The Egyptian uprising against the Mubarak regime is historic and important in its own right. But it may also lead to significant changes in the region that could be positive for the Palestinian cause. Israel is worried about a reliable ally being toppled next door.
The Mubarak dictatorship is a core pillar of the U.S./Israeli order in the Middle East, an order that completely ignores the wishes and aspirations of people on the ground. The U.S. and Israel are scared of the new order that is to come.
If Western leaders, who have backed the dictator Mubarak for 30 years, cannot stand before the Egyptian people today and say unequivocally, "we support your right of national self-determination," when can they do it?
That's the question that Egyptian democracy leader and Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei has put before Western leaders today.
The rate of private gun ownership in Egypt is 3.52 firearms per 100 people Webmaster's Commentary:
John P. Wheeler III, a former Pentagon official and the first chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, "died as a result of blunt force trauma after being assaulted," the Delaware medical examiner's office said Friday. A toxicology analysis also was done during the autopsy, but the results were not released. Police are still trying to determine who committed the crime.
A few weeks ago, riots in Tunisia forced the resignation of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. In Egypt, just in the past couple days, similar actions have put President Hosni Mubarak out of office. Things aren’t looking very good for the leadership over in Algeria either.
Civil unrest has been spreading like wildfire all over the globe in the past couple years, and accelerating in the past few months—not just in African dictatorships, but in England, Greece, Russia, Italy, and many other places. The mainstream news outlets, in their unyielding support of the ruling order and the status quo, would like to have us all believe that these are isolated incidents, and the actions of violent, uncivilized miscreants.
[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people. -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
In both Tunisia and Egypt, some protesters stopped to pick up canisters, and posted photographs online. A few inches long, blue and silver, they include warning labels and then a set of initials: CSI, followed by "Made in the U.S.A."
The only thing the United States exports anymore is war and terror.
Blake Ellis CNN Money
NEW YORK -- Interest rates are now hovering near record highs, at an average rate of 14.72%. And if your credit is bad enough, you could even end up with a rate as high as 59.9% APR...
Egyptian, Tunisian and Yemeni protesters all say that inequality is one of the main reasons they're protesting. However, the U.S. actually has much greater inequality than in any of those countries.
Well the news is just breaking the U.S. Justice Department in investigating Deutsche Bank's foreclosure practices, it seems they have been found to file FALSE Paperwork to foreclose! Which all the banks have to do, but it seems their is glaringly false!
If Mussolini or Stalin or Mao had faced public protests for being a tyrant, and had said he was firing his cabinet and unilaterally naming new lackeys, would that have reassured anyone?
Of course not.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in an address broadcast on state television Jan. 28 said that he has dissolved the government and will form a new government Jan. 29. In other words, Mubarak is not stepping down.
Eileen Fleming compares President Barack Obama's lofty words during his 2011 State of the Union address with the reality of Washington's foreign policy in the Middle East, where the USA underwrites with tax dollars and state-of-the arts weapons Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peaceniks, the communists, the anarchists, the students, the people, across the spectrum, we all have a common cause.
And yet, we have so tragically allowed ourselves to be duped, to be pitted against each other, fighting each other, finding a million ways to divide ourselves, or simply to be indifferent to each other. In this the tyrant’s smile, they laugh and they joke, about how complete their control over us is. They have been laughing for far too long.
We are what we've been waiting for!
FoxNews reporting Attorneys and witnesses saying the underwear bomber was let on the plane without a passport. I've heard he had been the head of the Islamic students Union at one of London's most prestigious universities.
From the YT description:
"I contend that this story is just the tip of the iceberg into the US government's black operations to further the Patriot Act, funding for Homeland Security and the TSA, and to keep intensity up for the so called War on Terror ... What the news piece doesn't mention is that the State Dept did indeed put Mutallab on the plane, at the behest of "an unnamed US intelligence agency." Undersecretary Patrick F. Kennedy (Detroit news article was removed from web!)."
Carlin the truth teller on education, the lack of honesty and accountability from politicians, the sickening power of Wall Street lobbyists, corporate control over Washington, regulatory capture, and political corruption. This is awesome...
Video - Nomi Prins - Foreclosing on America
Nomi is a former managing director at Goldman Sachs who now badmouths her former employer every chance she gets...
Demonstrators in Cairo surrounded a military vehicle, but they were cheering the army, a respected institution in Egypt.
The government of Egypt right now is in turmoil.
A social media fueled uprising of Egyptian citizens is still very much a fluid story, but already it seems very unlikely that current President Hosni Mubarak will be able to stay in power without instituting some sort of freedom crushing policy of martial law. Earlier today, a “deeply concerned” Sec. of State Hillary Clinton spoke of the situation in grave but even tones.
Why are Western governments so concerned about an unstable Egypt? In addition to all of obvious reasons, two words: Suez Canal, which is literally one of the biggest arteries of crude oil that fuels the U.S. economy.
What seems apparent from this incident, which is itself disturbing, is that any acknowledgement of doubt about the validity of the official version of the 9/11 events, while enjoying the legal protection of free speech, is denied the political and moral protection that are essential if an atmosphere of free speech worthy of a democracy is to be maintained.
By Richard Falk
"In other words, people who default on their mortgages can reasonably expect, on average, to stay in their homes rent-free more than 16 months. In some states such as New York and Florida, the number is closer to 20 months."
Full story inside...
“What seems most disturbing about the 9/11 controversy is the widespread aversion by government and media to the evidence that suggests, at the very least, the need for an independent investigation that proceeds with no holds barred,” wrote Falk.
By Elizabeth Woodworth in Foreign Policy Journal
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen – is the West next?
The revolutionary wave now sweeping the world will not exempt America, in spite of the myth of “American exceptionalism.”
By Justin Raimondo
By Dr.Ashraf Ezzat / Alexandria, Egypt
What is happening now in Egypt is historic by all means and all parties involved should acknowledge that and deal with it as such.
“Without beating around the bush or postponing or playing us for fools and without more false promises, we, the people of Egypt, demand all of our long forgotten rights to be granted and this time there is no turning back … we have learned our lesson …we have finally broken free of all fears”
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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