This global-warming/climate-change stuff is a great racket.
Over in England right now, they’re locked in the jaws of a very early freeze-up. The roads are iced, the plows overworked, and people are angry. But there’s a precious subset of the English population that are not enduring the frigid and premature torments of a northern winter. They’re the climate-change activists, bureaucrats, politicians, puppeteers and NGOs — the class of professional alarmists who’ve been banging on about global warming for close on two decades now. This bunch has exempted itself from the rigors of English November, traded their sackcloth and ashes for sun-wear and tropical breezes.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told CBS in an interview to be aired Sunday that he’s not ruling out purchasing more bonds to aid the U.S. economy, the network said in a release Friday. Webmaster's Commentary: This bond purchase will absolutely not "...aid the economy." It is causing - and will continue to cause - massive inflation, and depress the value of the US dollar right into the ground.
Kelli Space, 23, graduated from Northeastern University in 2009 with a bachelor's in sociology — and a whopping $200,000 in student loan debt. Space, who lives with her parents and works full-time, put up a Web site called soliciting donations to help meet her debt obligation, which is $891 a month. That number jumps to $1,600 next November . . .
I think this much is clear: if you had a deadly disease, and the scanner were an FDA-regulated device that might save your life, your doctor wouldn’t be allowed to use it, because of inadequate study.
The dollar tumbled broadly Friday after a November jobs report showed a higher rate of unemployment in the U.S., a sign that the economic recovery is still struggling. Webmaster's Commentary: "Economic recovery"?!? There is no "economic recovery"!!!!
The Jewish National Fund’s objective, however, is not altruistic, but rather to plant a pine or eucalyptus forest on the desert land so that the Bedouins cannot return to their ancestral homes.
For several years, I thought this practice had been discontinued, but thanks to the JNF’s new bedfellows and the generous donation of Rory and Wendy Alec, who established the international evangelical television channel GOD-TV, within the next few months a million saplings will be planted on land belonging to uprooted Bedouins. Webmaster's Commentary: By being complicit in this act of ethnic cleansing against Israel's Bedouins, this group is signaling its support for a brutally apartheid Israel, no matter that what it does in circumstances like this is morally reprehensible. If any of these sponsors from God TV actually understood for a moment what most Israeli politicians, and ordinary Israelis, really thought of them, they would be painfully astonished (I don't know what the Hebrew words would be for "useful idiots", but I imagine it would be pretty darn close).
Helen Thomas doubled down on the controversial comments that led to the end of her long career during a speech yesterday to an Arab-American group in Dearborn, Mich., prompting a fierce condemnation by the Anti-Defamation League. “I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No Americans would tolerate that — white-only roads.” “We are owned by the propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is. ... We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”
Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stationed north and east of Gaza Strip opened machinegun fire at Palestinian citizens at dawn Saturday wounding three of them including two workers who were collecting gravel, medical sources reported. Webmaster's Commentary: So, let me get this straight: the IDF live fired machine gun ammunition on people who were committing the horrendous crime of......gathering gravel?!?!?
This is a reminder if you want to continue using incandescent light bulbs, now is the time to stock up. More nanny-state America is about to descend on us. When first reading World Net Daily's article four years ago, 2014 seemed light years away, if you'll pardon the pun. Now phasing out incandescent bulbs is a few short months from kicking in
Alan Dershowitz, the American Zionist fanatic, is notorious for his brashly racist views about just anything non-Jewish. For example, he is against Muslim immigrants to Europe because their dietary habits don’t suite his taste. He wholeheartedly supports the rampant terror, criminality and vandalism perpetrated by Judeo-Nazi thugs in the West Bank, otherwise known as Jewish settlers, against helpless Palestinian farmers and peasants. Dershowitz is also fully supportive of Israel’s criminal and murderous policies, and practices including raining White phosphorous on Gaza children and dropping 2-3 million cluster bomblets on Lebanon during Israel’s evil aggression against that small country in 2006.
The Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Jewish Relations (CAJR-WA) today called on an Oregon community college to replace a leader of an anti-Jewish hate group who is scheduled to begin teaching a course on Judaism in January.
The Fed is creating money and credit at an annual clip of $1.8 trillion and is going to continue to do so. On top of that they have set interest rates at zero percent and they still cannot create a recovery. Worse they know what they are doing is not going to work. As a result inflation to 6 to 7 percent not the 1.2% government would lead us to believe. When government admits that inflation in the future is 5-1/2%, we can assure you it will really be over 14%. Overall interest rates are negative and being in dollar denominated assets is a losing experience unless you own gold and silver bullion, coins and shares. The only thing that has allowed the dollar to retain value on the USDX is that Europe’s banking system is in a state of collapse. Still, all currencies are falling versus gold. Webmaster's Commentary:
If there is any way for you to acquire physical gold and silver, please do so now.
Washington is proceeding at a breakneck – an alarming – pace with plans to politically and militarily polarize East Asia, using the crisis on the Korean Peninsula to do so. Attempts by China and Russia to defuse the conflict and resume negotiations aimed at its peaceful resolution are being spurned by headstrong and reckless U.S. government and military officials.
Russia and China share borders with North Korea. The U.S. is a continent away. A new conflagration on the peninsula would directly affect the first two nations. America can exploit a renewal of hostilities to reinstall itself in the Asia-Pacific region and use proxies – Japan as much as South Korea – to accomplish that objective.
By the end of December, South Korea plans to hold another round of artillery drills on islands lying in disputed waters, including, dismayingly enough, Yeonpyeong Island. Nothing could be calculated to be more provoking under the circumstances. In preparation for the response to the drills that are expected from North Korea, island defenses are being beefed up. South Korea has added multiple rocket launchers, howitzers, missile systems and advanced precision-guided artillery to the Yeonpyeong arsenal. (14)
Webmaster's Commentary:
Such a military conflict will inevitably pit a nuclear-armed China and a nuclear-armed United States, something US policy makers have to understand in pushing their South Korean client state into a crescendo of hostility against the North.
War with China may sound completely outlandish to the point of insanity at first glance.
But please remember:
1. The US cannot possibly pay back the billions it owes China, and much of the value of that debt is now being debased, courtesy of the Fed's policy of quantitative easing.
2. The US was unsuccessful in getting China to revalue its currency at the last G-20.
3. China and Russia have done away with the dollar all together in bilateral trading.
4. There are those in the bowels of power in DC who actually believe that a new war would be a good thing, because:
A. It might get the US out of its economic doldrums (recessions in the US have historically been "fixed" by this country going to war) and
B. It just might divert the fury of American citizens away from its government, because the outcomes of its domestic and foreign policies have put so many Americans into such a world of financial misery.
(And a memo to Congress, the Pentagon, State Department, and the White House: I wouldn't bet on that last one too heavily, gentlemen and ladies, if I were you!)
Israeli spy Jonathan Jay Pollard has recently obtained the services of Barney Frank and thirty-eight other Democratic congressmen who have signed on to a letter coordinated with a number of Jewish groups. They apparently believe that the poor guy has suffered enough in service to his country, which is of course Israel, making one wonder why American politicians should feel the pain
As Canadian privacy watchdogs tell us, DPI offer ISPs “unparalleled levels of intelligence into subscribers’ online activities.” “To unpack this a little” they aver, “all data traffic that courses across the ‘net is contained in individual packets that have header (i.e. addressing) information and payload (i.e. content) information. We can think of this as the address on a postcard and the written and visual content of a postcard.” All of which is there for the taking, “criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial,” Cryptohippie chillingly informs.
Lebanese general Hicham Jaber, a military expert of international fame confirmed one by one all the facts exposed by Thierry Meyssan. According to Jaber, the shape of the crater leaves no room for doubt: a missile was used to carry out the attack, while the traces of radioactivity deriving from enriched uranium are unequivocal proof that the missile employed coincides with the German weapon evoked by Mr. Meyssan.
Yet despite his overwhelming unreliability, the US diplomats don’t seem to even consider not backing Saleh going forward, and it does seem that if nothing else he can be counted on to lie on behalf of the US and shrug off civilian deaths as no big deal. In the meantime however Saleh seems determined to use the threat of AQAP to extort massive amounts of aid from the US, and to do little to nothing about AQAP. Incredibly enough, the US seems to have figured this out some time ago, and just doesn’t seem to care. Webmaster's Commentary: Ah, but the US does care very much about the country of Yemen, and for two very good reasons.
Secretary of state Hillary Clinton today demanded that Iran accept the new US proposal for a third party enrichment deal, an offer which is said to be a considerably worse version of the deal the US demanded Iran accept last year. Clinton termed it an “offer of friendship.” Such an offer must be difficult to take at face value, however, as Iran actually did accept last year’s proposal after considerable debate, only to have the US renege on the offer and condemn Iran’s acceptance as proof of some sort of trickery.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US and Israel are doing everything within their power to get this deal to fail, as the excuse for a military conflict against Iran, because this is what Israel wants. However, I would like to remind those in the bowels of power in Washington and Tel Aviv, that Russia and China will most probably not sit idly by and let such an attack go forward without joining the fray on the side of Iran.
Nuclear war between Russia, China, and the US, anyone?!?
The Wiki-leaks documents need to be considered in a broader context. By all means, alternative news sites should continue to expose American, British and any another government inequity that the documents reveal. But where is the criticism of the rest of the documents that confirm the standard Israeli/American narrative - that Iran poses 'an existentialist threat' to Israel and to 'moderate' Arab states? Does anyone care that these documents clearly support US and Israeli war-mongering? Does anyone else find that to be astonishing? Where is the critical thought?
But the war is being won, at least according to President Obama, and despite all of the clear evidence to the contrary. His high profile visit comes in the wake of the deadliest November on record and ahead of a promised “policy review.” Don’t expect the review to actually change anything though. Despite record death tolls among US forces and a recent Pentagon report to Congress conceding that the Taliban is still doing fine, President Obama promised on the flight in that the December “review” won’t lead to any changes in war policy. Webmaster's Commentary: The soldiers Obama was addressing in this speech know better: and to make such a statement about the "war being won" and "progress" being made belies desperation on the cusp of madness on the part of Obama.
More than two million jobless Americans are entering the holiday season seized with varying levels of foreboding, worry or even panic over what lies ahead as they cope with the expected cutoff of their unemployment benefits.
By the end of December, more than two million are set to lose their extended benefits, according to estimates by the National Employment Law Project, and about a million more by the end of January. Webmaster's Commentary: Many of these people are not jobless because they are not skilled and able to work: they are jobless because their jobs were offshored, and the offshoring of American jobs continues briskly under Obama's watch.
Jobless and without benefits, many of these people will now become homeless; If they legitimately qualified for a mortgage, and they cannot pay their mortgages now, or their property taxes, their homes will be seized by the banks and the states. Homeless families mean homeless children. And in many states, a homeless kid cannot be registered for school, which means that not only is their access to public education cut off, but also their access to at least one nourishing hot meal a day is cut off. Welcome to Ameristan, courtesy of the last, and current, administrations!!
A total of 64 people suffered from hyperthermia and frost bites amid harsh frosts in Moscow from November 28 to December 1, the Moscow government information centre reported with the reference to the Moscow health department on Friday.
The American investment bank JP Morgan is the mystery trader that grabbed more than half the copper on the London Metal Exchange, The Daily Telegraph has learned. Webmaster's Commentary:
WTF? JP Morgan cannot cover their silver shorts and they are out there trying to corner copper?
A Brooklyn rabbi was charged yesterday in the contract killing of a former suburban police officer and his nephew, authorities said. Victor Koltun, 41 -- whose rap sheet includes mortgage-fraud allegations -- is accused of hiring two ex-cons to kill Frank Piscopo, 49, and Gerald Piscopo, 28, in Newburgh, Orange County. Both Piscopos were found dead Nov. 4. Webmaster's Commentary:
Posted for those who claim I only pick on the Catholics, although I will grant you, this is a bit more serious than diddling the altar boys! Mortgage-fraud? HORRORS! HORRORS!!!! :)
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward." —- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
BRITAIN was running out of food last night as the big freeze paralysed the transport network. Fuel supplies were also at risk after a surge in demand for gas and petrol drained reserves to critically low levels. Transport Secretary Philip Hammond, the Government’s snow supremo, was urged to get a grip on the crisis as heavy snowfalls and plunging temperatures grounded flights and halted delivery lorries. Webmaster's Commentary:
This is the dark side of the Global Warming Cult (aka the Carbonazis) and their claims that Earth is getting warmer. Towns and counties, indeed entire nations, used the claims of a warmer Earth to justify cutting back on winter preparations, to save money in these financially difficult time.
So, the warmistas were wrong, yet another harsh winter is setting in, and all those local politicians who trusted the Carbonazis and their Fuhrer Al Gore are in serious trouble.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to add the Internet to its portfolio of regulated industries. The agency’s chairman, Julius Genachowski, announced Wednesday that he circulated draft rules he says will “preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet.” No statement could better reflect the gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama administration policies.
Talk about psyops. If you can’t get the people to eat your dangerous, unwanted frankenfoods, just lie and say the Pope approves it. On November 30, the magazine, New Scientist, published “Vatican scientists urge support for engineered crops,” which the Vatican immediately denied.
“The Vatican did not endorse an 11-page final statement in favor of easing restrictions on and allowing more widespread use of genetically modified crops, especially in poorer nations,” a Vatican official said in a statement published by Catholic News Service. In fact, “the Vatican has never taken a formal position supporting or opposing genetically modified foods,” reported CNS.
By 2040, the world's urban population is expected to have grown from 3.5bn to 5.6bn. The new report calls for a radical re-engineering of cities' infrastructure to cope. "The future is going to look pretty urban ... with more and more people shifting to cities to the point that, by 2040, we're going to have two thirds of all the people in the world living in cities," said Ivana Gazibara, senior strategic adviser at Forum for the Future and an author of the report, Megacities on the Move.
Future historians will no doubt argue over the precise moment when the Arab-Israeli peace process died, when the last glimmer of hope for a two-state solution was irrevocably extinguished. When all is said and done, and the forensics have been completed, I am sure they will conclude that the last realistic prospect for an agreement expired quite some time before now, even if all the players do not quite realise it yet: anger and denial are always the first stages in the grieving process; acceptance of reality only comes later. There are growing signs, however, that the realisation is beginning to dawn in Ramallah, Tel Aviv and, most strikingly, Washington, that the peace process, as currently conceived, may finally be dead.
This campaign has 100% chance of working; it falls into the category of a self-fulfilling prophecy. As more individuals buy silver and gold, all attempts to replenish the system with more paper money will only cause the purchasing power of the silver and gold to increase – thus prompting more people to buy more. Any attempts to bail out JP Morgan would have the same effect. If the US Fed was to flood the system with bailout money for JP Morgan to cover their silver short position (as they did after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management), more inflation will ensue and the price of silver and gold will rise more, triggering more purchases. A virtuous circle is born.
The scope and scale of WikiLeaks is a marvel to behold. Some praise it as the ultimate form of democracy. Others as the epitome of the most sacred of liberty's principles: the right to know.
Yet the real story here is not what's revealed but what's withheld. The marvel is not what we now know but what is already known that is left unsaid. And what's given an interpretive spin by those newspapers granted priority access. The facts suggest that WikiLeaks is less about the right to know than the right to deceive. Take for example the release of diplomatic cables on the August 2008 war between Georgia and Russia and the interpretative gloss given by The New York Times.
What are organized crime figures doing showing up at a "security-related convention" in Las Vegas? Well, it seems Mr. Zvika Ben Shabat is the President of "H.A.Sh Security Group," an Israeli company that offers security services worldwide. Indeed, they just signed an agreement to start a joint venture with India's giant Micro-Technologies, a company which is described as follows: Ominously, the cable goes on to bemoan the fact that Israeli organized crime figures are no longer automatically prevented from entering the US due to a change in the rules.
The U.S. is under attack by an enemy within. Skilled at game theory warfare, this foe targets the most sensitive realm of U.S. national security: its relations with other nations.
The online publication of a quarter-million documents chronicling diplomatic exchanges is notable both for what’s omitted and what’s included. To determine whether this latest release was a form of espionage, analysts need only examine how this treasure trove of trivia was peppered with documents certain to damage U.S. relations. To identify its origins, analysts must answer a key question: Cui Bono? To whose benefit? One clue: the release of degrading and insulting language about Turkish leaders soon after they insisted in late October that the U.S. no longer share Turkish intelligence with Tel Aviv.
*Deliberate provocation by the US *US trying to line up all the countries in the region (Japan, South Korea) *To open up a cold war on China. *Destabilise North Korea
*Very Dangerous and won't succeed. *US is an empire attempting to use Naval power. *Unlikely that China will back down to this kind of threat.
For those of us that can only peek inside the traditions of indigenous people, we are fascinated and intrigued by their ancient ways. If this calls to your inner soul for something more, consider the following:
What if…
… Someone Attempted To Erase Your God … Your Religion Became Illegal … Your Beliefs Vanished … Your Rituals Died With You … Everything You Know Was Forgotten … Your Voice Was No Longer Heard … Your Culture Became Extinct
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) breaks down the official proposal of the Deficit Commission and concludes that it helps the rich and corporations while screwing the average middle class American. All news and commentary taken from Mike Rivero's,
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