Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WRH News stories for Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Part 1

China's too big to be bullied by the US

In Tuesday's summit with Hu Jintao, Obama must recognise new realities – however unpalatable.

$4 Billion For Global Warming Research In 2011 Budget

Webmaster's Commentary:

As you can see, the cult has far more money to spend to lie to you than we have to tell you the truth!

What Will Cause the Next Recession?

Has the recession really ended, we have been told spending is up, yet according to United States Department of Labor, jobless for 27 weeks or more was little changed at 6.4 million and accounted for 44.3 percent of the unemployed. The 0.4% decline from 9.9 in 11/2010 to 9.4 in 12/2010, include those employed during the holidays who are now unemployed again...Read More

China’s President Meets Obama In DC

China’s president Hu Jintao was in Washington, DC Wednesday to meet with U.S. president Barack Obama at the White House for a joint news conference.

As of now China has lent the U.S. over 900 billion dollars. China believes the U.S. is a nation in decline and wants some assurance from Obama.

At the meeting human rights issues were even addressed by both parties and a new dialog has been opened up with China on that front.

Obama stated in the press conference that “cooperation between our countries is also good for the world… we need cooperation and friendly competition in other areas.”

Lockheed Gets Big Bucks to Prep Soldiers for Urban War

By the end of the year, the U.S. Army will leave Iraq. But Iraq isn’t going to leave the U.S. Army.

American soldiers spent seven years patrolling the urban neighborhoods of Iraq; its troops battled insurgents there block-by-block and house-by-house. Now that the Army is getting out of Iraq, it wants to make sure its urban combat skills don’t wither away. So it today it gave Lockheed Martin a contract worth up to $287 million to build Urban Operations Training Systems — essentially, giant simulation facilities and modules to help soldiers get ready for life in the big, bad city.

Flashback: 'Statins with your burger?' Doctors want heart pills on menu

Cardiologists propose putting pills beside salt and ketchup to balance heart disease risk

Questions over statin prescribing

Healthy people may derive no benefit from taking cholesterol-lowering statins, according to a review of previous studies. The report, published in The Cochrane Library, concluded that statins reduced death rates. But it said there was no evidence to justify their use in people at low risk of developing heart disease.

Solar Cycles Cause Global Warming & Cooling not Humans

Latest science reveals that sharp increases in global warming "precede" sharp increases in CO2--not the other way around. Global warming causes more CO2 to be released form the oceans. Current research also shows that Earth's oceans are now beginning to cool. It is also now clear that temperatures over the last century correlate far better with cycles in oceans than they do with carbon dioxide; and, the temperature cycles in oceans are caused by cycles of the sun. Yet the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) advocates, as well as the media, continue to ignore all of this, perpetuating fear and advocating spending billions of dollars on non-solutions

MUST SEE - Florida Attorney General Releases Blistering Presentation On Foreclosure Fraud - How Many DIFFERENT Signatures Can One Robo-Signing Notary Have?

Anatomy of Foreclosure Fraud in Florida

You will see several examples of ACTUAL fraudulent documents that were submitted by large, well known banks in court proceedings.

We're talking crazy-ass, over the top, ridiculous fraud here - Fake people, fake signers, fake documents, false notaries, fake affidavits and EVEN fake banks...

Excellent slideshow presentation - Takes just 2 minutes to skim it all...

Store owner stops robbery with gun, then gives would-be thief food and $40.

Webmaster's Commentary: The vast majority of gun-owning citizens are pretty cool people.

Freedom of the Press: Good or Bad, Aren't you glad you get some real news on the Internet?

"America's journalists are not 'newshounds'. They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American "free" press is comprised of nothing more than a number of retail outlets which sell stories slanted to please their target audiences. As such, they exist merely to sell snake oil."

Reynolds closing western Pa. food packaging plant

Reynolds Food Packaging is closing a western Pennsylvania plant in October, meaning 145 workers will lose their jobs.

Israel to Arabs: All your oil are belong to us!

On 29 December 2010, the Israeli authorities gave Noble Energy Inc. the green light to release the news. The communication, announcing that exploitation was taking off after a political freeze, has been coupled with a diplomatic campaign to allow Tel Aviv to siphon off all the reserves to the detriment of the other coastline states.

Video: Craig R. Smith On Food Riots In Algeria & Tunisia

Global food production expert Craig R. Smith discusses whether we'll see similar food shortages and unrest in the U.S.

Video - Craig Smith with Neil Cavuto discussing the Tunisian riots over food prices and whether America is headed for the same fate. US consumer prices have been surging in recent months and some wonder if we are headed for the biggest spike in inflation in our history. Craig discusses why the tools in our arsenal, traditionally used to fight inflation, will no longer work.

Excellent short clip...

Seasonal flu vaccine fairy tale rapidly collapsing as the truth comes out

Like a medical house of cards in an earthquake, the seasonal flu vaccine mythology is collapsing right before our eyes. After months of urging everyone to get vaccinated (and blaming non-vaccinated people for skipping out on their "public health obligation"), UK health authorities announced last week that "healthy people" were to blame for causing a vaccine shortage that they claim now threatens the lives of sick children (

As part of this ruse, they even suggested that pharmacies should be banned from selling flu vaccines to healthy people, explaining that healthy people didn't really need them anyway.

New Woes at the House of Hucksters

An Israeli-born Swiss journalist, Daniel Ganzfried, is scheduled to publish a series of articles in the Swiss newsmagazine Weltwoche, detailing what he calls the "infighting" and "implosion" at the WJC. Ganzfried, who achieved international prominence in the 1990s by exposing a fraudulent Holocaust memoir, said he is planning to turn the articles into a book and is also talking to American magazines about publication. Last month, the WJC asked a Swiss judge for an injunction blocking publication of Ganzfried's articles — a request that is pending.

Stuxnet is embarrassing, not amazing

As the New York Times posts yet another breathless story about Stuxnet, I’m surprised that no one has pointed out its obvious deficiencies. Everyone seems to be hyperventilating about its purported target (control systems, ostensibly for nuclear material production) and not the actual malware itself.

There’s a good reason for this. Rather than being proud of its stealth and targeting, the authors should be embarrassed at their amateur approach to hiding the payload. I really hope it wasn’t written by the USA because I’d like to think our elite cyberweapon developers at least know what Bulgarian teenagers did back in the early 90?s.

Militants Threatens Fresh Attacks On Oil Installations

Militants Threatens Fresh Attacks On Oil Installations
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) yesterday threatened fresh attack on key oil installations.

In the Crosshairs

Massacres like the one in Tucson are more common than Americans like to imagine, but still reasonably rare. The repetitious deaths of “innocents” in Afghanistan are commonplace in a way that Americans generally don’t care to consider. Add up the casualties from all six of these incidents between Dec. 8 and Jan. 10 and you get 16 dead (and 13 wounded).

Next, put together the mistaken targetings, the American denials or expressions of condolence, the predictable announcements of investigations whose results never seem to surface, as well as the minimalist coverage in the U.S., and you have a pattern: that is, something you can be sure will happen again and again on as yet unknown days in 2011 to as little attention here.

Fox News: US must take Iraq, Kuwait oil

On his Friday show, the Great American Panel, Sean Hannity, said that Iraq and Kuwait should "pay for their own liberation" by the United States.

"I say why isn't Iraq paying us back with oil, and paying every American family and their soldiers that lost loved ones or have injured soldiers - and why didn't they pay for their own liberation?" Hannity asked.

He added that the United States has every right to go into Kuwait and Iraq and "take all their oil."

Israel can't stop Palestinian independence

They will go out into Jerusalem's summer heat and march down Saladin Street toward the Old City walls. Fifty Palestinians, then 100, then 200 and 1,000 and 10,000. Marching and shouting "Istiqlal," independence. Not because they support Ehud Barak's new party, Atzmaut (the Hebrew word for independence ), but to get Israel out of the territories beyond the Green Line and establish a Palestinian state there. Just like the demonstrators in Tunisia got rid of Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali.

Webmaster's Commentary: One would hope that this is how a peaceful scenario would play out.

However, unfortunately, the Israeli government doesn't care about international opinion in the slightest, and this may just be its response to such Palestinian demonstrations; wholesale slaughter, for all the world to see.

After all, the Israeli military slaughtered unarmed aid workers on the Mavi Marara last May, including one American kid, with absolutely no thought to what the PR consequences would be. Nearly every country on the planet has been absolutely silent on this, except Turkey.

Hedge Fund figure financed mosque campaign

POLITICO's Maggie Haberman emails that she's solved a lingering mystery from the now-nearly-forgotten summer storm around a planned Islamic center in Lower Manhattan.

Robert Mercer, the co-CEO of the giant hedge fund manager Renaissance Technologies, appears to have financed the ad campaign entirely himself, through a $1 million contribution on July 26 to the New York State Conservative Party, according to a filing today by the party's housekeeping account. Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long confirmed to Haberman that Mercer was the source of the ad money.

Mercer had maxed out to the account of Rick Lazio, but the Conservative Party's ads firmly attached the issue to Lazio and kept it top of mind in August in New York.

Obama's Father Saga - Evidence To Support Mike's Theory

I guess I am not the only one thinking along these lines.

Goldman Sachs bankers to receive $15.3bn in pay and bonuses

Goldman Sachs has set aside $15.3bn (£9.5bn) to pay its staff in 2010 – an average of $430,000 each – in a move that re-ignites the controversy over City pay and bonuses at a time when youth unemployment is hitting record highs in the UK.

CRTC proposes easing ban on broadcasting false or misleading news

The CRTC is proposing a regulatory change that would give Canadian TV and radio stations more leeway to broadcast false or misleading news.

Webmaster's Commentary: I keep telling you Canadians. Learn from our mistakes. Save yourselves while you still can!

The More Americans That Go On Food Stamps The More Money JP Morgan Makes

In the video posted below, JP Morgan executive Christopher Paton admits that this is "a very important business to JP Morgan" and that it is doing very well. Considering the fact that the number of Americans on food stamps has exploded from 26 million in 2007 to 43 million today, one can only imagine how much JP Morgan's profits in this area have soared. But doesn't this give JP Morgan an incentive to keep the number of Americans enrolled in the food stamp program as high as possible?

Court Rules Government Can Continue To Suppress Detainee Statements Describing Torture And Abuse

A federal appeals court today ruled that the government can continue suppressing transcripts in which former CIA prisoners now held at Guantánamo Bay describe abuse and torture they suffered in CIA custody. The ruling came in an ACLU Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to obtain uncensored transcripts from Combatant Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs) used to determine if Guantánamo detainees qualify as "enemy combatants."

Webmaster's Commentary: I am sickened and disgusted by this ruling; now and for the forseeable future, it appears that the institutionalization of torture has become a trademark modality to be used against prisoners of war in pursuit of alleged American "justice."

"American justice"; I remember what that used to mean. It meant a right to trial by a jury of ones peers, in a court of law, with prosecution and defense.

Now, "American Justice" means torturing prisoners of war (and probably soon anyone else) to get them to say whatever the torturers want to hear. With this ruling, American jurisprudence has fallen off a cliff, and is now looking downright medieval; how the hell did we get to this point?!?

BUSTED! Online news service promotes false climate change study

EurekAlert! carried a study with unfounded global warming claims that the planet would warm by 2.4C by 2020

Webmaster's Commentary: They are only doing what Al Gore told them to!

"I believe it is appropriate to have an 'over-representation' of the facts on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience." - Al Gore

Ever wonder how those TSA scanners got there so quickly after the 'underpants bomber'? They were ready and waiting. He was just the hoax to sell them!

2010 – where does it fit in the warmest year list?

So where do the 1934/1998/2010 warm years rank in the long-term list of warm years? Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year ( 1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in the long-term list.

Baby girl survives after being shot in the chest in parents' 'global warming suicide pact'

A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.

Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Bump back to the top

Okay Carbonazis; take a look at this face...

... because the blood of this baby and her family is on your hands, the end result of your campaign to convince people the end of the world was at hand from carbon dioxide.

Remember in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting how all the media and politicians were pointing fingers of blame? Remember the calls to "tone down the rhetoric?" Think we will see the media excoriate the global warming cult over this shooting the way they tried to go after the Tea Party? Think we will see the media tell the global warming cult to "tone down the rhetoric?"

Note that the MailOnline shut off comments almost immediately.


Obama’s administration confirmed the United States’ determination to prevent Saudi Arabia from playing any regional role, as well as the American insistence on directly negotiating with the resistance and independent states in the region due to fears of seeing progress affecting Syrian-Saudi relations and cooperation between Iran, Syria, Turkey and the Kingdom, as this could become the nucleus of a regional system that excludes Israel.


"What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"
Pope Leo X (As attributed by John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, in The Pageant of Popes, p. 179, 1574)

"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Denis Diderot

All great truths begin as blasphemies.
~ George Bernard Shaw

You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.
~ [Usenet]

"Any god that requires small minded bigots to speak for it, is not worth the breath it takes to pray." -- Jesper Myrfors

Webmaster's Commentary:

Worth a relink in light of the letter proving the Vatican was covering up for priests who were molesting little children.

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

Oops, I think that letter was supposed to be burned

An interesting letter has been unearthed. It reveals that the Vatican was officially instructing its clergy to hide pedophilia cases from civil authorities.

Vatican warned Irish bishops not to report abuse

A 1997 letter from the Vatican warned Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report all suspected child-abuse cases to police — a disclosure that victims' groups described as "the smoking gun" needed to show that the church enforced a worldwide culture of covering up crimes by pedophile priests. The newly revealed letter, obtained by Irish broadcasters RTE and provided to The Associated Press, documents the Vatican's rejection of a 1996 Irish church initiative to begin helping police identify pedophile priests following Ireland's first wave of publicly disclosed lawsuits.

Are full-body scanners at Canadian airports really just a marketing stunt?

Security officials at Calgary International Airport have been blasted for insensitivity after 82-year-old Elizabeth Strecker complained last week she was forced to reveal the gel prosthesis she has worn since a mastectomy, which turned up in a full-body scan.

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority apologized to Strecker, who considered the action sincere, but still plans to file a formal complaint after she received several harassing anonymous voice mail messages that accused her of sharing the incident for personal gain.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This seems to be the latest tacky tactic by government propagandists; to accuse anyone complaining about the government is "exploiting" the abusive treatment for some kind of gain.

Vatican Letter Warned Bishops on Abuse Policy

The document appears to contradict Vatican claims that church leaders in Rome never sought to control the actions of local bishops in abuse cases, and that the Roman Catholic Church did not impede criminal investigations of child abuse suspects.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Hey; I'm the Pope! Would I lie to you?!?"

THIS IS BIG - GMAC Agrees To Dismiss Hundreds Of Maryland Foreclosures Clouded By Robo-Signer

From Bloomberg...Defective affidavits means a new chance for homeowners...

“Hopefully GMAC’s actions will set a precedent with other lenders where robo-signing has occurred,” DePastina said. “I think there will be a ripple effect throughout the country.”

Deal was struck late last night...

Click for full details...This is a big win against bank fraud...

School Without Power After Falling Behind On Bill

Webmaster's Commentary:

But your taxes can go to buy brand new F-35 warplanes for Israel.

At last, the damning evidence that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq

Many newspapers have so far either ignored or underplayed it, and the BBC has hitherto showed limited interest. And yet the new documents appear to establish more clearly than ever before that Tony Blair misled Parliament and the public about the legality of the war.

Some of the former Prime Minister’s political opponents and a few newspapers have previously accused him of lying, but the ‘smoking gun’ was never quite produced. This time it has been. His accuser is the former Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, a member of the Labour government before, during and after the invasion of Iraq.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Now that the war has gone on for years, now that the bodies of our's and their young are dead and rotted, now that the buildings have been destroyed, now that the cultural treasures of Iraq have been plundered and lost forever, now that the harm has been done and cannot be taken back, only now do governments and corporate media attempt to reclaim their credibility and the long-vanished trust of the people by grudgingly admitting what the blogs and the people knew way back in 2003; that the case for invading Iraq was based on lies and deceptions, and had no moral or legal merit.

How is it that the liars have to date been rewarded handsomely, while those that told the truth remain vilified and marginalized.

Do you really prefer to live in a world of illusion and deception?

Because that can be a most fatal indulgence.

Look at the world as it is today. Recall that we all got here because the liars in government and liars in corporate media demanded and received the attention and trust of the world's people. And if we are to change course; to pull back from the brink, to save what is left of life for ourselves and our children, the very first step is that we do not listen to the liars in the corporate media and the liars in the government any longer, but seek out and heed those who have all along been telling the truth.

I will have a truthful government, or I will have no government at all.

Citigroup's Profits: 'Lower Than Expected Earnings' Doesn't Tell The True Story - It's Actually MUCH Worse - And They Set Aside $24.4 BILLION For Bonuses

Citi claims net income this of $1.3 billion, but there were two large, offsetting charges that produced this very misleading number.

Back out both charges, and Citigroup earned barely $150 million for the quarter, while J.P. Morgan earned $4 billion during the same 3 months. Ouch.

Click for complete story...

Mohamed ElBaradei warns of 'Tunisia-style explosion' in Egypt

The Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei has warned of a "Tunisia-style explosion" in his country as self-immolation protests proliferated and anti-government activists announced plans for a nationwide "day of anger" next week. But the former UN nuclear weapons chief stopped short of calling on his supporters to take to the streets, prompting scathing criticism from opposition campaigners who believe ElBaradei is squandering a rare opportunity to bring an end to President Hosni Mubarak's three decades of autocratic rule.

Caligula's tomb found after police arrest man trying to smuggle statue

The lost tomb of Caligula has been found, according to Italian police, after the arrest of a man trying to smuggle abroad a statue of the notorious Roman emperor recovered from the site.

Forged..... Commercial Paper?

Who forges commercial paper? Why someone who wants to pledge it in a repo or other operation, of course. Otherwise there's no point - if you claim to have it and really didn't lend it, it's a nothing, so why would you do it - except to deceive someone else up the line?

Yeah, $227 million isn't much in the grand scheme of things. But if in point of fact China now has a bunch of banks that are stuffed full of forged paper at this level, then who knows what other fun and games are going on behind the scenes that we're not aware of.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Maybe China has their own bubbles, or maybe someone who is even now declaring the US is at economic war with China, and unable to improve the US economy, has decide to sabotage China's!


Webmaster's Commentary: For some reason, NBC's player will embed and work on a story WRH page but messes up the front page, so you need to follow the link to see this funny SNL video (after a short commercial).


Witnesses said the driver, Ziad Jilani, 41, had been shot at least once and was lying in the road when the Israeli officer walked up next to him and fired at his head with an M16 rifle, killing him instantly.


Gaza has no such monuments, neither does the Occupied West Bank. Monuments immortalise events of the past, the horrors resulting from Israeli state sponsored terrorism continue throughout Palestine to this day.

There MUST be terrorists in Brazil!!!!

Brazilian oil deposits below a layer of salt in the Atlantic Ocean hold at least 123 billion barrels of reserves, more than double government estimates, according to a university study by a former Petroleo Brasileiro SA geologist.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Invade! Invade NOW!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Police agencies putting more emphasis on traffic enforcement

Salt Lake City police are issuing a new mandate to patrol officers: Write at least one ticket a week or explain why you didn't. Former state representative Neil Hansen, who tried to pass three bills outlawing quotas, feels that's what Salt Lake police are creating with the requirement.

Shelf Life of Food

Shelf life indicates when quality BEGINS to deteriorate. Times indicated are for products without a "use by"date on them.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Last night my wife and I cleaned the kitchen and noticed that many cans of food we had purchased in bulk and set aside for emergencies are now past their sell-by dates. Those sell-by dates are when the food STARTS to lose quality and in many cases the food inside is still good. In these hard economic times it is wise never to waste food when you do not have to. Sadly, there are no hard guidelines for how long stored foods will last. I found a large variance in the online resources. Clearly the food companies prefer you to throw away food and buy replacements.

Some foods last a very long time in storage, such as vegetables canned in water, and for some strange reason mayonnaise in a jar. Other products, like meat products, canned fruits and pre-cooked pasta meals, can go quickly bad.

I am going to try to find some better lists for the site, but as a general rule canned foods last a year past the sell-by dates, with meats being somewhat shorter. Foods in cardboard packages are not intended for long storage. Food poisoning is a serious problem. If you open an older package and it smells or tastes funny, don't risk eating it.

I know a lot of people are trying to build up a food stockpile ahead of the expected shortages, and the best plan is to eat from the older items in your pantry and replace with the new items from the market so that everything is always within its sell by date.

State of Virgina Considers Alternative Currency When Dollar Collapses

Congress has ceded it constitutional authority to a privet bank in 1913. Having the bankers in control of the economy is been a repeated failure. If congress will not take control of the currency. Than the states should look for alternate solutions so the states can still function.The Virgina legislator is talking about solutions when the dollar tanks having a currency in place to replace the Federal reserve note as a contingency measure must be considered. States taking back control of its money supply like Virgina is looking into is a step in the right direction. I hope many states follow like Texas. We will just have to wait and see.

Waiting For a Hero

The lovely Miss Puddy accompanied me to the movies a few weeks ago for a viewing of “Unstoppable” with Denzel Washington. In the movie Washington, a 30-year veteran locomotive engineer saves the day by not listening to the bureaucracy and trusting his instinct honed by years on the job. It is the story of a simple journeyman veteran who knows his trade well from 30 years on the job who saves the day. Washington represents the typical workingman who is fast disappearing in this country. He plays a blue-collar professional who has dedicated his entire working life to his career. I read the other day that the average young person entering the workforce today will have three different careers throughout his working life – not 3 different jobs but 3 different vocations.

Cops Shoot & Kill Man For Betting On Football!

Stuxnet: Another “Conspiracy Theory” Turns Out To Be True

Debunkers attacked claim that US and Israel were behind worm attack – now it’s admitted

Despite numerous establishment blogs and websites at the time debunking the claim that Israel and the United States were behind the Stuxnet virus attack, that fact has now been admitted, leaving many with egg on their faces and proving once again that the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along. The Alex Jones Show from September 27, 2010, in which Israel and the United States were identified as being behind the Stuxnet attack. After months of speculation, our original hypothesis that the US and Israel were responsible for the computer worm attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities was confirmed on Sunday.

Hundreds Demonstrate in Tunisian Capital

Hundreds of anti-government protesters marched in the Tunisian capital calling for allies of the ousted president to leave the government.

European Stocks Lower in Midday Trading

European stock prices are lower in midday trading Wednesday.
-London's Financial Times index is down
-The CAC-40 in Paris is down
-the DAX index in Frankfurt is virtually unchanged
- the S&P futures contract is down
-Tokyo's Nikkei index gained
-Hong Kong's Hang Seng index rose
-Gold is trading at $1,374.88 an ounce.
-The dollar is trading lower against other major currencies

Whitehall chief blocks release of Blair's notes to Bush on Iraq

Britain's top civil servant, Sir Gus O'Donnell, is preventing the official inquiry into the Iraq invasion from publishing notes sent by Tony Blair to George W Bush - evidence described by the inquiry as of "central importance" in establishing the circumstances that led to war.

O'Donnell, the cabinet secretary, consulted Blair before suppressing the documents, it emerged tonight. The Cabinet Office said: "There is an established convention covering papers of a previous administration whereby former ministers would normally be consulted before release of papers from their time in government." The prime minister's spokesman said David Cameron had not been consulted.

Monsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

The following article reveals the devastating and unprecedented impact that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide is having on the health of our soil, plants, animals, and human population. On top of this perfect storm, the USDA now wants to approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, which will exacerbate this calamity.

China Plants Flag on Constitution Avenue

He sat down to what the corporate media describes as “an unusual and intimate dinner” with Hu Jintao, the CEO of the sprawling slave labor gulag and globalist dream come true in China. After dinner, Hu Jinato and Obama attended a “pomp-filled gala” designed to celebrate with sickening pageantry what is in essence a planting of the Chinese flag on American soil.

Aubuchon Hardware closes 2 area stores

Aubuchon Hardware stores in Essex Center and Enosburg Falls closed for good Tuesday at noon. The company issued a press release saying the closings were made with "much regret," but that declining sales forced the decision to close.

"For 39 years, the company took pleasure in serving the hardware needs of the town of Essex Center and its surrounding communities," the press release stated...

After Tunisia, ‘electrified’ Arab world sets sights on brewing revolt in Egypt

In a sign that an "electrified" Arab world has been inspired by the events in Tunisia to rise up against their governments, opposition leaders in Egypt have called for an open revolt in the country on January 25. The US branch of the National Association for Change, an umbrella group of activists led by former IAEA chief Mohamed El-Baradei, issued a statement on Tuesday "urging all Egyptians to take to the streets on January 25th to protest the deteriorating conditions caused by the dictatorial Mubarak regime."

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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