is smart enough to understand that this claim that global warming makes cold weather is not science, but science fiction; a plot device lifted from the science fiction movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, and interestingly enough the same film Al Gore stole computer-generated ice cracking from for his so-called “documentary”.
A massive devaluation of the dollar is in progress designed by the very bankers that got the “bailouts” in the first place. These greedy criminal tycoons have managed to blowout most of the middle class in America sending small business down the tubes as well. One thing is for sure. Looks like the dollar might be reaching an all time low as gold rose on Tuesday over $1400.00 per ounce according to the AP.
The infrastructure of America is deteriorating rapidly parallel with our economy. Some of the most important and now overlooked, and even detrimental things to life and our planet itself are human responsibilities; their responsibility to maintain what they started. The WRCB report below is a perfect example of the total lack of concern, the total breakdown of ethics, total societal failure on many levels.
Goldman Sachs charged a hefty commission for the deal while Henry Paulson was still CEO. Includes Video - Max Keiser on Goldman's Fraud in Greece & the UK
*hyperlinks and video live at source* The Working Poor Families Project has just released their policy brief for the winter of 2010-11. The new US Census Bureau data is that 30% of US families are now earning less than 200 percent of the official poverty threshold, and are thereby defined as "low-income." That’s nearly one in three American families now being low-income.
In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]
The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the profession, an investigation by the Huffington Post has found. MUST READ INVESTIGATIVE PIECE
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind. The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) does not exist in isolation and is, in fact, connected to the Seven Seas. Hence, we publish these findings in order that the world community will come together to further contemplate this dire and demanding predicament.
Below are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system's status. As you will see, the court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are "independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations", and there is not sufficient "federal government control over 'detailed physical performance' and 'day to day operation'" of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency: Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982)
The U.S. Government Accountability Office said it could not render an opinion on the 2010 consolidated financial statements of the federal government, because of widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations.
Is dispersant still being sprayed in the gulf? Kari Huus writes: This photo and laboratory tests indicating that this foamy substance is dispersed oil have raised questions about the government’s assurances that the toxic chemical was not sprayed after the Deepwater Horizon well was capped. Kari Huus writes:The use of chemical dispersants in the wake of the massive BP oil spill ended on July 15, when the broken Deepwater Horizon well was capped, with only one exception four days later, according to federal agencies. But photos and chemical lab results obtained by suggest that the controversial chemicals have been sprayed much more recently than that.
The Chinese Sovereign wealth fund takes a break from buying the world's rare earth metals to focus on buying global influence. MUST SEE photo reminder of why it's not the best idea to become indebted to China. The Dalai Lama leaves the White House thru the BACK DOOR... With White House Trash Bags Strewn All Around As He Walks By In Slippers
Iran today hanged a man convicted of spying for Israel, the Islamic Republic's arch-enemy. Ali Akbar Siadat, an Iranian, was found guilty of relaying sensitive data to Mossad, having worked for the Israeli intelligence agency since 2004.
Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office, told The Scotsman there was no future for skiing in Scotland because climate change would see winters become too warm for regular snowfall. Environmental groups last night agreed with this claim. However, although members of the ski industry agreed that climate change was having an impact, they said the industry could survive. But Mr Hill said: “Put it this way: I won’t be investing in the skiing industry.
Predicting in November that winter in Europe would be “exceptionally cold and snowy, like Hell frozen over at times,” Corbyn suggested we should sooner prepare for another Ice Age than worry about global warming. Corbyn believed global warming “is complete nonsense, it’s fiction, it comes from a cult ideology. There’s no science in there, no facts to back [it] up.”
~ And just who owns the Federal Reserve Bank? I will tell you: 1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; 2. Lazard Brothers of Paris; 3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy; 4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany; 5. Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs; 6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York. ~ These are all Jewish names. Keep on peeling the onion and the Jewish House of Rothschild with their International Jewish Banking connections manifest their control over America’s society. This is scary stuff!
JEWS FEAR STRONG Christian leaders. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is an Orthodox Christian. Putin has publicly stated that he is a Christian — his continual Church appearances are proof of it. Recently the BBC published a major article complete with pictures of Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox Christian affiliations. And pointing to the New World Order oligarchs, the Orthodox Christian Vladimir Putin said in a November 2007 speech to Russian Military Cadets:
— “There are those who would like to build a unipolar world, who would themselves like to rule all of humanity.” —Reuters
Have you seen this? Austerity Protest in Romania... Romania's Parliament cancelled a no-confidence vote on Thursday after a father whose payments for his disabled child had been cut by the Romanian government leapt from a balcony in the parliament in protest against the decision.
Let me encapsulate the main thrust of the last paragraph, Assange is an Israeli stooge and Wikileaks is an Israeli scam. I hope that does it. I hope I make the list. I don’t know how much time my mother may have left and I do want to make her proud. If I don’t make the list, I’ll be devastated and she’ll be disappointed. I’ve been singled out by members of The Neo-Pharisees for career destruction in various media, as well as being blacked out in the major markets and, I have to admit, that is a sign of disfavor that wears well but, it’s not the big time. The big time is when you are not just ignored but publicly noted as someone to be ignored. It’s a toss up really.
According to Haiti's Public Health Ministry, each day about 40 people die of the water borne disease. The epidemic has also infected 130,000 people, with nearly 70,000 hospitalized.
International health experts say that the figure will triple in the next twelve months.
Webmaster's Commentary: Note that there is not even a whisper in the US corporate media of how bad this situation has become.
Knesset Member Yaacov Katz (National Union) on Tuesday said that if he was appointed defense minister, no infiltrator would be killed.
"We must arrest all Bedouins, put them in pounds and shoot a bullet to the head of those who head the convoys. Three or four Bedouins will be shot down, and the convoys will stop. Put all the Bedouins in a pound and the smuggling will stop as well," asserted Katz. Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to MK Katz: thank you for demonstrating the wretchedly ugly nature of Israeli xenophobia and apartheid through these remarks. But blaming the Bedouins for failed immigration and border policies will not make the problem of illegal immigration go away.
Napolitano dismissed those results as old and questionable and said, “Let’s set those aside.” One of the real successes of the machines and procedures, Napolitano said, is that they discourage terrorists from even trying to get on planes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently in Napolitanos' delusional world, terrorists cannot read or surf the web.
Out here in reality, the fact is that if there where real terrorists, they could achieve their objective of disrupting travel by blowing up the security gates as well as airplanes. Or, they could sign onto the global warming cult, and convince the cities and airports they didn't need to prepare for a harsh winter, and screw up travel pretty damned good that way without needing to worry about scanners and pat-downs!
In Michigan, a city is pleading for bankruptcy option and the state officials fear it could start a domino effect with dozens of cities filing for bankruptcy throughout the US.
Why did the investigations earn such negative reviews? Let's take a look. First, we have the Independent Climate Change E-mail Review (CCE), commissioned and paid for by UEA. At its launch, Chairman Sir Muir Russell bragged about the members' impartiality, promising none would have any "links to either the University or the Climate Science community." Yet within hours of his appointment Philip Campbell resigned when it was revealed he had, as editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Nature, staunchly defended CRU in a December 2009 interview with Chinese State Radio.
Miami is experiencing its coldest December in 115 years, according to the local branch of the National Weather Service, where employees have exhausted their thesauruses trying to describe the anomaly.
It's become as much a winter tradition as eggnog at Christmas and champagne on New Year's Eve — the first major snowstorm of the year bringing out the climate-change skeptics. And the bona fide blizzard that has frozen much of the Northeast just a few days after winter officially began definitely qualifies as major. But while piles of snow blocking your driveway hardly conjure images of a dangerously warming world, it doesn't mean that climate change is a myth.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think the corporate media are still pushing this nonsense to try to prove to themselves and their owners that they can still fool all of the public all of the time. From the comments to this story (not even including my own) they are failing miserably. And the problem is that the corporate media, like any other religious institution relying on the trust and faith of the masses, they can never admit error. They are stuck with this lie and see its perpetuation as a struggle for their very survival.
Beyond that, the climategate scandal proves to the general public once and for all that there are indeed vast conspiracies between government, academia, media, and money that try to sell us lies on a far-reaching and dangerous scale. Saddam's "nooks" is just one example, but the human caused global warming hoax is far larger and involves far more of the government, media, and academic institutions. It is a truly global conspiracy with a global tax and global government as the ultimate goal.
Now in those halls of academia and government, where they actually thought such a lie would sell, no doubt they are still convinced that if they simply repeat the lies enough, the people will stop using their own eyes and believe as they are told to believe. This latter tactic comes out of the liberal philosophy that the human mind can be re-engineered by re-engineering the environment. Control the environment, and you control the human mind.
There are two problems with that. First, the global warming cult are no longer in control of the environment. I am certain ABCNNBBCBS continues to claim, otherwise, but again reading the comments to the TIME Magazine article, this is clearly not so. And finally, the idea of re-engineering the human mind tracks back to Margaret Mead's "Coming of Age in Samoa", which was based in wishful thinking and Mead's Samoan guides telling her what Mead clearly wanted to be told. So the human mind is not quite as pliable as liberalism imagines it to be.
What we are seeing in the continued "warming is cooling" claims of the corporate media are the dying gasps of the "Mendocracy" (To rule with lies and deceptions. From "Mendacity" meaning to lie and "ocracy" meaning to rule.) They shall not go quietly, but go they must. It is an historical inevitability.
The two greatest visions of a future dystopia were George Orwell’s "1984" and Aldous Huxley’s "Brave New World." The debate, between those who watched our descent towards corporate totalitarianism, was who was right. Would we be, as Orwell wrote, dominated by a repressive surveillance and security state that used crude and violent forms of control? Or would we be, as Huxley envisioned, entranced by entertainment and spectacle, captivated by technology and seduced by profligate consumption to embrace our own oppression? It turns out Orwell and Huxley were both right. Huxley saw the first stage of our enslavement. Orwell saw the second.
The Fed says that it is doing this to help the economy through lower rates intended to increase business borrowing and to lower unemployment. That is also a deception because evidence shows that such programs will not have much effect on unemployment. The real reason is to bail out the deficit of the federal government – a deficit that is too big to be bought by the traditional buyers, which for many years were the foreigners.
Webmaster's Commentary: Inflation,caused by this round of quantitative easing, coupled with food commodity shortages, caused by bad weather, will make life even more miserable for the American people in 2011.
Nine years after the terrorist attacks of 2001, the United States is assembling a vast domestic intelligence apparatus to collect information about Americans, using the FBI, local police, state homeland security offices and military criminal investigators.The system, by far the largest and most technologically sophisticated in the nation's history,collects, stores and analyzes information about thousands of U.S. citizens and residents, many of whom have not been accused of any wrongdoing.
Webmaster's Commentary: These governmental practices, taken together, will not make any American citizen one bit more safe. What the Federal government hopes these practices will do is to have a chilling effect on public discourse as to how this country is governed.
These practices cannot be allowed to accomplish such an outcome. I am a sacred choral composer, and no sane person's idea of a terrorist. The most radical thing I ever do is request that a singer sing an unusual interval. However, that having been said, as an American citizen, I have not only the right to peacefully and logically criticize my government when I believe it has taken a wrong turn: I also have the moral responsibility to do so. So until the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been formally been suspended by the Federal government, I will continue, quietly, peacefully, and logically, to make my voice heard. At that juncture, the next work I will be compelled to write will be a "Requiem for the United States of America"; because the country I respected as a country governed by the rule of law, will no longer exist.
On January 1st, 2011, Death Panels are to be implemented here in The United States of America. [1] During one of many Obama Televised Briefings, the standard lies were presented as consoling facts. In truth, the exact opposite of what was said turns out to be the actual truth. Specifically, a Eugenics Program was purposely incorporated into the Health Care Bill, similar to the NAZI Action T4 Program of Euthanasia. The Obama video begins, “So let me explain what reform will mean for you, and let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors that reform will promote Euthanasia or cut Medicaid or bring about a government takeover of Health Care – that’s simply not true…” A pattern now exists in which EVERYTHING that Obama utters is the complete opposite of the TRUTH.
Webmaster's Commentary: If ever there was a country which desperately needed a Department of Peace, to figure out how to obtain specific objectives without resorting to war, it is absolutely the United States of America in the 21st century!
In a second post (“Hansen’s ‘Hottest Year Ever’ is primarily based on fabricated data”), Real Science demonstrates that the parts of the world which GISS shows to be heating up the most are so short of weather stations that only 25 per cent of the figures are based on actual temperature readings. The rest are simply conjectured by GISS. This is not the first time Dr Hansen’s temperature record has come under expert fire. Three years ago, GISS was forced to revise many of its figures when it was shown that wholesale “adjustments” had been made, revising older temperatures downwards and post-2000 figures upwards.
Half a million trees planted during the past 18 months on the ancestral lands of Bedouin tribes in Israel's Negev region were bought by a controversial Christian evangelical television channel that calls itself God-TV, US tax records show. A sign posted a few kilometres north of Beersheba, the Negev's main city, announces plans to plant a total of a million trees over a large area of desert that has already been designated "God-TV Forest". The Jewish National Fund, an international non-profit organisation in charge of forestation and developing Jewish settlements in Israel, received US$500,000 (Dh1.8m) from God-TV to plant some of the trees, according to the channel's filings to US tax authorities last year.
Webmaster's Commentary: If Christian Zionists really knew what most Israelis think of them, they would be shocked to the core. I don't know what the phrase "useful idiots" is in Hebrew, but I would be willing to bet that any Israeli characterization of these folks would be pretty darn close.
"Reforestation" always sounds like a good thing: but not when it results in forced expulsions and ethnic cleansing, as it obviously has here.
"We need to understand that they want an apology and, of course, we do not want to apologize. We are prepared to express regret as we expressed it over the loss of life," Netanyahu said during an interview on Israel Channel 10. "But what do we want? We want one thing. We want – first of all – to protect our soldiers and commanders. They are being accused of war crimes. They could be arrested worldwide. First of all, we want this to stop."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Then stop committing war crimes, you damned idiot!
Economic Collapse Blog Doesn't it seem like almost everything is becoming a crime in America now? Americans are being arrested and charged with crimes for doing things like leaving dog poop on the ground, opening up Christmas presents early, not recycling properly, farting in class and having brown lawns. But is it healthy for our society for the police to be involved in such silly things? Every single day the United States inches closer to becoming a totalitarian society....
In a move that is widely expected to result in condemnation from Israel’s Foreign Ministry (which objects to any such moves on general principle) Britain is poised to announce a significant upgrade of the diplomatic status of Palestine.
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