Tuesday, December 21, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Part 1


Wikileaks was Israel. Now, Wikileaks is going to be X-Files.

What can we expect, what is in the UFO files of the United States Air Force?


Roughly thirty demonstrators including Israeli and international supporters marched peacefully to the Separation Wall as part of the weekly unarmed protest in Ni’ilin. Protesters were attacked with tear gas and soldiers entered Ni’ilin’s agricultural lands, chasing the demonstration back to the village.

Israeli ambassadors told to counter attempts to recognize Palestinian State

Israel has told its ambassadors around the world that they should counter Palestinians’ attempts to ensure recognition of a Palestinian State in circumvention of the negotiating process.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has sent telegrammes to that end to many Israeli embassies, including the Jewish State’s diplomatic mission at the United Nations.

Webmaster's Commentary: Palestinian leadership understands, acutely, that direct negotiations with Israel are futile, and will bring nothing but complete sabotage to the creation of a Palestinian State.

I would hope to see this issue come to a vote in the UN General Assembly, where the US cannot veto such a resolution.

And please remember: Israel became a nation by unilateral declaration.

More see walking on mortgage as a viable plan

“It’s a phenomenon we haven’t seen before in the housing market,” said Rick Sharga, senior vice president of RealtyTrac. “The mindset of why people purchase a home has changed over the past decade.” Sharga said that $300 billion worth of adjustable rate mortgages are expected to reset upward over the next 12 to 15 months, adding on average $1,000 to monthly mortgage payments on homes that already are worth 30 percent to 50 percent less than their original sale price. Roughly 23.2 percent of all single-family homeowners who have a mortgage are underwater on their property, according to third-quarter data from Zillow. (Zillow estimates that 40 percent of single-family homes are owned, with the rest mortgaged.)

Attorney General's Blunt Warning on Terror Attacks

Attorney General Eric Holder has an urgent message for Americans: While he is confident that the United States will continue to thwart attacks, "the terrorists only have to be successful once."

And while it is not certain we will be hit, the American people, he told ABC News, "have to be prepared for potentially bad news."

What was uppermost on his mind, however, is the alarming rise in the number of Americans who are more than willing to attack and kill their fellow citizens.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Attorney General Holder: the constant manipulation of the American people with fear is an attempt by this government to keep people from thinking straight, and exercising their collective capability for logic and reason. I, for one, refuse to be consistently afraid.

And it occurs to me, sir, that the latest "wave" of alleged "domestic terrorists" who have been caught and charged with anything, have been set up by one of the US's spying agencies, such as the FBI.

As reported on 27 December 2010 at:


"In a repeat of a now familiar pattern, the FBI told Mohamud they were building the bomb. They went so far as to travel to a remote spot in Lincoln County, Oregon, where a bomb concealed in a backpack was detonated as a trial run for the upcoming Christmas tree attack. The FBI eagerly assisted their clueless mark when he decided to shoot a video explaining his half-witted act." Attorney General Holder, if there are so many domestic terrorist among us, why in heaven's name to they need FBI "assistance"?!? That rather boggles the mind of thinking people. And if there is some kind of holiday "terror attack" in the US, one can almost bet that it has come courtesy of some US governmental agency; the outcome will certainly be more draconian laws passed to even further strip US citizens of their rights and privileges as protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Investigators: Widlak's Death Most Likely A Suicide

Macomb County investigators announce that the death of 62-year-old David Widlak of Grosse Pointe Farms was most likely a suicide. Widlak was last was seen Sept. 19 at the Mount Clemens-based Community Central Bank Corp.

Webmaster's Commentary:

What this article does not mention is that Widlak was President and CEO of the bank. And all of a sudden we have a lot of people with inside knowledge of the mortgage fraud turning up dead.

How the Israel Lobby dominates both parties and sets US policies

US envoy Dennis Ross more focused on Israeli interests than US needs, views inter-marriage with non-Jews as an “insidious” challenge.

Is the End Game of Wikileaks Internet Censorship?

One of F. William Engdahl’s latest articles is titled “Wikileaks, a Big Dangerous US Government Con Job”. In this article, Engdahl implies that Wikileaks is a US government-run propaganda and disinformation operation with an end goal of restricting freedoms on the internet. Here are some of the key excerpts from this article.

Property Taxes Keep Rising as Home Values Keep Falling

Common sense suggests that as home prices decline, the property taxes based on their valuations ought to as well. But even as house prices continue to slip, property taxes nationally are clicking higher.

Why is this occurring? Webmaster's Commentary: Greed?

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... chaos all the way

There’s nothing like a good old sing-song to raise the spirits in difficult times such as these. With that in mind, I thought I should update some classic holiday hits to reflect the widespread travel disruption which has caused so much mayhem over the past few days. I had hoped to include Chris Rea’s Driving Home For Christmas, but due to adverse weather conditions at Scotch Corner on the A1 it has been delayed indefinitely. If you’re stuck on a train, or marooned at the airport, feel free to sing along.

The 10 Greediest People of the Year

Webmaster's Commentary: Money addicts on parade!

THE DIGITAL STORY OF NATIVITY - ( or Christmas 2.0 )

U.S. Military Seeks To Expand Raids In Pakistan

Senior American military commanders in Afghanistan are pushing for an expanded campaign of Special Operations ground raids across the border into Pakistan’s tribal areas, a risky strategy reflecting the growing frustration with Pakistan’s efforts to root out militants there.

The proposal, described by American officials in Washington and Afghanistan, would escalate military activities inside Pakistan, where the movement of American forces has been largely prohibited because of fears of provoking a backlash.

Webmaster's Commentary: What the current governmental and military personnel in Pakistan need to understand is that this will ultimately happen, with or without their permission, as things continue to devolve in Afghanistan.

Someone's Tossing Ice Cubes into the Devil's Coffee.

Iceland is a fine example of what every country should do now and you may be sure this is occurring to those in Ireland and other places, who are not in the pay of the ones seeking to enslave their country. Iceland is also a sanctuary for anyone being pursued by temporal forces for practicing journalistic integrity. It’s also not as cold there as it is in England, where they turned off the heat in the terminals because people wouldn’t leave when they commanded them to, even thought there was no mass transit or taxis operating to take them away. This is a big news story and we’ll have to see how that plays out and who ordered it. London is a main capital of the international satanic cabal. Iceland is not. Someone is tossing ice-cubes into the devil’s coffee.

Sixty million American people's jobs, pensions and property are moving into the hands of the already rich

The people who are managing this huge criminal 'transfer of wealth' (and want more) from the middle classes are understandably nervous: sixty million people's jobs, pensions and property have moved and are still moving into the hands of the already rich as you read this - who do you think buys all those foreclosed homes 'for peanuts'?

Bill Richardson: North Korea Trip Is Opening For Talks

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson praised North Korea on Tuesday for not retaliating against South Korean artillery drills, and said the current tensions offered an opening for new multinational talks on ending the North's nuclear program. Richardson had already announced before leaving Pyongyang on Tuesday following talks that officials there said they would allow the return of U.N. inspectors to check that a major nuclear complex was not producing enriched uranium for a bomb.

Webmaster's Commentary: IF true, this could go a long way on defusing the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Police car video of incident in which officer shoot and kills a deaf wood carver.

All across the country, we hear of homeless people committing minor crimes to get arrested and tossed into a nice warm cozy jail cell for the winter. We also hear of city managers telling police NOT to arrest criminals because there is no more money for the prison system. There is, therefore, a purely economic motive to shoot and kill suspects on sight.




The lesson of the cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as its enemies, in order to get its own way.

Teen gang arrested on suspicion of attacking Arabs in Jerusalem

Seven of nine suspects are minors who allegedly used a 14-year-old girl to lure Arabs into a schoolyard, where they would pelt them with rocks, bottles and pepper spray. Webmaster's Commentary:

I wonder if these are the guys who murdered that US tourist while pretending to be Arabs.

Judge in New Jersey may STOP ALL foreclosures - He has Ordered the there be a Special Hearing on Jan. 19 2011 !!! This is HUGE!

New Jersey is a Judicial Foreclosure state. A judge has put out an order to have a special hearing on January the 18th 2011 with all foreclosure plaintiffs for review of their paperwork and foreclosure practices. He states he may STOP ALL FORECLOSURES! He may appoint a special master to over look at foreclosure paperwork for fraud!


Not since Zionist warmonger Barack Obama’s ‘ascension’ to the US presidency, has there been such a hysteria in the anti-war/anti-Zionist community as there is with Julian Assange and his organization, Wikileaks. Just like Obama, whose smooth-talker persona duped millions of awakened individuals, lulling them into a false sense of security with lies and trickery, Wikileaks has pulled the wool over the eyes of average people and distinguished activists and writers alike with its ‘whistleblower’ image.

The Day Of September 11th There Were Fires Below The Ground Of 2000 Degrees Fahrenheit

I wonder what really created the 2000 Degree Fahrenheits??? No jet fuel thats for sure!!!


With the US having admitted it is unable to force Israel to take peace talks seriously, Palestinians are looking to other routes for securing their national rights, writes Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah Webmaster's Commentary:

While the American people wonder why the US Government spent so much money on Israel in the first place, and why they seem, even now, unwilling to stop.


Every major religion mentions the kindness that must be shown to the orphans and widows of our societies. They do not, however, mention anything about compassion that should be shown to those left orphaned by circumstances not having to do with the death of a parent, but rather by a lack of leadership and guidance. I speak specifically of the left. Anyone that is a regular reader of this blog might have noticed the same faces appearing over and over again in the photo essays taken in the New York area. Be it a demonstration in support of the Boycott-BDS Movement, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights or anything to do with World Peace.

Citigroup banker, 27, leaps to her death from 40-storey Trump apartment building

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, a young woman with access to Citigroup inside information splatters on the sidewalk and ANCNNBBCBS rushes to reassure us all that even though this woman had no reason at all to kill herself, that her death must have been a suicide!

Explosive device found under Rome subway seat

Webmaster's Commentary: Horny Berlusconi hanging by a piece of limp Macaroni ..Time for SISMI to produce a bomb phony ?.. Berlusconi's goons infiltrated the so called Black Bloc anarchists during the G 20 meeting in Genoa held in 2001 ... Is this another trick by Silvio keep the job.

Latest Terror Threat in US Aimed to Poison Food

Editor's Note: "Christmas Terror rhetoric right on schedule"

Exclusive: The Dept. of Homeland Security Uncovered a Plot to Attack Hotels and Restaurants Over a Single Weekend

Armen Keteiyan -- CBS News

In this exclusive story, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports the latest terror attack to America involves the possible use of poisons - simultaneous attacks targeting hotels and restaurants at many locations over a single weekend.

Pimco says 'untenable' policies will lead to eurozone break-up

Pimco, the world's largest bond fund, has called on Greece, Ireland and Portugal to step outside the eurozone temporarily and restructure their debts unless the currency bloc agrees to a radical change of course. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph

Andrew Bosomworth, head of Pimco's portfolio management in Europe, said current policies are untenable in the absence of fiscal union and will lead to a break-up of the euro...

Monitoring America: The Government’s Development Of A Vast Panopticon Spy Network

The Washington Post today reports on the vast growing domestic spying apparatus that the federal government is using, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to target millions of law-abiding American citizens who have not been accused of any wrongdoing.
In a lengthy report entitled “Monitoring America”, the Post details how a vast centralized snooping machine is being constructed and employed by local, state and federal agencies as well as military investigators, to collect, store and analyze swathes of personal information.

Soon the government check won't be in the mail

Editor's Note: Another one for the cashless society

Martin Crutsinger Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Before too long, the government check will no longer be in the mail. Officials have settled on the dates when millions of people will no longer be able to get their Social Security and other benefit checks by mail...

TERROR ATTACK COMING? Attorney general worries about home-grown terror

Editor's Note: Pretty desperate resorting to a discredited source who was a dinner guest at the WH. Associated Press is on a propaganda roll as of late.

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder says he's worried about terrorist attacks on the U.S. by Americans. And high on his list of concerns is the threat posed by anti-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen believed to be hiding in Yemen.


In a 1999 interview, Nobel Prize winning economist and Stanford University Professor Milton Friedman stated: “The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression.”

Here’s a look into who was involved in setting up the Federal Reserve in 1913.
* Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
* Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
* Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
* Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
* Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
* Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
* Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
* Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Controlled By the Rockefeller Family Tree)

------------ MONITORING AMERICA -------------

The Washington Post details the vast growth of U.S. domestic spying in this eight (8) page news article/report.

U.S. Corporations Move To Create A Part-time, Contingent Workforce

"Big employers in the US are increasingly using part-time and temporary workers to hold down labor costs, according to the latest figures from the Labor Department. In a trend that has been accelerated over the last two years, corporations are moving to phase out full time positions and create a workforce earning far lower wages and fewer, if any, benefits that can be hired and fired at will."

France's AAA Grade at Risk as Rating Cuts Spread: Euro Credit

"Moody’s Investors Service said Dec. 15 it may lower Spain’s rating, citing “substantial funding requirements,” and slashed Ireland’s rating by five levels on Dec. 17. Standard & Poor’s is reviewing its assessments of Ireland, Portugal and Greece. Costs to insure French government debt rose to a record today with the country’s credit default swaps more expensive than lower-rated securities from the Czech Republic and Chile."

UK Interest rates 'will have to rise sixfold in two years'

Interest rates will have to rise almost sixfold over the next two years to cope with rising inflation, business leaders have warned.

Myra Butterworth -- The Telegraph

It will bring financial pain to seven million home owners with floating interest rates who will see a jump of almost £200 on a typical monthly mortgage payment...

How long does it take a cop to kill an innocent man? 8 seconds

Just after 1:00 minute, the video shows Williams shuffling across the street—carrying a board and minding his own business—in front of Birk's squad car. Birk jumps out and yells, "Hey, put the knife down." Then Birk follows Williams out of the frame. After two more commands (audible while the men are off screen) there are shots fired that killed Williams. A woman is also shown crossing the street who appears to witness the whole thing from maybe 20 feet away.

Europe: The New Plan

Globalist delusions of grandure have seemingly now morphed into schizoid hallucinations.

Coda to a Killing: No Justice for Derek Hale

The practice of police "accountability" generally consists of using money stolen at gunpoint to buy off victims and survivors of officially sanctioned criminal violence.

Few better examples can be found than the $975,000 settlement paid by the City of Wilmington, Delaware, to Elaine Hale, whose husband Derek was murdered by Wilmington Police on November 6, 2006.

The settlement brings to an end a federal lawsuit that was scheduled for trial next July – more than four years after Derek, a Marine veteran who served two tours in Iraq, was shot three times at point-blank range after being tasered seven times within the space of about a minute. Unarmed and cooperative, Derek was not a criminal suspect and had done nothing to justify arrest, let alone summary execution.

Psychiatry—Labeling Kids with Bogus 'Mental Disorders'

A one and a half minute video about kids.

Feds order farmer to destroy his own wheat crops: The shocking revelations of Wickard vs Filburn

(NaturalNews) In arguing for S.510, the "Food Safety Modernization Act," there are all sorts of attorneys, legislators and internet commentators who keep claiming, "The government won't try to control the food production of small farms." They say, "Your backyard garden is safe" and that the feds won't come knocking on your door to control your seeds or foods.

As usual, these pushers of Big Government are utterly ignorant of the history in their own country. Because as you'll learn right here, not only CAN the U.S. government control and dictate to single-family farms what they can grow in their own backyards; the government has already blatantly done so!

Paul Craig Roberts: Reaganomics

I admire Robert Reich, because he has a social conscience. However, if I were writing about the current Republican/Obama tax cut, I would not help the Republicans put Ronald Reagan’s name on it. Outside of progressive circles, which reflexively blame Reagan, the 40th president is still popular, because the 1980s were the last of the good times. Who prefers 21st century America to the Reagan 1980s?

Pope Blames Child Abuse Scandal on Society

31 Cities’ Tap Water Has Cancer-Causing Hexavalent Chromium, Study Says

The Environmental Working Group released a report Monday indicating that millions of Americans are regularly drinking hexavalent chromium, made famous in the film "Erin Brockovich" as a carcinogen, through their tap water.

5 Revelations from the Post’s ‘Monitoring America’ Investigation: FBI Assembling a Database on Americans

And just in time for Christmas!

The FBI is assembling a massive database on thousands of Americans, many of whom have not been accused of any crime, the Washington Post's Dana Priest and William Arkin report. The reporters' latest look at the country's ballooning national security systemfocuses on the role that local agencies -- often staffed by people with little to no counter-terrorism training -- have played in combating terrorism since 2001.

Here are five striking revelations in their piece:

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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