Despite the best efforts by the American mainstream financial media, the eager PR division of the United States Dollar Ponzi Scheme, to paint the rosiest of rosy pictures for blindly optimistic readers, the stubborn image of a debt-swollen jobless behemoth economy slowly toppling persists. No matter how much U.S. departmental data is primped, polished, and primed, no amount of lipstick is going to transform this fat pig into a princess.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US economy is a boat with ten holes in the bottom and only five corks, and the only thing the politicians do is yank a cork from one hole and pound it into another in full view of the press cameras while screaming, "I am working on the problem!"
I cannot believe they are still screwing around with this.
Believe me, I have no love for President Pussy, but this is a dead end trail that is intended to waste everyone's time, distract from the real issues of the wars and the economy, and make Obama look like a victim.
I am going to toss out a theory here; a theory that explains why even though Obama was born here in Hawaii why there has been obfuscation over the birth certificate. The theory involves a minor scandal Obama needed hidden, yet was too trivial to be of use to either Hillary Clinton or John McCain during the 2008 campaign.
If true, this connects all the facts together in a reasonable manner.
Obama grew up pretending that the man married to his mother was his biological father, and took the Obama name into politics. The revelation that mom had had an affair and that Obama was illegitimate is an embarrassment, and in a tightly contested election race a liability. But given that Davis was from Chicago, there is no question that Obama, in this scenario, is still a naturally born US citizen. McCain and Hillary could not have used the scandal without making Obama look like a victim of dirty politics. After all, Obama can hardly be blamed for the circumstances of his conception. But his deception is intentional on Obama's part and reason enough for Kagen to block the birther lawsuits to keep the original certificate hidden.
Well this is embarrassing. Lebanese TV station al-Jadeed has a major scoop tonight: a leaked recording of a meeting between Saad al-Hariri, Information Branch chief Colonel Wissam al-Hassan, STL deputy chief investigator Gerhard Lehmann, and Muhammad Zuhair al-Siddiq.
Two Democratic state senators are proposing to change state law to thwart Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s efforts to investigate a former University of Virginia professor’s research on global warming.
The proposed legislation would repeal sections of Virginia law that give the state’s attorney general authority to issue civil investigative demands, similar to subpoenas, to gather documents in relation to a civil investigation conducted by the office.
Webmaster's Commentary: The Carbonazis are getting desperate!
So, in 2008, after it is too late to prevent the war, CNN finally gets around to saying what the blogs were saying back in 2003, when there WAS still time to prevent the war, that the US Government was lying about Saddam's "nookular" bombs.
The case is expected to go to a jury late today or early tomorrow. The jurors are being asked to answer questions that will shed light on whether the fatal use of force was justified.
Birk is also in the Army National Guard
The young officer -- also an Army National Guardsman who hasn't been deployed -- was armed with a baton and pepper spray, but not a Taser. Even if he had a Taser, Birk said his training taught it would not have been best to use that option because of the threat Williams posed.
During the meeting, the conspirators decided to frame four Lebanese generals and nine Syrian key figures for the murder of Rafik el-Hariri. They also discussed the payment and the protection of the false witness.
Corvallis-based Oregon National Guard platoon awarded highest decoration U.S. military unit can receive Saturday, January 08, 2011 The Oregonian By Michael Russell In 2004, Johnson was in a small group searching for a place to set up a forward base just before coalition forces would storm the Iraqi city for the second time in less than a year. The group, which included Johnson's platoon leader, Lt. Chris Kent, and Sgt. 1st Class Scott Davis, stopped about five miles from the city west of Baghdad. Johnson remembers looking down from his Humvee and seeing people milling around in the city.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – While many states consider boosting their economies with tax cuts, Illinois officials are betting on the opposite tactic: dramatically raising taxes to resolve a budget crisis that threatened to cripple state government...
Al Yoon Reuters Home prices fell for the 53rd consecutive month in November, taking the decline past that of the Great Depression for the first time in the prolonged housing slump, according to Zillow...
Last July the Washington Post published a three-part story on "the huge security buildup in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks."
This week, the Post published "Monitoring America," the fourth installment of its "Top Secret America" series, describing security efforts at the local level...
A person who refuses a bag search at transit police checkpoints in the Washington, DC, subway system and walks away could come under further observation by Federal Bureau of Investigation or Department of Homeland Security agents once outside the rail system, said a civil rights activist group...
A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.
Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Okay Carbonazis; take a look at this face... ... because the blood of this baby and her family is on your hands, the end result of your campaign to convince people the end of the world was at hand from carbon dioxide.
Remember in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting how all the media and politicians were pointing fingers of blame? Remember the calls to "tone down the rhetoric?" Think we will see the media excoriate the global warming cult over this shooting the way they tried to go after the Tea Party? Think we will see the media tell the global warming cult to "tone down the rhetoric?"
Note that the MailOnline shut off comments almost immediately.
The FBI confirmed Tuesday that a suspicious backpack left in Downtown Spokane Monday did contain an explosives device. Agents say analysis revealed the Swiss Army brand backpack contained a potentially deadly destructive device, likely capable of inflicting multiple casualties.
The backpack was found near Washington and Main, across from the INB Performing Arts Center around 9:30 a.m. Monday. A convention center worker said she and some other employees found the backpack behind a garbage can. She said they saw wires sticking out of a plastic package.
9-11's notorious Urban Moving Systems owners Dominik and Ornit Suter file for bankruptcy in the state of Florida circa 2005. Listed are 7 company names registered by the Suters in the US. (click on image to enlarge). Not only does the US harbor Mossad terrorists, we let them skip out on paying their bills. Legally. Wouldn't it be interesting to go through the credit card bills for this duo? What might we find? A charge to something like "Bob's Discount Demolition Supply"? Note that the case was "Pro Se", in other words, without legal representation. Would you try to discharge $3 million in debt without an attorney? Are you kidding?
"JPMorgan Chase’s profit report for 2010, released Friday, has become the occasion for a celebration by the American plutocracy of the return of the good old days before the Wall Street crash of 2008.
"Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan’s CEO, summed up the general mood of the financial elite when he declared the bank’s record profits to be evidence of a 'broad-based economic recovery,' adding, 'I think the future is extremely bright.'
"The very fact that Dimon can speak this way in the midst of the worst social crisis since the Great Depression without any repercussions from the government or the media is an expression of the immensity of the chasm separating the modern-day aristocrats from the people.
Cinnamon, which has the scientific name Cinnamomum zeylanicum, has originated from tropical Asia, especially Sri Lanka and India. Now the shrub is grown in almost every tropical region of the world. The herb, owing to its vast medicinal uses, had found a prominent position in traditional medicines, especially Ayurveda (the traditional Indian medicinal system). Traditionally cinnamon, due to its medicinal properties, has been used in many cultures for treating a variety of health disorders including diarrhea, arthritis, menstrual cramps, heavy menstruation, yeast infections, colds, flu, and digestive problems.
From Pro Publica based on Barofsky's TARP report...
Quote from the report...
Unless and until institutions like Citigroup can be left to suffer the full consequences of their own folly, the prospect of more bailouts will potentially fuel more bad behavior with potentially disastrous results.
Part of this is the current supply and demand dynamics for food products, but it is also the Ben Bernanke printing press. It's going to be a perfect storm of events pushing food prices much higher. DCN is talking about 3 percent to 6 per centinflation, but I think it will be over 10 percent. It's going to be pretty ugly out there. And some will blame the farmers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Wall Street and Washington DC will blame the farmers. The rest of us know who is really the authors of our current disaster.
Police on the South Shore will return to a home on Tuesday to investigate if cold temperatures contributed to the death of two people. They are expected to examine the heating system in the St. Hubert residence to determine if the homeowners had kept the temperature low, or if something was mechanically wrong.
A 66-year-old Toronto woman suffering from dementia was found frozen to death on a Toronto sidewalk Monday, after she left her home in the middle of the night.
While deadly protests in Africa have been largely ignored, because, well, they are in Africa, and they don't even have iPads there and Kindle WhisperNet coverage is spotty if any, the world may be forced to start paying just a little more attention as food riots get ever closer to the center of the oil extraction infrastructure in the Persian Gulf. From BBC Monitoring, which discusses the latest outbreak of protests sweeping Oman "Most participants in the protest were reluctant to be quoted as they were government employees.
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