Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WRH News stories for Tuesday, January 04, 2011 Part 2

Scrutiny Grows as U.S. Pays Staffers' Student Loans

Congress and federal agencies are expected to spend as much as $60 million in fiscal 2009 on a little-known taxpayer-funded perk: repaying government employees' college loans.

Shock and Awe in Punjab: Pakistan Assassination Highlights Country's Divide

Webmaster's Commentary: Lots of bodies today!

Son of the Shah of Iran kills self (maybe)

The son of the deposed Shah of Iran and onetime heir to the throne committed suicide early this morning in his South End brownstone, according to authorities and a statement from his family.

Webmaster's Commentary: Lot of dead bodies starting to pile up!


Webmaster's Commentary:

I think we can rule out CIA on this one, although after Dubai, not the Mossad.

Son of former Iranian shah found dead in Boston

(* they're calling it a suicide)

The Long Swim – How the Fed Could Become Insolvent

You’ve seen the proof in real time. Once-dominant industrial companies, e.g., General Motors, can run out of money. The biggest banks, e.g., Bank of America, can run out of money. Even sovereign governments, e.g., Greece, can run out of money. Yes, all those organizations are still limping along, but only after being rescued by other giant institutions, such as the U.S. government, the less unhealthy European governments, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

PRESS RELEASE: Judge Dismisses Cases Against Military Veterans and Anti-war Activists Following December 16th Washington, D.C. Arrests

Washington, D.C. – January 4, 2011: Anti-war military veterans and other activists celebrated a breakthrough victory today in DC Superior Court, when charges were dropped, following arrests in front of the White House, on December 16, 2010. Over 131 people were arrested in a major veteran-led protest while participating in non-violent civil resistance in a driving snowstorm. US Park Police charged all 131 protesters with “Failure to Obey a Lawful Order,” when they refused to move from the White House sidewalk. All remained fixed to the White House fence demanding an end to the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and further US aggression in the region...

Wilmington Trust Bank Reclaims $2 Million From CEO Because Of TARP - Then Boosts His Salary

This is NOT a clawback; these were funds due to be paid out at the end of 2010 that were withheld. And don't feel sorry for the CEO of Delaware's largest bank, itself a recipient of $330 million in TARP funds that have not been paid back, as he had his salary boosted to make up for part of the shortfall. Complete story inside...

No Criminal Charges: All 50 States Ready To Settle Foreclosure Fraud Probe Of Largest Banks

Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) - The five largest loan servicers, including Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, may be the first to settle with all 50 state attorneys general probing foreclosure fraud, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller said. The group isn’t pursuing a criminal investigation, Miller said. “Our focus is to reform the servicing process and that’s inherently civil, not criminal,” he said.

Weapons of mass deception: time to turn to alternative media

Paul J. Balles looks at the hazards of relying on the mainstream media, which are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small number of conglomerates and moguls, such as Rupert Murdoch, and suggests some websites and commentators in alternative media.

Murder of White House Insider Wheeler Reminds Me of Another Murdered WH Official, Vince Foster

Full documentary on Foster: http://ur1.ca/2qtza


B.C. leadership candidate George Abbott promises vote on carbon tax

B.C. Liberal leadership candidate George Abbott says he supports a provincewide referendum on the future of British Columbia's groundbreaking carbon tax.

Webmaster's Commentary: "Can we burn those tax forms to keep warm?"

Met Office knew big freeze was coming but hushed it up

The Met Office warned ministers to expect an ‘exceptionally cold winter’ but then kept the prediction secret from the public. The forecaster decided not to reveal the information because it was embarrassed after wrongly predicting a ‘barbecue summer’ in 2009, BBC analyst Roger Harrabin said. Webmaster's Commentary:

It just does not get more obvious than this. Last October, when the UK Met office was predicting a mild winter, they knew they were lying to the public, in order not to undermine the COP 16 conference in Cancun with acknowledgment of the brutal winter to come.

Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:

* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*

* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation

* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project

* a director of the Carbon Group

* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK

He is also a member of the Green Alliance.

January Could be Coldest for U.S. since 1980s

Winter has only just begun, and many people across the country are already sick of the cold. On the heels of a record-cold December, frigid weather will continue seizing areas from coast to coast through mid- to late January. Based on this forecast, AccuWeather.com Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi says this month could turn out to be the coldest January for the nation as a whole since 1985.

Higgs Boson Discovered? Not So Fast.

One of the LHC's main goals is to find the Higgs particle, the boson that gives matter its mass. However, if the LHC doesn't find the Higgs, the Standard Model of particle physics may not be correct, indicating that we may need to look at more exotic theories to understand how the Universe works.

Webmaster's Commentary:

... Or, admit that the theory of the Big Bang is just religion disguised as science, and start in a new direction.

Here is how we got to this situation.

1. In 1929 Edwin Hubble realizes that the spectrum of objects becomes red shifted the further the object lies from Earth, allowing for more accurate estimations of distances to objects too far away to triangulate on. The relationship between distance and spectral shift is named the "Hubble Constant."

2. Hubble himself does not suggest that the red shift is proof of relative motions. That leap to conclusion comes from a Catholic Monk, Georges Lema'tre, who claims Hubble's observed red shifts prove his theory of an expanding universe, and by looking backwards, a supreme moment of creation. Buy-bull bangers around the world seize on this theory as vindication of their religious beliefs and proof that they will not really die when they die.

3. Ah, but there is a problem in fantasy-land. Almost immediately contradictions to the theory of the Big Bang start to appear. Initially the scientists pointing out these contradictions are treated much as the church treated Bruno and Galileo, although in this gentler age, the punishments are mostly confined to loss of finding and tenure rather than torture and burning at the stake.

4. Then a really big problem shows up called General Relativity and the idea of black holes; objects so massive even light may not escape from their gravity. The Big Bang has a problem in that the so-called primordial egg, the single super-dense object from which the universe supposedly sprang, would also be the greatest black hole in the cosmos.

5. Bu rather than risk career burning at the stake at the hands of a vengeful clergy in those pre-molestation days of arrogance and supremacy, scientists did what scientists had done back in Galileo's day to resolve the conflict between the theory and the facts. In Galileo's day the servile scientists resolved the conflict between the religiously declared theory of an Earth Centered universe and the observations which showed the planets not acting as if they orbited the Earth with a vast and complex theory of epicycles and deferents. It was a well developed theory and after enough complex machinations by the academics and clergy whose careers depended on church support, it sort fo worked. Entire careers and university departments were devoted to this theory. Of course, epicycles and deferents turned out to be flat-out wrong.

5. Now we have a similar situation. The church-approved theory is a single object blasting forth the entire universe, yet we know this would be impossible under General Relativity. But rather than accept the contradiction as reason to re-examine the basic premise, scientists have concocted a new version of epicycles and deferents in which the expanding universe does not have any mass and therefore no gravity. Under this theory, the universe grows until it is large enough jot to fall back into a black hole of its own gravity and only then does it acquire mass by interaction with the Higgs Boson. Thinks of the Big Bang universe as the two tubes that Epoxy cement comes in. You have to mix the two tubes together to get particles with mass, gravity, and presumably stickiness. Yeah, that really is what the Higgs Boson is, a never seen particle that "must" exist to get the religious myth of a creation to sit quietly and politely next to General Relativity.

In other words, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is not a science instrument but the world's most expensive religious shrine, as technologically advanced in our time as Hero's water-powered mechanical idols were to the ancient Greeks, and with the same purpose; to assure the dupes that the revealed religious wisdom is indeed true.

In the end, even if the LHC produces something declared to be the Higgs Boson, it cannot prove that such an object ever existed before that precise moment. Under the Big Bang theory, the Higgs must be as massless as all other matter supposedly spewing out of the left nostril of God (or whatever orifice you choose). That will make it very hard to detect.

As I was sitting on the stair, I met a particle that was not there. :)

James Hansen 2008: Warm Winters “Clear Sign” of Global Warming.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Okay, so if global warming causes milder winters, then what do you make of this, Mr. Gore?"

The ‘scientific consensus’ about global warming turns out to have a lot more to do with manipulating the numbers

How do we know there’s a scientific consensus on climate change? Pundits and the press tell us so. And how do the pundits and the press know? Until recently, they typically pointed to the number 2,500 — that’s the number of scientists associated with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Those 2,500, the pundits and the press believed, had endorsed the IPCC position.

To their embarrassment, most of the pundits and press discovered they were mistaken — those 2,500 scientists hadn’t endorsed the IPCC’s conclusions, they had merely reviewed some part or other of the IPCC’s mammoth studies. To add to their embarrassment, many of those reviewers from within the IPCC establishment actually disagreed with the IPCC’s conclusions, sometimes vehemently.

Global Warming in Las Vegas

ICE age is here says Geophysicist

The carbonazis were wrong, the skeptics were right; deal with it!

U.S. Approved Business With Blacklisted Nations

Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the United States government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism, an examination by The New York Times has found.

At the behest of a host of companies — from Kraft Food and Pepsi to some of the nation’s largest banks — a little-known office of the Treasury Department has granted nearly 10,000 licenses for deals involving countries that have been cast into economic purgatory, beyond the reach of American business.

Poof it's gone!

The American Dream

The Insurance Crisis You Didn't Hear About

Everyone remembers AIG, and how it was too big to fail, since its insurance propped up everything from major construction projects to risky mortgages. But the insurance industry as a whole was grossly destabilized by the banking crisis. Any risk upsets insurers, and there was plenty to go around. Including one particularly noxious little instrument: The death bet, or life settlement industry, to use the polite term.

Former Goldman Sachs Executive Gene Sperling Floated As Larry Summers Replacement

1 Minute Video - Sperling made millions on Wall Street Sperling worked in the Clinton administration, then for Goldman Sachs and currently serves as a senior aide to Tim Geithner at Treasury. With this we can assume the Roger Altman trial balloon crashed and burned.

The Elite Now Have Unlimited FDIC Coverage for Deposits

Activist Post A little known clause in the gigantic Dodd-Frank financial reform bill went into effect January 1st. All funds in a "noninterest-bearing transaction account" are insured in full by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from December 31, 2010, through December 31, 2012...

Court OKs searches of cell phones without warrant

Bob Egelko SF Chronicle The California Supreme Court allowed police Monday to search arrestees' cell phones without a warrant, saying defendants lose their privacy rights for any items they're carrying when taken into custody...


Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had let to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation. Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high risk operations.

John P. Wheeler III: The 'neighbors' twist

John's neighbor Ron heard loud noise emminating from John's television during Christmas week, and it wasn't the usual occassional program, as Roark says: it was so loud as to be disturbing...and it was continuous for days. Delaware law enforcement aren't saying how John P. Wheeler III died, but they are denying his home was the crime scene. However, according to WTOP FM Radio, two wooden chairs in the Wheeler's kitchen had yellow crime scene tape stretched across them--and several wooden floorboards near the two chairs were missing.

Chris Whalen: 'Gift From Government To Bank Of America' In $2.8 Billion Settlement With Fannie & Freddie

The deal with Fannie Mae is not airtight; it leaves open the possibility that Fannie could pursue additional claims against Bank of America. In contrast, the settlement with Freddie Mac closes the book on pending and potential claims.

"This is a gift from the government to the bank," said Christopher Whalen.

I've ALSO included an update on Ally's (GMAC) settlement last week with Fannie, and the status of MBIA's lawsuit against Bank of America. A Very Quick Read...

Mitre Corporation

Incredible isn't it that a large corporation like this exists? Independent, "non-profit", yet doing all of this secret work for all these government agencies? It's as if the DOD does nothing, all the important stuff is farmed out to civilians with the DOD giving out the money and us paying. Does MITRE have any experts in demolition?

Our History

NATO politics driving Afghan war

Eikenberry acknowledged in testimony before the US Congress in February 2007 that the policy of turning Afghanistan over to NATO was really about the future of NATO rather than about Afghanistan. He noted the argument that failure in Afghanistan could "break" NATO, while hailing the new NATO role in Afghanistan as one that could "make" the alliance.

"The long view of the Afghanistan campaign," said Eikenberry, "is that it is a means to continue the transformation of the alliance." But Canadian General Rick Hillier, who commanded NATO forces in Afghanistan from February to August 2004 and was later chief of staff of the Canadian Armed Forces from 2005 to 2008, wrote in his memoir A Soldier First, published in 2009, that NATO was an unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan.

Webmaster's Commentary: So let me get this straight: NATO involvement in Afghanistan was simply to give it a boost/makeover in terms of NATO's still "being relevant" after the collapse of the Soviet Union?!?

And the result of NATO's involvement in Afghanistan has been an absolute catastrophe?!?


Buy-bull bangers predict end of world in May

If there had been time, Marie Exley would have liked to start a family. Instead, the 32-year-old Army veteran has less than six months left, which she'll spend spreading a stark warning: Judgment Day is almost here. Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin May 21, 2011.

Webmaster's Commentary: Good reason not to waste time filling out those dumb tax forms! :)

Netanyahu makes official request for U.S. to free convicted spy Jonathan Pollard

The Prime Minister's Office on Tuesday sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama requesting the release of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard for humanitarian reasons. Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 on charges of spying on the U.S. for Israel. He is incarcerated at a federal jail in North Carolina.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: the Israeli government should be eternally grateful that Pollard was not executed as a traitor for crimes against this country, and leave it at that! Pollard had absolutely no "humanitarian" concerns for the world of hurt his work against the US caused the US intelligence community, and that's the truth, period, end of discussion.

Leftist media in full court press backing warmism

If a major news story casts doubt on man-caused global warming, does it make a sound? If you are a promoter of the global warming crisis, those stories misdirect public opinion and prevent everyone from solving the crisis, while the rest of us see them as specks of gold in raging torrents of stories affirming Al Gore's settled science.

Iraq Is Bleeding Every Day

Iraq enters 2011 – the year in which American forces are supposed to finally leave – with all too many wounds from our occupation. While we hear little here in the US about the effects of our war and occupation, Iraqis live with the results daily. Take for example, the continuing level of violence. Western media keep reminding us that the casualty count is lower than at the height of the war – but for 2010, conservative estimates, from Iraqi government sources, place the dead and injured from violence at unbearable numbers.

Netanyahu sends letter to Obama calling for release of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard

PM to read letter to the Knesset on Tuesday evening; U.S. Justice Department declines to comment on the matter. Webmaster's Commentary:

Pollard's release will signal the total surrender of the US Government to Israel, at which point they are no longer of any use to the American people.

No government can serve two masters. A government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people.

IDF pushes claim that ‘Palestinians lied’ about Jawaher Abu Rahma’s killing

The Jawaher Abu-Rahma case is taking on huge political significance, the international attention given to the 36-year-old woman killed by teargas in occupied Bil'in on Friday, a year and a half after her brother Bassem was struck and killed by a teargas canister fired by the Israeli army in another demonstration against the wall.

Webmaster's Commentary: As reported on 3 January 2011 at:


"The tear gas being used by the Israeli military is commonly known as CS gas. Following the 1993 American FBI raid on a compound in Waco, Texas, in which large amounts of CS gas was used and dozens died, an investigation was conducted into the possible lethal effects of CS tear gas.1 According to the report, "Based on the available data on toxic and lethal effects of the CS and considering the worst exposure scenario at Waco, there is a distinct possibility that this kind of CS exposure can significantly contribute to or even cause lethal effects." So, to summarize, the IDF is routinely using a form of tear gas which can kill non-violent protestors.

Case Shiller CHART: Home Prices Have AT LEAST 20% More To The Downside - Worst Still To Come

Includes Peter Schiff's WSJ op-ed from last week on housing... Important Chart - Takes 2 Seconds

Italian Banks Wage 'War on Cash' as Consumers Pass on Plastic

The Italian Banking Association has declared "war on cash" in a country where credit-card usage is less than half the European Union average, according to the Bank of Italy. The association, known by its Italian acronym ABI, says it costs banks and companies as much as 10 billion euros ($13.3 billion) a year to process cash payments, mainly in increased security and labor. Rome-based ABI aims to cut those expenses by promoting electronic payments with credit and debit cards and wire transfers in both the public and private sectors.

Webmaster's Commentary: Actually, the "cost" of using cash is the loss of processing fees the bank collects on every plastic transaction. Plus, if all commerce travels through the banks, then the banks and government have a perfect spying operation that watches every action of every citizen.

Obama’s reign of terror in Afghanistan

Still justified with threadbare rhetoric about fighting terrorism, the occupation is in fact a neo-colonial and criminal enterprise. Its motive is to crush resistance and transform Afghanistan into a US client state in the oil and gas-rich Central Asian region. It is part of a geo-political struggle for dominance over territory and lucrative resources, both in Afghanistan itself and in surrounding states, against US rivals such as China, Russia and Iran.

Webmaster's Commentary: The author of this article neglects to mention the other primary reason that the US and NATO are in Afghanistan; control of the drug trade, previously all but eliminated by the Taliban.

Consumer bankruptcies hit 5-year high in 2010

The number of U.S. consumers who filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010 was the highest in five years, and the figure could rise as Americans struggle with excess debt in an uncertain economy, a report issued Monday said.

Elite on a Tightrope

Free-Market Analysis: In this article, we hope to show that where the US – and Europe, too – are headed has nothing much to do with business-as-usual. This is a dangerous time. The elite is unfathomably powerful yet; its injuries will make it angry. We will explore why the elite simply cannot fathom that its situation has changed radically and why sooner or later the realization that it may have to take a step back will sink in.

Official report: 90% of Gaza water polluted

The water quality control authority in the Gaza Strip said that more than 90% of the Strip's potable water was contaminated, warning of a serious threat to lives of the Strip's inhabitants. The report published on Monday said that the Palestinian citizens were increasingly using home desalination and purification systems especially with the high concentration of chlorine in the water wells.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is yet another element in the Israeli government's "Final Solution" for Gazan Palestinians.

The New McCarthyism

Once again vast sums of money are being spent on a war, this time a hot one and getting hotter. Once again parties with a vested interest are out to smear and destroy anyone who dares ask if the wars are worth the sacrifice of our young people (not to mention the money), indeed if there really is any point at all to the wars aside from justifying the flow of money to defense contractors.

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A hundred and sixty three years ago Karl Marx raised a false flag in his Communist Manifesto claiming that ‘a spectre was haunting Europe’…. the spectre of Communism. It was eventually to become a flag that flew over much of Eastern Europe almost a century later. Today a flag flies over Israel… a real one this time… the flag of McCarthyism. It manifests itself by turning any hopes of Israel ever becoming a Democracy into a fascist state. Aside from the racism which is supported by the political party in question, but also by trying to destroy any form of dissent against its evils.


Today Israeli authorities claimed that Jawaher wasn’t even present at the demonstration, despite being seen there by many in attendance.


“I am in shock, we are in shock,” Hamde Abu Rahmah told me as we stood outside the small cemetery in Bilin where 36-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahmah was buried on Saturday. One day earlier, on 31 December, Jawaher was killed after inhaling US-made tear-gas fired by Israeli soldiers at demonstrators in the occupied West Bank village. Jawaher’s brother Bassem was killed by Israeli occupation forces in a similar manner in 2009.

Webmaster's Commentary:

CS tear gas, made and supplied for Israel's use by the United States, is illegal for use against enemy troops under US law, but perfectly legal to use against people, as illustrated when the United States used CS gas to gas a church full of women and children to death in Waco, Texas.

War Causes Inflation ... And Inflation Allows The Government to Start Unnecessary Wars

The bottom line is that war always causes inflation, at least when it is funded through money-printing instead of a pay-as-you-go system of taxes and/or bonds. It might be great for a handful of defense contractors, but war is bad for Main Street, stealing wealth from people by making their dollars worth less. And contrary to what many pundits say, war will not lead to an economic recovery. And as discussed above, liberals such as James Galbraith and conservatives such as Ron Paul agree that we wouldn't get into as many wars - and the wars which we did wage would be ended more quickly - it if the people were required to pay for them directly instead of war being paid out of the "hidden tax" of inflation.

EDWARD R. MURROW RTNDA Convention Chicago October 15, 1958

This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box.

Murrow said that of television, but it applies equally well to the internet.

Food Emergency: Millions of Americans Are Heading to Foodbanks for the First Time in Their Lives

Webmaster's Commentary: This shouldn't be happening in the US, but it is. Jobs outsourced overseas are never coming back. What the Federal government should be doing is:

1. Cut taxes.
2. Incentivize companies to build here and stay here.
3. Stop the funding for these insane, immoral, and illegal wars.

Of course, all of this would be logical!

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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