From the WTF!? Desk
9/11 mastermind DID behead Daniel Pearl: The September 11 mastermind who claimed to have beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has been proven to be right, according to a new federal investigation.
Guess it is Trust-A-Fed-Day!
Seth Rogen, a comedian and actor, said that he was left speechless by a recent conversation in which George Lucas, the producer of Star Wars and other Hollywood hits, told him of his belief that the world would end in 2012.
Lucas made his claims at a meeting with the actor and Steven Spielberg, the director, to discuss a film project.
Not bad for corporate media. After you watch this, listen to the FAA excuses, how could you still put up with the TSA Stasi Police State pedophiliac cancer giving tactics?
Frontline | PBS - A decade ago aircraft repairs were mostly done by the airlines flying the planes. Today, carriers are outsourcing the bulk of heavy maintenance. Should we worry? A co-production with the Investigative Reporting Workshop.
(That's seven times more than the budget deficits of all 50 states combined)
If you make less than $114,000 a year (90% of us), you've been financially damaged by the flow of income to the richest 1% of Americans over the past 30 years. Based on Internal Revenue Service figures
Video - Next Media Animation - Day 2 of Hu's visit
On the second day of state visit, Chinese President Hu Jintao enjoyed all the perks of a visiting dignitary. President Barack Obama and Hu met with business executives such Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer and Lloyd Blankfein from Goldman Sachs.
Remember the hilarious video yesterday from the Taiwanese Animators
Well this is part 2 - And it might be even funnier...
So far, the Treasury has stalled on making this key information available, despite requests by housing and consumer advocacy groups and media organizations, including New America Media, under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Loan modifications are changes made to the terms of a home loan and could include such things as being granted a different interest rate, a principal reduction, or a decrease in how often the loan must be paid off.
Housing advocates say they have been waiting for the Treasury to the release the information for more than a year.
A recent poll in the german magazine "Welt der Wunder" conducted by the well known Emnid Institute results in astonishing 89% of the german respondents not believing the official line 9/11. The magazine in 2010 already published the story of NATOs "secret nuclear war", where the consequences of the widespread use of depleted uranium ammunitions were explained.
By denying the petitions, SCOTUS has chosen to sanction corruption by federal judges and to allow federal judges to void sections of the Constitutional at will.
William M. Windsor has been involved in legal action in the federal courts in Atlanta since 2006. Windsor was named a defendant in a civil lawsuit (1:06-CV-0714-ODE) in which Christopher Glynn of Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, swore under oath that Windsor did a variety of things including the crimes of theft and bribery. Windsor stated under oath that Christopher Glynn made it up and lied about absolutely everything that he swore. Windsor then obtained deposition testimony from Glynn and the other managers of the Maid of the Mist boat ride, and they admitted, under oath, that charges against Windsor were not true.
Cameras from private businesses and Metro will soon be added to the network of more than 4,500 electronic eyes that the District's homeland security agency already monitors. - originally a fictional plot premise in the film "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith and Gene Hackman a few years back as life imitates art or predictive programming back then...
This is real... Takes 2 minutes to check it out and sign up as a co-plaintiff...
You know damn well that I signed up...
Last year was an absolutely fascinating time for world currency markets. The yen, the dollar and the euro all took their turns in the spotlight. Each experienced wild swings at various times, but the overall theme that we saw was that faith in paper currencies is dying. The biggest reason for this is the horrific sovereign debt crisis that has swept the globe. The United States, Japan and a whole host of European nations are all drowning in debt. The U.S. and Japan are both steamrolling toward insolvency, and several European nations would have already defaulted on their debts if they had not been bailed out. So which of the major currencies of the world is going to crash first
The video presented below is supposed to be funny….. it might have been if it wasn’t true. Not only is racism taught in many homes in Israel, it is reinforced by the educational system. A guaranteed way to preserve everything zionism stands for today.
It was initially believed that cold weather may have caused the bird deaths, but then Yankton police received a call from the USDA, attesting that they had poisoned the birds at a feedlot 10 miles away, KTIV reports.
Democrats in Virginia are trying to stop their attorney general from probing climate fraud carried out by university researchers at taxpayer expense. Are they afraid of finding the inconvenient truth?
$10 Billion for Bonuses at JPMorgan...
Funds set aside to reward traders, deal makers and the unit’s other personnel increased 4 percent to $9.73 billion, or an average of $369,651 for each of the 26,314 workers, the company said today in an earnings supplement.
Click for more details including a very intense response from Dylan Ratigan...
Video - NBC Exclusive - Jan. 17 - This pushes the boundaries of outrage...
She said they threatened to take the house and report the family to a credit agency, even though the Rowles family didn't owe the bank anything and never missed a payment.
You gotta read this one...a NEW LOW for JP Morgan...
Three people have been killed and dozens were injured in extensive anti-government clashes outside the prime minister's office in the Albanian capital Friday, in the worst violence to erupt in the volatile Balkan country in more than a decade.
I realize I don’t care much about the news any more; same shit, different sewer. No matter where I get the news I have to listen to people who don’t know what they’re talking about. They get the details right but the timing wrong. They give the details and provide the timing and it doesn’t happen. I’m a philosopher and a mystic (anyone can be one, so I’m not the Lone Ranger and both he and Tonto are dead), what am I doing around news sites to begin with? There isn’t any news, there’s just yesterday’s bad behavior repeating itself.
Brutal cold has invaded the upper-Midwest. A record low at International Falls is not an easy thing to break. No problem today (01/21/11), as temps have fallen into the minus 40s F (or C, if you prefer).
Despair and heartbreak are commonplace among the Palestinians I met. And yet, in the words and actions of Palestinians like Omar Barghouti, a leader in the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, there is reason for hope. It’s a sentiment echoed by Allam Jarrar, director of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society who said, “in every dark situation there is a tiny light.”
With the left in Israeli politics all but collapsing entirely, the neo-fascist right wing is virtually unopposed, reports Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem
People may have good intentions putting themselves on an organ donor list when getting a drivers license thinking they are doing good and very unaware of how this has corrupted some of the hospitals seeking to make profits more than saving lives.Organ donors should be voluntary and not a forced condition to obtain an drivers license. This is the type of corruption that happens when government gets involved in the health care system. Health care should be not for profit and in privet hands completely without government interference. When the government got its hands in our medical system turning it from a not for profit to a money driven enterprise were greed has corrupted the once great medical system that was the envy of the world.
Dr. Tomas B. Manton passed away on Wednesday, January 19th, after suffering an assault at Liberty Correctional Facility in Bristol, Florida. He was serving an unlawful 15-year prison sentence, after being wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit. Given Tom’s advanced age, serious medical conditions and health problems, and complete lack of criminal history, he should not have been placed into the general prison population. The Florida Department of Corrections further failed Tom Manton when they exposed him to the dangers associated with violent criminals who prey on other inmates with certain labels.
The year 2011 just begun, but so far you can call it "The Year of Animals Dying in Mass." The year opened with thousands of birds falling from the sky Arkansas, Louisiana and Kentucky. Then fish were dying Illinois and Maryland. Now hundreds of cows in Wisconsin have been struck dead. Some 200 cows were found dead at a farm in Portage County, Wisconsin last Friday. But unlike those other animal deaths, its turns out there is a simple explanation for this one. According to preliminary results released this week, the cows died from acute interstitial pneumonia. Health officials say there is no risk of the pneumonia spreading to humans or the other animals on the farm. Still, no one knows how these cows became infected. Farm owner Jerry Krupka has a theory, though.
Milo Nickels Activist Post
What do you picture when you hear the word "anarchy?" Do you picture a mob of angry people smashing windows and looting televisions? Do you picture fire, destruction, and carnage? Do you picture idiots with T-shirts tied around their faces throwing rocks and tipping over cars?
All those people who have bought foreclosures and are considering buying a foreclosure will need to watch this ruling carefully. The Massachusetts Supreme Court had ruled two weeks ago, MERS had no rights to foreclose on property. Now they are going to rule on another case of a buyers right to the property, that was illegally foreclosed on by a MERS bank. A lower Massachusetts court had already ruled against the buyer of a foreclosure, saying they had no right to the property, due to being foreclosed on fraudulently by a MERS bank.
That court case is now going to the Supreme Court, as the buyer is trying to keep the property he purchased 3 years ago from the bank.
Massachusetts’ highest court will consider whether a home buyer can rightfully own a property if the bank that sold it to him didn’t have the right to foreclose on the original owner.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has made his first visit to Palestine without stepping foot on Israeli-occupied soil. World leaders usually visit Israel when visiting Palestine to show impartiality. Observers say the visit was also distinguished by the president's backing of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
A Tunisian dissident blogger has been appointed minister for youth and sport, in what the country's prime minister had labelled a fracturing cabinet. Slim Amamou, the CEO of a web development company, had been an active blogger in a country once known for the world's most advanced internet censorship. He and fellow bloggers in Tunisia circulated news and video aimed at protesting against the former government of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. While Amamou spread news of the protests, the state cracked down with tactics such as hacking into Facebook accounts, swiped passwords and codes and deleted entire pages.
On January 6, Amamou was arrested by the police and accused, along with another Tunisian blogger, of being part of the operation to "destroy" government sites.
Despite pleas to boycott, Macy Gray will perform in TLV
The largest rocket ever launched from the U.S. West Coast blasted off on Thursday from Vandenberg Air Force Base, carrying a top secret satellite into orbit, military officials said
The terrible violence in Arizona last weekend prompted much national discussion on many issues. All Americans are united in their sympathies for the victims and their families. All wonder what could motivate such a horrible act. However, some have attempted to use this tragedy to discredit philosophical adversaries or score political points. This sort of opportunism is simply despicable.
Julian Assange's Wikileaks is a Zionist Hydra operation. “…The arrogance of the Wiki-Hydra is astounding in its enormity. It is now protected by the century-old gang of thugs, mass murderers and mob lawyers known as the ADL..” The hydra is a mythical multi-headed beast that regenerates a head (two heads at a time in certain instances) whenever one is severed. Israel’s Wikileaks intelligence operation is the physical embodiment of this slimy, slithery, fictional creature.
When Washington D.C. violates the constitution – as it does every single day – the essential question is – “what do we do about it?” For countless decades, Americans have been responding through protests, lawsuits, and “voting the bums out.” Yet, year in and year out, federal power always grows. And it doesn’t matter which political part is in power, or what person occupies the white house either.
THE RIGHTFUL REMEDY In 1798, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers….a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.” [emphasis added]
Nullification-Look it up!
One of the declassified documents and the most important one, maybe, was the transcript of the minutes of a private hearing attended by former chairman of Joint Intelligence Committee, Sir John Scarlett, and former chief of the assessment staff, Julian Miller.
Scarlet has admitted his team were 'bulldozed' into drawing conclusions about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction 'by the military time-table' which created a rush to war.
This document was immediately deleted from the list of the released declassified documents.
Greg Hunter USA Watchdog
Housing starts are a tried and true barometer of business activity. If there was a real economic recovery going on in the economy, housing starts would be, at the very least, edging up. Please keep in mind the government is providing some of the lowest mortgage rates in a generation...
Susan Essoyan Star Advertiser
Farmer Samson Delos Reyes reached into his bluejeans pocket to grab a phone call from a buyer and ended up smiling but shaking his head...
Mike Adams Natural News
The very reputation of so-called "science" has been irreparably damaged by the invocation of the term "science" by GMO lackeys, pesticide pushers, mercury advocates and fluoride poisoners who all claim to have science on their side. It seems that every toxin, contamination and chemical disaster that now infects our planet has been evangelized in the name of "science."...
Freeman Klopott Washington Examiner
Big Brother may already be watching you in the District, and he will soon have a lot more eyes trained in your direction...
Mary Williams Walsh The New York Times
Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy and get out from under crushing debts, including the pensions they have promised to retired public workers...
Journalism editor Dana Loesch reports on William J. Kelly's encounter with former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who is now running for Mayor of Chicago. CBS2's Jay Levine didn't take too kindly to Kelly's tough questions and threatened him. ABC7's Charlie Thomas told Kelly to "go away." The pro-Obama biased media have been hard at-work and they haven't stopped. As Sean Hannity says, "Journalism is dead." See the altercation here.
You should labor mightily and for little money, so that I can admire your picturesque and quaint industry from my well-appointed sitting room:
for the first time, the palestinian flag will be officially raised in the united states
(*yay !)
The U.S. economy is now operating like a finely tuned engine bent on dismantling the middle class and protecting the tiny elites in our nation that have learned to manipulate both political parties to their financial benefit. This did not occur over night but started in the 1970s when the U.S. government and investment banks juiced up the nation with deficit and debt spending. A single family cannot go into debt for a very long time without consequences but a rising housing market hid much of the inequality developing in our system for a very long time. It was an illusion of stability. The top 1 percent in our nation now control 43 percent of all financial wealth.
Roger Ailes Must Show Some Decency And Stop Glenn Beck's Vicious Attacks On 78 Year-Old Professor
Anyone who even occasionally watches Fox News' Glenn Beck show knows that he takes particular relish in viciously attacking a certain 78 year-old professor named Frances Fox Piven. He regularly accuses her of trying to collapse the government and/or destroy America as we know it. The disturbing result is that death threats have been posted on Beck's website
Wait... have I just slipped into a parallel universe? Is this some sort of early April's fools joke? Doesn't this defeat the entire point of a single currency and the ECB? Were the rules changed on the quiet without anyone noticing?
Greece.... Greece are going to go f***ing apesh!t. They were forced to go begging to the IMF.... when the Greek people find out the [Irish] central bank is allowed to just print money, they are going to riot and demand tax cuts and benefits rising and massive spending. The Germans... well the Germans are just going to totally lose it. They've been told they should pay higher taxes to help the PIIGS, now they are being told the PIIGS can prints EUROS at will?
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann didn't hold anything back Wednesday when he announced the news that the "delusional liar" Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) was planning on retiring.
January 21, 2011
We Were Right, You Assholes
Wikipedia, the world's largest user-generated online encyclopedia is 10. Sometimes it's hard to believe anything on the web could be 10 years old. In human years, 10 is but a pup: a small, gangly thing with too large hands and feet. Old enough to sense the onset of teenage-dom, but still too young to see the world as it really is. Knowing the difference between fact and fiction, for instance, can be particularly difficult at this age--and in this one way, Wikipedia is still a lot like that prepubescent child.
Green bean prices have tripled in North Florida. Mustard greens are hard to find at any price. Cabbage is now going for 69 cents a pound, way more than the three-pounds-for-$1 usually available in January. The hikes in fresh vegetable prices are the most obvious signs for many Floridians that the exceptionally cold weather this winter has taken a big bite out of the produce supply chain. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has estimated 2.5 million cartons or cases of fruits and vegetables were lost during December — not including processed citrus.
The new Wikileaks “attack on Israel,” is, as was expected, not only toothless, but released through “alternative” websites that have defended the Israel/Wikileaks partnership and censorship relentlessly in face of, well, in face of the facts. Wikileaks is now trying to buy back its lost credibility and is spending the credibility of its “special friends.” We aren’t buying.
If local politicians were not out there looking for handouts from the Federal government in the form of a Federal Grant with strings attached that require breaking state and Federal laws. There would be no problem and we have our country back.
Canadian-based scholar and journalist Joshua Blakeney is prepared to gamble on U.K. opposition leader Ed Miliband emerging as the first western political figure to resist the Zionist meat grinding machine. Ironically, Miliband is the first Labour Party leader of Jewish upbringing and the first one to publicly advocate for a foreign policy built on “values, not just alliances”.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.
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