It began when word got to Managing Director Rich Negrin that some city workers and residents were offended by the giant "Christmas Village" sign erected on Dilworth Plaza's northwest corner. After all, there are a few Jewish and Muslim vendors among the nearly 50 wooden booths that make up Philadelphia's version of the traditional German Christmas village, which officially opened here Thursday. Webmaster's Commentary:
I'll bet it wasn't the Muslims who were complaining.
Anyone know if the Menorahs are up in Palm Beach? If so send pictures.
I hand picked the 25 BEST Airport Security Cartoons I could find out of hundreds. One is from 1938, a few from the 70s, and the remaining are post 9/11. They are in no particular order....ENJOY
I have been very hesitant about releasing what happened to me regarding Child Protective Services. But after discussing this with Dave Hodges, from the Commonsense Radio Show on Republic Broadcasting, he said I need to get this information out to the public.This happened about one month ago now.
The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an extra commitment of money from the International Monetary Fund, a U.S. official told Reuters. Webmaster's Commentary:
The IMF does not have any money. Like the Federal Reserve what it hands out is more debt! The US is effectively acting as a co-signer to the loan to the EU, which means if the EU collapses, or simply refuses to repay as Iceland and now Ireland look to be doing, YOU are expected to pay for the mess.
In a nutshell there are 72 months until the Giant Mutant Stargoat eats the planet, or something equally improbable, various islands are sinking though sea levels are not rising and the once mighty have fallen hard, hero to zero isn't even close. Webmaster's Commentary:
All the delegates appreciated the free trip to Cancun (who wouldn't?) but apparently have avoided the Al Gore kool-aid and are sticking with the tequila. The warmistas may have thought that holding this COP-16 in a hot location would avoid the embarrassment of last year's COP-15 which got snowed in by a major blizzard, but you know, all those teensy bikinis along the Cancun beaches may have convinced the delegates that a little warming isn't such a bad thing after all!
Sitting in the presiding officer’s chair, in front of a microphone he apparently didn’t realize was live, Bennet complained to a female colleauge (who was off-camera) while other senators voted that the Senate’s process was “rigged.” He also complained that there had been no advance discussion of the Democrats’ lameduck agenda before the session began.
“There’s nothing about — because it’s all rigged,” Bennet said. “I mean, the whole conversation is rigged. The fact that we don’t get to a discussion before the break about what we’re going to do in the lame duck — is just rigged. This stuff’s rigged.”
As Bennet made his comments, which you can hear in this video, two aides at one of the lower tables stood up to alert him that the microphone was live. Bennet, who is sitting partly off-camera on the right, suddenly noticed that the microphone was live. His female colleague laughed as Bennet reached across the dais to turn it off.
Despite an incredible outpouring of public opposition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) "Food Safety Modernization Act", or S. 510, the Senate voted 73 to 25 to pass the bill anyway. And data presented by, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, shows that big industry groups and large food producers spent millions of dollars buying off Congressmen to garner support for it. According to the site, Senators that ended up supporting the bill received nearly $10 million in political contributions from interest groups that also supported the bill. This amount was more than four times as much as groups opposed to the bill spent on overall contributions.
Why Your Senators Did Vote For S.510
“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson (1778)
Over a quarter of a million diplomatic cables, marked – “secret” , “confidential”, or “unclassified” – to and from the US State Department have been “leaked” to the public, presumably by a whistleblower. On the surface, it seems like the sort of thing that restores power to the people. It arms us all with knowledge and reminds those in power that they must answer to the public. Then you pause to think. And that’s when the holes in this narrative become obvious.
If you don't have money outside the computerized banking system, you should do so now. You just never know when the system is going to go down. At such a time, the person, who does have cash, will be calling the tune. Remember, "He who has the gold makes the rules." Below, Simon Black reports on the major malfunction at one of Australia's largest banks
I can't give away the answer. You'll have to see for yourself.
CNBC VIDEO From Yesterday - Sexy Erin Burnett Stands Next to the Federal Budget and in front of the National Debt Clock RUNS 1 MINUTE - THE BUDGET IS HUGE
The American-funded and American-backed tyranny in Egypt is very much reminiscent to US backing of the Shah’s regime in Iran prior to the Islamic revolution in 1978. The US gave the Shah all sorts of state-of-the-art weapons, hoping to maintain and perpetuate his grip on power. The notorious Savak was given a free rein to kill, torture, and rape Iranians while the regime made sure to suppress every gesture of public dissent.
Berlin is set for the coldest start to December on record, the German Weather Service (DWD) said Wednesday, as freezing temperatures and snow continued to cause transport chaos across the country.
The so-called ‘easing’ of the Gaza blockade does not change the fact that there’s still a cruel and illegal blockade collectively punishing the entire civilian population,” said Amnesty director Kate Allen. “The only real easing has been the easing of pressure on the Israeli authorities to end this cruel and illegal practice.”
The latest batch of Wikileaks revelations give the impression that, next to Israel, it's the Arab states that are most energetically pressuring the U.S. to attack Iran. In terms of the real threat to Iran, that's definitely putting the cart before the horse. In the first place, the Arab governments mentioned as being hostile to Iran – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates – are all undemocratic, unpopular regimes that depend on U.S. support to stay in power. As such, they seem to have absorbed the unrelenting years of U.S. claims that Iran is the region's greatest threat to peace.
All too often, official inquiries are conducted by the very people who should themselves be under investigation. In this respect, Britain’s Chilcot Inquiry on the Iraq war bears a distressing similarity to the 9/11.
Sons of Liberty Riders What happens during a national emergency? People know that the President of the United States would be the one to declare the emergency, but under what criteria? What about our Constitutional Rights during the emergency?
NEW YORK -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned on Tuesday that a long period of high unemployment could exact a steep social cost, as he and other Fed officials defended the central bank against criticism of its easy money policy . . .
The United States has been pressing Pakistan for many months to move against al-Qaeda and related militants based in the tribal area, which also serves as a crucial staging post for the Taliban-led insurgency across the porous border in Afghanistan. The US wants to see its successful drone missile attacks against militants followed up with ground action.
"Given the environment [in North Waziristan] in which the Pakistan army is being forced to decide on an operation, it would definitely be counter-productive. It would be like playing with a beehive. The reaction would be disastrous, not only in Pakistani cities, but in Western capitals as well," a senior counter-terrorism official told Asia Times Online. Webmaster's Commentary: Again, the brutal military assaults in North Waziristan the US is advocating will do nothing to address the fundamental, core issues which fuel insurgencies here in the first place. When people believe that they have a reasonably representative government where there voices can get heard, where there is a chance for decent jobs with decent wages, decent education, and health care, chances are they are not going to be interested in participating in any kind of insurgency.
Does it not strike you as interesting or remarkable, that many of the revelations about Middle East affairs are of direct benefit to Israel? If it hasn’t, read them again, and give it some thought.
Lobbyists are now on Capital Hill pushing legislation to affirm MERS as the standard for tracking mortgages. If this were to happen, the industry could get rid of all the Foreclosuregate lawsuits with congress’ implicit approval, Americans would be left with weakened property rights, and banks would be affirmed as America’s largest real estate holding companies.
Judges do not question the documents unless homeowners question them first, so they continue to rule in favor of lenders. Twelfth Circuit Chief Judge Lee Haworth said judges must remain neutral in court, and cannot raise possible defenses -- such as bad paperwork -- on behalf of homeowners who choose not to fight, or don't know how to fight, their foreclosure.
Hundreds of mortgage mediation cases in the Tampa Bay area and other parts of Florida have been put on indefinite hold because of growing problems at a law firm that once represented many of the nation's biggest banks. Beset by allegations of sloppy and fraudulent documentation, the David J. Stern Law Firm has lost some of its lender clients and must withdraw from their foreclosure cases. Until the banks hire new lawyers, efforts to mediate agreements with homeowners in those cases cannot continue.
The bank sent someone to drill through the lock. It was 9:02 a.m. when the drilling stopped. The busted lock hit the floor inside. That’s when they heard the gunshot.
The New York Times continues to showcase WikiLeaks on its front page, and will continue for the next six days. But observant critics want to know: Why didn't the newspaper give the same star treatment to the infamous leaked Climate-gate e-mails of a year ago? Those communiques revealed that climate scientists manipulated weather data to suit an eco-alarmist agenda. The Times explained at the time that the e-mails were "private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they wont be posted here."
Following angry rebukes of President Hamid Karzai’s call to make the war less disruptive to civilians, the Obama Administration is said to be further escalating its air war in Afghanistan, and officials are confirming a "loosening of the reins" of the restrictions on air strikes.
Officials warned that the McChrystal rules, aimed at reducing civilian deaths, meant "some officers were exerting excessive caution, fearing career damage if civilians were mistakenly killed." With Petraeus now in charge, concerns about killing civilians have faded. Webmaster's Commentary: So a "scorched earth" policy, coupled with massive civilian casualties, is all that the US and NATO have left in this immoral and illegal war?!?
Bad news for the third world dictators with their hands out for our money, the EUSSR is only offering to loan our money to Hugo Chavez not give it away like Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband and Barack Obama were so desperate to do last year at Copenhagen.
With international movements in solidarity with Palestine — including BDS — gaining steam, Israel’s leaders and apologists are becoming more desperate and unscrupulous than ever. Nothing illustrates this better than NGO Monitor attacking funding sources for media and human rights organizations like The Electronic Intifada and so many other groups doing urgently needed work.
In Ramallah, President Mahmoud Abbas denied Monday that Israel approached him prior to the 3-week assault, which left some 1,400 Palestinians dead. Saeb Erekat, the chief PLO negotiator, also disputed Barak’s account. “We knew about the war because the Israelis were saying there was going to be a war,” Erekat told The Associated Press. But “there were never any actual consultations between us and the Israelis before the war.”
The trip taken by the U.S. delegation to the NATO Summit in Lisbon was an expensive one indeed. The decision made there to extend our military occupation of Afghanistan into 2014 (and possibly beyond) will exact untold, unsustainable, unacceptable costs.
Is Wikileaks being manipulated by an intelligence service? By Alan Hart The Wikileaks revelation that some Persian Gulf Arab leaders wanted (and still want?) America to attack Iran is confirmation of what some of us thought we knew – that Arab leaders are not merely impotent but as dangerously deluded as their Israeli counterparts.
With an increased combat in Afghanistan, the U.S. is on track to double by March its prison space for suspected insurgents, according to the commander in charge of detainee operations. The U.S.-run Parwan Detention Center, which currently holds about 1,300 prisoners, has a capacity of about 1,650. That capacity will increase to 3,200 after the expansion is completed. Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder, with the new influx of "suspected insurgents", how many will be targeted for indefinite detention without due process.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike rivero's
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