Hello, is this Japan I’m speaking to? Yes. (tentative). May I ask who’s calling?
It’s the ACME collection agency. We’re calling today because of your outstanding obligations.
Is there a problem? We’re hoping not, but your creditors are beginning to worry you won’t be able to keep up with your debt service. Oh. Why the sudden concern?
In Fort Lauderdale, a low temperature record of 42 degrees for Dec. 7 that had been in place for 169 years was broken, said Dan Gregoria, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Miami.
WikiLeaks boss and head leaker, Julian Assange (pronounced with a French accent and slight sneer) will apparently be VAC-banned today according to top Steam sources. Those sources tell BASHandSlash.com that Steam cyber-sleuths were pouring over claims filed by American gamers that the 39-year old had been using a wall-hack, chams and an aim-bot in an online session of Call of Duty Black Ops.
His GUID is expected to be banned either today or early next week.
Stuart Littlewood views the army of obsequious Israel grovellers within the British government and main political parties who are spearheading the efforts to change the law so that Israeli war criminals can visit the country without fear of justice.
Washington will no longer seek an Israeli settlement freeze to renew stalled Middle East talks, and was "ending the contacts to try and achieve another moratorium," a senior U.S. diplomat said on Tuesday.
Join what will be the largest veteran-led civil resistance in U.S. history. We will meet in Lafayette Park at 10 am for a short rally, followed by civil resistance at the White House. We welcome your participation on any level, from attending the rally to risking arrest to sending a financial contribution. For more information, email stopthesewars@gmail.com.
NEW YORK - U.S. crude oil futures prices rose sharply on Tuesday, pushing above $90 a barrel for the first time in 26 months as cold weather boosting fuel demand and the dollar's weakness kept oil lifted . . .
OUTSTANDING NEW VIDEO - Chris Whalen - Best Banking Analyst in the U.S.
Chris just sent this clip over by email. There is so much in here. I've taken the time to transcribe the MONSTER quotes for those who can't watch video.
Ireland faces the most severe welfare cuts and tax hikes in its history - the high price it has to pay for receiving an international bailout. The budget is about to face a parliamentary vote, with protesters gathered outside the Parliament building. But Socialist Party MEP, Joe Higgins believes the Irish financial system is already broken beyond repair.
On a more curious and conspiratorial note, the Assange arrest is in the middle of the “news cycle downswing” of the Wikileak which has divided the journalist community. The third “dump” has received considerable attention for what was not “dumped,” and brought even more light on earlier Wikileaks which have now become suspect. Journalists either love Assange or believe he is a spy, part of a “psy-op” that is manipulating the press, partially through the convenient timing, not just of this arrest but earlier threats as well.
One out of seven news outlets have noticed, thus far, that Wikileaks seems to have a "soft heart" when it comes to Israel and India. Zbigniew Brzezinski caught on, finally, declaring that Wikileaks is an "intelligence operation" using "pointed" information carefully "seeded" into a combination of minor scandals and chickenfeed.
There is absolutely no question for the press that Wikileaks is totally phony, we all know it, it is blatantly slanted, clearly not only anti-American but aimed at Islam, the easy target of all time. Wikileaks is also trying to be more and more clever about seeming less the Mossad "game theory" construct that we all know it is. The "clever" is fun to watch, more "ham handed" than esoteric.
Al-Qaeda fanatics may be planning a horrific 'Frankenbomber' suicide attack by implanting explosives into a human body. Defence analysts logged conversations between users of a online forum in which Muslim extremists debate terrorism methods which could beat new US aviation security checks. The alarming posts included one by a user who claimed to be a surgeon, promising a 'new kind of terrorism'. Webmaster's Commentary:
Actually, these are Michael Chertoff's salespeople pre-selling their new "$15 million each see all the way through you and we don't care if you get cancer" airport security machines.
It turns out that Israeli Vice President for American Affairs (IVPFAA), Barrack Obama, really does want to run for re-election in 2012 and therefore he has done something which will be announced before the end of the Judeo-Christian Hannakuh celebrations. But thanks to our little bird, who also knows how to use a flash drive, we know what the IVPFAA is going to do. He and some of his new advisors are truly going to bring us hope and change and they are going to prove it by having the Department of Fatherland Security release to all military and government agencies next week the brand new design of the American flag.
In a unique interview with an official at the highest policy levels of the Pentagon, White House and, eventually, CIA, we are offered a unique "behind the curtains" look at areas of policy making during the period between 1999 and 2007. Extensive notes have been taken of meetings with President Bush and all his top policy advisors. This is only a teaser. A highly placed source within the White House and CIA confirmed, in an interview, that the invasion of Iran was sheduled for 2006 but planned in 1999. We have heard some of this before but not with so many pieces and, I am told, more to come. In an interview with a Bush administration policy official.
Now it so happens, I believe I am correctly assuming this, that Russia, China, Europe, South America and anywhere that isn’t the United States, Canada, Israel, the UK and Australia (which are all privately owned by a multi-national corporation of sewer aliens) are presently meeting behind closed doors in unknown locations and plotting how to bring down the psychopaths, who also wanted to pleasure them, as they already had pleasured the formerly human livestock they own, by shooting them full of pain enhancing amphetamine compounds, prior to sodomizing them like a female praying mantis with a 50,000 volt strapon, before finishing the act, according to the normal ritual of that insect species. If you don‘t know what I’m talking about, you should be over in Section B.
ALERT: It looks like the climate bill debate has already been decided by Washington and voters didn’t even have a chance to say “NO!” A staggering $65 billion dollars has been transferred from the private sector to fund the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is government created entity that is choking companies in the northeast with huge tax increases in the name of the environment. Our tax dollars are funding this secret climate initiative. Soon RGGI will expand to every state and stick you with astronomical energy prices.
In this particular case, it took 50 of them… Fifty Israeli rabbis have signed an open letter warning Jews not to rent or sell property to non-Jews, saying those who do should be “ostracized.”
“Anyone who sells (property to a non-Jew) must be cut off!!” ….. A second circumcision?
'Never waste a good crisis" used to be the catchphrase of the Obama team in the runup to the presidential election. In that spirit, let us see what we can learn from official reactions to the WikiLeaks revelations. The most obvious lesson is that it represents the first really sustained confrontation between the established order and the culture of the internet. There have been skirmishes before, but this is the real thing. Webmaster's Commentary:
The propaganda to "polish this turd" is on warp drive. WikiLeaks has only been around for a little over three years and is the manufactured and heavily promoted darling of the corporate media. But WikiLeaks is a newcomer. Other websites have been around for much longer. WRH traces its history back to 1994 when we blew the whistle on the murder of White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster. The corporate media has continued to pretend we do not exist even though our readership exceeds that of most newspapers and our radio show reaches around the globe on the internet and the entire North American continent on shortwave. Compared to us, WikiLeaks is the skirmish in a war we have been fighting all along.
Now, I am not saying this to whine about the lack of media coverage for WRH, because I don't really give a damn whether ABCNNBBCBS talks about me or not. But one needs to look at the intense coverage given WikiLeaks while hundreds of other websites and alternative news providers who have been around much longer and broken some really important stories, continue to be ignored.
WikiLeaks is a manufactured front, built over three years at heavy expense in time, money, and political capital. Every cheap public relations trick is being used to convince American web-surfers that Julian Assange is the go-to guy for reality, with Assange already dissing the 9-11 truth movement and reporting Mideast events spun to favor Israel. In desperation, they are even using a tawdry sex scandal to lure people into the WikiMania!
French bankers have a nervous day ahead. They're waiting to see whether a campaign calling on depositors to withdraw all their money will really catch on. It's been organized by a former French football star against what he calls the 'corrupt and criminal' financial system.
Senator Mitch McConnell called Assange a "high-tech terrorist" on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday and said, "if it‘s found that Assange hasn’t violated the law, then the law should be changed." Over the weekend, an insightful article by Zen Gardner exposed how WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite's problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety. WikiLeaks is being used to bring in the agenda on so many levels, but most importantly by setting the precedent of shutting down websites for politically "dangerous" content. Gardner writes:
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country—launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.
“Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe,” said Secretary Napolitano. “I applaud Walmart for joining the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign. This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities.”
‘General consensus’ is that currency unions ‘eventually fail’, Professor Steve Nickell, a senior member of the Office for Budget Responsibility, told MPs on the powerful Treasury Select Committee. And the OBR’s chairman, Robert Chote, added: ‘We are not assuming a cataclysmic outcome for the eurozone but, as Steve said, monetary arrangements come and monetary arrangements go.’
A late night Sunday telephone call between US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao underscored the mounting tensions between the two countries in the wake of last month’s military clash between North and South Korea. Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama's plan to save the US economy is to murder everyone the US Government owes money to!
Israel expressed disappointment Tuesday with Argentina's recognition of a Palestinian state in territories Israel occupied in 1967, saying they undercut American-led efforts to create such a state through negotiations with Israel. Webmaster's Commentary:
Actually, Argentina, Brazil, and soon Bolivia have come to understand that American-led efforts to create such a state through negotiations with Israel are just a stalling tactic. Israel has no right to complain. After Israel rejected the two-state partition plan proposed by the United Nations, David Ben-Gurion simply declared the state of Israel to be in existence. 24 hours later, in a ploy to court the Jewish vote, Harry Truman recognized the new state of Israel. So Israel has no right to refuse to Palestine the very means by which Israel's own statehood came into being.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to tighten the noose of tyranny around the collective neck of America with a recent announcement from the Japan Post Services Co. (JPSC), the Japanese postal service, that no more airmail packages over one pound will be permitted for shipment into the U.S. Coming at the request of U.S. aviation authorities, the rule applies to everyone except for large corporate mailers which are exempt.
America is in trouble on so many fronts that it is sometimes difficult to know where to begin. The forces of tyranny are increasing the pressure exponentially as they head toward their endgame of complete control over society. This has become most obvious with the directives of Homeland Security which, by its very name, has Orwell rolling in his grave . . .
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A Kentucky man who acknowledged threatening President Barack Obama in a poem has been sentenced to nearly three years in prison . . .
When J Street was founded there were hopes that the voices of reason within the American Jewish Community would be heard over those of AIPAC and the ADL…. In reality, they all seem to be on the same page as can be seen in the following;
J Street was slammed by Palestine solidarity activists–including Israelis–for actively working with organizations such as the right-wing David Project, Stand With Us and the Jewish National Fund against the landmark divestment effort at the University of California, Berkeley. What’s J Street Doing Meeting With Israeli Officials On BDS?
International law must be defined and applied by the world institutions that were established for the purpose, and not by the existing superpower or the party to the conflict that can hire the better public relations firms or has the stronger military. The clear and unequivocal end to Israeli occupation, in all its forms, has the power to bring justice, security and stability to a region on the verge of self-destruction.
It is widely known that J.P. Morgan (NYSE: JPM) holds a giant short position in silver. Furthermore, some observers are accusing the bank of acting as an agent for the Federal Reserve in the market - every tick higher in the price of silver undermines confidence in the U.S. Dollar. A lower silver price helps keep the relative appeal of the U.S. dollar and other fiat currencies high.
More than 230 Walmart stores nationwide launched the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign today, with a total of 588 Walmart stores in 27 states joining in the coming weeks. A short video message, available here, will play at select checkout locations to remind shoppers to contact local law enforcement to report suspicious activity. Webmaster's Commentary:
Welcome to the "Stazi/Nazi/Old Soviet Union"- introduction to the new US "Snitch Society", courtesy of the DHS director, Janet Napolitano! And I do have a news flash for Secretary Napolitano: the quickest way to end any terrorist threat to the US would be for the US to stop mucking about with other people's countries!!
Surprising, however, is Time’s candor on Israel. It minces no words. US support for the creation of Israel had alienated the Middle East: it had been a costly error, motivated not by national interest but petty considerations of presidential politics. Truman had supported the creation of Israel in order to court American Jewish votes. This was the plain truth: a US President had placed his electoral chances ahead of a vital national interest. Apparently, in those days, Time could write the plain truth without worrying about the tide of flak from the American Jewish community.
FRENCH ministers and bankers have issued warnings that an appeal by Eric Cantona, the former Manchester United footballer, for people to withdraw all their money from banks could propel France into economic chaos. Webmaster's Commentary:
It is already in chaos, because a private central bank issuing the public currency at interest is a pyramid scheme that eventually must collapse. The chaos we see is not the fault of the people, who have an inherent right to withdraw their money from the banks any time they wish. The chaos is the fault of the bankers who profit from the pyramid, then when it collapses, demand the people pay for the bankers' failure.
America's children rate embarrassingly low again on the latest round of scholastic tests from the OECD. Basically, America earned a "C." We tied the OECD average rating of 496. Teenagers in East Asia and Europe scored significantly higher. Webmaster's Commentary: The title here is misleading. It is not that the kids from these other countries are inherently more intelligent than kids from the US: the US educational system has been "dumbed down" to the point where our kids have not been given the tools to allow them to compete in a global economy.
Most generally, they are taught completely by rote, taught to obey without question, and simply regurgitate what the teacher says; and real critical thinking, and an ability to put facts and figures together in a way that demonstrates the validity of a concept, is frowned upon.
Bank of Ireland customers are being affected by a technical fault, which is disrupting access to the bank's telephone and online services. There is also a restricted cash service at the bank's ATMs. Webmaster's Commentary:
A GOOD DOSE OF IRISH BLARNEY! ATM machines are either working or not working due to technical issues. If they are limiting cash withdrawals it is because they are terrified that Eric Cantona's call for a "Bank Out" protest will reach Ireland. So we get a huge double-shot of 100% Irish Banker-Blarney to explain why the Irish People are not allowed to get their own money back from the bank.
“When I was face down … my legs were held and I felt a sharp jabbing pain into my rectum,” Johnson testified. A doctor who examined Johnson testified that he saw abrasions and oozing blood that were “consistent with what he said happened to him.”
Bank of Ireland confirms that an unforeseen technical issue has impacted some of our operating systems this morning and our telephone and online banking services are currently unavailable. However, all branches are open and operating as normal but with a temporary restricted cash service. Webmaster's Commentary:
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.
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