Gordon Duff: Why Wikileaks Doesn't Add Up
One out of seven news outlets have noticed, thus far, that Wikileaks seems to have a “soft heart” when it comes to Israel and India. Zbigniew Brzezinski caught on, finally, declaring that Wikileaks is an “intelligence operation” using “pointed” information carefully “seeded” into a combination of minor scandals and chickenfeed. There is absolutely no question for the press that Wikileaks is totally phony, we all know it, it is blatantly slanted, clearly not only anti-American but aimed Islam. At the same time, it is trying to be more and more clever about seeming less the Mossad “game theory” construct that we all know it is.
Gasland Trailer
The real tragedy isn't that oil drilling has gotten out of control with regards to safety in this country, the real tragedy is that had we taken the trillions of dollars poured all over Wall Street to allow them to buy back the fraudulent mortage-backed securities and instead invested that cash into research into new energy sources, we would no longer need to drill oil either on land or sea. THAT is the tragedy. The US Government not only looted present-day America to recapitalize the banks, they squandered a potential better future for us all to keep their buddies out of jail.
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