Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WRH News stories for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Part 1

Housing Market Slips Into Depression Territory

Illinois Lawmakers Approve 66% Tax Hike

By a single vote, Illinois lawmakers approved a 66 percent increase to the personal income tax, and soon, your paycheck will be shrinking.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Tax their land, tax their wage, tax the bed in which they lay.
Tax their tractor, tax their mule, teach them taxes are the rule.

Tax their cow, tax their goat, tax their pants, tax their coat.
Tax their ties, tax their shirts, tax their work tax their dirt.

Tax their chew, tax their smoke, teach them taxes are no joke.
Tax their car, tax their grass, tax the roads they must pass.

Tax their food, tax their drink, tax them if they try to think.
Tax their sodas, tax their beers, if they cry tax their tears.

Tax their bills, tax their gas, tax their notes, tax their cash.
Tax them good, and let them know, that after taxes they have no dough.

If they holler, tax them more, tax them till they’re good and sore.
Tax their coffin, tax their grave, tax the sod in which they lay.

Put these words upon their tomb: “Taxes drove them to their doom!”
And when they’re gone, we won’t relax, we’ll still be after their inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax, Airline surcharge tax, Airline Fuel Tax, Airport Maintenance Tax, Building Permit Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Death Tax, Dog License Tax, Driving Permit Tax, Excise Taxes, Federal Income Tax, Employment Insurance Tax(EI), Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Gasoline Tax, Gross Receipts Tax, Health Tax, Hunting License Tax, Hydro Tax, Inheritance Tax, Interest Tax, Liquor Tax, Luxury Taxes, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Mortgage Tax, Personal Income Tax, Property Tax, Poverty Tax, Prescription Drug Tax, Provincial Income Tax, Real Estate Tax, Recreational Vehicle Tax, Retail Sales Tax, Service Charge Tax, School Tax, Telephone Federal Tax, Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax, Water Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax, etc, etc, etc.

Not one of these taxes existed 92 years ago, and our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed at home to raise the kids.

Pay Your Taxes or We'll Kill Your Dog

The taxman has never been a popular figure anywhere. But in the tiny Swiss village of Reconvilier, that functionary has assumed the even more detestable profile as the guy who'll waste your dog if you don't cough up what you owe.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Damned good reason for an armed populace right there! After all, at least here in the United States, torture is legal for humans but cruelty to animals is a crime!

The Guardian's Political Censorship of Wikileaks

Although we are treated to daily accounts of how the net tightens around Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the contents of the US embassy cables have been doled out to us in spoonfuls. To add insult to injury, it is now clear that The Guardian edits and distorts the cables in order to protect their readers from unflattering remarks about how their corporations behave overseas. The Guardian has deliberately excised portions of published cables to hide evidence of corruption.

Webmaster's Commentary: Wikileaks is an extortion racket!So ... Assange claims he is leaking documents the media doesn't want you to see, but then hands them back to the media in an exclusive (and paid) deal, which edits at will before publication?

If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again!

Global sea levels will rise by at least 13ft in the next 1,000 years as a result of carbon dioxide emissions, scientists have warned.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I told you these snake-oil salesmen were not going to quit, no matter how many people freeze to death!

Arizona Sheriff Dupnik Was Aware of Loughner’s Mental Illness, Did Nothing

Dupnik said there had been earlier contact between Loughner and law enforcement after he had made death threats, although they had not been against Giffords.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But we all know that the guns are the problem, and not nice Jewish boys with skulls on altars in the back yard, because after all, he was just joking when he made those earlier death threats, so there was no need to interfere when he bought that Glock, but now that he shot up a Congresswoman, by golly we will work as hard as we can to ban guns ... so we don't have to lock up nice Jewish boys who worship skulls on altars on their backyard, because we don't want to be accused of being anti-Semites!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Arizona Shooter and Giffords Belonged To Same Synagogue

The story and the coverup of the story gets wilder. The Loughners and the Giffords were members of the same Congregation Chaverim. On the Congregation Chaverim website we learn that this Reform synagogue that was founded in 1973 has 140 families. That's a very small group. The Rabbi, Stephanie Aaron surely knows every single family member of her congregation on a first name basis! That includes 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner.

So, it is IMPOSSIBLE that Rabbi Stephanie Aaron did not KNOW instantly upon learning that a Jared Lee Loughner had shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords that BOTH people were members of her small congregation!

But does Rabbi Aaron make ANY effort to inform the media, as she takes hundreds and hundreds of media calls from the mass media, of this fact?

Florida's freeze wipes out thousands of acres of agriculture

Heather Sorentrue CF News 13 Plan on paying more for fruits and vegetables over the next couple of months. Florida's freezes wiped out thousands of acres worth of agriculture and millions of cases of food...

Top Ten Legal Drugs Linked to Violence

Maia Szalavitz Time Magazine

When people consider the connections between drugs and violence, what typically comes to mind are illegal drugs like crack cocaine. However, certain medications — most notably, some antidepressants like Prozac — have also been linked to increase risk for violent, even homicidal behavior...

Wage Drop Has Been Worst In Decades

William Alden Huffington Post

Wages for American workers have fallen dramatically since the financial crisis, in what will likely turn out to be the worst such plunge since the Great Depression, the Wall Street Journal reports...


Glock Pistol Sales Surge in Aftermath of Arizona Shootings


10 Things That Would Be Different If The Federal Reserve Had Never Been Created

Every single year, hundreds of billions of dollars in profits are made lending money to the U.S. government. But why in the world should the U.S. government be going into debt to anyone? Why can't the U.S. government just print more money whenever it wants? Well, that is not the way our system works. The U.S. government has given the power of money creation over to a consortium of international private bankers. Not only is this unconstitutional, but it is also one of the greatest ripoffs in human history.

Glock Pistol Sales Surge After Arizona Shootings Amid Fear of Gun Limits

Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers after a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8. Wolff was right. Instead of hurting sales, the massacre had the $499 semi-automatic pistols -- popular with police, sport shooters and gangsters -- flying out the doors of his Glockmeister stores in Mesa and Phoenix.

“We’re at double our volume over what we usually do,” Wolff said two days after the shooting spree that also left 14 wounded, including Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in critical condition.

MONEY FOR NOTHING: Goldman Sachs Borrowed $24 BILLION From Fed At 0.0078 Percent

NEW YORK -- For the lucky few on Wall Street, the Federal Reserve sure was sweet. Nine firms -- five of them foreign -- were able to borrow hundreds of billions while paying one-time fees that amounted to the minuscule rate of 0.0078 percent.

Goldman was one of four American firms that also paid that rock-bottom rate. Goldman and Citi got the 0.0078 percent rate on five separate occasions, tops among U.S. banks. Bernanke is not a loan shark to those he loves...

VIDEO - What If Wall Street Bankers Gorged On A RECORD $144 Billion In Bonuses And No One Noticed

Video - This is how the rest of the world sees the Wall Street bailout

Don't forget what Bill Black has been making very clear the past few weeks - The payouts are based on fictional FASB accounting, leading to fictional profits, and billions in bonuses for bank executives running the scam.

VIDEO: 120 Seconds Of Gerald Celente Kicking Wall Street's Ass - "$144B Bonus Is 49th Largest GDP In World!"

Video - Celente is on fire in this clip...

Excellent Stuff - I don't usually like Gerald - But he NAILS it here

Runs just 2 minutes...

Monetary Policy Chairman Ron Paul: "We Must Audit The Fed In 2011" - Video & Transcript

Video - A Full and Complete Audit of the Fed in 2011 - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk

Since the announcement last week that I will chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the media response has been overwhelming.

This is outstanding stuff...not to be missed...runs just 3 minutes...

CBS VIDEO - Get A Rare Look Inside The Actual U.S. Treasury Auction Room - The National Debt - $14 Trillion And Counting

Video - National Debt $14 Trillion And Counting - CBS News Special Report

Excellent clip that includes debt and deficit totals for every president since, and including Reagan, plus a look at how the U.S. Treasury sells its MASSIVE debt.

Don't skip this one...

Obama's healthcare reforms are looking sick

US healthcare reform suffered a blow when a federal judge ruled parts of it unconstitutional Monday, reflecting one of the Tea Party movement's grievances against the legislation


Senior Iranian lawmaker Esmail Kowsari says the assassins of an Iranian nuclear scientist have confessed to being supported by the Israeli intelligence service./strong>

'Our savings have vanished – we've lost everything'

Angry investors take to streets as Dhaka's stock exchange crashes.

China's Creative Accountants

How publicly owned banks benefit the commonwealth instead of a few private financiers and what it means for you and I.

Irish Leaders Castigated As Greatest Traitors Of All Time

The Irish Government has recently passed the harshest budget in the history of the State with further austerity promised for the next three years and perhaps for decades. Prime Minister Brian Cowen and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan have steered Ireland from the booming prosperity of a Celtic Tiger to a ruined shell of a country where unemployment, poverty, emigration, and despair are proceeding to destroy a once proud, industrious people.

Cowen and Lenihan also bear the ignominy of having brought in the International Monetary Fund who, along with EU banksters, are now dictating Irish fiscal policy. The IMF has long had a vulturish reputation for plundering weaker countries by stripping the flesh of its victims down to the bare bones. This repulsive scavenger is well known for promoting austerity and misery, grabbing national assets for its bankster and corporate friends, and leaving the skeleton of a country’s economy in its wake. The first piece of offal to be plucked from the Irish carcass by this opportunistic carrion eater was the nation’s €20 billion pension fund, the life savings of working people.

The enemy is the private banksters, not the government. This cadre has take control of our government, which we must take back, by taking back control of our money and credit.

Could the U.S. central bank go broke?

If You Thought The Second Amendment Was Under Fire, Wait Until You See what They Have in Mind for The First!

By the way, if you're wondering how freedom dies.... you're seeing it.

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History Part 2.

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History Part 3.

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History Part 4.

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History Part 5.

Innocents Betrayed - Gun Control History Part 6.

Ohio Judge Follows JPMorgan Chase’s Advice, Ends up in Foreclosure

Ohio Judge Peter Sikora was looking to take advantage of the lowest mortgage interest rates in decades and refinance his eight-bedroom, lakefront Cleveland home, so he contacted his bank, JPMorgan Chase. With property values in decline in Cleveland, Chase said no to refinancing but told the judge to apply for a loan modification instead. The judge followed JPMorgan Chase’s advice to the letter and as a result has fallen a year behind on his nearly $1 million mortgage… hasn’t paid his property taxes… and now has ended up in foreclosure. So, all I can think of to say is… don’t you just hate these irresponsible sub-prime borrowers who should never have been allowed to buy their homes in the first place and now think they’re entitled to loan modifications? I know I sure do.

If You Thought The Second Amendment...

.... was under fire, wait until you see what they have in mind for The First!

Rep. Brady (D – PA) has promised to introduce new legislation to criminalize any political speech which could be perceived as incendiary, and other Democrats suggested that there should be a blanket ban on all speech and symbols which might be conceivably interpreted as incendiary against members of Congress.

Mazel Tov: American Jews Arm Themselves ; )

FISCAL MAYHEM: Illinois Has Days To Plug $13 Billion Deficit That Took Years To Produce - VIDEO

Illinois lawmakers will try this week to accomplish in a few days what they have been unable to do in the past two years -- resolve the state’s worst financial crisis.

After years of stealing from the fund, it's now a pension fund timebomb...

Residents to be evacuated as Mt. Anak Krakatau spews ash

The South Lampung Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) is set to evacuate tens of thousands of residents in seven districts in the regency following continuous volcanic ash emissions from Mount Anak Krakatau over the past several days.

South Lampung BPBD head Abdul Shomad said his office had coordinated with the Lampung provincial administration, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency and the Mount Anak Krakatau observation station in Hargopancuran village in South Lampung.

“We have taken anticipatory measures because ash continues to flow, while the seismograph used to monitor Mount Anak Krakatau could not provide data on its activities. This has caused fear among residents,” said Shomad on Monday.

JDL/Zionists for Second Amendment Rights ; )

Finkelstein: Holocaust used as club to crack skull of Richard Goldstone

San Francisco Police Shoots Man In Wheel Chair Caught on Video

Friends, Critics Dispute Arizona Sheriff’s Remarks on ‘Political Rhetoric’ in Wake of Rampage

Just hours after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, was shot in the head by a crazed gunman, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik — addressing the media for the first time — made headlines for saying that “vitriolic political rhetoric” heard on the radio and TV caused Jared Loughner to go on a bloody killing spree that left six dead and 14 wounded.

“When the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates, and to try to inflame the public on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it has impact on people especially who are unbalanced personalities,” Dupnik said Saturday night.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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