Monday, January 24, 2011

WRH New stories for Monday, January 24, 2011 Part 1

Domodedovo blast masterminds proud of terror 'fundraiser' - Peter Lavelle

Moscow on high alert after Domodedovo airport terror

Cynthia Mckinney Reveals 5,000 Executed Post Katrina

Fake Al Qaeda

Webmaster's Commentary:

Relinked in light of today's obvious false-flag bombing in Russia to punish Medvedev for daring to recognize Palestine.

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

5 kilo TNT shrapnel suicide bomb used in Domodedovo airport attack

Importing wit and talent from UK

Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 937 Institutions

Unofficial Problem Bank List Jan 21, 2011

Is your bank on this list?


Since Feb, 2007 to January 21st, 2011
338 failed banks
Total Assets $366.4 billion
Total Deposits $329.7 billion
Total Cost to FDIC $72.879 billion

Data compiled from:

Oh no, not another unbiased BBC documentary about 'Climate Change'…

The new president of the Royal Society, Sir Paul Nurse has been crowing to the Guardian’s environment pages about how he bested me in a documentary for the BBC on Climate Change. This isn’t how I remember it.

Saban family tried to give Emanuel over 1/2 a million

Here's a Chicago Tribune piece on Rahm Emanuel donors, many of them in the financial community, getting in big bucks before new campaign finance laws kicked in Jan. 1. It's a reminder of the degree to which Democrats have become a big-business party. I of course looked for Israel-lobby names, but there aren't many that are obvious. Except Haim Saban, the "ardent Zionist," as he once characterized himself. Scary amount of money. Though Emanuel set a cap on $100,000 a donor! A friend told me lately that Emanuel has no ideology and would be for a democratic state from the river to the sea if that is where the money was, but it isn't...

How The Federal Reserve And The Zombie Banks Are Monetizing The National Debt Right Before Your Eyes

A true must read from Gonzalo Lira. The spender and the printer. Governments and central banks do not have the same constituencies. The power to print would be a frightening force in the hands of politicians, much as it is for the Fed.

Terror Blast: At least 31 killed in Moscow's Domodedovo airport explosion

Forecast for the Rest of Winter Looks Rough

For people who are sick of the cold and snow and hoping for a quick end to winter, Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi may have bad news.

More persistent cold is expected to hold strong through at least the middle of February across much of the eastern two-thirds of the country. Bastardi also expects wintry events to last into April in some areas, which would be longer than last year.

First video of Moscow Domodedovo airport bombing scene

Judge temporarily delays loan document shredding

A U.S. bankruptcy judge temporarily blocked bankrupt subprime lender Mortgage Lenders Network USA from destroying 18,000 boxes of original loan files after federal prosecutors said documents in them may be needed as evidence in more than 50 criminal investigations.

It’s All Just “Coincidental” – Vaccines Continue To Damage Children

On the 20th of January 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said there have been 36 confirmed reports of seizures this flu season in children ages 6 months through 2 years in the United States. The seizures occurred within one day after they were vaccinated with Fluzone, the only flu shot recommended in America for infants and very young children. Ten of the children were hospitalized. The vaccine’s manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur, issued a statement emphasizing that no clear link has been established between the flu shot and the seizures and that the cases may be coincidental.

Arctic air blast prompts warnings

An arctic blast from Canada is bringing brutally frigid air and wind chills expected to dip to 50 below zero to northern New England, prompting officials to warn residents to take precautions against the cold.


Protests to Challenge FBI and Grand Jury Repression of Anti-War and Solidarity Activists

Jill Dowling of The New York Committee to Stop FBI Repression said, “We are holding a demonstration at the downtown Manhattan FBI offices on Tuesday, January 25 at 4:30 p.m. in solidarity with activists standing up against the political repression aimed at human rights, international solidarity and anti-war activists. This demonstration is part of a national day of action taking place in 45 cities.”

Arctic air blast brings temps of 50 below to New England

Julia Bayly Bangor Daily News

FORT KENT, Maine — An arctic blast from Canada is bringing brutally frigid air and wind chills expected to dip to 50 below zero to northern New England, prompting officials to warn residents to take precautions against the cold...

Bankruptcy, not bailouts, a better path

Thomas Sowell Detroit News

Government budget crises can be painful, but the political rhetoric accompanying these crises can also be fascinating and revealing...

VIDEO - Florida's Housing Bubble - What $1.4 Million Bought At The Height Of The Insanity

This is pretty outrageous... Makes me feel fortunate to have never invested in Florida real estate...

Short clip - Runs 2 Minutes

Court orders Emanuel off mayoral ballot

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No Rahm; you may NOT have your old job back!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Why your dishes won't come clean anymore

Charles Yezak keeps a secret stash hidden in the kitchen. He can't buy any more. It's illegal in many states now. So he only dips into his stockpile on special occasions.

Not fine wine. Not Cuban cigars. It's dish detergent. Not just any dish detergent.

"This is the stockpile I bought before the changeover," Yezak confesses with a hushed voice while shopping the cleaning supply aisle at a Walmart Neighborhood store in Tampa. "It actually works – not like the new stuff."

Webmaster's Commentary: "Environmentalism: Why spend pennies on stuff that works when you can spend dollars on totally useless products to save mother Earth!" -- Saint Al of the Gore

court rules Rahm Emanuel can't run for mayor

A lawyer for Rahm Emanuel says the former White House chief of staff will appeal a ruling that says his name can't appear on the ballot for Chicago mayor.

Mike Kasper said on Monday that they will take the case to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Earlier Monday, an Illinois Appeals Court ruled that Emanuel's name can't be on the Feb. 22 ballot because he didn't live in Chicago for a year before the election.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Our owned judges can whip your owned judges! It took almost 2 years to get Rahm out of the White House and I will be damned if I will let him back in!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Scientists fear MMR link to autism

New American research shows that there could be a link between the controversial MMR triple vaccine and autism and bowel disease in children.

The study appears to confirm the findings of British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who caused a storm in 1998 by suggesting a possible link. Now a team from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina are examining 275 children with regressive autism and bowel disease - and of the 82 tested so far, 70 prove positive for the measles virus. Last night the team's leader, Dr Stephen Walker, said: 'Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain and none are wild measles.

The money trail

Unpaid sceptics are not just taking on scientists who conveniently secure grants and junkets for pursuing one theory, they also conflict with potential profits of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, and every other financial institution or corporation that stands to profit like the Chicago Climate Exchange, European Climate Exchange, PointCarbon, IdeaCarbon (and the list goes on… ) as well as against government bureaucracies like the IPCC and multiple departments of Climate Change. There's no conspiracy between these groups, just similar profit plans or power grabs.

Only 47% of working age Americans have full time jobs

If you count the "Part time employed for non-economic reasons", you get 126.8 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, working part time or "Not in the labor force". That represents 53% of working age Americans. So only 47% of working age Americans have full time jobs. While the official unemployment rate is 9.4%. Something's missing somewhere.

Mohamed Khodr : The Final Turkel Commission Report

In response to the world’s outrage (except the U.S.) against Israel’s May 31st murderous attack on peace activists aboard the “Free Gaza Flotilla” delivering humanitarian aid to besieged Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu and his Cabinet on Monday, June 14, 2010 voted in favor of creating an internal commission called the “Independent Public Commission” that includes three Israelis and two foreign observers to investigate the legality and circumstances of the IDF’s raid on the Flotilla that led to the death of nineinternal commission called the “Independent Public Commission”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel is trying to claim that everything it does is legal. But then every tyrant in history has cloaked their atrocities in the veneer of legality. Israel is no different.

Slavery used to be legal in the United States. And everything Hitler and Stalin did were the letter of the law as well. Israel is no different.

Felony Assault Charge Dropped For Jewish Patrolman

Eliyahu Werdesheim now only faces three misdemeanors after the state dropped the felony first-degree assault charge.

“Based on the review of the evidence, they thought that was the appropriate charge,” said Andrew Alperstein, Werdesheim’s attorney.

Webmaster's Commentary: A former Israeli soldier beating a teenager girl..and claiming 'self-defense' again. Just like the attack on Mavi Marmara by Israeli commandos,when Israel claimed self defense. We are all Palestinians now!

MAN BEATS BANK - Lost And Incomplete MERS Paperwork Means Free Homes For Borrowers In Utah

The attorney for the man in Draper, Utah, says he has won two other cases this way, and another attorney in Utah got a default judgment giving title to borrowers who owed $417,000 on a home. Real Estate Law Professor Chris Peterson weighs in on the significance of the rulings. This is an AWESOME story and a big win for the good guys...

Roundup (Glyphosfate) found in drinking water in Denmark - Plantegift siver ned i dansk grundvand


Al-Jazeera just announced the release of 1600 internal and classified documents that reveal devastating information on the nature and scale of concessions offered by Palestinian negotiators. The Guardian reported that ” The overwhelming impression that emerges from the confidential records of a decade of Middle East peace talks is of the weakness and desperation of Palestinian leaders, the unyielding correctness of Israeli negotiators and the often contemptuous attitude towards the Palestinian side shown by US politicians and officials.


And, believe it or not, it’s not from Wikileaks. ….. AlJazeera is the source. Let’s see how long it takes for the Palestinian Authority to shut down their West Bank operations because of this. (Their reaction can be seen in a separate report below)

The West Bank is a victim of a ‘double occupation’, the first being Israel itself, the second being Israel’s ardent supporter, the PA. The following report is ‘proof of the pudding’….


Named above are three Jewish heroes. There are more, many more, but these three have one thing in common. The first is sitting in an Israeli jail for taking part in a ‘bike ride’ against the illegal actions of the Israeli military in Gaza. The second was tasered by Israeli authorities for being a passenger on a humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza. The third lost an eye while protesting Israel’s attack on a Turkish flotilla to Gaza where 9 passengers were murdered in cold blood.

2010: Another record breaking winter. So what happened to global warming?

Britain and Europe have been hit hard for the third straight record-breaking winter season. Labeled by experts as the coldest winter in 100 years and set to blow well into 2011, it is already raising some very interesting questions about the new ideological split we are witnessing throughout society in the much celebrated green debate.

Netanyahu: More cash for Birthright

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that the government will give more than £64m to Taglit-Birthright so that more young Jews can visit Israel for the first time.

UJIA, which co-ordinates the British tours, said the money would have a direct impact on extra places for British participants, although it could not confirm how much extra funding the UK would receive. Eighty British students and young professionals were among 3,000 winter Birthright participants last week who heard the prime minister make the announcement of an extra $100m in funding over three years.

Webmaster's Commentary: If Israel has this kind of money to hand out for tourists, why do they need cash from America while Americans are losing their homes and businesses?

Bernanke The Accounting Magician: Unnoticed Rule Change Means The Fed Will NEVER Incur A Balance Sheet Loss Again

(Reuters) - Concerns that the Federal Reserve could suffer losses on its massive bond holdings may have driven the central bank to adopt a little-noticed accounting change with huge implications: it makes insolvency much less likely.

The significant shift was tucked quietly into the Fed's weekly report on its balance sheet and phrased in such technical terms that it was not even reported by financial media when originally announced on January 6.

Click for complete details including a bonus clip of Ron Paul simply annihilating Bernanke in Fed Congressional testimony...

GM's China sales pass US for first time in history

General Motors says it sold more cars and trucks in China last year than it did in the U.S. for the first time in its 102-year history.

The Meaning Of V

“[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign, always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.”

The Tea Party’s Emerging Zionist Face

At the outset, as people grew captivated by the hoopla, its main role seemed to be taking the anger in America—which at the moment is very deep, very palpable, and near pandemic proportions—along with the perennial desire for change, and channeling these vertiginous emotions into a relatively safe, sandbox-type outlet. At some point, however, the ends began to evolve and mutate…as ends often do in the presence of human creativity. Currently as the clock seemingly ticks towards 2 a.m.—as the rhetoric heats up and the storm clouds gather over the Persian Gulf yet again—the “party,” as it were, appears to have taken a more sinister direction, with an advocacy of war becoming one of its defining characteristics.

Are you sure it WAS a mask?!?

US wants to clip Karzai's wings

The United States' proxy war against Afghan President Hamid Karzai has taken a vicious turn, undermining the tenuous political equations in the country. Washington is displeased with Karzai's moves to accelerate reconciliation with the Taliban, while his pitch for a regional initiative and his agenda of a multi-vector foreign policy challenge US regional strategies.

However, Karzai has no choice but to order a special tribunal to
review election results. Close to half of the population consists of ethnic Pashtuns and yet 75% of parliamentary seats have been "won" by non-Pashtuns. The Hazaras constitute 10% of the population, but they "won" 20% of the seats, including in Pashtun-dominated regions.

Webmaster's Commentary: I love the smell of irony in the morning!!

The Real Deal doesn't Need to be New and Improved.

Back in the 60’s there was a book called “Morning of the Magicians”. It was a bit sensationalist and lacking in real scholastic backup (whatever that is), as well as hard and credible research. It was a little like the T. Lobsang Rampa books and the film, “They Live”. All of these grabbed the attention of a certain strata of society, whose critical facility was compromised to the point that they want to believe more than they want to prove the integrity of the foundation of what they believe in. People don’t like disappointment, so they cut corners on the important things, in order to create some kind of temporary coat rack in the unknown; something to hang their weather gear on.

Whoopsie: Greenland actually COOLING!

Webmaster's Commentary:
FLASHBACK: Head of Greenpeace admits claim that Greenland would lose ice sheet in 20 years was "Exaggeration."

Israel: The Ugly Truth

There was that jarring week in December - a protest against Arab-Jewish couples, a south Tel Aviv march and demonstration against migrant workers and African asylum seekers, the arrest of Jewish teenagers accused of beating Palestinians and the expulsion of five Arab men from their home in south Tel Aviv. It left me with the question: What is next?

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to 21st century Israel; a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.

US Treasury Sec Admits US Default Imminent

Timothy Geithner, U.S. Treasury Secretary, admitted in a letter to congress dated January 6th, that the United States Treasury would be forced to default on its credit obligations without clearance from Congress to raise the amount of money that the treasury is allowed to borrow.

I personally am stunned. No mention is made of sales of assets held by the United States government. Rather than liquidate its own real estate to cover its debt, the defective and fiducially delinquent U.S. government plans to first eradicate the incomes of its poorest citizens.

If this document is not a harbinger of impending civil unrest on a national scale in the United States, I can't imagine what is. Big big changes are on the horizon though. Of that there is no doubt.

Netanyahu: Raid on Gaza flotilla was necessary to protect Israel

"The truth is simple," said Netanyahu. "IDF soldiers defended themselves and their country. It is not only their privilege but also their duty and the State of Israel stands behind their actions."

Netanyahu also added that every time Israel needs to defend itself, it is charged with committing war crimes. "It also happened when we came to enforce the blockade on Gaza," he said. "The IDF soldiers board the Marmara with courage and restraint. The goal was to enforce the naval blockade on Gaza."

Webmaster's Commentary: Just when I think Netanyahu cannot possibly be more Orwellian in his language, he comes up with yet another stunner.

The raid on the Mavi Marara has absolutely nothing to do with Israel's self-defense. These were aid workers, unarmed, bringing desperately needed supplies into Gaza. Several were executed by the Israeli military in cold blood, including one American citizen.

Oh, yes, that one American kid, Dogan Furkan

was armed... with a camera when he was murdered in cold blood.

And our miserable excuse for a President expressed absolutely zero outrage when it happened. If that doesn't tell you what foreign country drives much of US foreign policy, I don't know what will.

Israeli findings on Gaza flotilla raid a ‘PR exercise’

An Irish activist caught up in the Israeli raid on a flotilla of aid ships to Gaza last year yesterday slammed an Israeli report into the attack as a "PR exercise".

Webmaster's Commentary:

Live by the Press Release. Die by the Press Release!

Israel has survived by propaganda so long that now in the age of the internet, where propaganda's life-span can be clocked with an egg timer, Israel has nothing else to support it.

Israel is trying to claim that everything it does is legal. But then every tyrant in history has cloaked their atrocities in the veneer of legality. Israel is no different.

Slavery used to be legal in the United States. And everything Hitler and Stalin did were the letter of the law as well.

Israel is no different.

Genetically-modified, oil-eating bacteria creating dangerous mutant organisms in the Gulf

Though seemingly beneficial in theory, this GM bacteria is now replicating and spawning all sorts of mutated bacteria throughout the Gulf, and is gradually spreading throughout the oceans of the world. And when combined with chemical Corexit and the other toxic applications sprayed all over Gulf waters, it is a recipe for complete disaster that is now coming to fruition in the form of serious harm to humans.

"The is like a major bacterial storm," explained a nurse working in the Gulf with Riki Ott, Ph.D., an expert in marine biology and the effects of oil on zooplankton. "It could be the reason we are seeing a variance of symptoms in different individuals. In some people, we see respiratory complications, while in others we see skin or GI (gastrointestinal) symptoms."

Diplomat: US to End Lebanon Aid if Hezbollah Forms Govt

Already analysts are concerned that the loss of the $246 million in US aid could have a major impact on Lebanon’s economy, but with $100 million of that going to the military, and that only on the rare occasions Congress isn’t trying to score political points with some faction or other by revoking it, the threat may be overstated.

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: there is nothing substantive the US can do if in fact Hizbullah forms a new government in Lebanon.

Libyan aid convoy arrives in Gaza.

Authorities in Gaza welcomed the convoy, which they said would deliver medication to hospitals in the besieged enclave.

Rivals Slam Maliki’s Centralization Moves in Iraq

It seems that Maliki, who is current the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Security Affairs Minister and Interior Minister, was keen to centralize even more power under his control, and the supreme court was only too happy to oblige. The new rulings give him virtual control over the Central Bank, the Independent Higher Electoral Commission, the human rights commission and the corruption watchdog.

The ruling has raised new concerns amongst his rivals and analysts that Maliki’s ambitions to turn Iraq into a virtual autocracy, which seemingly failed when his party lost the March election, have ended up moving forward anyhow.

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to what "democracy" looks like now in Iraq.

After Protests, US Drones Kill 13 Pakistanis

With mass protests against the US killings continuing through the weekend, US drones once again launched multiple attacks on the North Waziristan Agency, killing at least 13 “suspects,” all of whom Pakistani officials identified as local tribesmen.

Webmaster's Commentary: The drone bombings cannot distinguish between those deemed innocent or guilty by the US government.

What this will do, however, is to push those left standing into the waiting embrace of the insurgency. If complete destabilization of Pakistan is the desired outcome here, one can certainly say, "Mission Accomplished!"

President Pussy won't do it

Obama urged to condemn settlements Mike Rivero comments

US academics and ex-government officials ask US president to support UN resolution against illegal Israeli settlements.

No U-Turns on the Road to Serfdom?

In the wake of 9/11, the neocons were strategically enough placed to launch a two-front war: one at home, and one abroad. The post-9/11 coup, in which a handful of neocons seized control of the machinery of the state and lied us into war, also involved waging a war on the home front –against the Constitution. And while the Iraq campaign ended in failure, an outcome currently being replicated in Afghanistan, their domestic campaign to destroy the legacy of the Founders and create the basis for a police state was much more successful. Indeed, I would venture to call it a near total victory.

Webmaster's Commentary: The assaults on civil liberties and guarantees under the Constitution and Bill of Rights since 9/11 have been breathtaking in scope and breadth. The most recent atrocity has to be the practical annulling of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution by the TSA, which prevents unreasonable search and seizure. And please understand clearly: the GropeNazis are not making one traveler more safe for their efforts. This is all about the boatloads of cash Chertoff and those who manufacturer these full body scanners are making.

These units have not at all been vetted for actual safety; the terrahertz radiation they emit literally scrambles DNA on the skin's surface, almost guaranteeing the statistical probability of skin cancer for frequent fliers who undergo this screening, and the TSA workers themselves.

But of course, people are perfectly expendable, in the perception of the manufacturers of these machines and the lobbyists who shill for them.

Iran to deploy destroyer in Mediterranean

A top Iranian Navy commander says the Islamic Republic will dispatch a destroyer as part of a naval fleet to the Red and Mediterranean Seas in the near future.

“Two or four ships always participate in naval missions, one or two of which are warships and the other is a logistic ship,” Iranian Navy's Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Gholam-Reza Khadem Bigham told Fars News Agency on Sunday.

The Iranian Navy's presence in the region has expanded, and the country's ships are present in the Gulf of Aden and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, Bigham added.

Webmaster's Commentary: While the Iranians are simply adding this to an already existing presence, don't bet on Israel and the US not thumping on this and characterizing it as "military aggression" on the part of Iran.

Fannie, Freddie leave $160 million in legal bills to taxpayers

Since the government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taxpayers have spent more than $160 million defending the mortgage finance companies and their former top executives in civil lawsuits accusing them of fraud. The cost was a closely guarded secret until last week, when the companies and their regulator produced an accounting at the request of Congress.

The bulk of those expenditures — $132 million — went to defend Fannie Mae and its officials in various securities suits and government investigations into accounting irregularities that occurred years before the subprime lending crisis erupted. The legal payments show no sign of abating.

Freedom of Speech Belongs to Us And Not a Priviledge Granted From the Goverment

Politicians have always be shot and killed .President Jackson had many multiple attempts on his life. You never heard him call for the pro banker crowd to tone the rhetoric down. It is nothing new in our young history as a nation. It has been going on since the beginning of time. So what is different today than years past. There is nothing new under the sun in politics. What is different now than we have a political class that wants a disarm people and have a compliant slave class who will not question government. They are using everything possible to chill free speech and demonize gun ownership because it stands in the way of their plans for a socialist police state.

Here Comes $4 Gas, $5 Cups of Coffee

The final dam to stopping $150-a-barrel oil and $4-a-gallon gas is being breached, as financial regulation continues its daily erosion into worthlessness. Watching the CFTC attempt to back up Dodd-Frank legislation since it was passed in July has been like watching salmon flop upstream as the water drains out -- it's slow, arduous and likely to lead nowhere...

Bono and Bill Gates-backed Global Health Charity EXPOSED as a Fraud

Activist Post What institutions can you trust these days with your donations? The Associated Press reported today that the $21.7 billion Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a fraud where at least two-thirds of the funds were "pocketed," and donated medicines were sold on the black market for profit...

Suicide bomber kills 31 at Russian airport: reports

At least 31 people were killed and more than 100 injured on Monday in a suicide bombing at Russia's biggest airport, Russian news agencies reported.

Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices

The U.S. Postal Service plays two roles in America: an agency that keeps rural areas linked to the rest of the nation, and one that loses a lot of money.

The Most Predictable Financial Calamity in History

Greg Hunter USA Watchdog

In November 2010, the Federal Reserve announced a second round of economic stimulus commonly referred to as Quantitative Easing (QE2)... QE means the Fed basically creates money out of thin air to buy debt. The current money printing orgy is financing more than half of U.S. government right now. The first round of QE bought toxic mortgage debt and bailed out the bankers...

Fewer Snouts In the Trough,Less Crime In the Streets

"What happens when you lay off nearly half of the police in one of the most dangerous cities in America?" begins a recent account of personnel cutbacks by the municipal government of Camden, New Jersey. My guess would be this: The crime rate -- as experienced by the affected public, rather than measured by the local government -- will go down, and the public appetite will be whetted for further personnel cuts. This is because the Camden Police Department -- which has laid off 167 of its 360 officers -- has long been a major source of crime, rather than a deterrent to the same.

An Anti-Interventionist Looks at China

Most discussion of China in the mainstream press, especially the left-liberal press, focuses on China's “human rights” record, or freedom of press and speech, or labor issues, or family planning policies. One may argue endlessly about those matters. But they are China's internal affairs, and for a genuine anti-interventionist, they are none of our government's business and have no place in setting foreign policy. There is a world of difference between an anti-interventionist and an advocate for “humanitarian” imperialism, witting or not. How does an anti-interventionist look at China?

45 Manly Hobbies

Back in the day, leisure time was not thought of as a chance to “veg out,” but as opportunity to pursue one’s passions and interests, an outlet for the sides of a man that were not stimulated in one’s career. Unfortunately, we now often spend our leisure time camped out in front of the TV or computer. We say that modern life has become too stressful, that when we have free time, laying on the couch is all we can manage.

J.C. Penney to close 26 stores

J.C. Penney Co. said Monday it plans to close 26 stores, including 20 outlet stores that are fed by its catalog business which has been in the process of shutting down since 2009.

Penney also avoided a looming proxy battle by adding to its board its two largest shareholders William A. Ackman, founder and chief executive of Pershing Square Capital Management, and Steven Roth, chairman of Vornado Realty Trust. They will join the board in February and will influence the addition of a third new member soon. The two announced last fall that they had acquired 26 percent stake in Penney. Penney’s board expands from 11 to 13...

It’s All Just Coincidental

Dr. Mark Sircus IMVA

On the 20th of January 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said there have been 36 confirmed reports of seizures this flu season in children ages 6 months through 2 years in the United States. The seizures occurred within one day after they were vaccinated with Fluzone, the only flu shot recommended in America for infants and very young children. Ten of the children were hospitalized. The vaccine’s manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur, issued a statement emphasizing that no clear link has been established between the flu shot and the seizures and that the cases may be coincidental...

Iran: Warships to sail to Mediterranean

A senior official in the Iranian navy revealed Sunday that the Islamic Republic plans to extend its naval range to Mediterranean waters near Israel. Rear Admiral Gholam-Reza Khadem Bigham says an Iranian fleet of warships will soon set sail for the Mediterranean and Red seas. It will be the first time Iranian ships stray so far from home. Bigham says the move is part of a year-long drill. "In addition to the drill the fleet will also collect intelligence in the region," he was quoted by the Fars agency as saying.

Steep Oil Prices, Food Shortages Will Likely Spark Deadly Riots This Year

Tom Engelhardt Alternet

From now on, rising prices, powerful storms, severe droughts and floods, and other unexpected events are likely to play havoc with the fabric of global society...

J.P. Morgan Sued For Role In Hedge Fund Ponzi

Jamie Dimon and his roving gang of bastard charlatans are at it again...

Click for complete details of the criminal fraud...

Case Shiller CHART: Home Prices Have AT LEAST 20% More To The Downside - The WORST Is Still To Come

Includes Peter Schiff's WSJ op-ed from last week on housing in 2011...

Very Interesting Chart - Takes 2 Seconds

Is Illegal Immigration Destroying The Southwest United States? 19 Immigration Facts That Very Few People Are Talking About

Immigration is not a bad thing. In fact, the United States is a nation that is made up of immigrants. However, the truth is that rampant, unchecked illegal immigration is a really, really horrible thing and it is permanently destroying many areas of the southwest United States.

Denied, Decieved, Delayed by BP: Gulf Residents "On Their Knees" for Recompense

Attorney Kenneth Feinberg's Washington-based firm, Feinberg Rozen, has been paid $850,000 a month by BP to administer a $20bn compensation fund and claims process for Gulf residents and fishermen affected by the Deepwater Horizon explosion last April.

The Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), which Feinberg manages, was set up after negotiations between BP and the Obama administration, but over recent months there has been growing concern among the Coast's residents that Feinberg is limiting compensation funds to claimants in order to decrease BP's liability. Late last month, Feinberg told Bloomberg Television that he anticipates that about half of the $20bn fund should be enough to cover claims for economic losses.

Israel: The Ugly Truth

It is too easy to demonise Israel, in part because the government, the army and some of the people do things that make it so easy.

But one of the ugliest truths about Israel - a truth that must be faced in both the US and Europe, where xenophobic and anti-Islamic sentiments are also on the rise - is that Israel offers the Western world a reflection of itself.

Of course, it is an exaggerated, hyperbolic image. But it is a picture of nationalism gone wrong. It is a picture of what can happen when a state believes that its very survival depends on maintaining a certain demographic balance. It is a picture of what happens when any country believes that those who change these numbers are an existential threat.

And it is getting more and more frightening here by the day.

Real Black History Month - Malcolm X: Evidence of US Intelligence Assassination

An FBI memorandum of March 4, 1968, among other documents, confirm that US Intelligence considered Malcolm X the top threat to the wealthiest white power structure. It discussed the “long range goals” including: “Prevent the rise of a ‘messiah’ who could unify, and electrify, the militant black nationalist movement.

WikiLeaks And Assange: Limited Hangouts In The Service Of The CIA - A LETTER TO THE EDITOR FROM WEBSTER TARPLEY

To the Editor:

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags

FEMA has issued multiple RFI’s(Request For Information) in regards to the availability of 140 million packets of food specifically for a disaster in the New Madrid Fault System.

Normally this sort of information would seem like disinformation or fear mongering but this particular situation is heavily documented.

The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations.

Video: Spanish Bank Protested By Flash Mob Of Flamenco Dancers - Rumba Rave "Banquero"

Video - Banco de Santander en Madrid - Dec. 22, 2010 This is pretty entertaining...

Spain Announces Massive Bank Bailout

The Spanish government is set to launch a sweeping bailout of its troubled regional savings banks in an attempt to reassure global bond markets.

In every country so far except Iceland, from the U.S. to the U.K. to Ireland & Greece, the bill for bailing out criminally over-leveraged banks goes to taxpayers. Spain is simply another domino in the global bankster recapitalization heist, sponsored by captured politicians from Montana to Madrid.

Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US

Twitter and Facebook don't connect people – they isolate them from reality, say a rising number of academics

Found: Lost pictures of New York blizzard. Prev

A critique of RICHARD FALK’S ARTICLE: ON JEWISH IDENTITY (Intifada Palestine, 20 January, 2011

Although the motives of the writer may be sincere, there are a few points that I feel must be made about certain passages which tend to be defensive, rather than accurate, as to some of the things that are taught to Jews, or, at the very least, what the results of what is taught appears to lead to.

Resolution Calling to Amend the Constitution Banning Corporate Personhood Introduced in Vermont

On the anniversary of the Citizens United decision, Vermont politicians are moving to deny corporations the rights that humans enjoy. A year ago today, the Supreme Court issued its bizarre Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited corporate spending in elections as a form of “free speech” for the corporate “person.” Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the dissent, had the task of recalling the majority to planet earth and basic common sense.

"Corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires," wrote Stevens. "Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their 'personhood' often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of 'We the People' by whom and for whom our Constitution was established."

Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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