This was a 9mm round, and even if it were FMJ it is going to be obvious where the entrance and exit wounds were. They would be unmistakable, especially from the bone splinters visible in a skull X-ray. This idea that they mistook the bullet path is simply unbelievable. Is this the quality of medical competence we can expect under Obamacare?
That is going to really slow down the Secret Service, I fear! And before you say the Secret Servi9ce is okay to have guns within 1000 feet of the President, remember how Indira Gandhi died.
I think short clips are a wonderful idea, so long as we start with the greatest gun mass-murderer of all, the US Government. Only yesterday we read a story where the US military is firing 250,000 rounds of ammunition for every person, combatant or bystander, shot dead in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hideous waste of taxpayer money would be stopped if each soldiers' gun was only permitted to fire two rounds before reloading! Think of the money that would be saved that could then be spent bailing Wall Street out of their fraudulent mortgage-backed security bubble!!
The shooting of Rep. Giffords and others by a mentally deranged man in Arizona has brought anti-Second Amendment ghouls out of the shadows. Dedicated gun-grabber Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat, is renewing his effort to chisel away at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
“The only reason to have 33 bullets loaded in a handgun is to kill a lot of people very quickly. These high-capacity clips simply should not be on the market,” Lautenberg said on Monday following the weekend shooting.
Some antidepressants that have been associated with increasing the risk of suicide may now also be linked to violence, a new study suggests. Researchers found that patients using the antidepressant Paxil, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, were two times more likely to experience a “hostility event” than those who took a placebo. Paxil is one of many newer antidepressants that belong in a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Prozac, Zoloft, and Lexipro are also SSRIs drugs.
Webmaster's Commentary:
WE know there has been an epidemic of suicides and pointless acts of violence associated with prescription mood-altering drugs. We also know that Jared Loughner was being "encouraged" to seek psychological help by his school. What we cannot confirm yet is whether he was on psych meds, but given the reported dramatic change in his personality in those last few weeks, coupled with the obvious weight gain, it is an aspect of the case that should be resolved before we start blaming Republican-Democratic-Tea-Nazi-Gay-Spacealiens for the tragedy.
Two key pro-Israel appropriators say that record funding for missile defense systems in the Middle East remains a top priority despite political pressure to make deep spending cuts.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Oh, sure; at a time when record numbers of Americans are homeless and starving, and we cannot even afford to keep our roads paved, let's shower even more taxpayer money on the nation that attacked a US flagged ship and captured Americans (killing one) last May, shall we?
Last week the weather service caused a sensation by making the startling claim that it was gagged by government ministers from issuing a cold winter forecast. Instead, a milder than average prediction was made that has been resoundingly ridiculed in one of the worst winters in a century.
With the BBC appearing to take the side of the Met Office by seeking to force the government to give honest answers, untold harm will likely befall Prime Minister Cameron’s global warming policies on energy, taxation and the environment.
Environmental scientists have been criticised for exaggerating the size of an “island” of plastic waste said to be swirling around in the Pacific Ocean after a study finds that it is 200 times smaller than claimed. Webmaster's Commentary:
"I believe it is appropriate to have an 'over-representation' of the facts on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience." - Al Gore, Climate Change activist
"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace
Dear Rachel Maddow As of last night, you have lost me forever as a viewer, nor will I be inclined to direct the readers of my own blog (a not inconsiderable number of people) to yours.
I watched you shamelessly exploit the tragedy in Arizona to serve the gun-grabber agenda, gleefully dancing on the bed of Gabriella Giffords in your haste to claim that machined metal, and not a deranged boy, committed this heinous crime. many Climate Realists have walked in to the Discovery Channel Offices with a gun and explosives demanding that Discovery only broadcast programs supporting the AGW lie?
Or made a video depicting children being blown into a million pieces for the crime of disagreeing?
Buiter is chief economist for Citigroup and a former UK Central Banker, who is keen on picking fights with Bernanke and the U.S. Federal Reserve, including a brilliant attack at Jackson Hole which is detailed inside...
Webmaster's Commentary: Now that it has come out the Lougher's mother is Jewish (which makes Jared Jewish) and attended the same synagogue as Giffords, FOX has shut off comments to this story, but refuses to remove the story itself.
The Governator is claiming this is an accident, but I did a little junior sleuthing, and I have to say “probably not.” First there is the raw numbers. Now I am no number cruncher but it seems that once the first letter, "F" is picked the chances that the remaining letters would be those exact ones would be 1 in 30,8915,776 (multiply 26 by itself six times).
Takes 2 seconds - YOU GOTTA SEE THIS LETTER - Decide for yourself if this was an accident...
Certified letter to Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan from the Association of Financial Guaranty Insurers, which is the industry group representing the monolines in their suit against BAC. Dear Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan:
You owe us between $10-20 billion for MBS fraud.... Details inside...
Webmaster's Commentary: Chocolate eggs. Not content with feeling up boobies, they grab chocolate eggs. 25,000 of them. This government is a global joke.
Before the Blog, there was a ‘soapbox’. Cindy Sheehan even calls her Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox. And just what was a soapbox? It was literally just that, a soap box! They were set up in strategic spots in crowded areas, usually public parks.
Do I approve of the shooting in Arizona? Of course not. But as shocked by the shooting as I may be, I find myself utterly disgusted at the apparatchiks waving the bloody sheets around as battle flags for their own particular causes. In your case you blame guns. But if guns were banned (which has never worked) people unhappy with the government always have other means. When Joe Stack decided to attack the IRS, he used an airplane (as a side note, it turned out that Stack had been right all along and the IRS had unfairly cheated him). The Bath School Disaster, the worst school mass murder in US history, did not even involve guns at all.
Webmaster's Commentary: An open letter to a totally clueless broadcaster!
"The Cold War is long over," he continued. "The wars of occupation are almost over and were complete failures -- Afghanistan and Iraq. The American empire is done. There are no real seriously armed enemies left in the world that can possibly justify an $800 billion national defense and security establishment, including Homeland Security."
The head of Barclays today argued that the 'period of remorse and apology for banks needs to be over' - just a day after it emerged he is likely to receive a payout of £9million this year.
Bob Diamond, who claimed yesterday that the size of his bonus is evidence of 'financial restraint', told MPs that banks 'needed to be able to take risks' and that the 'blame game should be put behind us'.
It was a September morning when America was tricked By sick men with strict plans to create conflict And get rich by any means even if it meant death For innocent civilians, the stage was set For a New American Century where world domination Is motivation enough for the towers cremation Complete obliteration, for all to see A public execution on live TV
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's intelligence chief said Tuesday that more than 10 people arrested in connection with last year's killing of a nuclear physicist were linked to the Mossad and he warned that Israel's spy agency was out to roll back scientific progress in Muslim nations...
The US is drifting from a financial crisis to a deeper and more insidious social crisis. Self-congratulation by the US authorities that they have this time avoided a repeat of the 1930s is premature. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph
There is a telling detail in the US retail chain store data for December. Stephen Lewis from Monument Securities points out that luxury outlets saw an 8.1pc rise from a year ago, but discount stores catering to America’s poorer half rose just 1.2pc...
"The homeowner initially indicated everyone accounted for. Firefighters were able to quickly knock down the bulk of the fire, but found an adult occupant of the vehicle in the garage deceased." Authorities have not determined the exact cause of the crash or why the car caught fire.
Settlement of Bombay Hook Suit Makes Southeast Refuges Next Legal Target
PEER Washington, DC — The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has agreed to stop planting genetically engineered (GE) crops on all its refuges within a dozen Northeastern states, according to a settlement agreement in a lawsuit brought by conservation and food safety groups...
January is a day of remembering the Martyr’s who died in Gaza during the Israeli vicious assault. Needless to say it is also a time to remember the fallen Martyr’s on the Turkish Ship Mavi Marmala who gave their lives for the people of Gaza. Also on January 11, Intifada Palestine marks its second Anniversary.
A closer look at how the members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee exercise a grotesquely disproportionate amount of power over the foreign policy of the United States.
There can be no doubt, at least as far as Middle East Policy is concerned, that AIPAC is the Voice of America. Although I have heard AIPAC pronounced in two distinct ways, one of which is A-PAC, I have chosen to pronounce the acronym with the same initial sound as in the word 'aisle'. To me, this pronunciation is more appropriate, because the use of the A for America sound is subtly misleading. The organization has nothing to do with A for America, it is all about I for Israel.
I was a real-life secret agent. I didn't have the hand-grenade cuff links or the poison-dart pen, but in 2004 I was recruited by the Department of Homeland Security for its Red Cell program...
Today, along with the last few days, we have seen The Left once again launch an assault on The Second Amendment, claiming that "we must have reasonable gun control!" - which they, of course, define as some sort of strict registration and "control" procedure for who can own a firearm, how many firearms one can own, whether said firearms "look scary", how much ammunition (and of what type) someone can own, and similar things. There seems to be a common misapprehension - perhaps an intentionally-fostered one - about why The Second Amendment exists
These emails and other documents relate to claims made by Dr. Michael Mann to obtain, and claim payment under, certain taxpayer-funded grants. Mann, currently at Pennsylvania State University, worked at the UVA’s Department of Environmental Sciences when he produced what was hailed at the time as the ‘smoking gun’ affirming the theory of catastrophic man-made global warming. Despite that lofty honorific, persistent controversy led promoters of this notorious ‘Hockey Stick’ graph (principally, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or ‘IPCC’) to stop advancing it as serious work.
The city could end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in a lawsuit involving a Kuwaiti-born Honolulu man whose arrest under mental health statutes was prompted, his attorney says, by being unjustly suspected of terrorist proclivities.
In the first hours after the shooting in Tucson, the question of additional shooters and or accomplices was floated by the local media. With that, the question also asked was "can you confirm she (Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords) was shot from the back or from the front" ? Why did this question go unanswered (at first) Dr. ?
Link above has the clip of Dr Richard "I dont want to get in to conjecture" Carmona. He is a former US Surgeon General apointed by GW Bush , whom presumably speaks on behalf the hospital, for some unknown reason. Possible reason - He is a SWAT training officer at the Pima County Sheriff's Department??
The state will necessarily abuse the coercive tools we allow it to have. The overwhelming majority of private individuals, however, will use guns responsibly, and in many cases defensively. Violent private criminals can never be stopped with gun control, which only empowers the state and predators, both private and governmental, while disarming the victims. Despite all these truths, a truly terrible crime as the one that occurred in Arizona is used to bolster the case for tipping the scales of power further toward those who do not feel bound by the law.
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