After having cringed through the most recent installment of the Middle East Peace ‘negotiations’, where the Netanyahu government publicly ‘castrated’ US President Barack Obama, the rest of the world appears to have had enough. Incoming US Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), recently promised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he and his fellow Republicans would unite against his own country’s President and vital national security interests, to stand firm with Israel. This appears to have rattled the Obama Administration, who has all but thrown in the towel. This week the State Department announced it was giving up on pressing Israel to slow down its illegal settlement expansion.
Jewish law recognizes the complexity of reality. Hence, rulings are supposed to be based on broad vision rather than a simplistic picture. The rabbis who issue these rulings are supposed to be familiar with the changing times and diverse circumstances. Yet the authors of the document failed to do this.
Lines of people waiting for bread in front of bakeries have started to form around Gaza’s towns and refugee camps. The prices of meat and chicken; already expensive for most of Gaza’s impoverished population, have also started to increase.
America's chief envoy to Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke spoke chilling last words about the nine-year military conflict before his death Monday night. His haunting last words illustrate the depths of doubt among key players over the viability of US-NATO efforts in the war-torn region, which have this year been expressed by the Karzai government, the British government, and aides to former General Stanley McChrystal.
Webmaster's Commentary: The dying have no reason to lie. In court, a deathbed confession is presumed to be the unvarnished truth: such is the case with Richard Holbrooke. These words attested to the reality Holbrooke understood, with a clarity of vision few in the White House can possibly muster; that the war in Afghanistan is unwinnable militarily. The only possible solution is a political rapprochement between the existing, US-installed Karzai government and the Taliban, if that is even possible.
The US needs to get out, and make whatever deal they can with whatever government is left standing, and negotiate with it for the rights to install the pipelines with which to control Eurasian oil, which - beside the vast mineral and opium wealth - was the true reason for invading Afghanistan in the first place.
A video showing a police officer dragging a disabled man across a road after he had been tipped out of his chair during the student protests sparked outrage today. Jody McIntyre, 21, was pulled across the street to the fury of the watching crowd outside Parliament who can be heard shouting 'scum'.
Temperatures will plummet tomorrow and will stay bitterly cold for the next month, forecasters have warned. Severe weather warnings have been issued as the second Big Freeze of the season puts the country on course for a winter even colder than the notoriously treacherous 1962-63.
Although solar cycle 24 began almost 3 years ago (officially on January 4, 2008), the sun continues to be unusually quiet at this point in the solar cycle with predictions of maximal sunspot activity repeatedly adjusted downward. A key indicator of solar magnetic activity, the Ap Index (average planetary magnetic index) has reached the lowest absolute values, lowest 5 year moving average values, and by far the highest number of continuous months ? 10 since record keeping by NOAA began in 1932:
Angry relatives of a man shot to death by police who apparently mistook a pistol-grip water nozzle he held for a gun are lashing out at officers, saying they made no effort to contact him before opening fire.
Webmaster's Commentary: The cops' excuse sets a new low for "Pathetic."
Since September of 2009 we have added a stunning 6,000,000 Americans to the nationwide food assistance program. In fact, even as some are touting how great things are in the last month we added 521,000 more Americans to the food assistance program. Let me reiterate, we added half a million Americans to the food assistance program in the latest month of data. Is this really what we have in mind as a recovery?
The Arab League's Palestine and occupied Arab land sector released a report documenting the rise in restrictions Israel has placed on Palestinian residents of the Jordan Valley in what it called an attempt to pressure the locals before seizing the entire region.
Plans to close down the chain of A.J. Wright retail stores nationwide will cost the jobs of 725 workers for the company in northern Indiana. Documents filed with the state Department of Workforce Development and posted by the state online late Monday confirm that all of the workers in an A.J. Wright warehouse in South Bend will be let go as of Feb. 8...
When a civilization abandons its morality, no rationalization can be devised to justify its continued existence. It is likely that many reasons can be given for this abandonment in the Western world, although I am convinced that one predominates—the expansion of law. Law once governed various kinds of behavior. It has now encroached upon various kinds of speech and is even being applied to the realm of belief.
A late night Sunday telephone call between US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao underscored the mounting tensions between the two countries in the wake of last month’s military clash between North and South Korea. The White House and the Chinese Foreign Ministry each issued one-sided accounts of the telephone conversation, illustrating the deep gulf dividing Washington and Beijing over the crisis on the Korean peninsula.
Webmaster's Commentary: Why are world leaders such assholes?
"Besides, we need to keep setting up Muslim patsies in the press so that people forget it was Israel that actually did attack Americans last May! We cannot let the American people decide for themselves who to hate and fear; that is myjob! I mean, everyone knows that the Bill of Rights must be subordinate to the needs of Israel, right? Right? Right? ... Am I going deaf?" -- Official White Horse Souse
Bloomberg went on to say the Democrats should cease their partisan infighting and begin working on “centrist solutions” for the economy. He suggested Obama needed to broaden his pool of business talent at the White House and should hire hedge fund manager Roger Altman, a former deputy secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration. Which of these ideas is the more insulting I’ll leave up to you, but hasn’t the nation sucked it up enough under the leadership of bipartisan, centrist, triangulating, corporatist Democrats?
John Kaminiski puts it thus: Our enemy is someone who profits from poisons, who has taken the bribe and supports the lies of the predator class that is now strangling the planet with its robberies, its very bad medicine, and its false flag terror. Our enemy is someone who knows exactly who is doing this to us, but won’t say or do anything about it for fear of losing his or her livelihood, bank account, and reputation. This includes all people who use pen names. Our enemy is someone who pretends to be on our side, but you don’t find out that they aren’t until the worst possible time. A lot of internet personalities fit into this category, and sad to say, most of you haven’t figured out who they are.”
“Assange met with Israeli officials in Geneva earlier this year and struck the secret deal. The Israel government, it seems, had somehow found out or expected that the documents to be leaked contained a large number of documents about the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza in 2006 and 2008-9 respectively. These documents, which are said to have originated mainly from the Israeli embassies in Tel Aviv and Beirut, where removed and possibly destroyed by Assange, who is the only person who knows the password that can open these documents, the sources added.”
Have you noticed the latest sound bites coming from the punditry in the corporate mainstream media? Here is the latest wisdom flowing from the lying mouthpieces of the ruling oligarchy (Wall Street, Washington DC, Mega-corporations):
The economy is recovering and employment is growing.
Consumers are deleveraging, saving and using cash for purchases. Retailers are doing fantastic as consumers increase spending. These are the three themes being proclaimed simultaneously by the mainstream media. Every time I hear these themes proclaimed, I want to shout out like Joe Wilson – “YOU LIE!!!” How can consumers be deleveraging, saving and increasing spending at the same time? Let’s examine the facts to see who is lying.
Moody's warned Monday that it could move a step closer to cutting the U.S. AAA rating if President Obama's tax and unemployment benefit package becomes law.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Looks like the US Government has hit the end of the road. Continuing the high rate of taxation will crash the economy, indeed is already crashing it as anyone can see by looking around. But a tax cut will mean a loss of AAA rating, which will make further borrowing by the US Government more difficult and more expensive, crashing the economy.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
And behind it all are billions of people around the world who are sick and tired of being told that they must make do with less so that the bankers can have more.
In futuristic movies like "Aliens 2" and "12 Monkeys," prisoners are bar coded for easy identification. But today's reality is even wilder: Scientists have proposed bar-coding embryos. . .
This weekend we discovered that Gawker Media's servers were compromised, resulting in a security breach at Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Gawker, Jezebel, io9, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Deadspin, and Fleshbot. If you're a commenter on any of our sites, you probably have several questions.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The only reason to steal commenter passwords is if someone were going to mount a major covert propaganda operation by hijacking the identities of known online posters.
Bill Gross, Nouriel Roubini, Laurence Kotlikoff, Steve Keen, Michel Chossudovsky and the Wall Street Journal all say that the U.S. economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. Virtually all independent economists and financial experts say that rampant fraud was largely responsible for the financial crisis. See this and this. But many on Wall Street and in D.C. - and many investors - believe that we should just "go with the flow". They hope that we can restart our economy and make some more money if we just let things continue the way they are. But the assumption that a system built on fraud can continue without crashing is false.
Stockholm bomber al-quaida message came supposedly from this site (Shumukh al-Islam):
Few things to note: - NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF STOCKHOLM ANYWHERE - Several links into Israeli crimes against Palestinians - Last note was posted July 20th 2009 - Last 4 blog posts were discounts and invite to BBQ - Rewiev and link to Obama deception by Alex Jones (they gave 3 stars)
Not very convincing site for a global terrorist organization that can hijack airplanes, bring down pentagon defences and train pilots inside us to fly jets into buildings
Whether the Wikileak media phenomenon has been actually engineered from a cluster of office cubicles in Langley, Virginia or has been corrupted with made-to-order disinformation is still anyone’s guess. One thing that we can say for certain, however, is that the Icelandic “watchdog” digital dumping site is being now used in a cynical ploy by the Establishment. If the only tangible result of the recent Wikileaks hype is that the State will be curtailing internet freedoms and blocking selected websites, then it only validates William Casey’s haunting statement back in 1981.
Who are these "elite", the super-rich, the clowns who thought they could foist a global-warming scare on us all to usher in more international governance as well as a new CO2 cap-n-trade casino? Who cooked up 9/11 to usher in the flagrant overstepping of constitutional bounds by government and law enforcement we see all around us, not to mention the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? And if the architects of 9/11 know the 'War on Terror' is a hoax, what are we still doing in those countries? Who are the crazies who pumped up the US housing market with cheap money and loose lending policies knowing full well that it would end in a catastrophic economic collapse? And if they weren't total idiots and knew this would happen, why did they steer the US down that path?
... Many of the good jobs that these homeless and unemployed Americans used to do are now done on the other side of the world. The ironic thing is that many of the tent cities that have bloomed in communities across the United States are filled with tents that were made in China. Unfortunately, the tent cities that have grown up all over the nation are just a foretaste of what is coming in the future. When the economy really collapses, millions more Americans are going to be living in conditions just like this....
Let’s look at a few things and create a context and then let’s leave it to you to be the judge. We are presently in a state of epidemic corruption of the natural state. We don’t even know what the natural state is anymore. Our world is being gang banged by the most vicious and predatory among us, with the conscious and unconscious assistance of the majority of the population. Imbalance is the direct intent of those who are twisting and morphing living conditions into untenable extremes. Whether they are aware of the effect and wish it so or whether they are just doing their jobs isn’t as important as the fact that it is happening.
It's not just cold. It's cover-your-plants, bring-your-pets-in, stay-off-the-boats, don't-burn-your-house-down cold. Hard freezes are expected this morning and Wednesday as severe cold settles into the Tampa Bay area, dropping temperatures into the 20s and 30s, putting farmers on alert and opening cold weather shelters. Gov. Charlie Crist declared a state of emergency Monday because of the threat to the state's agricultural products.
WASHINGTON (RNS) Attorney General Eric Holder defended the FBI's recent undercover investigation of an Oregon Muslim terror suspect, saying Friday (Dec. 10) that critics who think it was "entrapment" are wrong . . .
Wikileaks is not a typical alternative media initiative. The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel are directly involved in the editing and selection of leaked documents. The London Economist has also played an important role. While the project and its editor Julian Assange reveal a commitment and concern for truth in media, the recent Wikileaks releases of embassy cables have been carefully "redacted" by the mainstream media in liaison with the US government. (See Interview with David E. Sanger, Fresh Air, PBS, December 8, 2010)
This collaboration between Wikileaks and selected mainstream media is not fortuitous; it was part of an agreement between several major US and European newspapers and Wikileaks' editor Julian Assange. The important question is who controls and oversees the selection, distribution and editing of released documents to the broader public?
The heavy snow in Indiana was part of a slow-moving storm that has been crawling across the central United States since Friday night. The storm dumped nearly 2 feet of snow before it moved further east, with snow in parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. The upper Midwest also has been gripped by bone-chilling cold as arctic air swept in behind the storm. Wind chills were well below freezing in many places, and schools in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states shut down because of the snow and cold. Temperatures in some place fell as low as 12F (-11C).
TJX Cos. plans to cut 4,400 jobs as it converts 91 A.J. Wright stores into T.J. Maxx, Marshalls or HomeGoods stores and closes the brand’s remaining 71 locations...
Grocery store chain A&P, which filed for bankruptcy on Sunday, may have to shutter a quarter or more of its stores if it hopes to survive, analysts say. In bankruptcy, the company officially known as The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co GAPTQ.PK will get a chance to perform radical surgery on itself as it faces growing pressure in the low-margin supermarket business...
(NaturalNews) Yesterday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson ruled that a key provision in Obama's health care plan violates the US Constitution. The "minimum essential coverage provision," Judge Hudson ruled, would force American consumers to buy a government-mandated insurance product whether they wish to buy it or not. There is no provision in the US Constitution that grants Congress the power to force consumers to buy into such a monopoly -- the very idea seems ludicrous. But not to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She believes that her power to force Americans to purchase whatever products and services the government wants them to buy is somehow granted by the Constitution.
The Vatican Bank is under new scrutiny in a case involving money-laundering allegations that led police to seize €23m (£19.25m) in September.
The Vatican calls the seizure of assets a "misunderstanding" and expresses optimism it will be quickly cleared up. But fresh court documents show that prosecutors say the Vatican Bank deliberately flouted anti-laundering laws "with the aim of hiding the ownership, destination and origin of the capital". The documents also reveal investigators' suspicions that clergy may have acted as fronts for corrupt businessmen and Mafia.
There’s a lot of rumor, buzz, innuendo, chitchat and scuttlebutt about the precious metals markets these days. Most of the chitchat is about J.P. Morgan and silver. Rumor has it that J.P. Morgan has amassed a whopping short position in silver. The scuttlebutt, according to Scott Rubin of, is that “J.P. Morgan holds a giant short position in silver. Furthermore, some observers are accusing the bank of acting as an agent for the Federal Reserve in the market…I.e., a lower silver price helps maintain the relative appeal of the US dollar…
Selling government debt is a gigantic confidence game. For decades, investors all over the globe have gobbled up massive amounts of U.S. debt at incredibly low interest rates because they believed that it was a certainly that they would be paid back and be able to make a little bit of profit on top of it. Unfortunately, things have changed.
In a rough style, by way of unique footage, the brutal consequences of modern wars are exposed. The film also depicts the ability of women and children to handle their everyday life after a dramatic war experience. Many of them live in tents or in ruins without walls or roofs. They are all in need of money, food, water and electricity. Others have lost family members, or are left with seriously injured children. Can war solve conflicts or create peace? The film follows three children through the war and the period after the ceasefire. And meet the people behind the film.
REYKJAVIK: Icelanders voted Saturday for dozens of ordinary people who will draft a new constitution, amid enduring public anger towards the political elite over the collapse of the country's major banks. Among the 522 candidates competing for the between 25 and 31 seats on the assembly that will draft the new constitution, "there are plumbers, sailors and so on. A lot of people have university degrees, but that is absolutely no requirement", Zophoniasson said. The only conditions were that each candidate had to be over 18 years of age and have at least 30 people nominate them, he explained, adding that people with affiliations to political parties were not in the running.
Okay, first we get hacks of Mastercard and Visa. Then we get a hack of Gawker. Now, McDonalds. How much longer before our leaders institute controls to "protect us"?
Why do governments around the world give WikiLeaks such a huge amount of free marketing and media presence, if they indeed want to keep their little dirty secrets out of the public´s eye? This world is full of smoke and mirrors.
In the latest example that virtually every conspiracy theory is almost always inevitably proven to be fact, the Financial Times reports that JP Morgan, the firm targeted by thousands of "tin foil hat" wearing, conspiratorially-oriented "gold bugs", has cut back on its US silver futures. "JPMorgan has quietly reduced a large position in the US silver futures market which had been at the centre of a controversy about its impact on global prices for the precious metal." And in what can only be considered an unprecedented victory for all those who have over the past year agitated to putting JP Morgan out of business.
Aside from having their ‘little secrets’ exposed, British MPs just as with their compatriots in the diplomatic service have had their way for so long that they look like a force of nature.
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