Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WRH News stories for Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Part 1


3 shot in Gardena High shooting, suspect caught

A student dressed in dark-colored clothing brought a gun to Gardena High School today and opened fire, injuring at least three people and prompting a massive police search of the campus before the suspect was subdued and arrested.

KTLA also reports that they know the name of the gunman, but aren't releasing it yet.

There are conflicting reports about the age of the gunman, but he is apparently between 16 and 18 years old.

Webmaster's Commentary:

CNN saying suspect known but NOT in custody.

This reeks of a staged incident.

If at first you don't succeed (at gun grabbing) shoot, shoot again!

Police have launched a massive search of the campus for the suspect, who may be a 16-year-old student.

Webmaster's Commentary: Meaning they don't actually know.

Personally this stinks. It looks to me like the gun-grab is on. The Arizona shooting did not produce the anti-gun hysteria the gun-grabbers wanted. Quite the contrary, sales for the exact model gun used surged! So, it is hardly surprising that the media would welcome another shooting and more bloody shirts to wave around as they ignore the economic crash to rail against the second amendment.

But here is the part they won't mention. The police could not prevent this crime, The FBI could not prevent this crime,. The DHS could not prevent this crime, TSA could not prevent this crime. Had the teachers or other students been carrying guns, that shooter would not have pulled the trigger a second time. This actually happened in a little-reported incident at Appalachian Law School where a student started to go on a shooting rampage only to be stopped by two students with legally owned guns.

Lynching Good Men Is What They Like To Do

In May of 2010, the council said Andrew Wakefield could no longer practice medicine. Wakefield’s public statements caused widespread alarm that a common childhood vaccine could cause autism has been put down even though evidence and common sense are on his side. This doctor is a medical hero who is being slandered because his voice comes from within the ranks of medicine and this cannot be tolerated. Poison the children, stick them with needles, drug ’em, cut them out of their mothers’ bellies in increasing numbers, and give them, in every case possible, pharmaceuticals instead of safer and more effective natural remedies.

With every passing massive judgment levied against pharmaceutical firms and with every family who wins
their case at the federal vaccine court, we sustain the view

MICHAELS: China-style dictatorship of climatologists

November's election made it quite clear that the people of the United States do not want to radically change our society in the name of global warming. Pretty much every close House race went to the Republicans, while the Democrats won all the Senate squeakers. The difference? The House on June 26, 2009, passed a bill limiting carbon-dioxide emissions and getting into just about every aspect of our lives. The Senate did nothing of the sort.

The nation's most prominent publicly funded climatologist is officially angry about this, blaming democracy and citing the Chinese government as the "best hope" to save the world from global warming. He also wants an economic boycott of the U.S. sufficient to bend us to China's will.

TSA Now Forcing Opt-Outs To Walk Through Body Scanners

If the experience of a man traveling through Baltimore Washington International Airport last night is anything to go by, the TSA is now forcing people who opt out of the naked body scanner to walk through the machine as part of a psychological ploy to coerce subservience out of other travelers.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I think the obvious solution is for a TSA worker to walk through the scanner with each and every traveler. That would prove they are safe (Janet Napolitano refused, BTW). Or, when the TSA workers start dying of cancer as happened to the shoe store fluoroscope operators in the 1950s and 1960s, then the TSA will understand We The People were trying to tell them the truth and Michael Chertoff could care less how many of them die horribly as long as he gets rich.

Israel Targets Free Gaza Movement with Repulsive Propaganda

Now, Israel has launched a propaganda campaign targeting the return of the Mavi Marmara and Free Gaza Movement and is calling murdered victims: “Pirates”.

The Stand with Us propaganda site says the Israeli massacre on the Mediterranean Sea last May 31st was directed at “Pirates.” Incredible as it is revolting.

Study: Many college students not learning to think critically

An unprecedented study that followed several thousand undergraduates through four years of college found that large numbers didn't learn the critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication skills that are widely assumed to be at the core of a college education.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is intentional. The powers that be are perfectly willing to sell you an advanced education on credit, and to fill your head up with memorized dogma, but they dare not allow people to learn how to actually analyze and comprehend what they see happening before them. Logic and critical thinking are the hallmarks of a free society, while rote memorization and repetition are the dictator's counterfeit.

Israeli Banks Finance Newspaper calling for Genocide

Major Israeli banks, credit institutions, and communication companies are among the advertisers in an extreme right wing weekly magazine that called for building concentration camps.

Freezing Vietnam To Enter Another Cold Snap

This is from the Official Vietnamese Organ of the Communist Party itself! Brrrr!! It's been colder than a.... well it's really cold in southern China too!

ClimateGate: UVA’Getting its Nixon On’

As his other project, the University of Virginia, gets further backed into a corner on the ‘Hockey Stick’ records it is spending upwards of a half a million dollars to keep from the public (even though the public paid for and has every right to them), we now see what Charlottesville radio host Joe Thomas of WCHV likes to note in this context as “UVA getting its Nixon on”. This time with a little help from its friends outraged that laws would be applied to the academic class:



Despite the hysteria of the past week, Israeli democracy is in perfect health. Well, for the Jewish citizens of the country anyway. Avigdor Lieberman’s push to investigate leftist NGO’s is a political trick which lacks significant power to change the situation on the ground. Lieberman’s trick was designed to cast the Israeli left as reactionary and quick to cry wolf. It largely achieved its goals. The incredible mobilization to ’save Israeli democracy’ reinforces the notion that democracy for Jews is in perfect health. The left was attacked, people took to the streets and the system worked. If Lieberman’s desire to investigate leftist NGO’s reaches the next level in the parliament, concerned Jewish citizens will surly take the proper recourse under Israeli law.

Pelicans turn up sick, dead off Jacksonville coast

Barak and Netanyahu United in Desire to Attack Iran

We learned last week that Barak attempted to orchestrate an attack on Iran in 2010, only to be foiled by the outgoing military chief. This hastened Ashkenazi’s replacement and removed one of the major obstacles to attacking Iran. The Labor split removes the other.

Whatever the creation of the “Independence Party” means for Barak’s political future, it cements the world view of the current Israeli government as a nation forever under siege, with an endless array of nations that must be attacked to “save” it. The fall of Labor unites Barak and Netanyahu in the only way they ever could be, their mutual desire to start a major war with Iran.

Webmaster's Commentary: There is an unasked question which should be haunting those in the bowels of power in both Tel Aviv and Washington right now; if Israel and the US decide to strike Iran, what is to prevent Russia and China from joining the fray on the side of Iran??? I would like to remind everyone that both are nuclear armed nations.

Bankruptcy Of U.S. Is ‘Mathematical Certainty,’ Says Professor & Former CEO Of Nation's 10th Largest Bank

Video - Runs 2 minutes - More National Debt Truth

Great clip. Quotes are transcribed for those who can't watch videos.

True State Of The Economy - You'd Better Be Darn Scared

The damnable lies that continue out of lazy, corrupt media mouthpieces regarding the true state of the economy is nothing short of reprehensible. We expect politicians to lie every time they open their mouths. We expect ethically bankrupt crooks like Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner to lie every time they open their mouth to protect their banking interests. However, a free media is supposed to be the watch dog for government corruption and report the facts, not propaganda. Not so for a long, long time for what is known as the "mainstream" media. Fools they are because like tens of millions of others, they will also be reduced to penury.

Texas Lawmakers Faced With $27 Billion Budget Shortfall

Texas is $27 billion short... Click for full story...

And I built a SLIDESHOW inside the story - The Sights, Sounds & Beautiful Women of Texas - You might not want to miss that one

Fans of women's collegiate swimming might want to MAKE SURE to see pic #4 - I won't give away the surprise...

Israel concerned Russia will recognize Palestinian state

Israeli officials fear that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will announce on Tuesday during a visit to Jericho that Russia recognizes a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Which Medvedev has done.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day when Russia leads the world towards peace away from the world of war desired by the US and Israel?

Of course, Israel has no place to complain with all the nations recognizing Palestine. Israel's existence goes back to a declaration by David Ben Gurion and a single recognition from Harry Truman. Israel can hardly refute the path to Palestinian statehood that Israel itself used.

Obama adviser says politics roused Muslim anger towards US

Webmaster's Commentary: Gee, you think?

Half of New Jersey cops laid off.

Webmaster's Commentary: So do the politicians. But then, I repeat myself!Criminals celebrate.

Suicide bomber kills 50 at Iraq police centre

A suicide bomber blew himself up and killed 50 people in a crowd waiting outside a police recruitment centre in the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Tuesday, in the bloodiest attack in more than two months. The blast, which also wounded up to 150, was the first major strike in Iraq since the formation of a new government on December 21 and recalled an August attack against an army recruitment centre in Baghdad that killed dozens of people.

Webmaster's Commentary: More "progress" in Iraq, I see.

Russia's Medvedev backs independent Palestine

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev endorsed a Palestinian state on Tuesday, saying Moscow had recognized independence in 1988 and was not changing the position adopted by the former Soviet Union.

Webmaster's Commentary: "First the oligarchs, and now Palestine! This means WAR ... as soon as we order the Americans to kill you." -- Tel Aviv

US trying to stop UN resolution against West Bank settlements

Senior Palestinian officials said on Monday they were undeterred by American appeals to abandon the resolution, which has been circulated among the 15 members of the UN Security Council and could be discussed as early as Wednesday at a meeting on the Middle East.

The US, which has frequently wielded its veto at the Security Council in support of Israel, finds itself isolated in its opposition to the resolution, which would probably be supported by all other 14 members of the Security Council, including Britain and the other permanent members.

Webmaster's Commentary: The reason the US is trying to prevent this resolution is that if it goes to a vote, Israel will order the US to veto, the US will comply, and look like Israel's bitch one more time.

And why?!? Because Israel has the US government by the...very tender bits of human anatomy. I don't know what it is, precisely; I just know that it exists. Unless Palestinian leadership - Hamas and Fatah - comes together to unilaterally declare Palestine a nation (just as did Israel, by the way), there is no hope for a Palestinian nation to come into being.

A bag of Shit

And in the end, the product is still the exact same thing. It is a sack of shit. But because of all the tinkering added to it in order to employ a bunch of lawyers and bureaucrats who otherwise would be on the unemployment lines, it is now an OFFICIAL (and very much more expensive) sack of shit. And the farmers who need to buy that sack to fertilize their own crops will pay a higher prices, which must then be passed onto their customers (along with all the overhead from the lawyering and plastering of government stickers they themselves must endure).

FLASHBACK: Whistleblower In JPMorgan Silver Trading Scandal Targeted In Mysterious Hit And Run

This certainly has the appearance of a professional hit on Maguire and his wife. It occurred just days after his name was revealed in Congressional testimony, and the identity of the assailant still has not been released by London police.

Israeli tanks take part in deadly Gaza Strip raid

Israeli tanks have entered the northern Gaza Strip, sparking fighting that killed one Palestinian and injured two. AFP news agency reported that seven tanks had made a limited incursion 200m into Palestinian territory on Tuesday, sparking a shootout with militants.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Militant" = Anyone who objects to having a tank run through their living room.

Is JPMorgan The Mystery Trader Cornering The World's Copper Market? And Zinc, Aluminum & Nickel?

Single Traders Hold 90% of Total Copper & Aluminum, 50-80% of Nickel & Zinc

As commodity prices soar to new records, the ability of a few traders to hold huge swaths of the world's stockpiles is coming under scrutiny.

The latest example is in the copper market, where a single trader has reported it owns 80%-90% of the copper sitting in London Metal Exchange warehouses, equal to about half of the world's exchange-registered copper stockpile and worth about $3 billion.


This blunt call for a genocide against Palestinians is not new in publications of the Israeli extreme right, but this is the first time it appears in a “family” magazine with prominent advertisers.

Teenager killed as Israeli tanks enter Gaza

Israeli tanks on Tuesday entered the Gaza Strip, sparking fighting that killed a 17-year-old Palestinian and injured three others.

Israel tanks enter northern Gaza Strip: Hamas

Seven Israeli tanks entered the northern part of the Gaza Strip, near the town of Beit Hanun, on Tuesday, witnesses and members of the Hamas-run security forces said.

The tanks, which entered around 400 metres (yards) into the Palestinian territory, were accompanied by a bulldozer, but it was unclear whether a demolition was planned. Israel has often demolished structures and cleared land along Gaza's border with the Jewish state, citing security concerns.


On Tuesday, the Israeli military demolished the dreams of a family of five in the Palestinian village of Azzoun Atma. At 8.30am, on January 11, more than 100 Israeli soldiers surrounded their home, forced them onto the street and then locked them in the neighouring house for the next three and half hours. As “the most moral army in the world” stood guard around the neighbouring house, ensuring the family could do nothing to stop what was about to happen, a heavily armoured Caterpillar bulldozer smashed down the walls of the home they had lived in for more than 8 years. The Israeli occupation forces then made their way to the other side of the village and demolished a farm house belonging to another family, along with their agricultural pens.

Obama Launches Rule Review, Pledging to Spur Jobs, Growth

In an article published in the opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Obama said he intends to issue an executive order initiating a review to "make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulation," focusing on rules that "stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive." He also suggested future regulations must do their job "while promoting economic growth."

Business leaders say an explosion in new regulations stemming from the president's health-care and financial regulatory overhauls has, along with the sluggish economy, made them reluctant to spend on expanding and hiring. Companies are sitting on nearly $2 trillion in cash and liquid assets, the most since World War II.

Webmaster's Commentary: One cannot blame business leaders for sitting on their cash reserves and being cautious. With out of control deficit spending, courtesy of the Feds, and the whole new raft of taxes and regulations Obamacare has generated, it is amazing to see that any companies out there are hiring at all; at least, here in the US.

Marc Faber : Mature economies to beat EMs, food inflation worrying

Comet Elenin - Path and Information - Oct. 2011

Should be a great show! Comet will be less than .15 au from Earth Oct. 2011. Earth will pass through tail in Nov.

Global warming is dead, let's move on

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, 2010 was Australia's coldest year since 2001. Since logic tells us the planet can't be getting hotter and colder at the same time, we can confidently pronounce global warming dead, buried and comprehensively beaten.

Confirmed: Stuxnet Was False Flag Launched by Israel and U.S.

On Saturday, the Gray Lady of establishment propaganda, the New York Times, passively admitted that the Stuxnet virus responsible for crippling Iran’s nuclear energy program was engineered by Israeli and U.S. intelligence.

Webmaster's Commentary: And the possibility of releasing a Chernobyl-like radiation disaster by tinkering with other people's nuclear facilities was apparently never a concern.

Antibiotics increase risk of IBS and Crohn's disease in children in later life

Children given antibiotics are twice as likely to develop digestive problems, research shows. Those prescribed penicillin and similar medicines are more at risk from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease. Scientists believe the drugs may encourage harmful bacteria and other organisms to grow in the gut, which trigger the conditions.

Facebook users advised to remove personal details after developers gain access to phone numbers and addresses

It's the flip-side of enjoying instant communication with your friends. Facebook has courted a fresh privacy row by allowing developers of apps access to sensitive information including telephone numbers and addresses.

The social networking site announced the change on its blog, saying: 'We are now making a user's address and mobile phone number accessible.' Internet security analysts and privacy experts are now advising people to remove their phone numbers and addresses from the site.

The Fraud at the Heart of Social Security

To understand the fraud at the heart of the Social Security Trust Fund, we start with a very simple fact: cash can only be spent once.

The original police report on the arrest of the 9-11 dancing israelis

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." -- Sivan Kurzberg, driver of the van

One in three Hackney families too poor to heat their homes

Record low temperatures, transport deadlock, dangerous roads, schools closed. While there has been chaos on the outside recently, don’t we all deserve to return to a warm home where we can stay cosy on the inside? Unfortunately, that’s often not the case in Hackney, where far too many of us live in fuel poverty.

Webmaster's Commentary: Just think about all that fuel burned up racing around Iraq and Afghanistan and how many homes that could have heated.

Stuxnet: Another “Conspiracy Theory” Turns Out To Be True

Despite numerous establishment blogs and websites at the time debunking the claim that Israel and the United States were behind the Stuxnet virus attack, that fact has now been admitted, leaving many with egg on their faces and proving once again that the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along.

PRINCES AND PAUPERS - By taking away your food, the Princes rule you by fear and the barrel of a gun comes easy.

It is not true that power comes from from the barrel of a gun. Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. There is a difference.

And if there's plenty of food, then you don't even need money.

What are the two basic levers of power? Food and money.

And how are those levers manipulated? Love and fear.

A Critical Look at the Holocaust

Military Police Service Copy

Circular Letter No. 31/48 Vienna, 1 Oct. 1948 10th dispatch

1. The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

Russian president calls for Israeli freeze

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev gave a political boost to the Palestinians on Tuesday, backing their claim to east Jerusalem as a capital and their demand that Israel must freeze all settlement construction before peace talks can resume.

Webmaster's Commentary: "They can;t do that! You Americans; go kill them for us!" -- Tel Aviv

Russia must replace Kalashnikovs with American and French rifles?

Russia's Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has caused quite a controversy in the country with his remarks about Russian small arms, particularly the legendary Kalashkikovs and the Dragunov SVD sniper rifles. Mr. Serdyukov stated that the Russian small arms had become outdated, and added that Russia could purchase small arms from abroad after it was decided to acquire Mistral helicopter carriers from France.

Hundreds of dead seals in Labrador

Webmaster's Commentary: Hard freeze or gulf oil?

American defense monster has grown too many heads

Has the US defense industry turned into a monster indeed? Do US defense officials push the political leadership of the country towards unleashing aggression in the world? Military experts Pavel Zolotarev and Alexander Khramchikhin shared their views on the matter with Pravda.Ru.

OITC executive flees country

An Australian man claiming to be an executive of a bizarre international finance organisation has fled Cambodia, days after two of his associates were arrested and charged with forging documents alleging connections with HSBC Bank, the United States government and the United Nations. Keith Scott, the “chief of cabinet” for the Office of International Treasury Control, left his serviced apartment in Chamkarmon district’s Tuol Svay Prey II commune last Wednesday, building staff said, after OITC chairman Ray C Dam was charged with forgery on Monday by Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

Sexting Prosecutor Wants Immunity

The former Wisconsin district attorney who resigned amid a sexting scandal says he's immune from a lawsuit filed by a crime victim who claims she was sexually harassed by him.

Ken Kratz says he was a public official at the time of the alleged harassment and is claiming both absolute immunity and qualified immunity.

Those are legal doctrines that shield government officials in certain cases from being sued for a violation of a person's constitutional rights.

Kratz's argument was filed Friday in a response to a federal lawsuit filed by Stephanie Van Groll.

Kratz admitted sending suggestive text messages to Van Groll while he was prosecuting her ex-boyfriend. At least four other women have said Kratz made inappropriate sexual advances toward them.

Webmaster's Commentary: You have to at least admire his chutzpah.

Black sperm leads to criminal offspring says Minister.

Helen Thomas: "Say One Word About Israel & You're Anti Semitic!"

“You touch Israel and you are finished.”

TYT: Marijuana Home Search Without A Warrant

Inflation jumps to 8-month high in December

The pace of price rises surged to a shock eight-month high last month, piling pressure on Bank of England policymakers to raise interest rates to stop inflation spiralling higher.

With House set to debate healthcare, government finds up to half of Americans under 65 have preexisting conditions

Amy Goldstein The Washington Post As many as 129 million Americans under age 65 have medical problems that are red flags for health insurers, according to an analysis that marks the government's first attempt to quantify the number of people at risk of being rejected by insurance companies or paying more for coverage...

Another Court Historian’s False Tariff History

The real reason the South fired on the U.S. Customs Duty Collection Station at Fort Sumter.

Thieves Steal $65,000 Worth of Bronze Plaques From War Memorial

When public war memorials,buildings and tombs are looted for treasure and building materials,you can be sure of one thing. That society,that culture is on its way out. That's history folks!

‘Cows Eat Grass’ and Other Inflammatory Statements

Cows eat grass. You wouldn’t think it’s a big deal to state this, but at Iowa State University a highly qualified job applicant who had the temerity to voice this simple biological fact was ejected from consideration for a post leading a sustainable agriculture program, The Chronicle of Higher Education reports:

Food shortages: Creating a crisis to force global food control

Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer Activist Post A shortage of food is being intentionally staged around the world. Apparently, if we resist the theft and seizure of food production and supply by bio-pirates and facilitated by government puppets, we will be intentionally starved into submission...

Nigel Farage on 'Monster' Eurozone: Bailout Reinforcing Failure

Oath Keepers: The Arizona Shooting and the Sad Cycle of American Politics – “They Who Can Give Up Essential Liberty …”

Just as it was wrong to curtail liberty and to violate the Bill of Rights after 9-11, it is now equally wrong to do the same in the aftermath of this senseless shooting. The whole point of a written Constitution and a Bill of Rights is to bind us down from doing mischief to our own lives and liberty during times of fear, war, and emergency.

And yet, just as the neocons of the Bush Administration used 9-11 as their “Pearl Harbor event” to further their executive supremacy agenda and to grow the power of the national security state, so too are their government supremacist counterparts on the left now doing exactly the same, using a tragedy as a political weapon and as a way to further unconstitutional and liberty stealing legislation.

Vaccine Wars Heat Up

Mark Sircus IMVA There is an international war going on, a vaccine war that is going into its next phase—going into high gear and it’s a take-no-prisoners type of war...

States Warned of $2 Trillion Pensions Shortfall

Nicole Bullock Financial Times

US public pensions face a shortfall of $2,500 billion that will force state and local governments to sell assets and make deep cuts to services, according to the former chairman of New Jersey’s pension fund...

Detroit Public Schools may close half of its schools

Detroit Public Schools would close nearly half of its schools in the next two years, and increase high school class sizes to 62 by the following year, under a deficit-reduction plan filed with the state.

Lawmaker's new proposal would hit feds with charges

The state of Montana, which came up with the idea that the guns made, sold and kept inside its borders simply are exempt from federal regulations and made that its law, now is considering a new weapon that could be used to cancel much of the authority of federal agents over its residents.

Mainstream Media sold Gulf War

RT on the American Mainstream Media

Jewish Orthodox publication openly calls for death camps

Orthodox rabbis long for the day when they’ll wipe out Amalekites, and two more notes

Warfare state: US stays course

People vs Police State: Revolution rage to spread after Tunisia?

Blair to be grilled on how he 'misled' Iraq war inquiry

Tony Blair will face allegations that he has "misled" members of the Iraq inquiry when he returns to give evidence to the panel this week.

Members of the five-strong Chilcot inquiry have grave doubts over the truthfulness of statements the former prime minister made to them last January and in his memoirs, published last autumn. The Independent on Sunday understands that the inquiry is concerned over Mr Blair's evidence on the legal advice he received before agreeing to join the invasion, and the timing of the decision to go to war.

To Exist is To Resist

On Tuesday, the Israeli military demolished the dreams of a family of five in the Palestinian village of Azzoun Atma. At 8.30am, on January 11, more than 100 Israeli soldiers surrounded their home, forced them onto the street and then locked them in the neighouring house for the next three and half hours. As "the most moral army in the world" stood guard around the neighbouring house, ensuring the family could do nothing to stop what was about to happen, a heavily armoured Caterpillar bulldozer smashed down the walls of the home they had lived in for more than 8 years. The Israeli occupation forces then made their way to the other side of the village and demolished a farm house belonging to another family, along with their agricultural pens.

Fresh report into 2003 EU spy scandal points to Israel

Belgium's Standing Intelligence Agencies Review Committee has in a fresh report out on Tuesday (11 January) revealed details of a 2003 EU bugging scandal and named Israeli secret services as a potential culprit.

Committee member Peter de Smet on Tuesday told EUobserver the report says that two people suspected of planting listening devices in the EU member states' headquarters, the Justus Lipsius building, when it was constructed back in the mid-1990s had been trained by the Israeli telecommunications company Comverse, which has known links to the Mossad, the Israeli spy agency. The report does not name any country other than Israel as the potential guilty party in its findings.

David Icke Comments On Southern Poverty Law Center Hit Piece(Rothschild Zionism)

After the tragic shooting in Tucson that left multiple people dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, the corporate media eagerly jumped to conclusions. The Southern Poverty Law Center was quick to bounce on this horrible tragedy. Mark Potok, liar and chief of the SPLC, actually specifically cited David Icke as one of the reasons that the shooting happened.!!

Homeland Security Illegally Seizing Citizens Electronic Products Upon Re-entry To Country

Homeland Security has seized thousands of electronic products from American citizens upon reentry to the country. This is openly illegal and should be immediately stopped! Where are the Tea Party Republicans on this extremely important issue? Homeland Security is essentially a rogue government agency, openly working above the Constitution and illegally harassing thousands of American citizens.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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