You are not going to believe some of the things that the U.S. government is spending money on. According to a shocking new report, U.S. taxpayer money is being spent to study World of Warcraft, to study how Americans find love on the Internet, and to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam. Not only that, but money from the federal government is also being used to renovate a pizzeria in Iowa and to help a library in Tennessee host video game parties. These are just some of the examples in a new report on government waste from Senator Tom Coburn entitled "Wastebook 2010". Even as tens of millions of American families find themselves suffering through the worst economic downturn in modern history, the U.S. government continues to spend money on some of the craziest and most frivolous things imaginable. Every single year articles are written and news stories are done about the horrific government waste that is taking place and yet every single year it just keeps getting worse. So just what in the world is going on here?
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds joins The Corbett Report to discuss the explosive information she uncovered while working in the FBI translation and how the safeguards that were supposed to be in place to help her blow the whistle were overseen by politicians who themselves had been corrupted.
Remember the buzzword chatter? When our criminal government kept the sheeple on the razor’s edge of fear because they’d say that chatter levels coming from Al-Qaeda were increasing? Well, today, in this article, I’m going to openly fear monger to you, because the chatter by the real terrorists, the ruling elite, is getting louder and more urgent — prompting me to warn you that it seems like a terror attack is coming soon.
Now, basking in the celebrity spotlight from the various leaks of diplomatic communications, Julian Assange and wikileaks has attempted to take credit for things that they had little to do with. In this Video, Mr. Assange takes full credit for the release of “over ten years’ worth of emails.
Wikileaks role in the release of the Climategate files is, to say the least, exaggerated.
Fourteen anti-war activists in Chicago recently felt the cold fingers of government control on Sept. 24 when they were subpoenaed and their homes invaded and property seized by the FBI. These “peace and justice activists, mothers and grandmothers” are under grand jury investigation for allegedly giving “material support” to a foreign terrorist organization.
"Why were these Israeli agents so happy about the horrible massacre that was unfolding right before their very eyes? What evil spirit could possess people who are supposed to be America's "allies", and who receive billions of dollars in financial and military aid from US taxpayers each year , to publicly rejoice as innocent people (including many American jews) were burning to death and jumping out of 110 story buildings? Could it be that these happy Israeli army veterans were in some way linked to this monstrous attack? That’s what officials close to the investigation initially told The Bergen Record newspaper of New Jersey."
The Obama administration on Tuesday imposed new sanctions on Iran, serving notice that it will not ease the pressure on Tehran just because it has begun talking again with the West about its nuclear program.
Amid IDF predictions that the recent round of violence would soon subside rather than escalate into a more intensive conflict, Israel pounded Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip on Tuesday in the most extensive aerial bombardment since Operation Cast Lead two years ago. The aerial strike began in the predawn hours when air force planes bombed eight targets in Gaza in response to the firing of 10 mortar shells a day earlier.
Take a glass Christmas ornament and hurl it against a brick wall. Do you get a round opening in the brick wall the size of the ornament? No, of course not. Neither will an aluminum plane leave a clean outline of itself crashing into concrete. In the case of the plane, there are subassemblies which are heavy and solid, such as the engines, the frames supporting the landing gear, cockpit avionics, the potable water tanks, APU, etc. On impact, these would break loose from the aircraft and continuing forward, produce smaller holes.
This morning was one that Ofcom won't forget in a hurry. Their usually quiet office was transformed! Journalists and photographers, box loads of letters, and one powerful message from all of us: Stop the Murdoch Power Grab.
Together with our friends at Avaaz, we handed in over 60,000 personal messages to Ofcom. You could see how big an effect we were having from the faces of the Ofcom staff - they'd never seen anything like it! As they arrived to work, everybody had to walk past our massive stack of messages, each one telling them to stop Murdoch.
Is Brian Moynihan worried about something (perhaps related to Wikileaks) or is Bank of America just practicing some prudent defensive brand management.
According to Domain Name Wire, the bank recently registered,,, and so that nobody else can get them first. They also registered .net and .org versions.
In an interview, Julian Assange said the data he has on a major bank could make a leader resign, and everyone thinks that's Bank of America, and hence... well you get the picture.
Remember the buzzword, chatter? When our criminal government kept the sheeple on the razor's edge of fear because they'd say that chatter levels coming from Al-Qaeda were increasing? Well, today, in this article, I'm going to openly fear monger to you, because the chatter by the real terrorists, the ruling elite, is getting louder and more urgent -- prompting me to warn you that it seems like a terror attack is coming soon.
North Korea has stepped back from the brink of war and is ready for a new round of regional peace talks, an unofficial US envoy to Pyongyang said today as a sceptical South Korea kept its troops on high alert and lit up a provocative Christmas tree on the border.
Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico, said North Korea has promised to re-admit United Nations nuclear inspectors and to sell its neighbour 12,000 plutonium fuel rods, which would reduce its potential bomb-making stockpile.
Since its creation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Transportation Security Administration has doled out nearly $14 billion to contractors for products and services ranging from telecommunications and computer networking to advanced passenger-screening technology. Here are the top five recipients, listed by the amount of money they contracted with the TSA for over the past nine years, as ranked by
Take a stab at who will eventually be paying for the shortfall. An independent analysis of California’s three big pension funds has found a hidden shortfall of more than half a trillion dollars, several times the amount reported by the funds and more than six times the value of the state’s outstanding bonds.
Recalling the cold-blooded Israeli attack on the US warship the Liberty, Alan Hart considers what nuclear-armed Israel might do if its Moldovan bouncer-cum-foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, got the job he covets most, that of Israeli prime minister.
The Government could have charged Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland an extra £3.9bn to use the Asset Protection Scheme (APS for their toxic debts).
China has made a rare appeal to North Korea to allow international inspections of its nuclear sites amid signs that recent tension on the Korean peninsula might be easing.
HOUSTON—A draft of a soon-to-be-released federal report shows radiation in Houston’s drinking water is much more widespread than city leaders previously disclosed to the public.
KHOU-TV has learned that the United States Geological Survey, which is a part of the U.S. Department of the Interior, met with Houston officials in September to present the preliminary findings of a report they do not plan to publicly release until next month.
Those findings, as summarized in a chart created by the USGS and presented to Houston officials, reveal radiation is present in some amount in nearly every Houston groundwater well the USGS tested this spring.
Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster. Is the economy on the brink of collapse? What can we do as American citizens to prepare our self for the collapse of the dollar? Shepard also covers news including the Christmas time terror rhetoric that is right on schedule. Will their be a terror attack this holiday season?
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