The United States is rapidly becoming the very first "post-industrial" nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial revolution. It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Tens of thousands of factories have left the United States in the past decade alone. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost in the same time period. The United States has become a nation that consumes everything in sight and yet produces increasingly little. Do you know what our biggest export is today? Waste paper. Yes, trash is the number one thing that we ship out to the rest of the world as we voraciously blow our money on whatever the rest of the world wants to sell to us. The United States has become bloated and spoiled and our economy is now just a shadow of what it once was. Once upon a time America could literally outproduce the rest of the world combined. Today that is no longer true, but Americans sure do consume more than anyone else in the world. If the deindustrialization of America continues at this current pace, what possible kind of a future are we going to be leaving to our children?
With a new leader, the Israeli intelligence agency is looking for new recruits. In the past few days more than 20 new available posts were published in its website. Among them, are field agents, intelligence officers and computer experts. The new Head of Mossad, Tamir Pardo, was received a special assignment – to freshen up the rows of the agency. He should be able to change the traditional methods into a more modern and creative.
Stuart Littlewood views a recent tour of the Republic of Ireland by a delegation of Church leaders from Palestine during which they described in meetings with Irish politicians the situation in their homeland under Israeli military occupation and the plight of the dwindling Christian community there.
Alan Hart argues that, with the help of pressure from the European Union, US President Barack Obama could be nudged into signalling the end of American tolerance of Israeli crimes and violations of international law, or else the US can look forward to sharing Israel’s growing international isolation and pariah status.
Paul J. Balles views two shameful traits shared by the US and Israel and represented in the views of Joseph A. Klein: abhorring criticism and diverting attention from their own faults when criticized by levelling the same criticism at others.
In the midst of any long-term trend, like the secular bull market for metals we’re in now, there will be trends within the trends. You could think of them as being like eddies, whorls, and side-channels in a great torrent. We see one such developing that could benefit junior gold stock investors in the near- to mid-term. Here’s the basic idea: metals prices, especially precious metals prices, have been increasing at a faster rate than mining costs. Gold and silver are up 75.9% and 61.7% respectively over the last three years, while the cost of things like power, equipment, and wages have not risen as much (-1.0% for oil, and 5.1% for wages, as examples). Obviously, this is good for producing companies, and we have seen the market’s reaction in their share prices
Dr. David Keanu Sai, a national of the Hawaiian Kingdom, filed a complaint in U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C., against President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, Secretary of Defense Gates, Pacific Command Commander Admiral Willard and State of Hawai`i Governor Lingle. The civil case was assigned no. 1:10-CV-00899CKK. This case arises under the Alien Tort Statute and the Plaintiff filed the suit as a Hawaiian subject for injuries suffered when he was wrongfully convicted of a so-called felony by the State of Hawai`i in violation of an Executive Agreement dated January 17, 1893, referred to as the Lili`uokalani assignment.
The push by global elitists to control the world’s food supply is collecting dangerous and globalist bed buddies. Monsanto, the globalist Agribusiness giant has now bought Blackwater, a huge, well funded and controversial, mercenary group. Blackwater has recently changed its name to Xe to help alleviate some of the heat it has received over the years. You may recall their major mess up in Iraq back on Sept. 16, 2007, when Blackwater contractors were reported to have shot and killed 17 civilians in a crowded area in Baghdad. Food manipulation with gun control. Isn’t that pretty?
It is easy to find the courage necessary to support a moral position if that position benefits oneself. True moral courage, however, is proven when one chooses to support that which is morally and ethically right even when such a position is to one's one detriment.
The people of the United States find themselves in such a position right now, forced to choose between a moral and ethical position that carries with it the potential for "inconvenience", or supporting the status quo and having to admit to themselves that they are not the champions of justice they imagine themselves to be. By the end of this article, you will know for yourself which one you are.
Most historians point to the reign of Emperor Commodus (180–192 AD) as the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire; early Roman historian Cassius Dio described the rule of Commodus as Rome’s turning point from a “kingdom of gold to one of rust and iron.” Commodus was known for his harsh cruelty, debauchery, and insanity; contemporary historians suggest that Commodus actually believed he was the reincarnation of Hercules, and he had a penchant for staging expensive (and fixed) gladiatorial exhibitions in which he would personally compete. By the time of his assassination, Rome was nearly bankrupt… though this didn’t stop future emperors from continuing the tradition of self-indulgent largess.
There is no question that the documents, cables and e-mails released by WikiLeaks are genuine; they are. Yet questions surround the site and its most visible figurehead, Julian Assange. Even if the the information is genuine, is it complete? Is there undisclosed cherry-picking of the data to support some hidden agenda? Is the site an intel agency honey-pot intended to lure and entrap would-be leakers?
In September, a group of medical practitioners sent a letter to Attorney General Dominic Grieve, calling for a full inquiry to be held.
That letter, published by the Daily Mail on Monday, argues that the Hutton inquiry was shut down prematurely -- less than two weeks after the investigation was called -- and was done so on the orders of Charles Falconer, at the time Britain's Lord Chancellor, the Cabinet secretary responsible for the courts. As the Daily Mail notes, Falconer was once a roommate of Tony Blair, the British prime minister whose push to launch the war in Iraq was dealt a public blow when Kelly told the BBC that Blair's government had exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein.
Dozens of helicopters whir above Florida's valuable and sensitive veggie crops, an unusual approach by farmers worried that an uncommon freeze could wipe out their harvests. The choppers hover low over green bean and sweet corn fields, moving back and forth in the early morning hours to push warmer air closer to the plants -- and, the farmers hope, save the plants from a deadly frost. Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a very costly way to save the crops. Normally, farmers would use smudgepots to protect crops from a frost, but since we were not supposed to have much snow this year according to the Carbonazis, farmers did not buy enough fuel.
The massive industrial conglomerate Halliburton has reportedly offered to pay $250 million to settle charges against its former chief executive, ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, in a multi-million dollar bribery case.
Democracy (Or Else) by The Good Guys, 1984 Richmond, Va.
We're your big brother and your father and your mother Better stick with us, we're the ones you can trust Democracy, that's the way it's gonna be Whether you like it or not, we're gonna set you free.
Better do right or it's us you'll have to fight if it's not in our best interest we'll turn out your lights. Gotta protect our rights no matter how wrong if it's not our way, it's no way at all. Democracy or else...
A California woman is suing the TSA following an incident at Albuquerque International Sunport where she was subjected to an invasive breast groping in full public view by the TSA, despite making it known that she had been forced to undergo a mastectomy last year. Adrienne Durso describes how a female TSA officer pulled her out of line after she had gone through the metal detector and proceeded to pat her down, “Heavily concentrating on my breast area” in a search that “just seemed to go on and on”.
O'Charley's Inc. has closed 16 underperforming restaurants across the country, including 11 locations of its flagship casual-dining brand, the company said Monday. Five locations of the Ninety Nine Restaurants brand also were shuttered, said O'Charley's, which also owns the Stoney River Legendary Steaks concept...
Rioting today swept Rome after Silvio Berlusconi's rightwing government narrowly survived a censure motion in parliament amid claims he had bought his way out of trouble.
Hooded protesters set up flaming barricades as police baton-charged demonstrators in several parts of the capital's historic centre. Cars and council vehicles were set alight, and officers fired teargas at protesters. Initial reports spoke of at least 80 police and demonstrators injured in the disturbances.
At first, we were told the American economy was a freight train; invincible. After the derivatives and mortgage crisis began in 2007-2008, we were told the problem was a mere blip in our financial timeline; nothing to be concerned about. In 2009, we were told that the recession was over, and that “green shoots” were on the way. Later, they said we were “turning the corner”, whatever that means. In 2010, we were told it was time to get used to the “new normal”, which of course has yet to be clearly defined. Now, at the cusp of 2011, the year which many establishment economists originally claimed would bring a bright new era in U.S.
Protesters set fire to cars, threw paint and smoke bombs at the Italian parliament and clashed with riot police today in Rome's worst violence for years after prime minister Silvio Berlusconi survived a confidence vote. Via del Corso, the main street stretching through the historic centre, near Mr Berlusconi's office and home to some of the capital's smartest shops, was a battle scene of smoke, teargas and bloodied faces.
he Palestinian Health Ministry stores in Gaza have run out of essential medicines and basic medical equipment, putting the lives of hundreds of patients at risk. The General Pharmacy Manager at the Ministry of Health has warned that the lack of almost 140 drugs and vital equipment is now at a life-threatening stage.According to Dr. Mounir Al-Parch, without these drugs cancer patients, those with kidney disease and infants are at serious risk.
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to another component of Israel's "Final Solution" for Palestinian Gazans!
Bill Gross, Nouriel Roubini, Laurence Kotlikoff, Steve Keen, Michel Chossudovsky and the Wall Street Journal all say that the U.S. economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. Virtually all independent economists and financial experts say that rampant fraud was largely responsible for the financial crisis. See this and this. But many on Wall Street and in D.C. - and many investors - believe that we should just "go with the flow". They hope that we can restart our economy and make some more money if we just let things continue the way they are. But the assumption that a system built on fraud can continue without crashing is false.
In fact, top economists and financial experts agree that - unless fraud is prosecuted - the economy cannot recover.
Breakfast cereal giant General Mills recently announced plans to slightly cut the sugar content in its children's cereals in accordance with overall pressures on major food producers to fight childhood obesity and its related diseases by making healthier products. However the company continues to use genetically-modified (GM) ingredients in its cereal products, as well as corn syrup, artificial flavors, and artificial colorings -- all of which wreak havoc on health.
Webmaster's Commentary: This is yet another example of a corporation appearing to be making huge changes to allegedly make their products appear more healthy, but not changing the fundamentals of actually making the product more healthy.
If you have not noticed, our government has suspended the Fourth Amendment in the name of anti-terrorism. If you haven’t noticed, It’s our own government that has become the terrorist.
By the way, if you’ve not noticed, Homeland security is not a law enforcement agency staffed by trained cops. American law enforcement officials are all required to take an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps that’s why nearly 60.000 TSA screeners and their bosses have no problem violating the civil rights of American travelers.
Webmaster's Commentary: That this country has devolved from a nation ruled by laws to a country ruled by capricious governmental agents, (in essence, moving back to Code Napoleon law, where all are considered guilty until proven innocent), makes me despair for future generations in the US.
South Korea's army chief has resigned, reportedly over a property investment, at a time of high tensions with North Korea following its deadly artillery attack last month. A defence ministry spokesman says General Hwang Eui-Don's resignation was accepted but has given no details. Yonhap news agency said the general, who was named to the post in June, had become embroiled in a controversy over profits from a property investment.
Webmaster's Commentary: I don't believe the alleged reason for his resignation for one second. My thought is, that he was not considered "aggressive enough" to suit the US's interests and objectives in the region at this point, so he was unceremoniously sacked.
The shocking fact about events in Pakistan is that even now, almost two months after this journey in late October, so little has improved. Large areas of Sindh remain under water. Tents, long lines of white canvas along the embankments, have been erected for the many families made homeless as an estimated 1.6 million houses countrywide were damaged or destroyed by the flood waters.
But, as the chill of winter sets in, there are still an estimated 600,000 families without even emergency shelter.
The Pakistani government announced last month that it would spend a further 200 million rupees (£1.5 million) rehabilitating flood victims in Dadu, and insists it is doing all it can to help the victims.
Webmaster's Commentary: This is Pakistan's (and Zardari's) "Hurricane Katrina", writ large.
Further, perhaps, violent, instability is what the Pakistani government's lack of real help here will most probably generate.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the Globes Business Conference Monday and said that he wants Israel to be among the world's top 15 countries in per capita income by the year 2025. Webmaster's Commentary:
"... so long as the Americans are forced to pay for it!"
Since the announcement last week that I will chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the media response has been overwhelming. The groundswell of opposition to Fed actions among ordinary citizens is reflected not only in the rhetoric coming out of Capitol Hill, but also in the tremendous interest shown by the financial press. The demand for transparency is growing, whether the political and financial establishment likes it or not. The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny. Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of my efforts as subcommittee chairman.
The Central Intelligence Agency in January will argue for dismissal of Vietnam veterans' claims that the CIA must provide them with information about the health effects of chemicals used on them during Cold War-era human experiments. The CIA also claims it is not obligated to provide the veterans with medical care for side effects of the drugs. It's the CIA's third attempt to get the case dismissed.
In a 2009 federal lawsuit, Vietnam Veterans of America claimed that the Army and CIA had used at least 7,800 soldiers as guinea pigs in "Project Paperclip." They were given at least 250 and as many as 400 types of drugs, among them sarin, one of the most deadly drugs known to man, amphetamines, barbiturates, mustard gas, phosgene gas and LSD.
Webmaster's Commentary: Josef Mengele, a sociopath with utterly no conscience, would have been proud of these experiments. The CIA should be held responsible for what was done to these Vets, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for care and compensation so that it never happens again.
"[The Espionage Act] criminalizes all casual discussions of such disclosures by persons not authorized to receive them to other persons not authorized to receive them... in other words, all tweets sending around those countless news stories, all blogging on them, and all dinner party conversations about their contents," wrote Benjamin Wittes, a legal analyst with the Brookings Institution, on the blog LawFare.
"Taken at its word, the Espionage Act makes felons of us all," he said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Why were the people in government not this concerned about the divulging of information when it came to the AIPAC spies?!?!?
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