Sunday, January 23, 2011

WRH News stories for Sunday, January 23, 2011 Part 1


why is Olbermann gone from CNBC?

plain and simple )

Lethal injection drug production ends in the US

US states are facing a new obstacle to enforcing the death penalty after the sole American manufacturer of a drug used in lethal injections announced it was ending production.

Now the US manufacturer, Hospira, says that it will stop production entirely after a bid to start making sodium thiopental in Italy stalled when the Rome government said it would only license manufacture if the drug was not used in executions.

Webmaster's Commentary: The practice of the death penalty in the United States is barbaric,and who winds up getting this penalty is definitely defined by race, class, and money.

Don't get me wrong: I am the absolute antithesis of a "bleeding heart" on this issue. If someone has actually done the crime, they should do the time, with absolutely no possibility of parole.

That having been said, however, many times, the DNA work necessary to exonerate someone is either not done at all, or the work doesn't happen until years after the accused and convicted felon has been cooling their heels in the slammer for decades for a crime they did not commit.

When you take away time from a life, and it is revealed that a person is actually innocent of the crime for which they have been convicted, you can give them some part of their life back.

But in the case of an execution, if someone was wrongly accused and convicted, that option doesn't exist: this is why I am very much against the death penalty here in the US.

How The Federal Reserve BOUGHT The Economics Profession - Huffington Post Investigative Report - Must Read

Do not skip this story. Absolutely brilliant piece of investigative journalism from Ryan Grim. At a minimum, please give it a quick read.

The Federal Reserve, through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the profession, an investigation by the Huffington Post has found.

Historical Amnesia: The Nation's Number One Disease

No one is demanding the US let down its guard or become an international chump. But it’s time to prescribe serious medicine to heal America's epidemic of amnesia. The goal is a healthier nation, one able to cut back on expensive military boondoggles and to divert funds to creating jobs, improving education, encouraging alternative energies and fixing our crumbling infrastructure. The list is long.

Mrs. Clinton said it best in Qatar: "Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the full impact of their countries’ problems for a little while, but not forever."

Meet Hank The Hammer And His Tax-Free $700 Million

Video - Former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson has a message for you...

We haven't forgotten the crimes against humanity of former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson and his tax-free $700 million. So we built a COMEDY short about your Wall Street loving former Treasury Secretary.

Meet Hank the Hammer and his tax-free $700 million - Runs Just 1 Minute

We think it's pretty funny - You decide


…instead of enforcing international law and upholding justice, as he [Alistair Burt] should, he cooperates with the most dishonest peace brokers on the planet to revive discredited, lopsided talks between dispossessed victim and criminal occupier.”/strong>

Is It Strange That FEMA Wants to Buy 140 Million Packaged Meals with a Shelf Life Only 36 Months for a Specific Disaster Scenario?

I’m sure that there are plenty of reasons why this isn’t weird, but I’ll just make a note of it in case Coincidence strikes.

Via: Federal Business Opportunities:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

Victims of rental scam scramble to find new home

A family with eight children is being forced to move out of their new home after finding out they were victims of a scam.

Emilia Munoz, her husband, and eight children thought they had found a beautiful new rental home with an even more attractive rate.

"We got it off of Craigslist," said Munoz.

They immediately contacted who they thought was the owner.

"They met us here and they showed us the house, they told us they have other properties," Munoz continued.

That was two weeks ago. On Friday night, police knocked on their door and told them they were living in a foreclosed home - and the man who pretended to be the owner had scammed them.

Now they have to move out as soon as possible.

Would the isolation of America persuade Obama not to veto?

Alan Hart argues that President Barack Obama has a choice: either to put the interests of the USA, justice and world peace first and support the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, or go down in history as the man who president over the US’s international isolation and entry into the world’s club of pariahs.

End of Euro? ... Ireland Prints Own Notes

Emergency lending from the ECB to banks in Ireland fell in December, the first decline since January 2010, but only because the Irish Central Bank stepped up its help to banks. The Irish Independent learnt last night that the Central Bank of Ireland is financing €51bn of an emergency loan programme by printing its own money. ECB lending to banks in Ireland fell from €136.4bn in November to €132bn at the end of December, according to the figures released by the Irish Central Bank yesterday. At the same time, the bank increased its emergency lending by €6.4bn, bringing the total it is owed to €51bn. – UK Independent

Twitter hit with scareware scam January 21, 2011

1) Users receive a message purporting to include a link using, Google’s URL shorterning service. Rather than take the user to the billed page, it actually goes through three redirections, including one through a Ukrainian site, before ending up on the site actually used for the attack.

2) The user is then confronted with a bogus security warning and a request to scan the machine, which produces a report showing an infection. The user is then offered the chance to download an anti-virus program called Security Shield. This is actually malware itself.

Torture and 'unjustified homicide' in US run prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay?

Thousands of documents detailing the deaths of 190 U.S. detainees were released by the ACLU on Friday. The U.S. military gave the ACLU the documents earlier in the week as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the rights group.

"So far, the documents released by the government raise more questions than they answer, but they do confirm one troubling fact: that no senior officials have been held to account for the widespread abuse of detainees. Without real accountability for these abuses, we risk inviting more abuse in the future," the ACLU said in a statement.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The institutionalization of torture by the US government and military, coupled with a culture of demanding that witnesses to lie about it, means that we have lost our morality completely, as a nation. Humankind has known from the time of the Catholic Inquisition, that torture only produces what the tortured individual thinks their torturers want them to say to get the torture to stop.

Lot of quakes in the Bonin Island's region.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If I were a geologist, I would be taking some deep water temps in that area to see if maybe the undersea volcano at Broken-Top Guyot is erupting.

Barack Obama: As Bad as Bush

His enemies call him a tyrant and a dictator, but he is neither. Hugo Chavez is a tireless champion of the poor and a committed Christian socialist. The only difference between Chavez's type of Christianity and Barack Obama's, is that Chavez walks the walk.

FLASHBACK - Monckton names names on Climategate

Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference from CFACT on Vimeo.

Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference from CFACT on Vimeo.

NATO's Arctic Military Alliance

The Baltic-Scandinavian region, especially the Arctic at its northernmost extreme, is the last spot on Earth where alleged threats from Iran, North Korea, al-Qaeda and pirates can be invoked to justify unprecedented military expansion and integration. That the latter is occurring at a breakneck pace belies NATO's and the EU's claims concerning the rationale for collaborating with the world's sole military superpower both at home and throughout the world.

Bizarre Developments In Haiti

What's ahead is anyone's guess, but some issues are clear. Duvalier faces no serious prosecution threat. At most, he'll be hand-slapped, perhaps agree to return pennies on the dollars he stole, but be able to stay or leave as he wishes and remain free in luxury until all issues against him are resolved.

In a January 21 email, Law Professor Francis Boyle commented on his arrival, saying:

Webmaster's Commentary: As reported on 21 January, 2011 at:

"Duvalier’s return comes in the midst of a desperate attempt by President Rene Préval to maintain control of Haiti by ensuring the election of Jude Celestin, his chosen successor. President Préval did this by appointing a Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) that was biased in his favor, which refused to allow candidates from over a dozen political parties to participate in the elections. Among those excluded was Lavalas, Haiti’s largest political party and the party most popular among Haiti’s poor. The result was a deeply flawed election that generated widespread and sometimes violent protests among the Haitian people."

"Had the elections truly been inclusive, the most likely result would have been the election of a president who represented the impoverished majority of the Haitian people. This would have been contrary to the interests of the rich and powerful business elites of Haiti, whose main goal has always been the exploitation of the Haitian people as cheap labor. It is these wealthy Haitian elites who benefited under the reign of the Duvalier regime and who would no doubt benefit if he were to return to power."

Ireland’s Titanic Bailout at Risk, Iceland looms ahead

The first funds available under the bailout were provided by the raiding of the Irish retirement fund by its bankers.

Webmaster's Commentary:

All a bailout is, as shown by the above, is taking money from the people to give to the banks so the banks can loan it back to the people at interest.

Please make this point everywhere anyone talks about more bailouts.

A bailout is taking money from the people to give to the banks so the banks can loan it back to the people at interest.

Iceland is the better solution for Ireland. Iceland is the better solution for everyone. Money for the people. Jail for the bankers who tried to steal it all for themselves.

22 Facts Reflecting The Demise Of California

So could the state of California actually go bankrupt?

In Washington D.C., some lawmakers are now working very hard behind the scenes to come up with a way to allow individual U.S. states to declare bankruptcy.

If something like that is worked out in Washington, then certainly the state of California would potentially be one of the first states to take advantage of it.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder what happens to the people who believed that their pension funds would actually be there when they hit retirement age?!?

Flashback: Could The Federal Reserve Go Broke?

Story from Reuters last week... Obviously, before the Fed's accounting change...

(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve's journey to the outer limits of monetary policy is raising concerns about how hard it will be to withdraw trillions of dollars in stimulus from the banking system when the time is right.

While that day seems distant now, some economists and market analysts have even begun pondering the unthinkable: could the vaunted Fed, the world's most powerful central bank, become insolvent?

Stuxnet: A violation of US computer security law

If a January 15 report in The New York Times, which has a dubious past in reporting on computer security and hacking issues, is true — that the United States Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy — via the Idaho National Laboratory — Siemens (which has a long-standing intelligence relationship with the National Security Agency), the CIA, Britain's intelligence services, Germany, and Israel's Mossad cooperated to develop the Stuxnet computer worm to disable Iranian nuclear program centrifuges, the U.S. government violated a number of federal computer security laws that prohibit the development of malicious computer programs that damage ?federal interest? computers.

Egypt Proactively Preparing For Tunisian-Style Rioting

According to Egypt News, the country's airport has intercepted 59 shipments of gold directed for the Netherlands "worth tens of millions." The gold, as well as an indeterminate amount of foreign currencies, was hidden in pillow cases: uh, cotton may not show up on X-Rays, but gold sure does. We eagerly await to learn how big the decline in the country's official holdings 75.6 tonnes of gold will be after this most recent episode confirming that gold is precisely money. And all this happening despite gold's complete and thorough inedibility.

Kazakh president hints at backing for plan to cancel elections

The president of Kazakhstan, has hinted at support for a referendum to cancel elections in the oil-rich republic, a scheme which has been criticised by the US, the European Union, and international pro-democracy groups.

"No statesman could ignore the will of his people," Nursultan Nazarbayev told a meeting of senior politicians and officials on Thursday night. "Weighing all the pros and cons, taking into account the interests of the people and state, I will take the right decision."

The referendum, first proposed over Christmas by a self-styled citizens' group, seeks to extend the president's present term until 2020, scrapping elections scheduled for 2012 and 2017.

Webmaster's Commentary: This "self-styled citizens' group" is obviously bent on keeping their power and money protected through maintaining Nazarbayev in his presidency through the next 6 years, a position he has held since the break-up of the old Soviet Union in 1991.

Accounting tweak could save Fed from losses

But the new rules have slowly begun to catch the attention of market analysts. Many are at once surprised that the Fed can set its own guidelines, and also relieved that the remote but dangerous possibility that the world's most powerful central bank might need to ask the U.S. Treasury or its member banks for money is now more likely to be averted.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The part they are trying to dance around is that under the new rule, the Fed transfers "toxic assets" (i.e. all those fraudulent mortgage-backed securities Wall Street was forced to repurchase) back to the US Treasury and onto the backs of the US Taxpayer. This is the proof that capitalism has failed and we are now a fascist state.

Abbas: We will not make unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ruled out a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, saying that there was no possibility of having an independent state without Israel's collaboration, Qatar-based news channel Al-Jazeera reported on Saturday.

"At this stage there is no option to declare a Palestinian state without Israel's collaboration," Abbas said in an interview aired on Al-Jazeera. "A Palestinian state will be established only with an agreement from Israel."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Congratulations, Mahmoud Abbas: you have just ripped the possibility of a Palestinian state out of the hands of your people by making that statement, at a point in time when many countries are recognizing Palestine as an independent state, and the Russian government has just re-affirmed that. One actually has to wonder whose side you're on here. By making this statement, you have just thrown popular Palestinian support to Hamas, and terminated your usefulness to Fatah.

Are you suffering from selective memory regarding the fact that Israel unilaterally declared itself a nation?

Israel doesn't want a Palestinian state, or peace; they want territory by any means necessary. This is why you are seeing the brisk Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, coupled by forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in which they have lived for generations. If there is any actual popular Palestinian uprising, as a result of frustration with your, Hamas' and Israel's leadership on this issue, the Israelis will put down any insurrection as brutally as possible, and will kill as many Palestinians as they think they can get away with.

Hurling more manure at the public: Assange's life to be made into a movie!

Webmaster's Commentary:

Hundreds of bloggers have been getting the truth out for almost two decades, then Assange shows up and three months later is the darling of the corporate media, and will now have a film made about his life (as he imagines it to have been). Could it be any more obvious WikiLeaks ia a manufactured propaganda hoax?

Did Schumer Shill for Madoff?

Starting about 1 hour 38 minutes 44 seconds into the Senate Banking Committee Hearing on “The SEC’s Failure to Identify the Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi Scheme and How to Improve SEC Performance” (September 10, 2009) Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) looks over his glasses at an SEC bureaucrat and intones:

"When you read Mr. Kotz’s report (PDF)…it’s just astounding…How the heck did this happen…all you had to have was an IQ of about 100 and even a semi desire to find out what happened…you didn’t have to turn over every stone…most people if they’d just read what happened they’d say there’s got to be fraud…to let Madoff escape…."

That is absolutely true. If the SEC man had been a public servant of suicidal courage he would have squared his shoulders, looked Schumer in the eye, and said

State bankruptcy bill imminent, Gingrich says

"We're faced with the danger that the states are going to try to show up and say to Washington: You have to give us money," Gingrich said. "And I think we have to have an alternative that allows us to say no." Webmaster's Commentary:

If you are or have worked for the state government, kiss your pension goodbye!

Because after all, we gotta pay for roads in the occupied West Bank!

Cartoon: Dr. Bernanke Explains Quantitative Easing

Cartoon - Founding Fathers Discuss The Constitution

Cartoon - Krugman's Magical Keynesian Mirror

Cartoon - The Constitution Hanging by a Thread

Cartoon - Dr. Bernanke Explains Quantitative Easing

Takes just a few seconds to see all 4...

Brilliant Cartoon - How The Fed Was Born

Of the 5 cartoons I've posted this morning, this is by far the best one...

I won't spoil the surprise...

Hitler: Our soldiers invading Poland acted in self defense when they shot those Polish people who were brutally attacking them!


“…instead of enforcing international law and upholding justice, British Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt should, he cooperates with the most dishonest peace brokers on the planet to revive discredited, lopsided talks between dispossessed victim and criminal occupier.”

FDIC moves to limit maximum potential damage from mortgage-fraud scandal.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chairman Sheila Bair said this claims commission could be modeled on those created to compensate victims of the BP oil spill and Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. She said the size of such a claims fund would have to be negotiated.

Webmaster's Commentary:

As both 9-11 and Gulf Oil victims will attest, this is a move to put a cap on the maximum potential losses stemming from this scandal, even before the true nature and scale of the scandal becomes publicly known.

Documents raise questions on treatment of detainees

New documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union show "unjustified homicide" of detainees and concerns about the condition of confinement in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, according to the ACLU.

Obama urged to condemn settlements

US academics and ex-government officials ask US president to support UN resolution against illegal Israeli settlements.

Webmaster's Commentary:

President Pussy won't do it, of course. Last May Israel attacked a US-flagged ship that was part of the humanitarian aid convoy, kidnapped US citizens and murdered one of them in cold blood in international waters, and our President sat there and made excuses for Israel's act of war.

Back in 1941, there was this foreign nation, Japan, which was illegally occupying other peoples' lands in China and Indonesia.

There were Americans in close proximity to that foreign nation, in the then-territory of Hawaii, and even though the Americans had not actually done much of anything, that foreign nation decided it had the right to attack and kill Americans just on the off chance that somewhere down the road, they might be in inconvenience.

Thus came about the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Now, just for a moment imagine that instead of declaring immediate war on those who attacked Americans, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had rushed over to the League of Nations to explain why Japan's attack on Americans was really no big deal, and that Japan had good reason to attack and kill Americans! Imagine if Roosevelt, instead of the "Day of Infamy" speech, had made countless excuses why Japan was perfectly right to attack and kill Americans. Imagine that the US Congress, instead of voting war against the nation that attacked Americans decided to punish those who criticized the nation that attacked Americans?

Quite an amazing fantasy isn't it? Yet this is exactly what we have seen the present government do over the last few months ever since Israel's attack on the aid flotilla!

Israel, citing grounds of national security, occupies the lands of Palestine, just as Japan, citing national security, occupied China. The Americans in the aid flotilla had not actually done anything to threaten Israel, just like the Americans sitting in Pearl Harbor had done nothing to threaten Japan.

1941 Japan attacks Americans in the middle of an ocean and the US goes to war against Japan.

2010 Israel attacks Americans in the middle of a sea and the US Government protects the attacker.

In 1904, American businessman Ion Perdicaris was taken prisoner by Mulai Raisuli. Now, from Raisuli's point of view, he had good reason to take Perdicaris prisoner as Raisuli was fighting against foreign occupation of his homeland. Even Perdicaris conceded that Raisuli was acting from what Perdicaris considered justifiable motives.

But President Roosevelt did not view the affair from Raisuli's point of view. He viewed it from the point of view of a President of the United States. Under the slogan "Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!" Roosevelt sent 7 US Battleships with orders to destroy Morocco if Perdicaris was not released. Perdicaris was sent home.

Today is different. Today we have a President and a Congress that, even as the United States crumbles around them, are obsessively concerned with protecting Israel, no matter what it does.

Israel attacked foreign flagged ships in international waters (the very activity the 6th fleet is killing Somali coastal patrol crews for), hijacked a US-flagged ship, and kidnapped 12 Americans, shooting one of them in the head 4 times.

A real President, who remembers that his job is to take care of America and Americans, would not rush to the UN to protect the nation that just attacked Americans.

A real Congress, who remembers that their job is to take care of America and Americans, would not hand Israel a license to murder more Americans anywhere in the world Israel decides they are an inconvenience!

No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people.

A friend to Israel is no friend of America.

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.

Iran Nuclear Talks Fail, No New Date Set

The collapse of another attempt at international outreach to Iran on Saturday has left world powers with few options except to wait – and hope that the bite of sanctions will persuade Tehran to reconsider its refusal to stop activities that could be harnessed to make nuclear weapons.

Webmaster's Commentary: Notice this article's attempt at making it look as though Iran might be planning someday to make nuclear weapons, even though there is absolutely no evidence that it is.

Israel and the US wanted these talks to fail as an "excuse" and "justification" for some kind of eventual military strike.

Iran is a signatory to the NNPT. Under this agreement, Iran has every right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful resources, as they are doing with the power plant they are developing in collaboration with the Russians.

These facilities are inspected by the IAEA, and to date, no nuclear materials have been found to have gone missing, and no enrichment has taken place over 20%, which is the percentage necessary to create medical isotopes. To date, these inspections have shown absolutely zero movement movement toward the creation of nuclear weapons.

Israel, on the other hand, does have nuclear weapons, refuses to sign the NNPT, and refuses to allow its weapons sites to be inspected.

So it is apparent that the West has an absolute double standard when it comes to Israel and Iran.

Three more banks fail

Has U.S. become China's lap dog?

During the editorial board meeting in the fall of 2008, candidate Obama was promoting his ideas concerning a green economy. To that end he noted the move mandated by Congress to CLFs (compact fluorescent lighting). When asked about the wisdom of that legislation given that China was the only country manufacturing CLFs the conversation fell silent. What about the mercury in these lights? What about the jobs headed overseas as the bulb Thomas Edison invented is phased out?

Blair's ex aide: Netanyahu an 'armour-plated bullshitter'

Britain believed that then Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was an "armour-plated bullshitter", former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's communications chief Alistair Campbell was quoted as writing in 1998, The Guardian reported Thursday.

The UK newspaper quoted Campbell as saying in a recently published diary "We had a meeting with [Ehud] Barak, who was OK but not everything he had been cracked up to be. He said he was pessimistic because Bibi was a total bullshitter."

Gulf Oil Spill Blood Tests Reveal Alarming Levels Of Toxic Chemicals In Residents

Four of the [twelve] people had unusually high levels of benzene, which, according to the ISS, is a highly toxic chemical from crude oil. It has been linked to many health problems, including anemia, leukemia, irregular menstrual periods and ovarian shrinkage. Those four were all crabbers from the Biloxi area, and consisted of three adults and one 10-year-old boy.

Ethylbenzene was detected in all 12 blood samples from Gulf residents at high levels and 11 of the 12 individuals had relatively high concentrations of xylenes. Ethylbenzene can cause damage to hearing and to the ear, dizziness, kidney damage, and may even cause cancer. Xylene can cause dizziness, headaches, skin irritation, confusion, and a whole slew of other ailments.

Top aide to UK leader resigns in tabloid scandal

The British prime minister's powerful spin doctor resigned Friday amid claims he sanctioned widespread illegal phone hacking against politicians, celebrities and royalty when he was editor of a top-selling tabloid newspaper.

Do You Feel Safer Yet?

In New York City, my hometown, as in so many cities across the country, a hard-pressed local government and a desperate transit authority are cutting back on services while hiking prices for a deteriorating subway and bus system. For night workers and those out in the lonely, dark early morning hours, some bus lines are simply being eliminated. Meanwhile, in one small settlement of 14,000 people in embattled Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan, a single marine platoon is spending on average $400,000 a month on "reconstruction projects." The Marines have, according to a BBC reporter who visited, "put up street lights, cleaned irrigation channels, handed out radios, paved the bazaar, built bridges, and are currently building a new school." Do I feel safer?

Data Shows Less Buying of U.S. Debt by China

The Treasury Department estimated that China reduced its holdings of Treasuries by nearly $11 billion in November alone. For the 12 months through November, as the accompanying charts indicate, China reduced its holdings of Treasuries by more than $36 billion.

Webmaster's Commentary:

That creaking sound you hear is the floor at the US Treasury!

No doubt the US Government and media will attempt to portray this action by China as a hostile act. They might even call it the opening shot in an economic war leading to a real war with which the US can erase its debts by trading the blood of your children for gold.

But look at this from China's point of view. The US Government acts like one of the "too big to fail" Wall Street firms. No matter what happens, the people are made to pay for all. But China realizes a truth that Wall Street and the US Government remain blind to; the American people have run out of money. The Federal Reserve System that was designed to transfer all the wealth from the people to the bankers has succeeded, and nobody in Government or Business had a plan for when that happened.

China understands that no matter how hard the government whips the taxpayer, there is no more money to pay the bills. The people are poor and the Wall Street robber barons will not surrender a single penny. So China is doing the smart thing and quietly trying to reduce their exposure to US debt, because the US hovers at default, and must eventually plunge into the abyss no matter what fancy paper tricks Wall Street and DC try to play.

Arab states rocked by the mouse that roared

Young, educated people have had enough of greedy dictators.

Webmaster's Commentary: Actually, us old, educated people are pretty pissed off about it too!

UN chief: Settlements are illegal, hamper peace efforts

Palestinians have right to an independent state, Israel has right to live in peace within secure borders, and way must be found for Jerusalem to be capital of two states, Ban Ki-moon tells UN committee.

Webmaster's Commentary: "Veto! Veto! VETO! Vetovetovetoveto Vee TOW!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Jim Corr Interview - 9/11 Truth, Shadow Government - Full Interview - 21/01/11

We're printing billions, just to save the banks

With the Central Bank now effectively printing the money that the Irish banks need to pay off their depositors, the moment of truth is rapidly approaching.

Webmaster's Commentary:

When the central bank prints up new money to give to the banks, the resulting inflation destroys the buying power of the money still in the hands of the people. So this is just another covert way to steal real wealth from the people and give it to the banks so the banks can loan it back to the people at interest!

Yeah, and Hitler said everything he did was legal. So?

An Israeli inquiry into the deadly seizure of vessels attempting to breach a Gaza blockade last May has found that the navy operation was 'legal'.


Jonathan Pollard is an American who was paid to spy for Israel. He got a life sentence in 1987 because of the damage he’d done to national security. Jonathan Pollak is an Israeli citizen who earns just enough to live as a graphic designer so that he can participate in the struggle of Palestinian villagers trying to save their land from Israel’s remorseless settlement-building.


The army seems to never miss an opportunity to attack unarmed demonstrations in the West Bank even when mainstream Israeli news is filming.


A joke that was circulated in days gone by went as;
American: I live in a free country. I can say anything I want to, I can even call President Kennedy a moron!

Soviet: My country is free as well. I can also call President Kennedy a moron!

I was reminded of that silly joke this morning when I read the following report from the Ma’an News Agency…. In this case, it appears that the PA is the joke ….. unfortunately, not a very funny one.

"The Globocrats": Davos and the Bilderberg

Not everyone loves Davos.“YOU can do nothing against a conspiracy theory,” sighs Etienne Davignon. He sits in a lofty office with a stupendous view over Brussels, puffing his pipe. He is an aristocrat, a former vice-president of the European Commission and a man who has sat on several corporate boards, but that is not why some people consider him too powerful. He presides over the Bilderberg group, an evil conspiracy bent on world domination. At least, that is what numerous websites allege; also that it has ties to al-Qaeda, is hiding the cure for cancer and wishes to merge the United States with Mexico.

Tea Partiers Say Defense In Mix For Budget Cuts

WASHINGTON -- Back home, supporters of the conservative tea party movement clamoring for the debt-ridden federal government to slash spending say nothing should be off limits. Tea party-backed lawmakers echo that argument, and they are not exempting the military's multibillion-dollar budget in a time of war. The banksters and the military and it's industrial complex are the true enemies of America. The coopted and controlled teapartiers will never figure that out!

Jesse Jackson: US stuck in crisis hole, still digging

TSA Checkpoint Confrontation Video Used in Lawsuit -- Man Acquitted

Video recording made by Phil Mocek at Albuquerque International Airport, just outside the TSA barricade, on November 15, 2009, from approximately 2:34 p.m. - 2:38 p.m. Mountain time. This video was presented by the prosecution in State of New Mexico v. Phillip Mocek in the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court on January 20, 2011.

Doctors Alarmed by Military’s Use of Mind Drugs on Troops

Dr. Grace Jackson, a former Navy psychiatrist, left the service “out of conscience, because I did not want to be a pill pusher,” she told Nextgov. Jackson believes psychotropic drugs are “destroying the force.” She is especially concerned about the anticonvulsive drug Depakote, which military doctors prescribe for mood control. Depakote can cause “cognitive toxicity,” impaired ability to think and make decisions.

Another expert, Dr. Peter Breggin, told the House Veterans Affairs Committee last year that combat soldiers should not be given psychotic drugs, because they can cause loss of judgment and self-control and lead to increased violence and suicidal impulses.

Pesticides give rise to mutant bed bugs

Ethan A. Huff Natural News

Bedbugs are coming back with a vengeance, and a new study out of Ohio State University says that pesticides and insecticides are at least jointly responsible for spawning a new breed of mutant bedbugs that is genetically-resistant to the very chemicals commonly used to eradicate it...

The Perfect Genetic Storm – Synthetic DNA and the Gulf Blue Plague

Michael Edward The Gulf Blue Plague

There’s a new proprietary recipe being force-fed to all of us here on the Gulf of Mexico that is now becoming available worldwide. Although this recipe has been closely guarded for 8 months, we were able to break it down after examining the plentiful supply us “Gulf Coasters” have available here. The ingredients are abundantly available while both the recipe and the brewing process are not as secret as everyone had thought...

Ron Paul: The Coming 2nd American Revolution & Exposing The FED

Alex talks with physician and Texas Congressman Ron Paul, author of End The Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto.

Former Spy With Agenda Operates a Private C.I.A.

Mark Mazzetti New York Times

WASHINGTON — Duane R. Clarridge parted company with the Central Intelligence Agency more than two decades ago, but from poolside at his home near San Diego, he still runs a network of spies...

'Prince of Mercenaries' who wreaked havoc in Iraq turns up in Somalia

Erik Prince, the American founder of the private security firm Blackwater Worldwide, has cropped up at the centre of a controversial scheme to establish a new mercenary force to crack down on piracy and terrorism in the war-torn East African country of Somalia.

The project, which emerged yesterday when an intelligence report was leaked to media in the United States, requires Mr Prince to help train a private army of 2,000 Somali troops that will be loyal to the country's United Nations-backed government. Several neighbouring states, including the United Arab Emirates, will pay the bills.

Spain to rescue its banks

The Spanish government is set to launch a sweeping restructuring of its troubled regional savings banks in an attempt to reassure the market it can sort out the problems of its financial system.

Harry Wilson Telegraph

Forty out of a total of 45 Spanish cajas will merge or form operating alliances with each other as the authorities look to prevent fears over the banking system from morphing into a wider market run on the country as a whole...

After cutting value of life, EPA ditching the term

Seth Borenstein Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Bureaucrats are struggling with an age-old question: What is the value of our lives?

Google Seeks to Weaken Search Engine Ranking of "Content Farming" Websites

Alternative news sites beware, Google is changing their algorithm to reduce your status to a spammer in an attempt to control the flow of information on the Internet.

Eric Blair Activist Post

Google has announced that it is fixing flaws in its algorithm that allows search results to be spammed, while also planning to weaken the search-ability of websites referred to as "content farms." Matt Cutts, head of Google's anti-spam team, writes:

22 Facts Reflecting The Demise Of California

The following are 22 facts about California that make you wonder why anyone would still want to live in that hellhole of a state....

Barack Obama: As Bad as Bush

Surprised? Don't be. Any foreign leader who attempts to control his country's resources, improve human rights, or distribute the nation's wealth more equally among its people, is the de facto enemy of the United States. People thought that things might change under Obama, but they were wrong. He's as bad as Bush.

Santa Barbara seeks to turn the tables on the homeless

Pedestrians pass homeless people in downtown Santa Barbara. Officials want to turn the benches so they face one another, making it difficult for the homeless to interact with passersby.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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