Tuesday, December 21, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Part 2

After AIPAC Defendants Walk, Holder to Prosecute Wikileaks?

Last May, Attorney General Eric Holder dropped the federal prosecution against two AIPAC employees for their part in an unauthorized leak of Pentagon files. But, now, the Justice Dept. is reportedly pushing ahead with an Espionage Act prosecution of Julian Assange for the same acts. Yet, unlike AIPAC's Rosen and Weissman, with Assange there's no evidence that Assange was actually involved in an espionage ring. Has this Administration completely lost all sense of Rule of Law, as well as its claim to a higher moral purpose than its predecessor?


When do your First Amendment rights to speak out against the emergence of a totalitarian form of American government conflict with your rights to maintain custody of your children?

Federal Reserve is the primary tool of the new financial oligarchy – The ultimate banking clearing house with zero oversight from the people still holds over $2 trillion on its balance sheet.

The Federal Reserve system (the Fed for short) is the US central banking system. The Fed was created in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. In the beginning the Fed had limited powers and its mission was limited. According to the Fed its mission today is to conduct monetary policy, supervise and regulate banking institutions, and maintain stability in the financial system. If this is the mission of the Fed, it has radically failed and the American people should audit the Fed to see what went wrong.

POWERFUL FORECLOSURE TESTIMONY: Sandra Hines Tells House of Reps What Many Feel

SANDRA HINES the voice of foreclosed America! Sandra is a Detroit resident who lost her home that was in her family for 37 years to foreclosure. Watch this in it's entirety! It is explosive and will leave you either in tears or leave you wanting more!

WikiLeaks: A Very Short Coincidence Theory

It is surely just a coincidence that the law firm – Finers Stephens Innocent – which represents Julian Assange and set up the Julian Assange Defense Fund is also legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust; that the partially Rothschild-owned Economist gave Assange its 2008 Freedom of Expression Award; that Lord Rothschild is deputy chairman of BSkyB, whose warmongering chairman, Rupert Murdoch, and his propagandist father were lauded as fearless advocates of the truth by the WikiLeaks founder in an op-ed in the Murdoch-owned The Australian; that the only world leader “undoubtedly delighted” by the leaks, Benjamin Netanyahu – who often stays with Murdoch in London and has the award-winning pro-Israel media magnate on his “list of millionaires” (i.e.

Awaiting the Storm

The trappings of fascism spread. General David Petraeus, commander of the Eastern Front, poses with the President in the White House in combat fatigues. The country is now the Homeland, reminiscent of the Nazi Fatherland and the Soviet Motherland. We hear of American Exceptionalism, the ritual self-idolizaton beloved of pathological nationalism. Blood and Soil. The American Dream. Ubermenschen. All we need is a short Austrian.

« The Tunnel People Of Las Vegas: How 1,000 Live In Flooded Labyrinth Under Sin City's Shimmering Strip »

Deep beneath Vegas’s glittering lights lies a sinister labyrinth inhabited by poisonous spiders and a man nicknamed The Troll who wields an iron bar. But astonishingly, the 200 miles of flood tunnels are also home to 1,000 people who eke out a living in the strip’s dark underbelly. Some, like Steven and his girlfriend Kathryn, have furnished their home with considerable care - their 400sq ft 'bungalow' boasts a double bed, a wardrobe and even a bookshelf. Quick Read - Must See Photos Of Life Underneath Las Vegas

A Plane Hit the Pentagon, baby steps for the parrots of loose change etc


Foreclosures on People Who Never Missed a Payment

Yves Smith: Mortgage service industry makes more money from foreclosures than restructuring debt

Vince Cable reveals "This is Big - I have declared War on Murdoch Empire"

1. Murdoch's control over the MSM gives the Zionist such an advantage, that it's a "threat to democracy".

Sign of the Times: 'Stop Global Warming' Sign Buried in the Snow

This amusing photo goes hand in glove with this idiocy:

That snow outside is what global warming looks like

There is now strong evidence to suggest that the unusually cold winters of the last two years in the UK are the result of heating elsewhere.

Who says something so stupid? Why, a renowned "expert" who was exposed as a total fraud during ClimateGate, of course. But wait, ten years ago we were told snow was a thing of the past. Oops.

Israel: Jonathan Pollard Freedom Will Be Pressed

Israel's prime minister on Tuesday said he would press President Barack Obama to release an Israeli spy who is serving a life sentence in the United States, a step that could reopen a case that has been a source of tension between the two allies for a quarter of a century.

Benjamin Netanyahu said he would call for the release of former Navy analyst Jonathan Pollard "in a formal and public manner" in the coming days.

Hoverboard Hammond to be frozen out of his job? (Well, here’s hoping)

So far, Philip Hammond, the Westminster transport secretary, has retained the confidence of the PM. But this could change when the current flurry of news stories about Brits potentially missing Christmas get-togethers becomes a reality on 25th December. Of course, Hammond is not a weather god, he can’t prevent the snow and it’s true that much of Europe - even in cities used to snowfall - is also paralysed. But Hammond isn’t playing well to the media. He is not a happy snow-bunny and is coming across as increasingly grumpy in the TV interviews he’s being forced to do.

US House passes anti-Palestine bill

At last the United States is responding to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's refusal to freeze settlements and re-start negotiations with the Palestinians.

Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, rushed to the House floor with a resolution drafted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] condemning the Palestinians for publicly suggesting that, in the wake of Netanyahu's refusal to freeze settlements and negotiate, they will consider a unilateral declaration of statehood. Congress passed the Berman bill, drafted only this week, on Wednesday. When it comes to pleasing AIPAC, there are simply no limits.

Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus

Leaked Presentation Shows How Carriers Can Deliver Tiered Internet Services

As all eyes turn to the Federal Communications Commission as they prepare to vote on the net neutrality proposal, a leaked presentation outlines how cellular carriers can roll out a fee-based tiered Internet...

At.Gen.Holder U.S.Citizens are Terrorists, Not immigrants and Muslims

Webmaster's Commentary:

"You are the enemy of the state. You, yes you, you with that copy of the Bill of Rights in your hand! Turn yourself in for re-education immediately!" -- Official White Horse Souse


Webmaster's Commentary: No tsunami warning issued for Hawaii.

Australia swaps summer for Christmas snow

Snow fell in Australia on Monday, as the usual hot and summery December weather was replaced in parts by icy gusts sweeping up from the Southern Ocean, giving the country a taste of a white Christmas. Snow has fallen in parts of east coast states New South Wales and Victoria, leaving ski resorts -- some of which are usually snow-free at this time of year -- with dumps of up to 10 centimetres (four inches).

"It's white, everything is white," Michelle Lovius, the general manager of the Kosciuszko Chalet Hotel at Charlotte Pass told AFP.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Carbonazis are running around trying to claim that global warming causes cold weather, but if that were really true, then why did Hadley CRU claim snow would be a "thing of the past" in 2000?

Intel's Sandy Bridge processors have a remote kill switch

For those who want to protect their computers from thieves, the ability to remotely disable them sounds great. We're not sure the CPU is the component that should be targeted though. While a given stolen netbook, laptop, or desktop can no longer be turned on if Intel's new kill switch is flipped, there's nothing stopping the thief from taking out the HDD and putting it in another computer. As a result, you've only slightly slowed the criminal down and haven't really managed to ensure your sensitive data is protected.

Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses


In 1998, Dick Cheney, now US vice-president but then chief executive of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both political and economic sense is through Afghanistan.

The Tightening Noose: Terrorist by Association

A matter of time before those who question the 9/11 fairy tale receive that 7am knock on the door?

The Justice Department targets nonviolent solidarity activists.
September 24 began like any other Friday for Joe Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner. Then, at 7 a.m., FBI agents knocked on the door of the Chicago couple's house in the city's North Side.

$2 Trillion Dollars In Debt Threatens 100 US Cities

Look around your town. How do the streets look? Not good, right? Lots of pot holes and cracks and stuff? Well, it’ll probably end up getting worse. According to economists, 100 US cities are threatened by bankruptcy, thanks to $2 TRILLION dollars in debt.

Department of Homeland Security goes off the deep end – now plans to battle “climate change” in addition to terrorists

Not content to keep to the terrorism prevention mission for which they were founded, DHS’s Janet Napolitano now plans to battle a religious war of “climatic jihad”. Here’s what happened the last time Washington DC took on weather in February 2010 (but not climate). The capital was shut down of course. Now that’s “environmental justice”. Look for pat downs at airports soon for those carrying concealed carbonated beverages.

Met Office Chief Climate Scientist Has Difficulty Reading Maps

“This is not a global event; it is very much confined to the UK and Western Europe and if you look over at Greenland, for example, you see that it’s exceptionally warm there,” she said. “The key message is that global warming continues.”

This is the same misinformation that Hansen has been repeating. Most of Greenland, Alaska and Western Canada are running well below normal temperatures. It is -46F on the Greenland ice sheet headed down to -63F later this week. These people are completely incompetent. Australia is far below normal. Antarctica is far below normal. The Pacific Ocean is far below normal.


Winter has gone for ever and we should officially bring spring forward instead, one of the country’s most respected gardeners said yesterday. For climate change has wiped out the season of traditionally long, hard frosts and replaced it with brightly blossoming gardens bursting into flower months early.

Warrant needed to snoop on your emails, court finally rules

After many years of legal uncertainty, a federal appeals court has finally declared that emails have the same Fourth Amendment protections as regular mail and telephone calls.

"Given the fundamental similarities between email and traditional forms of communication, it would defy common sense to afford emails lesser Fourth Amendment protection," the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled. If the ruling is not overturned by the Supreme Court, it will put an end to the practice of law enforcement agents using court orders, rather than warrants, to gain access to emails. Court orders require a much lower standard than warrants.

NATO Trains Afghan Army To Guard Asian Pipeline

On December 11 the presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan and the energy minister of India met in the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat to bring to fruition fifteen years of planning by interests in the United States to bring natural gas from the Caspian Sea to the energy-needy nations of South and East Asia.

The Inter-Government Agreement "enjoins the four governments to provide all support including security for the pipeline." [1]

The next day, Wahidullah Shahrani, Afghanistan’s Minister of Mines and Industries, confirmed that "Afghanistan will deploy about 7,000 troops to secure a major transnational gas pipeline slated to run through some of the most dangerous parts of the war-torn country." [2]

Webmaster's Commentary: This is proof positive that the US/NATO invasion and occupation of Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, and everything to do with the installation if pipelines with which to control Eurasian oil for private corporate profit!

That's why all of our fine young military men and women have been killed or maimed for life; for private profit, and not at all for US security!!

60 Minutes EXTRA: State Budget Ponzi Schemes In New York & New Jersey - Web Exclusive Video

Short interview not shown on Sunday's broadcast, focusing on the twin fiscal nightmares of New York and New Jersey and their addiction to budgetary irresponsibility and ponzi-financing as seen through the eyes of NJ Governor Chris Christie and NY Lt. Governor Richard Ravitch.

First up is New York... Don't Skip This One - Incredibly HONEST Interview - Runs 2 Minutes

Named and shamed: The worst call centres that keep you waiting and cost a fortune

The worst call centres are keeping customers waiting almost a quarter of an hour before they even get to speak to a real person. A league of shame attacks BT, Sky, Lloyds and Scottish & Southern Energy for failing consumers.

Israel Effectively Denies Palestinian Victims of Operation Cast Lead Access to Justice

As a result of the physical, financial, and legal obstacles imposed by Israel, Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip – including the thousands of victims of Operation Cast Lead – are effectively prevented from seeking redress before Israeli courts. This situation results in the systematic denial of fundamental human rights.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A capsule description of Israel, 2010: a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.

After the horrible brutality the Jewish people suffered at the hands of the 3rd Reich, one would think that the founders of this nation, and their descendants, would be the poster children for moral responsibility, social justice, and tolerance.

Unfortunately, the very opposite behavior appears to have devolved in the collective Israeli psyche.

Violence always has its inescapable moral - and ultimately - physical consequences.

And it is more than painfully ironic to notice, in terms of Israel's constantly exhorting the US to "neutralize" its outside "existential enemies", as it did with the US's invasion and occupation of Iraq, a very odd, potentially devastating, consequence has taken place for the Israeli people.

As reported on 14 April, 2010 at:


"Israel's Declining Sperm Quality Tied to Depleted Uranium Exposure"

"Israel's population is facing a dire threat: a drastic depopulation, from the use of weapons that leave behind Depleted Uranium (DU). Depleted Uranium leads to the word Omnicidal, as DU kills everything in the food chain, everywhere the wind blows. Experts say the dramatic drop in Israel's sperm count could eliminate their ability to reproduce."

"This human and environmental disaster was reviewed by Bob Nichols, a correspondent with SFBayView who specializes in nuclear issues with an emphasis on the atmospheric contamination from Depleted Uranium. In the article PTSD, Infertility and Other Consequences of War, he discusses how Israel is likely to be depopulated soon[3].

Oregon Guard soldiers patrol a building in Kabul, Afghanistan that was
destroyed by U.S. bombs. Everyone who served in these countries or visited
them, was potentially subjected to DU contamination. Photo by Tim King.

"Israel falls within the region that has been dosed with depleted uranium [DU] [various kinds of munitions] in the West Asian theatre of war. DU kills people at genetic level." A report by Dr. Ronit Haimov-Kokhman, which was debated in the Knesset, is cited in the report by Ofri Ilani."

Talk about literally shooting yourself in the gonads by urging war on other nations!

Obama Flip-Flop: FCC Vote Could End Net Neutrality

Porn filter plans are 'absolutely ridiculous'

Plans to filter all internet pornography for UK internet users would be unrealistic and costly, according to an expert. Updating the list of blocked or porn-hosting URLs would be a mammoth and time-consuming task that could result in huge bills for ISPs, according to one network engineer working for a major UK ISP.

"The government is very good at suggesting new schemes, but not very good at paying for them. Who is going to pick up the bill for the infrastructure costs? Will it be another situation where the ISPs are expected to pay? And that's before even considering the ethical implications of filtering," said the source.

You Are A Terrorist

Do you fit into any of these categories? Do you wear Levi jeans, act like a “nice guy,” look “normal” or support Ron Paul? Maybe you’re a complete asshole, hate Ron Paul, look like a complete freak of nature, and only ever wear Lee jeans – but wait – you like scuba diving! Oh no, you’re a terrorist. Your name will be in a threat fusion database somewhere, and under the new definition of what constitutes a terrorist, which federal agencies are working under and promoting, your neighbor will be acting perfectly reasonably when they inform on you to the authorities because you rented a hotel room, used a large amount of cash, or possess a significant amount of alcohol.

The government's one-way mirror

Glenn Greenwald Salon

One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian government is its fixation on hiding everything it does behind a wall of secrecy while simultaneously monitoring, invading and collecting files on everything its citizenry does. Based on the Francis Bacon aphorism that "knowledge is power," this is the extreme imbalance that renders the ruling class omnipotent and citizens powerless...

Nablus: Israel gives villagers 24 hours to hit the road before leveling Tana

Israeli authorities have given the people of the east Nablus village of Tana 24 hours to evacuate their homes before demolishing them, and threatened to confiscate their livestock when the deadline falls, sources in Nablus said.

Ex-Guantanamo Official Was Told Not to Discuss Policy Surrounding Antimalarial Drug Used on Detainees

Military officials were instructed not to publicly discuss a decision made in January 2002 to presumptively treat all Guantanamo detainees with a high dosage of a controversial antimalarial drug that has been directly linked to suicide, hallucinations, seizures and other severe neuropsychological side effects, according to a retired Navy captain who signed the policy directive.

Webmaster's Commentary: Josef Mengele would have been so proud of these guys!

War in Yemen?

Last month, in The Dreyfuss Report, I wrote about recent news that the United States is considering a major escalation of its military activity in Yemen, specifically giving the CIA permission to work with US Special Forces to set up "elite US hunter-killer teams" and Pakistan-style drone attacks on terrorist targets. As I wrote then: "By bungling into Yemen with a massive US covert operation, the result is guaranteed to be an intensified crisis that will collapse and split the Yemeni government and lead to a Somalia-like state of disorder."

Webmaster's Commentary: Take a good look at the following map:


You cannot "bomb out" insurgency when the people of a country, ruled by an autocratic, self-indulgent dictatorship, are struggling just to stay alive. Any aid going to Yemen cannot be military only in nature; there has to be a "carrot and stick" approach to aid, which has to include food, education, healthcare, development, and some kind of hope for a better future; additionally,particularly when it comes to Yemen, there must be mechanisms in place to validate that the aid actually gets to where it's supposed to be going.

Brazil donates land for Palestinian embassy

Palestinian ambassador to Brazil Ibrahim Az-Zein received the title to a piece of land Monday, where the Palestinian embassy in Brazil will stand following that country's recognition of a Palestinian state earlier in the month.


Yesterday at a racist rally in Israel calls were heard to kill Jews who date or sell property to Arabs.


We often hear people ask; “Where is the Palestinian Gandhi”? We rarely hear; ‘Where is the Palestinian Mandela”. BUT…. that is exactly what Palestine needs today. A leader with integrity, dedication to his people and willing to take risks.

'How To Forge A Client's Signature' & Other Lessons From Inside The Ameriquest Sub-Prime Sweatshop

Excerpt from the book The Monster, by Michael W. Hudson. Bait and Switch

A few weeks after he started working at Ameriquest Mortgage, Mark Glover looked up from his cubicle and saw a coworker do something odd. The guy stood at his desk on the twenty-third floor of downtown Los Angeles's Union Bank Building. He placed two sheets of paper against the window. Then he used the light streaming through the window to trace something from one piece of paper to another. Somebody's signature.

Rome "terror bomb" turns out to be a hoax.

Bomb-disposal experts checked the powder and concluded "the device could not have exploded," Alemanno was quoted as saying by the ANSA news agency.

Federal Reserve Bank Orders Oklahoma Bank to Remove All Symbols of Christian Faith. Now Who is Next?

What right does a privately owned bank. Not a government agency have the jurisdiction to tell another privet owned bank to remove all vestiges of Christianity from this bank. That is what has happened in Perkins Oklahoma. They were ordered to remove anything that said Merry Christmas and Bible verse of the day.Employees could not wear any crosses or pins resembling the Christian faith.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I would think that the Fed has bigger things to worry about.

FLASHBACK 2000 - Hadley CRU - Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

UK Met Office predicted a warm winter!

12.11 Although the probability of severely cold winters in the UK is gradually declining, there is currently no evidence to suggest similar changes in extremes of snow, winds and storms in the UK.

12.12 We have also explored whether or not the occurrence of two successive severe winters influences the probability of a third in succession – in other words, is there any evidence of clustering? There is some small influence from year to year but these matters are still very uncertain and it would be safer to assume that there is statistical independence between one winter and the next.

12.13 In other words, we are advised to assume that the chance of a severe winter in 2010–11 is no greater (or less) than the current general probability of 1 in 20.

Israeli Troops Invade Hospital Near Bethlehem

The Bethlehem Arab Rehabilitation Hospital reported Sunday that a group of Israeli soldiers surrounded the hospital with armored vehicles and jeeps, then invaded the Emergency Room, pointing guns at patients.

Feds order farmer to destroy his own wheat crops: The shocking revelations of Wickard vs Filburn

As usual, these pushers of Big Government are utterly ignorant of the history in their own country. Because as you'll learn right here, not only CAN the U.S. government control and dictate to single-family farms what they can grow in their own backyards; the government has already blatantly done so! In this article, I'll share with you the full and true story of how Big Government has already run rampant over the rights of individuals to grow their own food -- I'll even cite the US Supreme Court decision that "legalized" this tyranny.

A ‘Hollywood ending’ for America

Here’s how I’d pitch America’s story to a big-shot Hollywood producer: Rick is a well-respected member of his community, who has built a thriving business empire out of a vast fortune left to him by his late father. He has a lovely wife and several grown children who are integrally involved in the day-to-day operations of his enterprise. One day, Rick’s wife introduces him to Isabelle, an old friend who has fallen on hard times as the result of a messy divorce. Rick takes pity on the woman, and invites her to stay with his family until she can manage to get back on her feet.

2010: Another record breaking winter. So what happened to global warming?

Britain and Europe have been hit hard for the third straight record-breaking winter season. Labeled by experts as the coldest winter in 100 years and set to blow well into 2011, it is already raising some very interesting questions about the new ideological split we are witnessing throughout society in the much celebrated green debate.

Panic and fear close their icy tentacles round the doomed Met Office

Oh and in case you wondered why the Met Office has been getting it so badly wrong, here’s Bishop Hill on its chairman Robert Napier.

Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:

* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK

He is also a member of the Green Alliance.

Awaiting the Storm

A danger is that the country will lash out abroad, ever more feebly as the economy declines, at nations that no will longer pay attention to it. Washington says that it “will not tolerate a nuclear Iran,” and Iran ignores the admonition. You cannot not tolerate what you can’t prevent. The Pentagon sends the carriers to steam ferally in circles off North Korea, which ignores them. The consequences of wounded vanity are not trivial in world affairs, as anyone knows who has a familiarity with the Treaty of Versailles. But who does?


The road to complete breakdown in the social compact began with the rejection by the global banking establishment of the government of the United States of America, circa 1800, plus or minus twenty years. Dictators, no matter how benevolent, are incompatible with governance of the People, by the People and for the People, so the collision between collective government and feudal dictatorship was inevitable and its consequences substantial to the present day.

Regulators close banks in Ga., Fla., Ark., Minn.

Regulators on Friday shuttered three small banks in Georgia and one each in Florida, Arkansas and Minnesota, raising to 157 the number of U.S. banks brought down this year by the struggling economy and soured loans.

Al-Qaida aims to 'bring down' Pakistan: Biden

Al-Qaida is trying to topple the government in nuclear powered Pakistan, the US warned on Sunday.Vice President Joe Biden said the Obama administration is trying "to make sure that terrorists do not in fact, bring down the Pakistani government, which is a nuclear power."

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to the Pakistani government and military: the US may well be trying to attempt to justify a potential full-scale invasion of Pakistan to "save it from itself", as it appears that its attempts to get wars going elsewhere are fizzling.

CHART - The Sovereign Debt Nightmare In 2011

Next year, 15 major developed-country governments, including the U.S., Japan, the U.K., Spain and Greece, will have to raise some $10.2 trillion to repay maturing bonds and finance their budget deficits, according to the International Monetary Fund. That’s up 7% from this year, and equals 27% of their combined annual economic output.


European weather chaos spawns outrage, questions

"Airports must 'get serious' about planning for this kind of severe weather conditions," Kallas said. "We have seen in recent years that snow in Western Europe is not such an exceptional circumstance.

IRS Agent Charged With Stealing $160k of Tax Refunds

Fern Stephens, a revenue officer at the IRS, is being charged by the U.S. Attorney's office for stealing more than $160,000 in unclaimed tax funds from 12 taxpayers, according to federal court documents. If convicted of all counts of mail fraud, theft of gonvernment funds, and unlawful access of a government computer, Stephens faces a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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