Double Dip In Housing Largely Caused By Failure to Prosecute Mortgage Fraud
What is clear is that what [Bank of America, Wells Fargo and other big banks] were doing was illegal and at least technically constituted fraud and misrepresentation to the courts. There should be more than a handful of bankers who end up with long terms in prison as a result. Just because there should, however, does not mean that there will be. White-collar crime is simply not taken seriously in this country relative to blue collar or street crime, even though the amount stolen with a pen far exceeds the amount stolen with a gun.
For Liberty!!!! Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver
Rangel lashes out: I don't deal in average American Citizens
No Wonder the Fed Fears Ron Paul
Banksters Seek To Block Ron Paul
Here’s what Boehner, Cantor, Bernanke, BofA, Citi, Goldman, Morgan, etc. do not realize. They cannot hurt Ron Paul. For if they deny him the chairmanship, which Gingrich and other corruptionists have done three times before—breaking their own rules—they will raise Ron Paul to new heights of influence.
Helen Thomas says Zionists control U.S. foreign policy
“Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion,” she said. “They put their money where their mouth is. We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”
FBI investigated mortgage fraud in 2006
... and like the SEC with Bernie Madoff, did nothing about it until it was too late! 1. There was massive fraud, even Greenspan admits it. 2.The US financial system was forced to buy back all those fraudulent mortgage backed securities. 3. To cover the losses and remain solvent, the bankers started a firestorm of foreclosures to add those seized (confiscated) assets to their balance sheets. 4. In order to enable the banks to confiscate private homes, the Obama administration continued the policy of tax incentives that encouraged offshoring of high paying American jobs started by President Bush, thereby removing American's ability to make their mortgage payments. This is wealth confiscation just as onerous as Roosevelt's 1933 grab of American's gold, only done in a way where the media can trick Americans into thinking it is their own fault. The government took your jobs, so the banks could take your homes, to cover for the massive mortgage-backed securities fraud.
Replay of the Justin TV feed from yesterday's show, (and yes I know it is a crappy video feed, suggestions for a new TV provider welcome).
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