Senator Mitch McConnell called Assange a "high-tech terrorist" on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday and said, "if it‘s found that Assange hasn’t violated the law, then the law should be changed."
What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn't cover it? Does that mean the scam could keep going?
That's what we are about to find out.
I understand the importance of the new WikiLeaks documents. However, we must not let them distract us from the new information the Federal Reserve was forced to release. Even if WikiLeaks reveals documents from inside a large American bank, as huge as that could be, it will most likely pale in comparison to what we just found out from the one-time peek we got into the inner-workings of the Federal Reserve. This is the Wall Street equivalent of the Pentagon Papers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Wall Street tried to pull the greatest financial scam in history, selling mortgage-backed securities with mortgages that were already in default, or mortgages re-pledged as collateral to multi0ple investment packages, or in some cases no actual collateral at all. The insiders made billions on the deals.
But as the fraud became known, the banks, pension plans, corporate investment accounts who had bought these investments, all demanded a refund on the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities and the attached credit swaps. The demands were enforced with threat of public exposure or a run on the US financial system as was demonstrated in February 2009, when a massive electronic withdrawal of funds nearly crashed the US banking system; a financial shot across the bow!
So Wall Street started buying back the bad paper, in order to stay out of jail, but money flowed out of the crooked financial instituions faster than Ben Bernanke could print it up. Printing up new dollars simply cheapened all dollars leaving no way to pull ahead of the mounting losses. Because of the massive losses on the mortgage-backed securities buyback, banks hovered at insolvency.
The banks needed new assets to put on the balance sheets, and the US Government provided one by confiscating wealth from the people and giving it to the banks. But whereas Franklin Roosevelt's 1933 gold grab had been open and above-board, the US Government decided that this new wealth-grab had to be more covert in order to prevent a public backlash from a population already angry at high taxes, low services, endless wars, and persistent funding of Israel's war machine.
So the government started offering tax incentives to corporations that encouraged offshoring. The theory was simple. If Americans list the means to pay their mortgages, the banks could grab the homes, some 60 million so far, and put those on the balance sheet to stay solvent! And the best part was that the Americans whose homes were confiscated were fooled into thinking it was their own fault!
I received a lot of email from people who refuse to believe the US Government would ever do such an evil thing, but if allowing banks to take private homes to recapitalize, then you tell me why the Obama administration has continued that Bush-era policy!
Deutsche Bank, a German lender, has sold the Fed more than $290 billion worth of mortgage securities, Fed data through July shows. Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank, sold the Fed more than $287 billion in mortgage bonds.
The data had previously been secret. It was released Wednesday per the recently-enacted law overhauling the federal financial regulation. The Fed, ferociously backed by the Obama administration, fought lawmakers' desire for full disclosure throughout the financial reform debate.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As detailed in "Bankers Gone Wild", mortgages were cranked out by unscrupulous mortgage brokers, then bundled together into mortgage securities, which were in turn re-sold to investors as triple-A investments, even though the bundles included sub-prime mortgages already defaulting as US jobs were shipped overseas.
These mortgage-backed securities are a Wall Street invention! And at first they appeared to be immensely profitable, so not only were US financial corporations, investment houses, and pension funds buying them, but so too were non financial corporations and major foreign banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse.
Worse, we now know that individual mortgages were pledged as collateral to multiple security bundles, which is illegal! This is briefly mentioned at 3:48 in the next video.
What appears to have happened is that the European banks realized that the American investment firms selling those mortgage-backed securities were engaging in fraud! Greenspan has admitted to such.
Obviously, the people of Europe are refusing to be chained to a global bank and seem far more worried about their freedoms than their American counterparts. Yet a quick Google search shows the media encouraging the nations hit with this massive financial fraud to apply to the IMF for more loans, never mentioning that in their indebtedness lies the end of their national sovereignty!
Ultimately the European banks are never going to sit still for fraud, even from Wall Street, and even from the USA! In order to reduce their losses and avoid more IMF entanglements, the European banks demanded a refund on those fraudulent investment packages. No doubt the Wall Street mortgage fraudsters refused, suggesting that the bankers of Europe dump their losses on their populations just as the American banks were being forced to do. That some European banks did so explains why so many European nations are in financial trouble. However, the larger European banks may have decided to "get tough" with the Americans, and this may explain the mysterious electronic run on the US financial system in February 2009, which almost crashed the US economy. Strangely, the American people were never informed who had initiated the financial transfers, even though obviously this information is recorded in the transactions on the computer systems.
This "attack" may have been a warning from the European main banks to the US to make good on the bad investments, or risk full public exposure for the mortgage backed securities fraud!
Soon after, we learned that the Federal Reserve was handing out trillions and trillions of dollars, loans which the American people are expected to repay, only the Federal Reserve refused to say who was getting the money, and even implied that exposure of the recipients of these trillions of dollars might pose a threat to the US economy. Now, nearly two years later, we find out that the Federal Reserve was buying back the mortgage-backed securities from European banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suiss. The reason this was kept secret was that the American people were being told that all these "bailouts" would be repaid, yet common sense tells us that profit cannot be made from an exposed fraud! The Fed could not admit too owning all those mortage-backed securities without being forced to answer the question of just exactly why they were not producing any earnings, with the usual "it was all the borrowers' fault" excuses wearing thin even then! As cash left the nations financial system to cover the repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage backed securities, banks found their balance sheets slipping into the red. The banks were being driven into insolvency making good on the bad paper and this is what triggered the epidemic of fraudulent foreclosures. Banks needed real assets on their balance sheets as quickly as they could to get their balance in the black and their banks out of insolvency. So shortcuts were taken which became known as "foreclosuregate". For some banks, it was too late. Hundreds of banks either dragged down by the fraudulent mortgage securities or made insolvent buying back the bad paper, have been shut down. For other major banks and financial institutions, the tactic worked and they stayed afloat, for which making millions of Americans homeless seemed a small price to pay! Indeed one might explain the hitherto unexplained reluctance by the Federal Government to stem the offshoring of American jobs as a deliberate policy of setting up Americans to lose their homes in order to preserve the capital structure of the banks!
In other words, the American people were looted to make good on the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street not only against American financial institutions, but bankers in the Eurozone as well.
The Wall Street Fraudsters should have gone to jail. But they walk free and clear, saved from the FDIC and prison, heading into a wonderful holiday with record-setting bonuses to spend while ordinary Americans have been made jobless, homeless, and hungry to keep the criminals out of prison.
The Mortgage Backed Securities fraud is the biggest fraud in the history of the United States, and as today's revelations make clear, we still do not know the full scale of the financial rape this nation has suffered.
Bank customers are being crippled by the highest overdraft charges since records began, figures have revealed.
Experts last night condemned the ‘exorbitant’ interest rates forced on those who plunge into the red. Rates for authorised overdrafts – which have been agreed in advance – reached a record of 19.09 per cent in October, according to the Bank of England. It means the typical customer who goes overdrawn is paying a rate 38 times higher than the base rate of 0.5 per cent. If you were overdrawn by £1,000 for a year, the cost would be nearly £200, before any other charges or fees are taken into account.
A printing problem with the new high-tech $100 bills has forced government printers to shut down production - and to quarantine more than one billion of the notes. The flawed notes represent more than ten per cent of the U.S. currently on the entire planet.
Former prisoner and expert on prisoners' affairs Abdulnasser Farwana has said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) was performing more than 5,000 experimental drug tests on Palestinian prisoners per annum. Farwana said in a research paper presented at the Algerian conference for support of Palestinian prisoners that the Israeli health ministry was granting permits to medicine companies to perform those tests on 15% of prisoners. He said that the tests explain the increasing number of prisoners who suffer from various illnesses and the emergence of strange and malignant diseases among the prisoners, which endanger their health.
Webmaster's Commentary: Josef Mengele would have been so proud of this Israeli practice!
After hundreds of hours of observing judicial proceedings and conversations with families and lawyers I believe that what we are confronted with here is the terrible phenomenon of a hunt – there is no other word – a mass hunt of Palestinian children.
The policy of criminalizing thousands of minors and turning some of them into collaborators and incriminators fragments and destroys the next generation. This preliminary treatment "sears the consciousness" of the young generation and conditions them to face adult life under Occupation, not with dignity in their own state.
Residents of the US Gulf Coast say their pleas for help and transparency continue to be ignored by regulators. Webmaster's Commentary: These problems are going continue with these ecosystems, and the medical problems are going to continue for Gulf Coast residents, for generations.
And because of the political coziness between BP and the Obama administration, no real remedies will be found by any of the agencies charged with protecting either people or the enviornment.
A new poll conducted by a myriad of international media outlets, including ABC News, BBC, ARD and the Washington Post showed huge pessimism amongst Afghans, a strong trends moving against support for the US occupation forces and in favor of supporting the insurgency.
The poll shows confidence in the NATO occupation eventually being successful down to only 36 percent, from 48 percent last year, and only 43 percent view the US favorably, the lowest in six years. Webmaster's Commentary:IF true, who in their right mind can blame the Afghan people for feeling this way, considering what a horrific mess the US and NATO have made of the occupation?!?
Here’s more clear evidence that the Carbon Trading industry is doomed. Not only has carbon trading been halted in the USA due to lack of a market and ludicrously low prices of a nickel per ton, now it has been learned that in Denmark, more than 7 billion dollars has been lost due to the faulty system. Next step, Nigerian email system. From Lawrence Solomon at the Financial Post: Scam artists from around the world, capitalizing on lax regulations at the Danish emissions trading registry, have made off with an estimated $7-billion over the last two years, according to Europol.
A numbr of leading rabbis who signed on to a religious ruling to forbid renting homes to gentiles – a move particularly aimed against Arabs – defended their decision on Tuesday with the declaration that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to non-Jews.
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to 21st century Israel; one of the most racist theocracies on the planet!!
On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum of the Office of Naval Intelligence submitted a memo to Navy Captains Walter Anderson and Dudley Knox (whose endorsement is included in the following scans). Captains Anderson and Knox were two of President Roosevelt's most trusted military advisors. The memo, scanned below, detailed an 8 step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the United States. President Roosevelt, over the course of 1941, implemented all 8 of the recommendations contained in the McCollum memo. Following the eighth provocation, Japan attacked. The public was told that it was a complete surprise, an "intelligence failure", and America entered World War Two.
VIDEO - Eric Cantona "We have to change the way we do things nowadays. Talking of revolution, I don't mean we are going to pick up guns and go out to kill people. Revolution is very simple to do nowadays" "What's the system? The system revolves around banks. The system is built on the banks' power. So it can be destroyed by the banks. Instead of having three million people going out to demonstrate with a placard, those three million people go to their bank branch, they withdraw their money and the banks crumble." He directed people: "You go to your bank in your village and you withdraw your money."
On May 31, 1941, at the Keep America Out of War Congress, William Henry Chamberlin gave a dire warning: "A total economic boycott of Japan, the stoppage of oil shipments for instance, would push Japan into the arms of the Axis. Economic war would be a prelude to naval and military war." The worst thing about peace advocates is how many times they turn out to be right.
On July 24, 1941, President Roosevelt remarked, "If we cut the oil off , [the Japanese] probably would have gone down to the Dutch East Indies a year ago, and you would have had a war. It was very essential from our own selfish point of view of defense to prevent a war from starting in the South Pacific. So our foreign policy was trying to stop a war from breaking out there."
Webmaster's Commentary: Roosevelt knew that he could only get the Americans to support the war effort if Japan was seen as the aggressor, and that is precisely how he engineered it economically.
According to one source, Jessica wanted to know if it was possible to force Assange to undergo an HIV test. Sarah, the seasoned feminist warrior, said she was there merely to support Jessica. But she also gave police an account of what had happened between herself and Assange a week before. The female interviewing officer, presumably because of allegations of a sabotaged condom in one case and a refusal to wear one in the ¬second, concluded that both women were victims: that ¬Jessica had been raped, and Sarah subject to sexual molestation
Webmaster's Commentary:
The Assange "rape" issue is just a big SOAP OPERA, based on the HIV/AIDS Hoax and the derivative SAFE SEX campaign, mixed with radical feminism political correctness garbage, in order to keep Assange and WikiLeaks in the public eye and make him seem a sympathetic anti-hero you should all trust to tell you the truth about Iran and Israel.
The Israeli Lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties, and the White House. This kind of talk will get people fired by this lobby, as we have seen recently with White House correspondent Helen Thomas and CNN anchor Rick Sanchez.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested in the U.K. on behalf of Swedish authorities, London Metropolitan Police said in an e-mailed statement today.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The powers that be, or to be more accurate the powers that wish they still were, are desperate to turn Julian Assange into a counter-culture hero, in order to bolster the public image of credibility to sell the pro-Israel and anti-Iran propaganda. This rape charge is a joke when you look at it, certainly nothing that bail should be denied over, especially when one considers that the original prosecutor though the charges lacked merit, and amounted to revenge by two women who wanted a good star-fuck, then got pissed off when Julian moved on. Both women sent SMS and twitter messages bragging of their trysts with Julian, hardly the behavior one sees in true rape victims. One of the women, Anna Ardin, threw a par5ty for Julian after the alleged rape incident, again hardly behavior one would expect in a real rape. Ardin, as it turns out, is a militant feminist who published a blog urging women to get "revenge" on a man, and to make him "suffer."
Clearly a lot of time and money went into creating the Julian Assange myth. That so many people are questioning the veracity of the latest document dumps must have sent a shock wave of panic through the propagandists who still believe the world operates by the rules that applied during the Cold War. Their well crafted ventriloquist dummy is starting to come apart, and this rape arrest is just a desperate attempt to buy some public sympathy for their boy.
Will cutting the payroll tax really help to spur hiring? The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argued in January 2009 that it wouldn't.
Webmaster's Commentary: Cutting taxes across the board and incentivizing companies to build and stay in the US would do a great deal toward reviving the economy. So would stopping the funding for these endless wars. Of course, those steps would be logical.
Last week’s release of 900 pages of U.S. government documents dealing with the implementation of the nation’s primary surveillance law suggests that the government has been systematically violating the privacy rights of U.S. citizens.
How many citizens is unclear, since the documents were extensively redacted. The previously secret internal documents were obtained through a court battle by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Webmaster's Commentary: A government indulging in this kind of behaviour, coupled with the scope the US's domestic spying program, suggests a government absolutely terrified of its own people.
a world away from “Jingle Bell Rock” and Currier & Ives, there is a Dickensian nightmare, where babies are succumbing to the cold, where gruel is being cooked over a fire stoked with garbage, where a father cringes in shame because he cannot even buy his son an apple. Webmaster's Commentary: IF the complete destabilization of Afghanistan, and the complete and utter disruption of the lives of noncombatants, were the objectives here, one can well say, "mission accomplished".
Days after Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) caused an uproar by warning its students against linking to WikiLeaks or discussing the secret-spilling website’s latest cache of diplomatic cables online, the prestigious training ground for future diplomats has changed tack and embraced free speech. Webmaster's Commentary:
This is just more play-acting to try to keep WikiLeaks and Assange looking credible in the public eye.
While climatologists on Earth massaged the data to make it seem like man-made global warming was real, major climate changes were occurring on Mars. During the peak of the global warming debate, the prestigious National Geographic Magazine published a ground-breaking article by Habibullo Abdussamatov in 2007, "Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says."
Editors Note: Please share this with all of your contacts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and more. This needs to go super viral to insure we gain up to date instant intel 24/7. Please get involved, it is now or never! Now more than ever we as Americans need to stand together and have a tight handle on what is really going on. Alternative news websites like & others are a great way to share information and receive intel to stay on top of things.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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