Saturday, January 1, 2011

WRH News stories for Saturday, January 1, 2011, Part 2

BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - Kindra Arnesen's EXPLOSIVE New Revelations And Message to The World

Activist, Mother, and Voice of the Gulf People, Kindra Arnesen sat down with the Project Gulf Impact team, Matt Smith, Heather Rally, and Gavin Garrison recently to reveal shocking new information about the BP oil disaster and why the whole world should be paying attention to the Gulf. A must watch for anyone wanting new information on the Gulf of Mexico, she reveals shocking new information sure to send waves through the country.

Kindra Arnesen Suffering From Gulf Disaster, “Natural Barrier of Our Skin is Gone”

What options exist next time on the high seas for Netanyahu?

Richard Lightbown argues that whatever Israel does when the Mavi Marmara sets sail for Gaza on the first anniversary of the murder of aid workers by Israeli commandos aboard the same ship, the movement to break the illegal siege of Gaza "is not going to be frightened off. It is not going to go away. It is not going to wither and die."

How to Remove the Google Redirect Virus

If you are being redirected to an unwanted website or another search engine, your browser is not only hijacked by a Trojan, but the Google Redirect Viruscomputer is also infected with a TDL3 rootkit as well. This threat is also known as the TDSS or Alureon rootkit. Many anti-malware vendors have failed to detect and prevent the infection in the past months, but to date, the latest variant of TDL3 rootkit is possible to remove using several tools and malware removal programs.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is apparently the infection that turned my netbook into a brick last week.

Citing Facebook Posts, Fox News Turns in Indiana Grandmother for ‘Terror Link’

Apparently no longer content to simply shill for a growing police state, Fox News decided to take what passes for the law these days into its own hands today, turning in a 46 year-old grandmother from Indianapolis, Indiana for having a “possible terrorist link.” The entire case against the woman, one Kathie Smith, appears to have been based around data culled off of her Facebook page and the content of emails they exchanged with her. The Department of Homeland Security in Indiana confirmed that their first information about Mrs. Smith was when Fox News sent them a video in which she allegedly makes “anti-American comments.”

Question for the dumbass, gubermint snitch-whores at Fox News: Have you turned in those two terrorist sympathizers Geraldo and Napolitano yet for admitting on air that the straight down collapse of WTC 7 at freefall speed looks mighty suspicious?

Please report suspicious activity at Wal-Mart to the Department of Homeland Security

Texas Went Into the Wrong Court Fighting the EPA

For the State of Texas to go into Federal Court fighting the EPA in a defensive posture is like asking the wolves to keep the foxes out of the hen house

Click below to read rest of story

Texas needs to have a Constitutional Standoff with EPA and Obama Administration's Power Grab

The State legislator in Texas meets January 11, 2011 in Austin for the 82nd session.They should move quickly to enact laws with teeth enforcing state sovereignty. I think this is an opportunity for Texas to make a stand and tell the Obama Administration that he can not assume power he does not have. Texas should not hesitate to use the county sheriffs to back it up if necessary state law and state rights. 2011 should be the year the states push back against White House. to read rest of story

Prison Riot: Smashed windows, burnt buildings as inmates rampage in UK

They had 8 guards for 500 prisoners, due to "austerity" measures. So the guards legged it.

Islamist organisation encourages armed resistance

Hizb ut-Tahrir position on Afghanistan leads to renewed calls to outlaw group. Controversial Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir will be encouraging armed resistance against Scandinavian soldiers at a debate meeting about the war in Afghanistan in January.

Webmaster's Commentary:

How DARE those dastardly Islamists encourage armed resistance to the Scanda.... wait a moment. If somebody invades and occupies your country, isn't it your duty to kill them and anyone who cooperates with them?

Denmark terror plan 'destined to fail': expert

One of the five men arrested Wednesday was "so publicly exposed and known by the intelligence services that the plot against Jyllands-Posten was almost destined to fail," Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert at the Swedish National Defence College, told the Politiken daily's online edition. Webmaster's Commentary:

In other words, another staged incident for the media to wag at us, to sell us yet another @#%$ing war!

Woman Arrested After Trying To Return Wallet

Deborah Heinrich said she opened it to find who it belonged to and then started making phone calls.

"I left messages at his home phone after I found his number on the Internet," Heinrich said. "I called his bank and a Harley Davidson dealer listed on a business card in his wallet."

When asked if she had intended to keep the wallet, Heinrich replied, "No, not at all."

Heinrich said she even contacted police and asked them for help tracking down the owner.

Webmaster's Commentary: You cannot make this shit up!

Haiti: Obama does not like Black People

As the year 2010 closes the United Nations is facing a serious crisis of credibility. Whether in Ivory Coast , in the Congo or in Haiti , U.N. troops sent to “keep the peace” are repeatedly accused of perpetrating grave human rights violations, including mass murders. This note shall focus on the track record of the Mission des nations unies pour la stabilisation d’Haiti (MINUSTHA), which has been in operation in this Caribbean island nation for the past six years.

Webmaster's Commentary: As reported on 26 December 2010 and generally ignored by the Western press at:

"Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame"

"They are the real heroes of the Haitian earthquake disaster, the human catastrophe on America's doorstep which Barack Obama pledged a monumental US humanitarian mission to alleviate. Except these heroes are from America's arch-enemy Cuba, whose doctors and nurses have put US efforts to shame."

It appears that UN efforts have been orchestrated by the US to keep the Haitian people from ever achieving anything which could ever be characterized as a decent standard of living, and always close to sweatshop wages, when work is available.

Big Brother: America's Police State Mentality in the Electronic Age

Pushed to the extreme and without clear democratic oversight, it becomes the mark of a totalitarian state, when authorities feel that they never have enough information on the people. It is because information is power and state bureaucrats and politicians naturally like to be in control; on the one hand, releasing as little information about their own actions through an imposed secrecy, and on the other, accumulating as much information as possible about the citizens.

And today, modern governments have all the tools to transform their country into a creeping police state, more so now then ever before, in this electronic age. They have access to information technology that previous full-fledged “police state” governments could only have dreamed about.

Webmaster's Commentary:

George Orwell was not only a superlative writer; in this part of the 21st century, he has proven himself a prophet.

Settlers Violence -- Interview with Ahmad Jaradat

New pension law could force municipalities to raise property taxes 60%

Webmaster's Commentary:

The game here is simple. Already Wall Street is getting ready to create yet another casino game out of bundling delinquent property taxes into investment vehicles, creating the promise of endless profits from inflated "fees" and "service charges" to be applied to the amount owed by the property owner, or ultimately by the seizure of their homes. So local communities are raising property tax rates not in the expectation of getting the money, but in selling the delinquent tax bill to Wall Street!

Holocaust survivors warn of stirrings of neo-fascism

Survivors of the Holocaust have warned of the first stirrings of neo-fascism in Israel following the emergence of a Right-wing campaign to cleanse Arabs from predominantly Jewish parts of the country. Webmaster's Commentary:

What happens here in America when predominantly Jewish parts of the country decide to cleanse themselves of the Goyim? Will you remain silent even then?

Abbas to lay cornerstone for new PA embassy in Brazil

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to lay the cornerstone of a new Palestinian Embassy in Brazil's capital, Brasilia later this week, AFP reported. After presiding over the ground breaking ceremony on Friday, the PA president is to attend the inauguration of Brazil's next president, Dilma Rousseff, according to the report.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is going to get interesting. World respect for the United States has vanished as our government continues to bow to Tel Aviv. The numerous nations recognizing Palestine are proof of the US fall from moral leadership. Now Israel has issued orders to the United States to block Palestine at the United Nations, and the United States government, as always, will obey their masters.

But every time the United Nations fails to hold Israel to account for their obvious war crimes, the United Nations loses credibility and respect in the eyes of the world. One can hardly expect the United Nations to be the foundation of a global government if it cannot hold one single nation to the rule of international law. As the United States continues to decline to international impotence, it may well drag the United Nations down with it.

And with its slaves now helpless, and no longer able to protect it, Israel will fall.

Of course, ever unable to admit their own failings, Israel will blame their collapse on the Goyim as well.

U.S. efforts fail to convince Pakistan's top general to target Taliban

Kayani, who as Pakistan's army chief has more direct say over the country's security strategy than its president or prime minister, has resisted personal appeals from President Obama, U.S. military commanders and senior diplomats. Recent U.S. intelligence estimates have concluded that he is unlikely to change his mind anytime soon. Despite the entreaties, officials say, Kayani doesn't trust U.S. motivations and is hedging his bets in case the American strategy for Afghanistan fails. While the Obama administration sees the insurgents as an enemy force to be defeated as quickly and directly as possible, Pakistan has long regarded them as useful proxies in protecting its western flank from inroads by India, its historical adversary.

Webmaster's Commentary: Kayani is also acutely aware that there will be a presidential election in this country in another two-plus years, and the outcome may well be that American voters, sick of this war without either end or true justification in terms real security, may well put someone in the White House how vows to end this war immediately.

Israel orders US to block Palestinian efforts at UN. US says "Yes Massa!"

Predictions For 2011 - More Doom, Death, & Destruction

Talk is cheap, DC specializes in cheap talk. Such idle rhetoric will reach a shrill crescendo in 2011 as the politicos try to assure the masses that things are just fine in America but the ship is sinking. I would love to wish all a Happy New Year, but unless one is a member in good-standing of the DC Hog Trough Diner 2011 is going to suck even worse than 2010. That may be hard for many to imagine, but the US has now engineered the Perfect Storm to assure that the USS Titanic is going to sink.

Webmaster's Commentary:

All Evidence Points To A Dramatic Increase In Food Prices Worldwide, Possible Shortages

For the last two weeks we have reported and researched the possibility of a food shortage due to a mixture of freezing temps, moves by our government that seem to hurt rather than help food prices, and hot, dry weather in the regions that haven’t froze. Here are just a few of the hundreds of articles that have come out in the past month that point to rising food prices worldwide.

Webmaster's Commentary: Not to be "chicken little" about this possibility, but please: do have storable drygoods and canned foods on hand. Make sure you eat through anything with an expiration date before the product expires, and please have basic medical supplies on hand. Also, if you are on any kind of critical prescription drugs, speak with your physician about having some extra on hand just in case.

13 Lies: An Abbreviated History of U.S. Presidents Leading Us to War

Below are the facts on how we got into a few major wars. Each one could be (and has been) a book, and many other smaller wars also could be shown, so please forgive the brevity. The format is: war name; the lying President and the year it started; the stated reasons/lies for the war; and the real reasons.


Over a thousand protesters responded to the Bil’in Popular Committee’s call to march on the Wall in the village today, in what they announced to be “the last day of the Wall”. Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital after inhaling massive amounts of tear-gas towards protesters in Bil’in earlier today. She is currently in critical condition and is not responding to treatment. Another protester required hospitalization after being hit in the face with a tear-gas projectile shot directly at him.


A picture is worth a 1000 words, this is the motto of this exhibition showcasing 100?s of photos taken by journalists during the Israel’s onslaught against Gaza during the winter of 2008-2009. Some bombs, dropped on the Strip during the three-week war, are on display.
Talented artists have also pitched in by using materials like Styrofoam to create these warplanes, tanks and gunboats, which were part of the Israeli war machine.


PROPAGANDA ALERT - Phony Al Qaeda bomb manual published on internet.

Al-Qaeda has produced a new bomb-making manual in English with the aim of encouraging self-starting terrorists to launch their own attacks.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is a replay of a hoax from the late 1960s called the "Black Panther Coloring Book." Actually created by the FBI (and exposed during the COINTELPRO leaks), this was a book filled with highly racist drawings that was mailed into American homes (even we got one in West Covina) in order to give the US Media an easy means to demonize the growing civil rights movement that was pointing out that the Vietnam draft seemed to place most of the black kids on the front lines and most of the white kids in the rear support areas. Likewise, as the white population began to listen to the legitimate concerns of the black population, and as Martin Luther King gained popularity, young people, "The Hippies", also started mobilizing against the war, which led to a second fraudulent book released in the early 1970s called "The Anarchist Cookbook." Like the above "Al Qaeda" manual, the Anarchist Cookbook was filled with recipes for making bombs. The Anarchist Cookbook was created to allow the media to scare ordinary Americans that dangerous anarchists were in their midst, requiring draconian police and FBI powers. Hoaxes by the Nixon administration, including the "Peacnik" riot at Disneyland and the SLA, were used to further terrorize the American people.

Here is the point that relates to the current hoax. The recipes for explosives in the Anarchist Cookbook were intentionally flawed. Key stabilizing ingredients were left out in the hopes that some idiot playing with the formulas would blow up his own house, thereby handing the media another "terrorist bomb lab" for the media to wave around.

So, along with guaranteeing you that this Al Qaeda bomb making manual is another intelligence agency fake, I can also promise you that the formulas in it are intended to trick you into killing yourself in a spectacular manner intended to allow the media to claim you are an "Al Qaeda" terrorist in our midst to justify further removal of our Constitutional Bill of Rights.

UPDATE: The source for this "Al Qaeda" bomb book is none other than MEMRI.

click for larger image

MEMRI is a known Israeli propaganda front.

New Orleans: Get out of FEMA trailers or pay $500/day

Associated Press The era of the FEMA trailer — a symbol of the prolonged rebuilding from Hurricane Katrina — might be drawing to a close in New Orleans...

A Concise History of the Rise and Fall of the Green (As In Money) Establishment

Under the firm hand of Hair’s leadership the Federation’s membership doubled and it’s budget tripled. His strategy was simple: market the Wildlife Federation as a non-confrontational corporate-friendly outfit. Hair created the Corporate Conservation Council and forged relationships with some of the world’s most toxic corporations: ARCO, Ciba-Giegy, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Exxon, General Electric, General Motors, IBM, Mobil Oil, Monsanto, Penzoil, USX, Waste Management and Weyerhaeuser. The corporations received the impriatur of the nation’s largest environmental group, while the National Wildlife Federation raked in millions in corporation grants. Webmaster's Commentary: Same strategy Assange is following with government and the media.

Only 9,099 Of Last 10,500 Years Warmer Than 2010

FLASHBACK US Govt. agencies involved in Data Manipulation HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD IS A FRAUD! NASA, NOAA

Snow In The Desert

Hope in 2011: Peoples, Civil Society Stand Tall

Ramzy Baroud Global Research

When the Iraqi army fell before invading US and British troops in 2003, the latter’s mission seemed to be accomplished. But nearly eight years after the start of a war intended to shock and awe a whole population into submission, the Iraqi people continue to stand tall...

London Fireworks on New Year's Day 2011 - New Year Live - BBC One

Happy New Year from the UK!!


The US administration, as revealed in a State Department cable posted by Wikileaks, has been working overtime with Israel to parry further condemnation of Israeli crimes documented in the Richard Goldstone and Richard Falk Reports, among others. These investigations established massive violations of human rights and international law, war crimes, and possible crimes against humanity.

Gerald Celente's Top Trends for 2011

Gerald Celente's Top Trends for 2011

New Year, Same Goal: Defeat the Globalists

As we ring in the new year it is important to understand that we must double our efforts to expose and push back the globalists and their open plans for world government. In 2010 we witnessed the police state increase tenfold. American citizens are now subject to intrusive pat downs and radiating body scanners in airports nationwide. The Department of Homeland Security is openly announcing that these security measures are soon to be in a mall and hotel near you. In the Gulf we witnessed the chemical rape of hundreds of thousands of people due to BP’s extensive use of the now infamous dispersant, Corexit

In 2011 The Baby Boomers Start To Turn 65: 16 Statistics About The Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Drop Your Jaw

Do you hear that rumble in the distance? That is the Baby Boomers - they are getting ready to retire. On January 1st, 2011 the very first Baby Boomers turn 65. Millions upon millions of them are rushing towards retirement age and they have been promised that the rest of us are going to take care of them. Only there is a huge problem. We don't have the money. It simply isn't there.

COMMENTARY Magazine erroneously tries to credit WikiLeaks with the Climategate leaks.

One of the most important WikiLeaks postings was the release of the Climategate e-mails that revealed how British academics at the heart of the global-warming consensus had conspired to withhold awkward statistics.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is probably a good thing (or bad thing) that Commentary does not allow comments or else thousands of people would be pointing out that the Climategate emails first appeared on a Russian server November 19, 2009. WikiLeaks did not redistribute the files until days later, and is now trying to take credit for the leak to bolster Assange's sagging credibility.

Lawsuit: Diabetic 'pummeled,' shocked by Hamilton County deputies

Editor's Note: Most notable here is that a state highway patrol trooper actually pulled the offending deputy away from abusing this man further, and "alerted his bosses." This by no means makes him some sort of hero; this is the way police should behave when they see such flagrant abuse. Nonetheless, this patrol trooper should be commended for representing his position so well. Stand up now police, or you will join the rest of us in the control grid being set up. Cincinnati News John Harmon was coming off a late night at work when he left his downtown marketing firm for his Anderson Township home just after midnight in October 2009. The 52-year-old longtime diabetic's blood sugar levels had dipped to a dangerously low level causing him to weave into another lane.

Time Science: Another Ice Age?

Editor's Note: Very interesting reading. Check out this Time Magazine article from 1974. It could have easily been written today if the science community hasn't been hijacked by climate profiteers. Time

Temblors in 2010: Record Quaking and Deadly

Yes, it’s true, more earthquakes than usual struck in 2010. Because many events clustered together during the first seven months, it furthered magnified the data. It could have been ho-hum – maybe – if they petered out, but they didn’t. Instead they continued to peg the high side. Something unique occurred July 23rd. Three massive earthquakes – 7.3, 7.6 and 7.4 – struck the Philippines in rapid succession, like seismic gunfire. Since then thousands of aftershocks have hit the same area. Other quakes shook areas with rare prior events. Yesterday’s Indiana 3.8 shake (video right) was called “highly irregular, extremely rare, unprecedented”. This moderate event was strong enough to crack the Earth’s surface and felt in parts of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky.

Sarah Palin: 'We've got to stand with our North Korean allies'

Interviewer: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea?

Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies – we're bound to by treaty....

Interviewer: South Korean.

Palin: Yes, and we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.

KCNC-TV: Home vid of 20 car pileup/cars sliding down icy hill

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, more of that "the world is getting warmer so we don't need to spend money for winter preparations" crap!

ICE Age Is Here Says Geophysicist, Global Warming Hoax Exposed…Again

This is yet another nail in the coffin for the climate cultists and more proof that freezing temps worldwide will lead to a dramatic rise in food prices. Food prices ARE rising yet major food corporations do not want to be the first to raise prices so dramatically so consumers have not seen as much of an increase.

Gulf Activists Harassed By TSA Agents Who Claim Filming Is Illegal

As anger against the TSA has mounted, many have wondered if activists will be specifically targeted in an attempt to scare and intimidate them. No subject has been bigger than the gulf disaster and it looks as one of the groups who exposed the extensive use of Corexit9500 in the gulf have fallen victim to TSA tyranny.

Huffington Post still pushing global warming.

Growers in tropical Assam state, India's main tea growing region, say rising temperatures have led not only to a drop in production but to subtle, unwelcome changes in the flavor of their brews.

Breaking: Bank Robbery, Possible Hostage Situation Unfolding in Pearland, Texas

Webmaster's Commentary: Dumb ass robbers; Chase bank doesn't have any money!

New Year celebrations and fireworks displays around the world

New Year celebrations and fireworks displays around the world
New Zealand and many South Pacific island nations were first to see in new year. In the biggest city, Auckland, explosions of red, gold and white burst over the Sky Tower while tens of thousands shouted, danced and sang in the streets below

'No Refusal" DUI Blood Test Goes Nationwide funded on Federal Grant Money

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution Fourth Article of the Bill of Rights

Sarah Palin's former staff asks for delay in releasing official emails for the 15th time

A more than two-year-old request from news organizations for access to Sarah Palin's emails during her time as governor of Alaska has again been swatted back by Palin's former staff.

On Monday evening, Palin's former staff in the Alaska governor's office asked the state's attorney general for their 15th postponement to requests to release nearly 25,000 emails exchanged by the former governor, her husband and her staff, MSNBC reported. The requests were made by several news organizations, including NBC News,, The Associated Press, Mother Jones, Pro Publica and the Juneau Empire, in 2008 after Sen. John McCain picked her as his vice-presidential candidate. State regulations allow the attorney general to approve a delay if information released in public records would hurt the office of the governor, and three different attorneys general have received requests from the office to delay the release of the emails since Palin was in office. This time, the governor's office has asked for a delay until May 30, 2011.

IMF - International Mother Fuckers - Protest Signs From The Best Anti-Bankster Rally Of 2010 (PICTURES)

These are freaking brilliant...

#3, #5, #6, #8, and especially #18 were my favorites...Make sure not to miss those #s...

Hell, don't skip any of them...

World War 3 Is Starting And US Has Already Lost - Michael Rivero

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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