But the tragedy does not end with those who were killed. Along with thousands permanently injured, there is the incalculable psychological cost of children growing up without parents, of parents burying their children, and the mental trauma that Israel’s offensive and the ongoing siege has done to almost everyone in Gaza. There are the as yet unknown consequences of subjecting Gaza’s 700,000 children to a toxic water supply for years on end.
The reference book attempts to correct the past mistake of not recording Israel’s crimes. “The encyclopedia therefore protects history from being falsified, and provides a reliable reference with voice and picture.”
As 2010 draws to a close, it's becoming ever clearer that the UK's economic prognosis is not good.
Liam Halligan Telegraph I'm a natural optimist and don't wish to upset anyone's Boxing Day celebrations. Any commentator worth their salt, though, at times like this, should ignore such sensitivities. It would be wrong – reckless, in fact, given the slew of recent bad data – to fail to point to the worrying mix of economic issues the UK now faces...
High taxes kill states. There can be no better evidence than the 2010 Census. The states that lost House seats -- because they're shrinking, relative to the nation -- had taxes 27% higher than the ones that gained seats.
What can be more scary and dangerous than a post-op patient to an off-duty police officer? Perhaps a broken donut machine - don't know. Stay tuned for a story on "Cop Tasers Disobedient Donut Machine." Are cops unable to do anything without pulling the trigger of something?
The not-so-obvious short answer is that the overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This op-ed did not have a place for comments (big shock there). Here is the letter I just sent to the New York Times, which they probably will not print, but you should post anywhere you see more of this warm = cold nonsense.
I hope the New York Times is smart enough to understand that this claim that global warming makes cold weather is not science, but science fiction; a plot device lifted from the science fiction movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, and interestingly enough the same film Al Gore stole computer-generated ice cracking from for his so-called “documentary”.
The global warming cult and its financial arm, the “Carbonazis”, have invested a huge amount of time and money and political capital selling the need for a carbon tax to the world, to fund the new global environmental authority as a step towards global government. But three harsh winters in a row have sounded the death knell for the warmista predictions, and this “hot climate makes cold weather” nonsense is a Hail Mary pass to save the agenda in the face of harsh winter reality setting in, by claiming that the cold weather is what the theory of global warming predicted.
Yet we know this is nonsense. Back in 2000 the Hadley CRU (the institution at the heart of the Climategate email and software scandal) stated “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”.
Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been: * Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust* * Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation * a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project * a director of the Carbon Group * Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK He is also a member of the Green Alliance.
Entire careers and funding have been built on the theory that the Earth is getting warmer, and people like JUDAH COHEN, whose blurb indicates is part of the global warming establishment, are writing now that heat causes freezing in an effort not to lose their jobs and funding despite having totally blown predicting what was going to happen.
There is more at stake here than just academic tenure and scientific funding. Around the world, local governments struggling with the harsh economy have heard the constant proclamations of warmer winters and have slashed their budgets for winter preparations, secure in the knowledge they would not need as much road grit, ploughs, or fuel oil as previous winters.
The result is that the disaster of these last three winters has been magnified by lack of adequate preparation. Already Britain has sold out of standard snow tires and is running out of road grit. Budgets for winter contingencies are already exhausted across Europe, and most tragic of all, the millions of people made homeless by the Wall Street excesses of the last ten years are freezing to death as heating fuel for shelters and warming centers runs out. Dozens have died just in Santa Barbara California.
The blood of all those dying in winter accidents on unprepared roads, or freezing to death, is on the hands of those academics, media pundits, and scientists, who all signed onto the global warming agenda because it was fashionable and trendy and the source of vast amounts of research grants, together with the investors who planned to do to the entire world with carbon what Enron had done to California with electricity; force people to buy a carbon credit, a mythical commodity literally created out of thin air that was planned to fuel the next great Wall Street bubble.
The New York Times does itself and its readers a grave disservice when it runs op-ed pieces by environmentalists with clear conflicts of interest, especially when said op-ed ignored a decade of predictions of warmer winters to claim that record cold is what their pet science-fiction theory actually predicted, and that one can make ice by heating a pan of water on the stove.
Shame on the New York Times for not exercising due diligence in vetting these global warming propaganda pieces. One would almost think the Times has reverted to those pre-Titanic days when you reported that intelligent life was building the canals on Mars!
Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength War is Peace Warming is Cooling (Apologies to George Orwell)
More than 1,000 workers at a grocery distributor in New Jersey could lose their jobs in February in the wake of a bankruptcy filing by supermarket giant A&P. Officials with Woodbridge Logistics say they filed notice earlier this month with state regulators warning that it may have to shut down six warehouses and lay off 1,114 employees in February.
Abibi Steinburgmetzenheimermann remembers the name of the thousand other jews who were in the 10mx10m gas chamber with him. He did not perish with the others because he held his breath for 30 minutes while he watched other jews gasp for air in the Zyclon-B filled room. When he heard the guards coming he faked being dead. Once they removed him from the room and threw his body on the pile of other burning bodies, he got up and escaped through a hale of machine gun bullets. Now 70 years later he suddenly remembers not only the names of the 1000 jews in the gas chamber with him, but also the names of 5000 other jews who screamed out their names as he ran away from the camp.
Webmaster's Commentary: ... and you're an anti-Semite if you don't believe him! :)
Eight years ago, Balsam was working as a marketer when he received one too many e-mail pitches to enlarge his breasts. Enraged, he launched a Web site called Danhatesspam.com, quit a career in marketing to go to law school and is making a decent living suing companies who flood his e-mail inboxes with offers of cheap drugs, free sex and unbelievable vacations.
"I feel like I'm doing a little bit of good cleaning up the Internet," Balsam said.
Winter blizzards hit US east coast bringing travel chaos to New York A blizzard pummeled the north eastern United States disrupting air, rail and bus travel and forcing motorists to deal with blowing snow and icy roads at the end of the busy Christmas weekend
"It is forbidden for us to reach a comprehensive deal today with the Palestinians. To put it clearly, you have to understand that their government is not legitimate," he told a meeting in Jerusalem of Israeli ambassadors.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This from the nation that has never drawn its borders or created a constitution in 60 years, that holds the world's record for defying the most UN Resolutions, that could not even survive at all were it not for the trillions it extorts from other nations around the world? I understand chutzpah, but this is just plain silly!
What is going on here is obvious. Several nations, and more on the way, have realized that the United States will not and cannot bring peace to the middle east. In yet another sign of the decline of respect for the US Government brought about by its slavery to Israel nations are acting on their own to recognize the Palestinian state. Israel is panicking. Despite all their money and political influence they cannot stem the tide of nations and of people recognizing that the state of Palestine not only exists, it has been in existence all along.
Israel is throwing a knipshen fit here. They are not used to not being able to tell the rest of the world what to think, what to believe, and what to do. They cannot stop world recognition of a legitimate Palestine, nor of world realization that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegitimate.
Israel must be losing too many battles in the war to win global public opinion. This is the conclusion to be drawn from the release of a 66-page document by the Tel Aviv-based Reut Institute, which was followed quickly by a similar report from the Jerusalem Centre for Public
With the discovery of an Israeli spy ring in Egypt, Israel's ambassador to Egypt has unexpectedly left Cairo for Tel Aviv. Yitzhak Levanon, without any prior announcement, left for Tel Aviv with his wife on Wednesday night on an Israeli airline, El Al, following the busting of an Israeli spy ring two days earlier in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Egyptian Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, ordered the referral of the three accused defendants, two Israeli fugitives and a detained Egyptian, to the Emergency State Security Court on charges of spying for Israel and harming the country's national interests.
Israel says it won't participate in the 10th anniversary commemoration of a U.N. conference on racism that singled out Israel for criticism and likened Zionism to racism. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the conference had "anti-Semitic undertones and displays of hatred for Israel and the Jewish world."
Global warming will cause major changes to the climate of the U.S. Northeast if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, scientists said today. Warmer annual temperatures, less snow, more frequent droughts and more extreme rainstorms are expected if current warming trends continue, the scientists said in a new study, and time is running out for action to avoid such changes to the climate.
A swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain despite the fact that 70 percent of Britain's over-65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year. This year, that number is nearly the same -- 68.5% -- but flu vaccine proponents insist that until everyone is vaccinated, the flu will continue to infect people. What these vaccine advocates absolutely will not admit, however, is how many of those who are sick with the flu this year also got vaccinated last year. This little detail is left out of every mainstream media report on vaccines and the flu. They simply refuse to mention this all-important number, leaving readers to leap to the incorrect conclusion that only those who were not vaccinated get sick with the flu.
JERUSALEM – Israel's Foreign Minister said Sunday a peace deal with the Palestinians is impossible under current conditions and that Israel should pursue a lesser deal instead — a concept the Palestinians swiftly rejected...
In recent interviews, Congressman Ron Paul has been promoting the idea of legalizing competing currencies in the process of diffusing the Federal Reserve's monopoly over money. As the Fed's strongest political critic, Paul will now be in a position as the new Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy to enforce more transparency and push for alternative currencies to compete with the dollar...
Naturally, the freedom fighters are called criminals and have no just basis for their grievances. The occupying power, understanding the paramount importance of decapitation, is actively engaged in hunting down the leaders of this movement. Why, yes, that’s it–It’s the exact same scenario that took place a relatively short while ago between the British and the Americans in what came to be known as the American Revolution. Gripe and moan about it all you want, all you ‘patriotic” Americans who squirm at the fact that our own glorious war for independence is a mirrored reflection of what is taking place in the Middle East as Palestinians fight to rid their home of foreign occupiers, but it is what it is and there is no getting around it.
When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1. Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.
BOSTON -- Bay State residents hunkered down for a cold winter's night Sunday as a powerful coastal storm barreled up the East Coast, its fierce winds downing trees and wires and knocking out electricity to thousands. About 50,000 people were without power by 9 p.m. as strong, hurricane-force winds lashed parts of the commonwealth
A radioactive water well that is controlled by the City of Houston, and that serves residents of Jersey Village, is no longer being used, according to the communications director for Houston Mayor Annise Parker. On Monday, a KHOU-TV investigation revealed Jersey Village water well #3 was one of 10 water wells identified by recent federal tests as having tested high for a particularly damaging form of radiation called alpha radiation. It is clear the the government is attempting to cover up their radioactive mess. The EPA has not worked for the interests of the American people in many years and has openly failed once again. The idea that citizens cannot know if their water is radiated due to the threat of terrorism is absolutely criminal.
The Working Poor Families Project has just released their policy brief for the winter of 2010-11. What they have discovered is that the number of working poor in the United States is higher than they have ever seen it before and it continues to increase at a staggering pace. The following are some of the key findings for 2009 that were pulled right out of their report....
"I told them, 'No, I'm not going to have my breasts felt,' and she said, 'Yes, you are,'" said Hirschkind.
When Hirschkind refused, she says that "the police actually pushed me to the floor, (and) handcuffed me. I was crying by then. They dragged me 25 yards across the floor in front of the whole security." Meanwhile, US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said invasive pat-downs and full-body scannings will continue at airports around the country. She said there will be no change in the policy in the foreseeable future.
Famed NWO researcher Adrian Salbuchi has released his first book in English, The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope. Adrian breaks down the Council on Foreign Relations, the terrorist state of Israel and more. One of the major revelations in his book is that the Council on Foreign Relations is actually a PART of the State Department.
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