I’m not going to apologize or pander to this committee. They do more to harm me, my family and my surroundings than anybody else. But I’m going to fight this committee, and every person or entity that tries to silence me. And I will do this by breaking the silence and resisting the occupation.
Webmaster's Commentary: I'm sorry, but the headline here should have read: "Clinton set to depart for Gulf to torpedo any possible success in talks with Iran."
They never did the assignment and later when they tried to correct that problem they found they were in the position of violating the terms spelled out in the PSA wherein the assignment could be accepted by the pool — as to time, content (non-performing loans) etc. As of this point in time, there are approximately 50 million transactions over the past ten years that fit this fact pattern. All of them have fatal defects in title.
Webmaster's Commentary:
On yesterday's radio show, Tracy Long pointed out that the implications of this court decision are far-reaching. There are tax liability issues for the banks, and the rules under which the mortgage-backed security trusts were formed are themselves forcing some of the repurchases the banks are covering with the foreclosed homes.
There is no question that the banks have decided that looting the American people to keep themselves afloat is the only solution they have, and equally apparent that government at the state and Federal level are going to help them do it, as evidenced by the way in which Bank of America was let off the hook for foreclosure fraud by the US Government and all 50 states (in exchange for a piece of the action).
The battle lines are drawn. Only a fool cannot see it. The banks and government are literally invading and conquering and confiscating your homes, using a cloud of paperwork to make it look like this is what is supposed to happen. And they throw families into the streets they will scream, "It is legal!" "It is legal!" "It is legal!"
But everything Adolf Hitler did was legal, yet we know much of it was still evil and wrong, as were the German people wrong to stand silently by and allow Hitler to extract wealth from their fellow human beings by stealth and by force, which is pretty much what is happening here today. The bank robbers are the ones inside the banks.
Absent some draconian "solution" by the Federal Government, the US banking system has dug its own grave and will drag the US Government down with it. Draconian action by the government to allow the banks to evade the legal consequences of their short-cutting the mortgage system to expedite the looting of homes will provoke a Constitutional crisis. Worse, when the government declares a "National Emergency" and is seen to activate the FEMA laws to save the very banks that created this mess, more than likely this will provoke the violent reaction that even now the military is being trained to deal with. More than likely this spate of phony terror bombing in Maryland and Washington DC is a pathetic attempt to make it look like the "domestic terrorists" (i.e. Americans pissed off at being robbed at the point of a fountain pen) have struck the first blow.
But we know different. The US Government has drawn first blood. Americans whose homes were taken by fraud are dying of the harsh winter we were told was not possible because of global warming. The number of American citizens murdered by the US Government rises every day. The war has already begun, and the bad guys have the initiative! There is no turnng back. IN the eyes of the enemy, strip-mining your lives to pay for their $100,000 watches is their only path to survival, under the religious rules they worship. There are no innocent bystanders. We are all targets for their greed. We are all the resistance. We are all Palestinians.
As constitutional freedoms and middle class prosperity erode, America is slowly dying. Like Rome, two empires share a remarkably common history. Both rose and prospered, then overextended, "rushed to the abyss," and couldn't turn back. America is on its edge. Its belligerence exceeds Rome's. Its excesses are unsustainable. Its middle class is dying, its democracy a mere figure of speech.
Webmaster's Commentary: Your tax dollars at work in Iraq, folks. Take a good, hard look at that baby in the photo at the top of the article. Imagine, for one second, that was your precious child. What would you think about the people who caused these birth defects to happen?!?
The Treasury Secretary of The United States of America just said that if we don’t get another $1 trillion or so dollars by March of this year then this country will begin to default on its debt obligations. These remarks are extremely serious and should be understood for what they are.
We are, literally and without mixing words, on the brink of economic catastrophe. The scary thing is, according to Mr. Geithner and the many supporters of raising our debt ceiling, that borrowing more money is the only solution available.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I think this article was written before the Ibanez decision came down yesterday. The situation is more dire than described above.
In 1999 Congress repealed Glass-Steagal, triggering a reckless gambling binge on derivatives by banks using their customers (not their own) money.
One of the "products" created by Wall Street during this binge was the mortage-backed security. These were sold and "ponzied" to create the immediate impression of runaway profitability.
Demand was so great for this new product that there was a shortage of new mortgages to put into the MBS. This launched the availability of the sub-prime mortgages, and Congress, themselves invested in the Wall Street firms trading the MBS, dangled an $8000 home-buyer tax credit before Americans to lure more of them in, to "front load" the bubble machine. Demand for mortgages for the MDS was so great that some brokers, either intentionally or possibly due to a goof within MERS (itself created to short circuit the title transfer process), sold the same mortgages into multiple MBS; a clear case of fraud.
Then the wheels came off the bandwagon and the purchasers across the world who invested in the MBS started to realize that many of those mortgages in the MBS were no good, already in default, and/or oversubscribed. Wall Street banks were forced to repurchase those fraudulent securities, attempting to do so quietly lest word of the colossal fraud escape to the general public.
The banks' losses were staggering and hundreds of banks began to fail despite massive cash infusions from the US taxpayers, again courtesy of that same Congress whose members were themselves invested in the Wall Street firms that created this mess.
In order to recapitalize and avoid collapse, the banks started foreclosing on homes in order to take them and place the value of the asset (inflated under mark-to-market accounting practices declared legal again despite the ENRON disaster) on their books.
Speed was life, the rush to foreclose was on. The so-called mortgage modification program was a polite fiction to convince the voters that the same government that had baited them into the scam with that $8000 tax credit was now on their side. But people trying to use mortgage modification were told they had to be in default, and were tricked into withholding payments, which allowed the banks to initiate more foreclosures. More homes were lost in the mortgage-modification program than were saved.
Foreclosure fever dripped the banks, and abuses started to pile up. Homes that were not delinquent on their mortgages were foreclosed. Homes without mortgages were foreclosed. Banks were selling homes without actually owing the title.
Finally, as the scandal became public the courts demanded the paperwork at least have the semblance of proper form and legality. But the use of MERS had severed the link between the mortgage and the note. Both are required legally to foreclose a property. Lenders who had the note had no idea where the actual title was located, so the "foreclosure mills" were born; legal offices specializing in "recreating" missing paperwork to expedite the foreclosure process. Documents were forged and robo-signed. This is criminal felony fraud! While the banks may get a free pass from the US and state governments, civil cases and class-actions are piling up alongside lawsuits from foreign banks that will not be cowed by threats from Washington DC.
The shock waves from the Ibanez case are rippling through the banks and I have no doubt there are emergency meetings going on today on boardrooms across America. Tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of foreclosures have just been invalidated, foreclosures already counted on the books as income-to-be-received. The too-big-to-fail banks may already be insolvent as I type this. The panic is on. The fangs are out. Guess whose blood the bankers hunger for.
There is evidence that central banks in several regions of the World are building up their gold reserves. What is published are the official purchases. A large part of these Central Bank purchases of gold bullion are not disclosed. They are undertaken through third party contracting companies, with utmost discretion. US dollar holdings and US dollar denominated debt instruments are in effect being traded in for gold, which in turn puts pressure on the US dollar. In turn, both China and Russia have boosted domestic production of gold, a large share of which is being purchased by their central banks
Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder just how long this trend can continue before the US dollar absolutely loses any financial credibility at all.
There are over 4 million more Americans living in poverty than previously reported and poor people make up 15.7 percent of the population instead of 14.3 percent, according to new figures for 2009 released by the US Census Bureau on Wednesday.
Webmaster's Commentary: I would suspect that even that adjustment to 15.7% of the US population living in poverty is still way too conservative a figure.
Against this background, the escalation of violence along the Gaza/Israel border should set off alarm bells around the world and at the United Nations. Israel in recent days has been launching severe air strikes against targets within the Gaza Strip, including near the civilian-crowded refugee camp of Khan Younis, killing several Palestinians and wounding others. Supposedly, these attacks are in retaliation for nine mortar shells that fell on open territory, causing neither damage nor injury. Israel also had been using lethal force against children from Gaza, who were collecting gravel from the buffer zone for the repair of their homes.
Webmaster's Commentary: This is what Israel has become in the 21st century: a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.
It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said. Webmaster's Commentary: It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to grab more money for an ID system that won't stop the hackers.
The world has known from the times of the Catholic Inquisition that torture only gets the results the torturers want to hear in order to get the torture to stop. There is no excuse for torture, period, end of discussion. When the US tortures, it for all intents and purposes has walked away from every human rights treaty to which it has ever been a signatory, including the Geneva accords.
When the US tortures, we cannot begin, as a nation, to talk about the immutability of human dignity and human rights, while we are practicing those values in reverse.
When the US tortures, it gives other countries carte blanche to torture American civilians and American military personnel. Please think about that last one for a while, particularly if you have family or friends about to serve in the US military.
If we are to believe the president, we have to take him on faith. But even Obama noted during a media briefing, “the gains we’ve made are fragile and reversible.” Yet that is way too optimistic. As University of Michigan Professor Juan Cole writes in “Top Ten Myths about Afghanistan, 2010,” “A recent National Intelligence Estimate by 16 intelligence agencies found no progress. It warned that large swathes of the country were at risk of falling to the Taliban and that they still had safe havens in Pakistan, with the Pakistani government complicit.”
Webmaster's Commentary: This occupation of Afghanistan has absolutely nothing to do with the security of the United States.This is a publicly funded war for potential (and some already realized) private profit; it is about the installation of the pipelines with which to control Turkmenistan natural gas, and about the profits from the drug trade, with that drug trade booming vibrantly, courtesy of NATO/US occupation. And if anyone out there disbelieves that the US has ever used drugs to fund various of its operations before, I have one phrase for you: IRAN-CONTRA. Type that puppy into a search engine, and be prepared to be amazed.
Cuban revolutionist blames Mossad, secret services of US, UK for recent assassination of Iranian scientist. ‘I don’t remember another time in history when killing of scientists was official policy of powers armed with WMDs,’ he writes in local paper
These packages going off at Government Buildings is nothing more trying to find ways to clamp down on dissent in the United States and to justify control over the people to be watched at all times.We must not let none of this scare us and see it for what it is. It is just an act of desperation to maintain control and take away our liberties.
In the outskirts were the power-station is located,the Gaza Valley have became a sewage, and a garbage dump for residents of Gaza and the occupant Israel. Israeli warplanes and tanks are ceaselessly shelling the area near the Gaza Valley with missiles and rockets. The ground has become a toxic dump, depleted with lethal chemical waste, such as lead and uranium, which has produced dangerous symptoms not only to the nature environment, but also to Gaza residents living in the area.
As a result of Ireland’s dramatic reversal of fortune the names of Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan are now being reviled as the villains who inflicted horrendous financial disaster upon the Irish people and forced the enslavement of future generations to a criminal cadre of International Banksters.
The words ‘treason’, ‘traitors’, and ‘treachery’ are being increasingly used not only by ordinary citizens but also by certain politicians, economists, business leaders, and celebrities.
Webmaster's Commentary: Draw and quarter the bastards who sell their people into the slavery of the banks!!
In 1947, the Catechetical Guild Educational published Is This Tomorrow: America Under Communism, a propaganda comic classic about the impending Sovietification of America. According to the comic, Communist saboteurs would maintain dissident camps in Alaska and North Dakota.
Dear Mr. President,On behalf of the people of Israel, I am writing to you to request clemency for Jonathan Pollard.
Webmaster's Commentary: Dear PM Netanyahu: Pollard was a traitor to his country, and Israel should be very grateful that he has not been executed for his crimes. Dear President Obama: If you commute Pollard's sentence at Netanyahu's behest, you will be telegraphing to the world as to the country toward which your first allegiance lies, and it will be obvious that country is not the United States of America!!
Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being…… They should pay 5,000 dollars (4,400 US) a head for each extra child and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter”
Everyone wants to indulge a sweet tooth at this festive time of year, without suffering the inevitable consequences of weight gain. But, be aware of the hidden (not listed on ingredient labels) dangers of Neotame sweetener in almost everything consumed by humans, and now even in feed for livestock raised for human consumption. In 1998, Monsanto applied for FDA approval for a monster molecule, "based on the aspartame formula" with one critical addition: 3-dimethylbutyl [listed on EPA's most hazardous chemical list]. Neotame is touted as being 13,000 times sweeter than sugar.
Israeli Army servicemen shot at and killed a 65-year old paralyzed Palestinian man in Hebron, in the West Bank, earlier today, as they arrested the man’s neighbour who was released from a Palestinian prison yesterday.
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to the "new normal" for West Bank Palestinians.
It's one thing to be threatened with baseless defamation lawsuits, as we have in the past, that are clearly designed to intimidate. It's quite another to get knocked off the net for exercising our First Amendment rights. The limited knowledge I have of these attacks leads me to believe that we may never know the true source of them, as it is easy to set up servers in foreign locations to launch attacks from, but given the information contained in the following article, we can only speculate as to who is behind this. Obama Renews Commitment to Complete Destruction of the Middle Class - Meet the New Economic Death Squad
According to comments from administration officials, the Obama Administration’s $50 billion projection for 2012 war funding is going to be blown apart, with a closed-door meeting putting the actual funding request closer to the $120 billion range.
Ultimately, however, these “emergency” war funding requests seem to be continuing for the forseeable future, even though President Obama made folding them into the military’s regular budget a top priority. Splitting up the record budgets is just too politically convenient, particularly when the administration is running massive deficits, to stop.
Webmaster's Commentary: This is an absolutely obscene amount of money to be spent for these wars without end, and may well ultimately bankrupt and destroy this country.
President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today.
It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said. The Obama administration is currently drafting what it's calling the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, which Locke said will be released by the president in the next few months. (An early version was publicly released last summer.)
Webmaster's Commentary: I would almost be willing to bet that some sophisticated coding will be able to get around this in a heartbeat.
Jerusalem: a cauldron of nationalistic and religious acrimony, a persistent flashpoint for global crisis. Exactly where you want to put the world’s most notorious private security firm.
International Development Solutions, a recent joint venture between Blackwater-spinoff U.S. Training Center and a different security company, just received a task order under the State Department’s $10 billion Worldwide Protective Services contract to protect Jerusalem-stationed U.S. diplos. Jeff Stein reports that the bid is as much as $84 million. Israeli drivers, watch out.
Webmaster's Commentary:One has to wonder why the US military is not being tasked with these responsibilities, over and above hired mercenaries?!? Apparently,the corporate leadership here still has the "juice" with Congress and Military to get these contracts inked.
sraeli authorities on Wednesday demolished the businesses of a Palestinian resident northeast of Jerusalem, witnesses said. Forces destroyed two garages, a car wash and building materials belonging to Abed Al-Aziz Al-Khatib, a resident of Hizma. The buildings provided the main source of income for Al-Khatib's 50-member family, he said.
Webmaster's Commentary: The Israeli government sends in bulldozers to destroy the lives of Palestinians. The US government sends in bankers to destroy the lives of Americans. We are all Palestinians now.
Sound too conspiratorial to be true? Like the cover-up ops of spy novels? Well, it's reality. And it is possibly the most bizarre, inhumane and abusive way that the White House is expanding its power over the American people.
It's not an extremist belief or theory of the far right. It's a fact that has been confirmed by The New York Times, The Washington Post and MSNBC and even documented by the far-left online magazine Salon.com.
Webmaster's Commentary: So ... Wheeler didn't crawl into that trash dumpster all by himself?!?!?!?!? OH, SAY IT IS NOT SO!!!!!!!!!
The US economy is showing signs of a "self-sustaining recovery", but is not growing fast enough to reduce high jobless levels, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has said.
Mr Bernanke told the Senate Budget Committee it could take four to five years for the job market to normalise.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Forgive me, but has this man gone absolutely barking mad?!?!?
The US is not in a recovery: it is in a depression, possibly worse then the so-called "Great Depression." And blathering on about an alleged "self sustaining recovery" is not going to fix the problem.
This country needs to:
1. Get rid of the Federal Reserve, and have the Treasury print its own money.
2. Incentivize companies to stay and prosper here, rather than offshore jobs.
Rioting broke out across Algeria again yesterday, with police deployed around mosques in the capital after days of violent protests against high food prices and unemployment. Riot police armed with tear gas and batons maintained a strong presence around mosques in Algiers, while unrest spread outside the capital. The official APS news agency said protesters ransacked government buildings, banks and post offices in several eastern cities overnight, including Constantine, Jijel, Setif and Bouira.
Webmaster's Commentary:When you have grinding poverty, lack of education, and no sense of any control over what your corrupt government does, this is the perfect storm for creating unrest and insurgency by people who feel they have nothing left to lose.
The Army's top general said recently that a policy banning women from combat arms units could soon be revised.
"We're looking at revising the policy," Gen. George W. Casey Jr. told a breakfast gathering of the Association of the U.S. Army in Arlington, Va. "We've had some work going on for a while, and that'll double back up to the secretary, I would think, in the next couple of months."
Webmaster's Commentary: This is symptomatic of a military force which has been stretched to its limits. And although the depression has caused interest in signing up for the military to boom, a full 25% of those applying cannot pass the basic entrance exam.
Corporate America has convinced many in Washington that what is good for them is good for America. Naturally, a tax cut would be in line for them in order to keep pace with countries like China, the same countries these corporations outsource jobs too. The Market Ticker's Karl Denninger says shuffling the deck around doesn't change the problem. When you offshore labor, you can effectively hire slaves in places like China and put your production in places where they don't care if you put your toxic waste in the water.
Our telecom industry's overseer doesn't seem to have any control to stop the greed. That's because it's a puppet of the industry giants. David Rosen and Bruce Kushnick AlterNet In a recent AlterNet article, we detailed how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) helped increase the “FCC Line Charge” (SLC), now capped at $6.50 per line, that is imposed on every residential and business phone line. It is a charge that is usually hidden among the “taxes and surcharges” section of the phone bill. It does not go to fund the FCC, but is a direct subsidy to phone companies...
David Gutierrez Natural News New York State, along with its cities and counties, have promised $200 billion worth of retirement health care benefits to their employees, and no one knows where that money is going to come from, according to a study conducted by the Empire Center for New York State Policy...
Dylan Ratigan Huffington Post At first glance, the December jobs report seems to be a step in the right direction. An unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, the lowest level in 19 months. And a president, happy to boast about another 103,000 jobs being created last month...
27. December.2010 We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on from Israel’s genocidal attack on our families, our houses, our roads, our factories and our schools, are saying enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the time is now to hold Israel to account for its ongoing crimes against us.
There is a long and expanding history of American tax payer dollars being used to help certain people get rich off of illicit drug sales. As long as the government and America’s elite continue to benefit from the illegal drug trade, more suffering may lie ahead.
“They [CIA] sell you the drugs, and when their police on the street catch you with them, they then put yu in their prisons working for 25 cents an hour displacing American workers and driving down wages,” he said. “This is all still going on at an even greater level today in Afghanistan and is now hidden in plain view.”
Perhaps, worse in some respects than this Israeli war-mongering, is the stunning silence of the governments of the world, and of the United Nations. And even after the commission of the atrocities of 2008-09 have been authenticated over and over by the Goldstone Report, by an exhaustive report issued by the Arab League, by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, there is no expectation of Israeli accountability, and the United States effectively uses its diplomatic muscle to bury the issue, encouraging forgetfulness in collaboration with the media./strong>
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (CBS) – Gov. Pat Quinn and the leaders of both houses of the Illinois General Assembly have agreed on raising the state income tax. If the bill passes, the plan would raise the personal income tax rate from the current 3 percent to 5.25 percent. That’s a 75 percent increase. In real dollars, that would mean if you currently owe $1,000 in taxes, next year you would owe $1,750.
In a blow to the Northland area's efforts at revival, Kohl's officials have confirmed that the store at 1700 Morse Rd. will close on Feb. 26.
"That's a definite loss to the community," said Roseann Hicks, president of the Northland Area Business Association. "I happen to be an avid Kohl's shopper myself. We're sad to see them go."
All employees at the store have been offered positions at nearby Kohl's locations. Those who choose not to move are being offered severance packages, said Vicki Shamion, senior vice president of public and community relations at Kohl's...
“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…” Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
The FBI agents and informants are reportedly working to frame US Muslims for acts of terrorism and similar crimes, American Muslim leaders warn. FBI agents “are not investigating to see if the individual is engaged, they are engaging the person in terrorist activities, in conspiracies, in plotting,” says Shaker Elsayed, Imam of Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia.
“Our experience here at al-Hijrah was very positive with the FBI leadership in Washington Field Office, until we found out that getting very close to the FBI came at a very serious price,” Elsayed pointed out in his interview with Press TV.
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