South Korea will conduct live-fire drills at sea on Monday, The latest in a series of military exercises taking place against a backdrop of heightened tension with North Korea, a military official said on Sunday.
WASHINGTON — South Korea is losing patience with North Korea and probably will take military action, former national intelligence director Dennis Blair said Sunday . . .
Over the last few weeks there’s been an increasing chatter on the internet and in the news media about the precious metals markets. Most of the talk has been about J.P. Morgan and their manipulation of the price of silver...
The 'terrorist' explosion in Sweden, on 11 December 2010, was presumably the work of the military, using some brainwashed patsy.The Swedish media reported on 12 December 2010:
The Bush dictatorship just got its green light for army law. The Military Commissions Act sets up military tribunals to kill the enemies of Zion. We won’t have roadblocks right away but they’re coming. Have you flown lately? Militarized police will be setting up checkpoints where we’ll have to stop on our way to Safeway so they can check our travel papers. Not this year, maybe not next year. But that’s what’s coming. They’ll be looking for terrorists. Since I’m considered a terrorist, they’ll be looking for me. You, too, since you’re reading this. They’ll be looking for us all but they can’t get us all. If we handle this right, they won’t get any of us.
In trying to speed up the page loads for WRH on the new server, I noticed that on some browsers such as Firefox, the browser hangs with a message "waiting for" or some variant thereof.
As it turns out, this is not a problem with WRH or our server, but apparently YouTube's image server that delivers the still images for embedded videos has a "known issue" that causes slow downloads and even hangs for certain browsers on Windows. Apparently, YouTube is not in a hurry to fix this.
The quick workaround is to add the following line to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
If you do NOT know what you are doing, refer this to a technically competent friend.
Supposedly this will improve the load times from YouTube, although the speedup seems to be minimal. In true American corporate form, YouTube and Firefox are each demanding that the other fix the problem from their end, which is another good reason to switch to Chrome.
Another rough year in housing: The number of foreclosures is expected by many to increase in 2011 as more troubled mortgages work their way through the pipeline.
[sun1212mw] Tom Bloom Next year could very well be a peak year for foreclosures, says Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for foreclosure properties. The market is expected to tally about 1.2 million bank repossessions in 2010, up from 900,000 in 2009, he says. "We expect we will top both of those numbers in 2011."
Webmaster's Commentary: How those in Washington can possibly use the words "economy recovery", looking at projected numbers like this, boggles the imagination.
Obama's capitulation to Republicans on Bush era tax cuts and other lavish benefit extensions to wealthy Americans earning over $250,000 annually is the latest example of American Aristocracy's power over Congress, the courts, and president under both parties. Obama serves them loyally, sacrificing working class needs for society's rich while assuring unrestrained corporate profit-making. Feigning concern for American workers, Obama spoke of "tough secure our future and our children's future and our grandchildren's future" by class warfare against middle and low income people he disdains.
When Samuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Safed, issued an edict in October calling on Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to non-Jews many dismissed him as a lone fanatic. Today, according to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, more than 300 rabbis across Israel have signed a letter backing the ruling. It seems clear, therefore, that Rabbi Eliyahu's thinking is not that of the lunatic fringe but represents a growing mainstream trend in Israel.
Webmaster's Commentary: A racist, self-proclaimed theocracy, armed with nuclear weapons, is a dangerous situation not only for the Middle East, but also for the entire world.
International Human Rights Day became a savage irony yesterday in Palestine as peaceful protestors were tear-gassed, shot with rubber-coated steel bullets and arrested for their efforts.
The weekly peaceful protests held throughout Palestine yesterday saw a high turnout of international demonstrators in celebration of International Human Rights Day.
The increased international support did little to deter the Israeli soldiers from using exceptional amounts of tear-gas to disperse the crowds, in addition to the use of rubber bullets and sound grenades, with two activists arrested in Bi’lin, and one in Beit Ma’asara.
An activist who witnessed the violence told us, "the Israelis fired tear gas before the peaceful demonstration ever reached the wall… it was crazy."
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to "International Human Rights Day", Israeli style!
The Court distinguishes what it refers to as "independent advocacy," which it finds is not prohibited by the statute, from "advocacy performed in coordination with, or at the direction of, a foreign terrorist organization," which is, for the first time, found to be a crime under the statute. The exact line demarcating where independent advocacy becomes impermissible coordination is left open and vague. Seizing on this overbroad definition of "material support," the US government is now moving in on political groups and activists who are clearly exercising fundamental First Amendment rights by vocally opposing the government's branding of foreign liberation movements as terrorist and supporting their struggles against US-backed repressive regimes and illegal occupations.
Webmaster's Commentary: This decision by the Supreme Court sets up a mechanism for punishing all logical, peaceful dissent in this country as "material support" for "terrorists." In arriving at this decision, the Supreme Court has, for all practical intents and purposes, nullified the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.This is a truly terrifying precedent, and tears at the very fabric of what it means to be an American. I am a peaceful, logical human being; as a published sacred choral composer, and the most radical thing I ever do is require that a singer sing the interval of an augmented 4th! But I have watched this government over decades declare other countries as their manufactured villains for certain industries' financial gain, or to achieve a certain geopolitical outcomes. I have watched the outcomes of such actions in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and that is to say, I have watched this government put its citizens and its military in harm's way when there were other, very viable options which didn't require the firing of a single shot. In war, the only people generally "winning" are the bankers, for whom debt is created by the borrowing from all sides, and the defense contractors. Therefore, I will continue to peacefully protest any actions taken this government which I believe to be detrimental to We the People: it is my responsibility, as an American citizen, to do this.
The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan. On core issues, Democrats are no different from Republicans. Expect more bluster before caving like Obama, enacting his deal with the devil worth up to $1 trillion dollars. The lion's share goes to corporations and America's wealthy, middle and low income workers getting crumbs. The fix is in. It'll happen, promoted as stimulus to create jobs and revive economic growth. Not so.
Obama’s Orwellian embrace of all things corporate and politically rightward has been deliberate, forceful and consistent throughout his career; not the product of cowardice, weakness, incompetence, naïve idealism, or bad timing. This is Barack Obama, as he has always been: a servile facilitator and protector of the political establishment; an insidious capitulator and “consensus man”; a sellout who piously sits back and lets others fight (while railing against their “bickering”), and then accepts whatever deal is politically expedient ---no matter what morals or principles he violates, no matter who or what he betrays. To the pious, sanctimonious and self-serving Obama, it is wrong to be a “purist”, but good to be “impure”; a muddler. A sellout.
Webmaster's Commentary: This is why the Obama Administration's policies have seemed so like those of his predecessor; it is because they are absolutely identical to those of Bush.
Under the watch of this President, the man who, during his taking of the Oath of Office, pledged to defend, uphold, and protect the Constitution, we have seen the Constitution and Bill of Rights completely eviscerated, and vanish from both the political and legal landscape.
The USBTypewriter™ is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence. Lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer, such as a PC, Mac, or even iPad!
Since the invasion of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan war has spread from Central Asia to the Middle East, Pakistan, the Caucasus, and East Africa. What is looming in the horizon? Is the “Global War on Terror” another name for the “Great Game?”
The “Great Game” for control of all Eurasia, from Eastern Europe and the Middle East to Central Asia, is underway. International tensions are building. In Eurasia and worldwide there is geo-political rivalry between a U.S. led military alliance and bloc and a Russian-Chinese-Iranian counter-alliance.
Webmaster's Commentary: One entity not mentioned by the author, but very deeply involved in this process on the side of the US, is NATO. As reported on 10 December 2010 at:
"The NATO summit held in Lisbon on November 19 and 20 resulted in a number of important commitments to refashioning the alliance for the 21st century. Although only time will tell whether financial and political muscle will be put behind the pledges agreed to in Portugal, President Barack Obama secured a number of important gains for U.S. interests. The alliance adopted a new Strategic Concept—the first of the millennium—and the document encapsulates the essence of a modern, forward-looking alliance. Missile defense was made a key competency of the alliance, and other asymmetric threats such as cyber-attacks and terrorism were given greater emphasis"
"The new Strategic Concept also confirms that as long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance."
The “commercialization” of space puts the U.S. military — one of the biggest space customers and a close partner with NASA — in an awkward position, according to Eric Sterner, a space expert with the Marshall Institute. “Changes in the nature of the launch industry will present policymakers with new dilemmas when it comes to ensuring military access to space.” The introduction of a new rocket could prove to be a “double-edged sword,” Sterner added. Falcon could “represent a new capability which the [Department of Defense] might be able to use as well.” Indeed, the Air Force helped support this week’s Falcon launch, and the Army used the new rocket’s second stage to put into orbit a new “nano-satellite” designed to relay data from robotic sensors on the ground.
When it comes to finding ways to reduce the U.S. deficit, everything is on the table with one exception–more aid to Israel. And by the way, the following story can only be found in the two Israeli newspapers, Haaretz or the Jerusalem Post. I guess the American media have been ordered to keep this story silent as to not anger Americans who have to sacrifice with this budget deficit. Webmaster's Commentary:
... as they gaze wistfully at their former homes confiscated by the bankers to cover the mortgage-backed securities fraud, while freezing to death in the record winter Al Gore and the carbonazis insisted was a thing of the past.
...detection of contraband can be foiled in these systems. Because front and back views are obtained, low Z materials can only be reliable detected if they are packed outside the sides of the body or with hard edges, while high Z materials are well seen when placed in front or back of the body, but not to the sides. Even if exposure were to be increased significantly, normal anatomy would make a dangerous amount of plastic explosive with tapered edges difficult if not impossible to detect.
The book's stark – and inevitably highly political – conclusion is contrary to the view that "Israel is withdrawing from the Palestinian Territories slowly and with the appropriate caution and security". The IDF soldiers quoted "describe an indefatigable attempt to tighten Israel's hold on the territories, as well as on the Palestinian population".
Webmaster's Commentary:
After the terrible events Germany's Jews experienced at the hands of Hitler and the 3rd Reich, one might imagine that Israel's founders - and their descendants - would be the worlds' poster children for responsible, moral behavior and tolerance.
Unfortunately, what has evolved here is the absolute antithesis of those values. We see ghastly brutality against Palestinians; the siege of Gaza continuing;the denial of desperately needed medical care to Palestinians, and Rabbis making statements about it being perfectly fine to kill non-Jewish children under some circumstances.
What Israel has become, in the 21st century, is a racist, apartheid theocracy with nuclear weapons; and this is a really dangerous development, not only for Israel, but also for the world.
Speaking to reporters recently, State Dept. Assistant Secretary Philip Rowley said that the United States does not consider WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be a "journalist" or "whistleblower." He insisted that, under US law, he's to be considered a "political actor."
His criteria for reclassifying someone from protected "journalist" to a legally vulnerable "political actor": "Mr. Assange obviously has a particular political objective behind his activities, and I think that, among other things, disqualifies him as being considered a journalist," Crowley said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That also applies to ABCNNBBCBSFOX! The US State Department has just used WikiLeaks to suspend the First Amendment right to freedom of the press. This strikes at the very heart of the Bill of Rights since it is specifically political speech that the First Amendment is intended to protect!
At a Senate Budget Committee hearing in 2009, I asked Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to tell the American people the names of the financial institutions that received an unprecedented backdoor bailout from the Federal Reserve, how much they received, and the exact terms of this assistance. He refused. A year and a half later, as a result of an amendment that I was able to include in the Wall Street reform bill, we have begun to lift the veil of secrecy at the Fed, and the American people now have this information.It is unfortunate that it took this long, and it is a shame that the biggest banks in America and Mr. Bernanke fought to keep this secret from the American public every step of the way. Webmaster's Commentary:
The reason the banks fought it every step of the way is that what they did with all that money is buy back the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities Wall Street was peddling around the globe for the last 8 years, in order to keep the Wall Street scammers out of prison, while sticking the American people with the losses!
At least 2100 civilians were killed and various others injured during 2009 in the ongoing war on terror, drone attacks and activities against the terrorists, according to a report released by a US non-government organisation. According to the report by Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC), the bereaved families of these people have been left helpless without any proper succor provided to them. The civilian casualties, the group warns, will have substantial humanitarian and security consequences, causing the Pakistani government to lose its credibility.
Webmaster's Commentary: If the complete destabilization of Pakistan was the US and NATO's design intent, one can well say, "mission accomplished" here. But these drone strikes do nothing to really address the core incompetency of the Pakistani government in terms of providing transparency, getting rid of corruption, and providing the infrastructure necessary for people to move from surviving to thriving.
Unless and until those steps are taken, insurgency - for those who have nothing left to lose - begins to look very attractive. The Pakistani people thoroughly understand that the country's leadership has been well and truly bought off by the US to look the other way while innocent Pakistanis are murdered. As to what form this outrage will finally take is uncertain, but Pakistan has had a long history of military coups.
But one this is certain; whatever truly representative government there is which takes over from that of Zardari will be no friend of the US or NATO, and may well demand that they leave Pakistan immediately and completely
Elsewhere in Israel, rain and hail pounded the country while strong winds toppled trees and traffic lights, flooding streets and knocking out electricity to hundreds of homes. Local media reported that a pier at the ancient port city of Caesarea collapsed, a breakfront at another beach cracked and towering waves washed over the shore of Eilat, a Red Sea port city. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said northern Israel was hit hardest by the storm, and that extra police patrols were dispatched to divert traffic because of downed trees. Two police officers were lightly injured when a tree fell on their patrol car, Rosenfeld said. Webmaster's Commentary:
God not so happy with his chosen people, it would seem! In the aftermath of the Carmel fire in the same region, all this rain could trigger mudslides!
After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly declassified documents.
Ronit Sela, a spokeswoman for ACRI, said her organisation had been "shocked" at the large number of children arrested in East Jerusalem in recent months, often by units of undercover policemen. "We have heard many testimonies from children who describe terrifying experiences of violence during both their arrest and their later interrogation," she said.
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to the "new normal" for Palestinian children!
Israel's leader dismissed on Sunday a top ally's call to share the holy city of Jerusalem with the Palestinians, another reminder of the challenges the U.S. faces as it shifts gears on its troubled Mideast peacemaking strategy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reaffirmation of his intention to hold on to east Jerusalem was liable to escalate friction between the two sides and with the Americans. The White House Mideast envoy is scheduled to arrive this week in another attempt to push peace efforts forward.
Webmaster's Commentary: Israel does not want peace; should that have really been the case, it could have been accomplished decades ago. They refuse to define their boundaries, and why?!? Because Israel wants territory over peace, and by any means necessary. And that line about the US's "...troubled peacemaking strategy"?!? There is no workable strategy here, because of Israeli intransigence. The only thing Israel would understand would be a complete stoppage of military and financial aid from the US, and the complete disintegration of the Israeli military from that of the US. Of course, that will happen when pigs fly, given that every dime of US aid given to Israel has been illegal since the passage of the Symington Amendment, which forbids the giving of aid to any country which has nuclear weapons, but refuses to become signatory to the NNPT. George Mitchell should save his frequent flyer miles for other missions, because this one... is mission impossible. Even if Abbas declares Palestine a nation, what we will see here is a briskly accelerated Israeli policy of forced expulsions from East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and the only place Palestinians may have left where they are "allowed" to exist will be Gaza.
This latest false flag event in Stockholm has all the hallmarks of a MOSSAD hit! Note that in recent months, mass demonstrations have been held in Stockholm against Israeli atrocities, particularly the Freedom Flotilla murder on the high seas. In any crime, those who have motive are the most likely suspects. It is evident that Israel is far more likely to gain from this event. The purpose is to neutralize anti-Israel sentiment and turn the wrath of the Northern European people against the Islamic community. Isn’t it convenient that the lone bombing suspect died in the explosion?
Israel's leader dismissed on Sunday a top ally's call to share the holy city of Jerusalem with the Palestinians, another reminder of the challenges the U.S. faces as it shifts gears on its troubled Mideast peacemaking strategy. Webmaster's Commentary:
United Nations Resolution regarding Jerusalem
Resolution 127: " ... 'recommends' Israel suspends its 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem".
Resolution 250: " ... 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem".
Resolution 251: " ... 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250".
Resolution 252: " ... 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital".
Resolution 267: " ... 'censures' Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem".
Resolution 271: " ... 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem".
Resolution 298: " ... 'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem".
Resolution 446 (1979): 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
Resolution 452: " ... 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories".
Resolution 465: " ... 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel's settlements program".
Resolution 471: " ... 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
Resolution 476: " ... 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void'".
Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'. Resolution 673: " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.
It was good to see the Duke and Duchess of Excess, shocked and shaken by the proximity of possibility, which is right up ahead but due to royal myopia, Charles and Chlamydia can’t see shit, otherwise the mirror would have clued them to their pretensions a long time ago.
In 1956, Britain , France and Israel colluded to invade Egypt to overthrow its hugely popular nationalist leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser. US President Dwight Eisenhower deemed the tripartite Suez aggression immoral and damaging to American interests in the Muslim world. “Ike” ordered the British, French and Israelis to get out of Egypt at once – or else. They got out.
Webmaster's Commentary:
No government can serve two masters. A government that serves Israel cannot serve America!
Asked whether parents across America might view these programs as intrusions into their relationship with their children, Napolitano smiled broadly. “No, no. Not in America. If there’s one thing you can count on about Americans — whether they’re liberals or conservatives — it’s that they understand that the government knows what’s best for their kids. And now TSA agents have a shot at using their few special minutes with kids to teach them what it means to be a good American: unquestioning compliance.“
I have often written about the common denominator of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, that being a Man we refer to as Abraham our Father. In today’s conflicts in the Middle East one often hears the question “What would Jesus do”? We never hear anyone ask What would Abraham do? There might be a good reason for that, if we do ask that the answer could put an end to the hatred and violence that has become a way of life in much of the Middle East.
Five senators sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama Monday warning the administration not to offer concessions in upcoming talks with Iran over its nuclear programme. If Obama takes the advice, experts say, it could sink his engagement efforts with Tehran. Webmaster's Commentary:
If Obama takes the advice, he violates the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which both the United States and Iran have signed, which not only gives Iran the right to enrichment for peaceful purposes but under Article IV obligates the United States to assist them. Senators Jon Kyl, Mark Kirk, Kirsten Gillibrand, Robert Casey, Joe Lieberman, and John McCain, apparently do not consider violating existing treaties as too high a price to pay to serve their Israeli masters. And, of course, it should be remembered that it was not Iran that hijacked a US-flagged ship, kidnapped US aid workers, and murdered one in cold blood in international waters last May! No government can serve two masters, and we now know which master Senators Jon Kyl, Mark Kirk, Kirsten Gillibrand, Robert Casey, Joe Lieberman, and John McCain serve!
“Scams die hard, but eventually they die, and when they do, nobody wants to get close to the corpse,” noted Washington Times editor emeritus Wesley Pruden in an opinion piece released last week. “The global-warming caravan has moved on, bound for a destination in oblivion.”
One scientist who, as scientists are wont, felt “very certain” his theories were correct. That’s all the evidence Wirth needed. And the rest, as they say, is history. Hansen’s testimony was a turning point - after which the mainstream media, the environmental lobby, and much of the known world became critically concerned about climate change. Which brings us to the crux of the matter: If Hansen’s scientific arguments were so convincing, if his evidence was so cut-and-dried, so “beyond debate,” why did Wirth stoop to political theatre, to “stagecraft” – as a television journalist charitably terms it?
Lester is the executive director of the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission that operates the stadium. He says the dome suffered damage to two of its triangle-shaped Teflon panels and that his crew is still assessing the situation. The stadium opened in 1982. The Twin Cities area received 15 or more inches of snow on Saturday. Webmaster's Commentary:
US Treasuries last week suffered their biggest two-day sell-off since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. The borrowing costs of the government of the world’s largest economy have now risen by a quarter over the past four weeks.
Liam Halligan Telegraph
Such a sharp rise in US benchmark market interest rates matters a lot – and it matters way beyond America. The US government is now servicing $13.8 trillion (£8.7 trillion) in declared liabilities – making it, by a long way, the world’s largest debtor. Around $414bn of US taxpayers’ money went on sovereign interest payments last year – around 4.5 times the budget of America’s Department of Education.
When former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura asks Homeland Security spokesman, Lance Clem, who in the Federal Government oversees the network of government funded "fusion centers," his answer is "no one." It is more than likely that corporations like the war profiteering Halliburton, slave running DynCorp and other globalist multi-nationals "oversee" and run them, as turned out to be the case in Pennsylvania when a private US-Israeli firm was caught profiling activists . . .
After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly declassified documents . . .
A top Afghan drug lord jailed in the United States since 2008 has been a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) informant for years, The New York Times reports.
This week, Senators Joe Lieberman and Dianne Feinstein engaged in acts of serious aggression against their own constituents, and the American people in general. They both invoked the 1917 Espionage Act and urged its use in going after Julian Assange. For good measure, Lieberman extended his invocation of the Espionage Act to include a call to use it to investigate the New York Times, which published WikiLeaks' diplomatic cables. Reports yesterday suggest that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder may seek to invoke the Espionage Act against Assange.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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