I just wanted to take a few moments to express my deep appreciation for the time and effort the members of WRH take to "get the truth out." Mike has created a fantastic site for the advancement of truth and knowledge that encompasses such a vast range of subjects, there is something for everyone. I don't think I have ever come across a more comprehensive blog, and you, the members, are a critical component of it.
"This wasn't a little grazing wound to the brain. This was a devastating wound that traveled the entire length of the brain on the left side," said Dr. Peter Rhee, trauma medical director at UMC.
The bullet appeared to have entered the back of the head and exited above Giffords' eyebrow, he added. Webmaster's Commentary:
So, Giffords was shot from behind. If she was running away, then she was not the first target. If she had been the intended target, wouldn't Jared have approached her from the front, if for no other reason than to make sure he had the right woman in his sights? Or to let her know who the agent of her impending death was?
Was someone else shot before Giffords? Like the judge? And if so, is this the reason that the video we presume was being made of her public appearance not been made public?
The terrible Tucson shootings yesterday may well serve as a prime opportunity to put forth anti-gun legislation. While handing over weapons willingly is unthinkable for most 2nd Amendment advocates, it only takes a tragedy like this to convert gun control fence-sitters and spur on those who would leave citizens without personal protection. Perhaps it's not so much that fellow citizens want us defenseless, but is more in line with wrong thinking that if no one has a gun, no one gets hurt...
Milo Nickels, Contributing Writer Activist Post Watch this video where the director of the Southern Poverty Law Center blames the Gifford shooting on "right wing political beliefs"...
Basically, they ignore the real reason that Jared Loughner became violent (i.e. mental illness), and blame it all on his political views. This is simply irresponsible. Would it be fair of me to say that supporting Obama causes people to become criminals? How about after I see the following mug shots?
Following the principle of Occam's Razor, and assuming this is not a cruel hoax* (the link to Jared is only a week old), an interesting possibility suggests itself!
Gabrielle Gifford subscribes to Jared Loughner's YouTube channel, effectively linking her public YouTube channel to his YouTube channel. Why? Loughner's YouTube channel doesn't have much in it, and what is there might create some unpleasant concerns in the minds of Giffords' constituents. And Giffords only subscribed to one other channel, meaning this was not something she normally did as a matter of course.
One thing we can know from the subscription from Gabrielle Giffords' subscribing to Jared Loughner's YouTube channel; they were close, closer than the usual candidate/volunteer, close enough that Jared Loughner shared his YouTube channel with Gabrielle Gifford, and Gabrielle Gifford thought it important enough to link her own YouTube channel to.
So here is the "what if?" What if Jared Loughner misread Gabrielle Giffords' level of interest in him? What if he thought there was more than there really was? And what if, in the post-campaign season when Gabrielle Giffords had no more reason to spend any time with him, Jared Loughner felt jilted and betrayed?
What if Jared continued to pursue Giffords until Giffords finally got fed up trying to calm him down and told him to get lost? I know it reads like a soap opera, but we do have a murder that fits the description of a crime of passion, involving two people with a demonstrated close relationship.
And if it should be revealed that we are dealing with a classic case of unrequited lover and infatuation gone deadly, all those political operatives like the Democrats, the gun grabbers, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. trying to spin this tragedy to benefit their agendas are going to wind up looking like horses' rear ends!
*UPDATE: The possibility that someone has broken into Gifford's YouTube page is undeniable. If the link to Jared is something added after the shooting by a malicious hacker, and setting aside the cruelty and insensitivity of such an action, it means that someone intends to obfuscate the real facts in the case by putting out deliberate disinformation; a classic sign of a cover-up in operation, and that anything seen on anybody's YouTube page, including Jared's, should not be taken at face value.
"Bob, when you and I grew up, we grew up listening to essentially three major news outlets: NBC, ABC, and of course, CBS. We listened to people like Walter Cronkite and Eric Sevareid, and Huntley-Brinkley, and they saw their job as to inform us of the facts and we would make a conclusion," Hoyer said. "Far too many broadcasts now and so many outlets have the intent of inciting, and inciting people to opposition, to anger, to thinking the other side is less than moral."
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a push to shut down the blogs and alternative media and return us to the enslavement of ABC, NBC, and CBS, all of whom lied to us about JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Pearl Harbor, etc. etc. etc. etc. which created the public climate of distrust that led to the popularity of the blogs.
John McCarthy Roll, Arizona's chief federal trial judge, was slain Saturday morning in the gun attack in Tucson which gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. At least five others were killed in the attack, and as many as 12 more were wounded. Webmaster's Commentary:
Anyone besides me notice that the media's focus is entirely on the wounded congresswoman while ignoring all the dead people? As of this writing, Loughner hasn't said whether it was the judge or the Congresswoman who was the intended target. The judge did have enemies, mostly from his supporting of illegal immigrants suing homeowners who shot at them.
I wondered about this until Eric Cantor put a hold on Congress and the ADL started screaming about anti-Semitics being behind the attack. That is when the light went on. Congresswoman Giffords is Jewish!
Remember back when Columbia crashed? The media lionized Israel's passenger on the shuttle (same man who had flown the raid that bombed Iraq's power station) to the exclusion of all the other crew members. It was almost sickening to see the US media making a hero out of Ilian Ramon and treating the other victims of the Columbia disaster as if they were background scenery only.
We are apparently seeing the same again today. A wounded Congresswoman takes the center stage, while the people actually killed are relegated to the status of a footnote!
True to form Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law center wastes no time in pointing the finger at “Right Wing Ideology” as the motive for the assassination attempt of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Meanwhile Potok conveniently leaves out the fact that Jared Loughner listed the Communist Manifesto as one of his favorite books. Mark Potok has a long record of attacking legitimate Americans, in fact many believe he hates America itself.
People in the President's opposition knows they have nothing to gain by committing violence against a sitting member of congress whether they be in the Patriot Tea Party movement or with the GOP. The people worked hard to have the house of Representatives back in the hands of the Republican Party. The only people with a lot to lose is the White House. The present Administration is looking for a way to slow down the momentum working against him and to point fingers at his opposition as the blame for the violence. He is looking for opportunities to chill free speech and to silence his political enemies.
Hardly anyone has seriously scrutinized either the priorities or the spending patterns of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its junior partner, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), since their hurried creation in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Sure, they get criticized plenty. But year in, year out, they continue to grow faster and cost more -- presumably because Americans think they are being protected from terrorism by all that spending. Yet there is no evidence whatsoever that the agencies are making Americans any safer. DHS serves only one clear purpose: to provide unimaginable bonanzas for favored congressional districts around the United States, most of which face no statistically significant security threat at all. Webmaster's Commentary:
DHS also serves to make boatloads of cash for lobbyists like those in the Chertoff Group, and those companies making the full body scanners.
Yesterday's terrible tragedy in Tucson will, no doubt, be used by DHS and the TSA as an excuse for even more draconian measures to be proscribed against the American people, to the point where the Constitution and Bill of Rights will no longer exist, in terms of the practical realities of the lives of law-abiding, hard-working US citizens.
But if there is a lesson to be learned from yesterday's tragedy, it is that DHS and TSA have absolutely failed to prevent this attack. They are a complete waste of taxpayer money, and should be disbanded, if for no other reason, than the terrible damage they have inflicted on our tourism industry, and the legacy of cancers which will be endured by airport workers exposed to the radiation from the scanners.
The police did not prevent this attack. The FBI did not prevent this attack. The United States Secret Service did not prevent this attack. They couldn't; they were not there. They are never there when the attacks actually occur. Only the victims are there and the victims must be allowed the means and right to defend themselves. The gun control advocates, already dancing on Gabrielle Giffords' hospital bed, fail to understand a simple fact: had just one person in that crowd been carrying a firearm, lives would have been saved.
The US government has subpoenaed Twitter in a bid to support an ongoing criminal investigation into whether Wikileaks and people involved or connected to Wikileaks, including an Icelandic member of parliament, broke the law. According to Wikileaks lawyer Mark Stephens live on the BBC News a short time ago, it is believed Facebook and Google (see here) have also been contacted regarding Wikileaks members and potential whistleblowers. Update (12:20am GMT): Mark Stephens on the BBC News also makes clear that the court order will also cover the “600,000 odd followers that Wikileaks has on Twitter“.
A Lebanon-based doctors association interested in breaking the Gaza siege expressed shock over the number of Gaza children who were deformed by internationally-banned weapons in the last Israeli war on Gaza. Briefing a Friday press conference in Beirut after a trip to the Gaza Strip to assess its medical situation, the campaign said the Strip was rife with children deformed by white phosphorus, depleted uranium, napalm, cluster bombs, and other internationally-prohibited arms in the last Gaza war.
Webmaster's Commentary: The picture at the top of this article says it all; welcome to yet another component of the Israeli government's "final solution" for Gazan Palestinians, including infants who are horrendously deformed because their parents were exposed to these vile chemicals.
When this lethal violence is directed against unarmed civilians seeking to uphold fundamental rights to land, routine mobility, and self-determination it dramatizes just how lawless a state Israel has become and how justifiable and necessary is the growing world campaign of delegitimation centered upon the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement (BDS).
Israel knows very well how to control unruly crowds with a minimum of violence. It has demonstrated this frequently by the way it gently deals, if it deals at all, with a variety of settler demonstrations that pose far greater threats to social peace than do these anti-wall demonstrations.
At the beginning of the century, while the United States was still embroiled in military interventions in the Balkans and had launched what would become the longest war in its history in Afghanistan with the invasion of Iraq to follow, it was also laying the groundwork for subordinating the African continent to a new military command.
With 4.5 percent of the world’s population, the U.S. accounts for approximately 30 percent of crude oil consumption.
As is customary in regards to American foreign policy objectives, the Pentagon was charged with taking responsibility.
Looking at the NCEP forecasts for the third week in January, it appears that essentially the entire planet will have below normal temperatures (including Canada.) Much of it far below normal.
New York State Supreme Court Justice Dana Winslow said that "standing has become such a pervasive issue" in the cases he sees "that I frequently use the term 'presumptive mortgagee' " to describe the entity trying to foreclose.
Authorities are seeking help identifying a man who is believed to be associated with the suspect in the Tucson mass shooting, which left six people dead and injured 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The Pima County Sheriff's Department said investigators believe the man is associated with the suspected shooter, who has been identified through law enforcement sources as Jared Loughner, 22. The suspected shooter is in custody. The man is described as a White male, approximately 40 to 50 years old, with dark hair. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket.
Webmaster's Commentary: Anyone want to take bets this suspect just "goes away" like the Columbine third shooter or the RFK "Girl in the Polka Dot Dress?"
The answer to that question has to be many more economists than we have in the United States. Very few economists saw or understood the growth of the $8 trillion housing bubble whose collapse wrecked the economy. This involved a degree of inexcusable incompetence from the economists at the Treasury, the Fed and other regulatory institutions who had the responsibility for managing the economy and the financial system.
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been accused of hypocrisy after jetting off to California with his new girlfriend – just days after returning from a climate change summit in Mexico. Mr Huhne, who has called for a sharp increase in air taxes, spent Christmas in Los Angeles and San Francisco with Carina Trimingham. He is the latest member of the Government to have enjoyed a lavish break while claiming ‘we’re all in this together’.
The failure of Britain’s wind farms to produce electricity in the extreme cold will cost billions of pounds, create an economic crisis and lead to blackouts, leading industrialists have warned.To cover up the ineffectiveness of wind farms the Government will be forced to build emergency back-up power plants, the cost of which will be paid by industry and consumers.
While dumping parts of its wastes in the coastal sliver and hogging its water supplies, Israel has made it extremely difficult for Gaza to bring in waste disposal equipments.
We find ourselves at a violent crossroads. Whether you are a national voice or an individual without a voice -- there are simple questions we all must ask ourselves today. As individuals wrestle with either a modest or an extreme sense of unfairness in the American political system, the question we have to ask ourselves is "What are we going to do with that energy?
An envoy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Washington next week to discuss ways to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, a statement from Netanyahu's office said on Saturday.
"(Netanyahu's representative) Yitzhak Molcho and a Palestinian representative will travel to Washington next week with the aim of advancing the diplomatic process," the statement said.
When asked, a spokesman for Netanyahu declined to comment whether Molcho would meet his Palestinian counterpart.
Palestinian officials in the West Bank town of Ramallah said they were unaware that any Palestinian official would be traveling to the United States to discuss peacemaking efforts next week.
Webmaster's Commentary: If the Palestinians were more than a little astonished at the notion that a Palestinian representative would be attending these alleged "negotiations" in DC next week, one has to wonder if the issue at hand is not peace, but the release of the American traitor, Johnathan Pollard, which Israeli PM Netanyahu has formally asked President Obama to do.
If in fact no Palestinian negotiators are coming to Washington this week, my sense is that this really what Molcho's visit is about.
“When we ask the Americans if they could issue a statement publicly outlining what they always tell us – that the settlements are illegal and that they support a geographically contiguous and viable state – they say that they are unable to do so.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We can't. Israel owns our asses! And I for one am proud to be Israel's whore!" -- Official White Horse Souse
(Ahem) No government can serve two masters. A friend to Israel is no friend of America. America needs a leader who will put America first, second, and third.
The political power of anti-U.S. Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr increases the pressure on Iraq's new government to reject any effort to extend a U.S. military presence after the last U.S. soldier leaves this year. Sadr, a firebrand still capable of rousing millions of Shi'ite supporters, told a rapturous audience on Saturday to oppose the United States, using his first speech since returning from self-imposed exile in Iran to reaffirm his anti-U.S. credentials.
Webmaster's Commentary: With so many hardened US bases still existing in Iraq, one wonders just what strategy the US is planning in order to not be leaving Iraq at the end of this year. Of course, the cost of such a decision may well be a resurgent Iraqi civil war; but, were I a betting person, I would not bet against the possibility of the US definitely attempting to stay longer than the end of this year.
This is without question the most important decision so far in the war against the unlawful and fraudulent conduct of the originators, securitizers, out-source-providers, default servicers, and their so-called lawyers! The Judge articulates the business models we are dealing with better than anyone has done in any opinion, article or brief. I am sure your work contributed greatly to the education of the court and for that you should be highly commended. This Judge really and truly got it! It is the perfect outline of the transactional requirements and debunks every bogus argument that the other side has been advancing for year”.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This Massachusetts State Supreme Court Decision is far bigger news than the Arizona shooting. The wounding of a congresswoman, tragic as it is, does not affect our daily lives. But this court decision, which may set the precedent that invalidates million and millions of fraudulent foreclosures, impacts every community in the nation.
The bankers do not want you paying attention to this court ruling.
The bankers are desperate not to see identical lawsuits and identical decisions start to appear in the other 49 states.
The Federal Government took your jobs to make it easy for the banks to take your homes to bail themselves out of the fraudulent mortgage-backed security scandal. Now the banks have been caught in even more fraud. The wheels are coming off the foreclosure wagon, and how lucky for the bankers the media has another story to stay obsessed with this weekend!
Please forward the story of the Massachusetts State Supreme Court Decision to all your friends and networks. Tell them this is what affects their lives.
"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising". former NBC news President Rubin Frank
Phoenix police said a man found fatally shot in a car has been identified as a former chief of staff for the Arizona Senate. Police identified the victim Monday as 51-year-old Christopher Smith, who worked in the state Senate for 11 years and was chief of staff until 2000.
Sgt. Trent Crump of the Phoenix Police Department said Smith's death is being investigated as a homicide. Smith most recently worked for Cox Communications.
A DHS memo obtained by Fox News suggested strong suspicion linking Jared Loughner, the man accused in the Tucson shooting on Saturday, to what it called an "anti-ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government) and anti-semitic" group known as American Renaissance.
In an effort to counter those charges, the head of the organization responded directly to Fox News' James Rosen on Sunday.
Jared Taylor called DHS' views "scurrilous" and took especial issue with the reference to his group being "anti-ZOG."
Webmaster's Commentary: Frankly, I am far more disgusted with the political parasites trying to exploit this tragedy for gain than I am with the shooter himself.
New breed of right-wingers takes over the Capitol with a slash-and-burn agenda that threatens the White House
Paul Harris Guardian
Dick Armey's black, lizard-skin cowboy boots lay on the floor while he relaxed on the couch in stockinged feet. The former Texas congressman was in a jovial mood in his office just off the Washington Mall – and for good reason. He may no longer be a politician but as chairman of FreedomWorks, one of the main forces behind the conservative Tea Party movement, he is once more a major player in the new Washington DC...
Mark Penn, Democratic strategist and former chief strategist for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, let out the kind of doozy, on last night’s Hardball, that must be seen to be believed. Comparing Obama’s current situation to the aftermath of the 1994 “Republican Revolution,” Penn noted that it took the Oklahoma City tragedy in order for President Clinton to “reconnect” with the American people.
Webmaster's Commentary: Looks like Obama just got it.
Troops of the Israeli occupation war criminals Lt. Col. Guy Hazut, (??”? ??? ????), Major General Avi Mizrahi, (???? ??? ?????), Brig. Gen. Nitzan Alon, (??”?. ??”? ???? ????), and Brig. Gen. Yoav “Polly” Mordechai (???? ???? (????) ?????), murdered in cold blood the elderly Palestinian Omar Salim al-Qawasmi, 66, at dawn of last Friday. They smashed his head to pieces while he was sleeping in bed in his house at Haret Al- Sheikh in the center of Hebron. Lt. Col. Hazut, the so-called military brigadier of the IDF in Hebron was with his bloodthirsty death squads when they murdered Al-Qawasmi.
But all of the sudden, the importance of title insurance is becoming crystal-clear. In recent weeks, big lenders like GMAC Mortgage, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have halted many or all of their foreclosure proceedings in the wake of allegations of sloppiness, shortcuts or worse. And a potential nightmare situation has emerged that has spooked not only homeowners but lawyers, title insurance companies and their investors.
Sheikh Jararah was in the news again this morning as bulldozers went to work demolishing sections of a hotel to make room for 20 new Jewish settler families ON PALESTINIAN SOIL.
Keep in mind that recent rabbinical edicts forbid the sale or rental of ‘Jewish’ property to Arabs, but it is permitted for Jews to steal THEIR lands.
We would like to inform you that Youtube has indeed lifted the restrictions from the Palestine Christmas Video. We are not sure what prompted the site administration to revisit its decision, but we are certain that the support we received from activists and surfers ‘facilitated’ it.
The commotion that we were all able to create, though not too loud, was enough to actually make a very small difference and win a very minor battle. But this is how the big and long struggles are won: one minor victory after another.
On January 1, 2011, a 36-year-old Palestinian woman, Jawaher Abu Rahmah from the West Bank village of Bil’in, died in a hospital from the effects of tear gas inhalation suffered at a protest the previous day
We witnessed a massive withdrawal of silver unprecedented in the history of the comex. First there was a smallish 6507 oz of silver deposited to two customers, one being 497 oz and the other 6010 oz). But just look at the huge withdrawals: Four customers (not dealers) withdrew a total of 1,019,310 oz from the comex vaults. This is real silver leaving from 4 registered vaults. The individual withdrawals are: 579,081, 30,380, 399,994 and 9855 oz.
"As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy," she posted. Webmaster's Commentary:
I was wondering why so many Democrats kept screaming this guy was a conservative and Tea Party member when his own YouTube page lists the Communist Manifesto as a favorite book. It certainly is not on the "favorite reading" list of any conservative I know! :)
Despite the fact that Jared Lee Loughner was a psychotic loner with “left-wing” beliefs according to those who knew him, the establishment has hastily exploited yesterday’s tragic shooting in Tucson to demonize conservatives, libertarians and gun owners while ordering Americans to “tone down the rhetoric,” which is nothing more than a euphemism for stifling dissent and coercing people to roll over on Obamacare, bailouts and whatever big government is preparing to unleash next.
The relationship between Assange and the newspaper had by this point descended into one that involved "distrust and anger", becoming so acrimonious that the WikiLeaks founder claimed it had breached an agreement on the publication of the data which he saw as his own. In a detailed account of the tensions, Vanity Fair magazine reports that Assange argued that "he owned the information and had a financial interest in how and when it was released". Webmaster's Commentary:
The long engagement is over and the marriage has finally been consummated between President Obama and the financial elite ~ with the appointment of William Daly as chief of staff and former Goldman executive Gene Sterling as his economic council chief. The stage is set for economic welfare you can believe in and Main Street be damned ~ unless Obama is replaced in 2012.
Fear and Loathing on Wall Street - The Ibanez Case Ruling
It remains to be seen whether today’s ruling will be appealed by the banks to the US Supreme Court, but this may be highly risky. Real estate law is almost always viewed by the federal courts as the province of state legislatures and courts, so it is hard to overturn a state supreme court on such a matter. Moreover, the banks’ case is exceptionally weak. Banks have been unable in courts anywhere in the US to show up with basic documentation, including a stream of assignments properly executed, that shows they are the holder of the mortgage with a right to foreclosure.
As the Met Office desperately tries to salvage its reputation, another of this 'warm' winter's ice disasters is unfolding in the Sea of Okhotsk, writes Christopher Booker.
Meanwhile, here's change you can't believe: the Obama administration has decided to 'grandfather in' 13 companies, allowing them to resume deepwater drilling "because they were in the middle of previously approved projects" when the Deepwater Horizon blew.
The moratorium to deepwater drilling ended in October, after which Reuters leads me to understand that the Obama administration has been under intense pressure from Gulf State leaders, Big Oil, and Republicans in Congress. No word as to pressure from other parties, such as represent the environment or the People of the Gulf.
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