Thursday, January 27, 2011

WRH News stories for Thursday, January 27, 2011 Part 1

The ruin of America

Webmaster's Commentary:

These pictures are from Detroit, but could be from any American city. Someone ought to set these to the song, "America the beautiful."

Elie Wiesel: “The Most Authoritative Living Witness” of The Shoah?

Taking all these aspects into account, one can see that the description given by Elie Wiesel for the journey from Gleiwitz to Buchenwald cannot be true.

In short, Elie Wiesel was never interned at Birkenau, nor at Auschwtz, nor at Monowitz, nor at Buchenwald. As far as Elie Wiesel’s father Shlomo is concerned, while his name [45] does appear in the Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names [46] at Yad Vashem, this information was provided on 8 October 2004 by Elie Wiesel himself!

One last remark: It is asserted that Elie Wiesel’s presence at Buchenwald is borne out by the fact that he appears on a photograph showing a group of detainees at this camp:



This morning I received a very short email from Kris simply stating that Zionist pressure worked. I was let go. I want to get very loud over this and will be appealing. The department and many colleagues are behind me. I have attached a press release.There will be coverage in the Daily News and Post tomorrow.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Palestinians have just learned that their government had a secret deal with Israel to rule Palestine for Israel's benefit. Are you so certain the US Government does not have the same treasonous bargain?

Report: 35% of warrior-unit soldiers face addiction

Medical officials estimate that 25% to 35% of about 10,000 ailing soldiers assigned to special wounded-care companies or battalions are addicted or dependent on drugs — particularly prescription narcotic pain relievers, according to an Army inspector general's report made public Tuesday.

Webmaster's Commentary: Our soldiers and Vets deserve the best care possible; they have earned it.


As Israeli citizens who support the boycott, divestment and sanctions call on Israel, we believe that if Ian McEwan accepts the Jerusalem prize next month in Jerusalem (Letters, 26 January), it will make him a collaborator with Israel‘s worst human rights offenders and its “business as usual” policy. The Jerusalem prize is awarded by the Israeli establishment, which is keen on branding Israel in general, and Jerusalem in particular, as beacons of enlightenment and democracy. In reality, Ian McEwan will be playing into the hands of and shaking hands with cynical politicians who are trying to whitewash their systematic human rights violations.


Speaking on Al Jazeera English today, Crowley addressed the massive protests seen in Egypt over the past few days. Crowley urged “restraint on both sides,” which has been a boilerplate refrain for State Department spokesmen and their boss, Hillary Clinton, when addressing turmoil all over the world, from China to Israel and Palestine. Recently, during a January 7, 2011 press briefing, Crowley stated that the United States wanted “to see restraint on all sides” in Tunisia. A week later, Clinton released a statement concerning the “several weeks of demonstrations and popular unrest” in Tunisia which “condemn[ed] the violence and urge[d] restraint on all sides.”

Israeli Demolitions of West Bank Homes Soared in 2010

A new collection of data released by Israeli NGO B’Tselem shows that the Israeli government dramatically increased the number of Palestinian homes demolished in the portion of the West Bank that is under full Israeli control.

The data reveals that in the so-called “Area C” region demolitions of Palestinian homes tripled in 2010, with 86 homes destroyed compared to only 28 in the previous year. The demolitions left nearly 500 Palestinians homeless.

Webmaster's Commentary: Israel doesn't want a two-state solution, and is moving just as quickly as they can to create a one-state solution which leaves all Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem homeless, landless, and destitute.

US diplomat kills two Pakistanis in Lahore

An American diplomat in the Pakistani city of Lahore has shot and killed a Pakistani motorcycle rider and his pillion passenger, police say.

Cabonazis panic and start waving drowning polar bears at us all again.

Pentagon Demands Congress Pass 2011 Military Funding

The lack of a final military funding bill is causing “severe problems” for the Pentagon, according to Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn, who addressed the House Armed Services Committee today to demand the passage of the new funding.

The comments come at a rare moment in recent US history, where many people are actually questioning the wisdom of running massive deficits while spending more than nearly the entire rest of the planet combined on the military. This makes President Obama’s massive request for funding, despite it having been spun as a “cut,” controversial to say the least.

Webmaster's Commentary: "DEMANDS"?!?

Excuse me, but isn't the Pentagon supposed to be under the civilian control of the White House and Congress?!?

Unrest continues in Egypt amid expected Baradie's return

Egypt's unrest continues for the third consecutive day on Thursday with protesters calling for a one-million-march after Friday prayers. Egypt's Nobel Prize laureate Mohamed El Baradie will arrive in Egypt on Thursday to join demonstrations that are scheduled to take place after Friday prayers.

Webmaster's Commentary: The Egyptian government, because of the size and fury of these demonstrations, will most probably not be able to put these protests down, not even with rockets or grenades.


"Less Than A 3 Percent Drop In Asset Values Could Wipe Out All Of Wall Street" - Crisis Panel Says In Final Report

Check out this nugget found buried deep in the report... Hot off the presses...

Abbas Accuses Al-Jazeera Of Inciting As Protests Erupt In Gaza

Thousands of cheering Hamas supporters in Gaza burned effigies of President Mahmoud Abbas and his aides Wednesday, as Al-Jazeera TV alleged that leaked documents show the Palestinian leader colluded with Israel and the U.S. against Gaza.

The protests came in response to reports by the Arab satellite station about documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Al-Jazeera, which has been releasing the documents gradually this week, says they also show Abbas made far-reaching concessions on Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo the Mahmoud Abbas; in this part of the 21st century, attempting to "shoot the messenger", as Abbas is attempting to do with Al Jazeera, doesn't work.

And to characterize Hamas as the party which "overran Gaza" is factually completely incorrect; Hamas legitimately won the election over Fatah, in an election which was described by former US President Carter as fundamentally free and fair!!

Gilad Atzmon: The Palestine Papers and Us

For me, the leaked Palestinian Papers provide us with a valuable glimpse into Israeli politics and Western complicity in the crimes carried out against the Palestinian people. I do realise that most Palestinian commentators agree that the leaked papers have “damaged whatever little credibility the Ramallah-based authority still enjoyed among Palestinians” ; yet, more than anything else, the Papers prove beyond doubt that Israel is not a partner for peace -- In spite of the weaknesses that have been shown by the PA since the 1990’s, Israel has failed to secure a peace deal, and has consistently failed to show any will to bring the conflict to an end. In short -- Israel has always wanted more.

Demands For The Resignation Of The Un-elected Palestinian leadership

Palestinians around the world and all their supporters watched in shock, but not total surprise as secret documents, “The Palestine Papers”, detailing carefully the years of so called peace negotiations were released by the news network Al-Jazeera during the last few days. While Palestinians are struggling to win back their rights to their homes and lands, some in the un-elected leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) were making offers to give away these rights.

Webmaster's Commentary: There is an elected leadership. It is HAMAS.

Panel blames the Fed for financial crisis

A group tasked with investigating the financial crisis for Congress has reportedly heaps blame on former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, his predecessor Ben Bernanke and Wall Street executives in a report to be released on Thursday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The spin is already coming out that the blame for the economic disaster is spread far and wide and since it would be unfair to single out any one perpetrator for punishment, that we should all just let the bankers continue on their way with their ill-gotten wealth.

There are two reasons to dump this argument.

1. The fact that there are a million robberies is not a reason not to jail the one robber you have in handcuffs.

2. I agree the blame for the financial disaster is spread far and wide. So are telephone poles and rope. It is unfair to punish just one, so let us punish them all.

Doctors eye chemicals for rise in child cancers

A mom whose four-year-old died after losing a battle to a brain tumor called Wednesday for tougher US regulation of chemicals suspected of being behind a rise in childhood cancers.

"There's growing evidence linking toxic chemicals and carcinogens in the environment with childhood cancer," Christine Brouwer told a telephone news conference as she described losing a child to cancer.

"I'll most likely never know what caused my daughter's cancer, but researchers are finding more and more links between the hazardous substances in our homes and workplaces and cancer and other diseases."

Webmaster's Commentary: Please look for non-toxic alternatives when it comes to chemical exposures in your home. For half a decade, I was suffering from joint pain that made it difficult to play keyboard or harp, and walking was a nightmare because of the pain.

The doctors at the local HMO did a number of tests, but were unable to find any causative factor. I remember very clearly on my second to last appointment with the orthopedist who looked at the xrays, and told me bluntly that he "couldn't see what I was talking about".

I came home in tears, and told Mike, "I don't have the time to be a hypochondriac!" Mike started doing some digging, and it appeared that the culprits were formaldehyde precursors, which are ubiquitous in cleaners, scented soaps, and low-end cosmetics. We cleaned the cupboards of everything containing this chemical, and within 24 hours I could walk without pain, and play keyboards and harp again. I literally had to back to the orthopedist with supporting material and explain to him what had happened. Chemical sensitivity is a major issue right now, and anyone suffering from unexplained joint pains would be well advised to make sure these chemicals aren't in their homes, and get tested for sensitivity to them.

DUGWAY army base on LOCKDOWN !!

Webmaster's Commentary:

Fort Bragg and Dugway. Interesting. Back when the Fort Hood shooting took place, inside information was that there had been a brief mutiny, with the resulting deaths blamed on a convenient Muslim for propaganda purposes. That makes three bases with major problems.

White House to Push Gun Control

In the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.

Webmaster's Commentary: The Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

One has to wonder just how the new proposed laws will be structured. But Obama needs to recognise that the 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights because the Founding Fathers understood that there might be a time when people needed to defend themselves against the tyranny of a dictatorial government.

Fluoride In Your Food - Why There'll Never Be An Uprising

2004 USDA National Fluoride Database Selected Beverages and Foods
Full Report on USDA Website


Intended goal of fluoridation: Delivery of 1 milligram of fluoride per day

1 milligram/liter = 1ppm (parts per million)**mcg/100g = ppm * 100 (beverages corrected for specific gravity)

Jackson Browne Lives In the Balance

Agent Orange victim loses health coverage over 2-cent shortfall

A Vietnam veteran suffering from a bone cancer blamed on exposure to Agent Orange was dropped from his health insurance for a two-cent shortfall on a premium payment, only to have the insurance reinstated when the story became public. Ronald Flanagan of Thornton, Colorado, said he never received a warning from Ceridian Cobra Services that his coverage was cut, and only found out when he showed up at a hospital for a biopsy.

"The nurses were just getting ready to do the biopsy when my wife popped into the office and told them, 'Stop. We don't have any insurance,'" Flanagan told ABC channel 7 in Denver.

Webmaster's Commentary: Corporations, and particularly those which sell health insurance are, by definition, organizations without conscience or a moral compass of any kind. They are there to make money, which is why there must be regulations in place to prevent what happened to these people from happening, ever.

Switzerland (a very capitalistic country)has universal health care coverage. Everyone is required to purchase a bare bones policy; but the insurance companies make their money selling more elaborate policies to those who can afford them. Everyone gets treated, no one gets turned away, and care is matched to the level of need. Why can we not do this here in the US???

Roma take center stage in Berlin on Holocaust Memorial Day

"It is the first time that the fate of the Sinti and Roma of Europe has been placed at the center of the the commemorations - finally," said the head of the Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany, Romani Rose

Webmaster's Commentary:

A key component of the Holocaust propaganda is the myth, perpetuated in Hollywood films and TV shows, that the Germans specifically and exclusively targeted the Jews. On the basis of that myth, Israel has demanded and extorted trillions of dollars and special legal concessions for the last 60 years.

But that myth of exclusivity is starting to crumble. Jews were not the only people in the Nazi slave-labor camps. They are not even the majority of the worker populations.

As Israel's power to control the world's media slips, history finally acknowledges that non-Jews suffered just as greatly at the hands of a government gone horribly wrong.

Time to end foreign aid to Israel: ‘We just can’t do it anymore,’ Sen. Paul warns

One of the Senate's newest members has settled upon an idea to reduce American debt that's likely to come off as highly controversial in the halls of power: ending all foreign aid, including the tens of billions dedicated to Israel. That's got to stop, according to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who told CNN host Wolf Blitzer recently that with such a crushing economic picture in the US, "we just can't do it anymore."

Webmaster's Commentary: Although he has just made himself a one-term senator by making that suggestion, I applaud his candor on the issue., and he is absolutely correct.

NYC Lawmaker Proposes Ban On Talking And Walking

Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what it will do TO you if you let it.

Robert Fisk: A new truth dawns on the Arab world

The Palestine Papers are as damning as the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinian "Authority" – one has to put this word in quotation marks – was prepared, and is prepared to give up the "right of return" of perhaps seven million refugees to what is now Israel for a "state" that may be only 10 per cent (at most) of British mandate Palestine.

And as these dreadful papers are revealed, the Egyptian people are calling for the downfall of President Mubarak, and the Lebanese are appointing a prime minister who will supply the Hezbollah. Rarely has the Arab world seen anything like this.

Anti-government rallies hit Yemen

Tens of thousands of people, inspired by events in Tunisia, protest in Sanaa to demand President Saleh's resignation.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Another propped-up American puppet is about to be shown the door.

When Rome fell, it began when the outlying provinces, ruled by Rome's puppets, realized they could break away following the loss of the legion in Germany, which left Rime unable to threaten all the provinces at the same time. As the Legions marches to one end of the empire to quell an uprising, a province at the other end would break away. Rome was eventually whittled down to a mere shadow of their former glory.

That is what is happening here. The American empire is in collapse. Provinces are breaking away. Some of the rebellions are rather mild, such as the flurry of South American nations defying the United States in order to recognize Palestine. But more and more the revolt against American imperialism is turning violent. Eventually, it will start to happen here inside the United States. The government is already preparing to kill Americans to re-assert their imperial control over the people on behalf of their masters in Tel Aviv.

But the US Government may have already lost the revolution because they have created an economic situation in which the people of the nation including the serving military understand that to support and protect the current regime is to guarantee a lifetime of debt-slavery.

We have all read the stories where J. P. Morgan was overcharging military families and illegally foreclosed on many of their homes. Only yesterday, we reported on the predatory lending institutions lined up outside the gates at military bases to trap soldiers into debt-slavery the way students are trapped by "higher" education. Those soldiers the US Government is training to kill Americans in revolt have to be figuring out that if they succeed in protecting Washington DC all it means is a lifetime of more invasions and paying off the $14 trillion borrowed to pour all over Wall Street.

That sort of awareness dampens enthusiasm for killing your fellow citizen. Sooner or later the US military rank and file will come to understand they are fighting not only to make the people slaves to a fascist economy, but themselves as well. After murdering their fellow Americans and possibly suffering death or disfigurement themselves, America's victorious defenders will still live in a nation where the government sends them to die in wars against Israel's enemies, where the taxes are spent to pay off Wall Street's gambling debts, where the emails are being read and the phone conversations listened to, and where the government they just saved form revolt will once again turn a blind eye to their medical bills.

This may be the reason we are hearing rumors of mutinies on the military bases themselves, with "Security" lockdowns reported recently at Fort Bragg and Dugway. The Fort Hood shooting was reported by inside sources to have been a brief mutiny in which the deaths were blamed on a convenient Muslim to conceal the truth from the American people.

“Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” -- Henry Kissinger, quoted in “Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW’s in Vietnam” by Monika Jensen-Stevenson

In treating the soldiers as it treats the people; in allowing the bankers to loot the soldiers as it did the civilians, the US Government may have already lost the revolution.

$20 Billion in Counterfeit U.S. Government Bonds Confiscated in Italy

Weapons of Data Destruction

The Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia made official what we all knew: internet matters. Sites like Twitter and Facebook were operational in the organization of the events (and in the disinformation of authorities!). A few days afterwards, these sites were suppressed in Egypt, once protests began also there.

Webmaster's Commentary: Important lesson; cutting off the net didn't make the riots go away. If anything, it enraged the protesters even more, and limited the ability by the organizers to cool things down.

Video: Kurt Haskell tells Fox reporter US gov't responsible for putting underwear bomber on the plane

EXCERPT: ..."The U.S. government escorted them through security without a passport and, we believe, gave him an intentionally defective bomb," said Kurt Haskell....

World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

Webmaster's Commentary: One can only hope!

Eric Cantor proves US Government, like Abbas' Palestinian Authority, really works for Israel.

One of the White House's top Republican critics on Tuesday played down talk that US aid to Israel could face deep cuts at a time when overseas assistance from Washington is being scrutinized.

"I've always said that any aid to foreign countries should pass the test of whether it helps support the security of the United States," Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told AFP.

Webmaster's Commentary:

No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend of Israel is no friend of America. America needs leaders who will put America, first, second, and third. The revelation that Abbas and his Palestinian authority had secret deals to control Palestine for Israel's benefit should remind us all that Israel does indeed subvert governments to its own ends, and raises questions regarding the US Government's obvious failure to defend America when Israel attacks American air workers in international waters. Does the US Government have the same secret deal with Israel that Abbas does? Does the US Government act like it has the same secret deal with Israel that Abbas does? Eric Cantor sure does!

Police trained that FEMA camps are perfectly normal

Milo Nickels Activist Post

Picture it: You are sound asleep next to your spouse. Your children are safely tucked away in their bedrooms. Despite the chaos in the world which surrounds you--the riots, the food shortages, the deadly pandemic, the nationwide power outage, and the apparent societal collapse--you are safe and comfortable in your house. Although the world has seemingly gone crazy, you are doing all you can to weather the storm and (for the moment) everything is quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, there is a loud crash! You jerk awake from your slumber...


Webmaster's Commentary:

As the Palestinians discover that their imposed government had secret deals with Israel to rule Palestine for Israel's benefit, we need to go back at the strange behavior of the United States Government in the aftermath of Israel's cold-blooded attack on American aid workers last May and wonder just who DC works for.

Goldman Sachs outright Lied about their back door bailout from AIG - the financial commission has found! Yet, our U.S. Treasury is run by all past Goldman Executives and arranged this right now.

The financial commission has found Goldman Sachs lied about their back door bailout from AIG and where the 2 billion they got from them, went. Goldman Sachs, when it was revealed, they had also gotten money from AIG, after the government (U.S. taxpayers) bailed AIG out, Goldman said it went to their clients.

Goldman Sachs had gotten money directly in the TARP bailouts of 2008, but it was revealed last year, they had also gotten two billion from AIG during the TARP bailouts also. Goldman claimed it went to their clients or institutions who invested through them.

Fake City where the US Government trains to kill Americans

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is the location of the $170 million fake city, roughly the size of Downtown San Diego. If you look at the same area using Google Earth, you will see the construction which is only started in this view has been completed.

This facility is being used to train Marines to fight against Americans in American cities.

However the military strategists looking at this facility will realize that this layout reveals a great deal about current US Urban Battle doctrine. Clearly the emphasis is on controlling the exterior where there is good visibility and the availability of overhead drones. There is clearly less emphasis (less desire) to engage within the buildings themselves, to judge by the de-emphasis in this construction.

The dramatic video of the US killing the Reuter's news crew proves my point; the US prefers to fight their wars from the sky from the safety of their aircraft. Yet Vietnam should have taught the US that wars fought from the air are un-winnable.

If you fight the war the enemy is prepared to fight, you will lose. The United States is not part of Britain because George and the boys refused to do what the British expected them to do. Just something to keep in mind.

Debt Collection Agencies Use Facebook to Track Down People and Stooping to More New Lows

This madness has to stop. The only way to be broken free from this predatory system is to return back to honest money. I find it is wrong to kick people while they are down when they are struggling to pay for a roof over their heads.It is time we know our rights when confronted with these predatory lenders and collection agencies. I still say the only winning move to keep the collection agencies and creditors off our backs is not to use credit and live with our means.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat:The Downfall of Mubarak of Egypt

“Without beating around the bush or postponing or playing us for fools and without more false promises, we, the people of Egypt, demand all of our long forgotten rights to be granted and this time there is no turning back … we have learned our lesson …we have finally broken free of all fears”


If al-Jazeera’s Sunday night’s revelations about the secrets of several years of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are true (and I don’t have the slightest doubt that they are) then we can’t escape the conclusion that whoever made these startling concessions to the Zionist regime is a traitor.


In the week ending Jan. 22, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 454,000, an increase of 51,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 403,000. The 4-week moving average was 428,750, an increase of 15,750 from the previous week's revised average of 413,000.


““Palestinian Authority leaders … even tried to tighten the blockade on their own countrymen by complaining to the Israelis that not enough was being done to destroy the tunnels under the border between Gaza and Egypt. As if that wasn’t enough, they invited Israel to reoccupy that border zone.

Grocery prices skyrocket faster than official inflation

David Gutierrez Natural News Grocery prices increased at more than 50 percent the rate of inflation in 2010, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics...

We Can't Let the Banksters Walk Away from Their Crimes

Although the financial crisis that swept the world may have started on Wall Street, it has brought down governments and shredded economic security worldwide.

Danny Schechter Alternet

All over Europe and in much of the rest of the world, a new fictional hero has engaged the fascination of millions of readers. His name is Mikael Blomkvist, and he’s the protagonist of the late Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy...

Further Information on Suspected Massacre in Suez, Egypt

Philip Brennan Disturbing reports of a massacre at the coastal town of Suez, in Egypt, are coming through Raw Story and the Egyptian Association for Change USA. From what we can ascertain, the whole city is on lock-down with a complete media blackout. Journalists from Al Jazeera and other reputable media outlets have been prevented from getting any where near Suez...

Common garden weed 'cures skin cancer', say scientists

Jenny Hope Daily Mail

A common weed could help cure skin cancers, claim researchers. The sap from a plant known as petty spurge or milkweed - found by roadsides and in woodland - can 'kill' certain types of cancer cells when applied to the skin...

Lockdown lifted at Dugway Army base

People who work on the base had to spend the night in their offices or cars because they weren't allowed to leave. That changed around 5 a.m. as those on base were allowed to leave and those showing up were allowed to enter. No word on the cause of the lockdown. Dugway says it should be able to release that information later this afternoon. Workers KSL spoke with Thursday morning say they do not have clearance to talk about the cause of the lockdown.

Police Station Set On Fire in Suez, Egypt

An eyewitness said demonstrators Thursday morning set a police station on fire. Police fled before the building went up in flames, the witness said. On Wednesday, other protesters also set a number of other buildings aflame including a government building and the office of the ruling party. Security authorities imposed an undeclared curfew as police vehicles patrolled streets, asking citizens to remain in their homes and businesses to remain shuttered.

Snow in the US: winter storm halts Obama and hits New York and Washington ( 14 Pics }

Snow in the US: winter storm halts Obama and hits New York and Washington ( 14 Pics }
Schools closed, governments sent workers home early and hundreds of flights were cancelled in an all-too-familiar routine along the east coast of the United States as another snowstorm swept over a region already beaten down by a winter not even half over

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Goldman Sachs Got Billions From Taxpayers Thru AIG For Its OWN Account, Crisis Panel Finds; Contradicting SWORN Testimony From Execs

This is HUGE. Story broke late Wednesday night. Goldman's David Viniar caught lying to Congress and the truth about the AIG bailout is finally out.

Here's a quote from from banking analyst Josh Rosner:

"If these allegations are correct, it appears to have been a direct transfer of wealth from the Treasury to Goldman Sachs' shareholders..."

Lots more detail inside...

"System Is LESS Safe Than Before": TARP Watchdog Says Dodd-Frank WON'T Stop Future Bailouts; Clashes With Treasury Official At First Issa Hearing

Neil Barofsky and Timothy Massad testified on TARP Wednesday in the first hearing of the House Oversight committee with Darrell Issa as Chairman.

If you remember from two weeks ago, Barofsky made pretty big news with his report that Geithner told SIGTARP staff that he and Treasury were again prepared to take 'extraordinary government action' to rescue any systematically important financial institution should the need arise. This despite language in Dodd-Frank that explicitly denies this power to Treasury.

Barofsky and Massad, a senior official in charge of TARP, had conflicting stories to tell about future Wall Street bailouts.

Bank Of England Chief Says: 'Say Hello To The 1920s'

Video - Runs 1 minute - Mervyn King Recorded Tuesday

Households face the most dramatic squeeze in living standards since the 1920s, the Governor of the Bank of England warned, as he reacted to the shock disclosure that the economy was shrinking again.

Fact Checking: Obama's Fuzzy Budget Math

Obama's Imbalanced Ledger

WASHINGTON – The ledger did not appear to be adding up Tuesday night when President Obama urged more spending on one hand and a spending freeze on the other. Obama spoke ambitiously of putting money into roads, research, education, efficient cars, high-speed rail and other initiatives in his speech. He pointed to the transportation and construction projects of the last two years and proposed "we redouble these efforts." But he offered far more examples of where he would spend than where he would cut, and some of the areas he identified for savings are not certain to yield much if anything.

Includes a chart on the Obama stimulus and lack of jobs created.

UPDATE: Israeli 'Security' Firm ICTS Helped Provide 'Security' at Russia's Domodedovo Airport

The details about this 2009 article are here, but it's PDF and I don't know how to copy and paste the story. The story goes into a little detail about how Security Partners Ltd., the ICTS Europe subsidiary in Russia was going to assist with 'security' at Domodedovo airport. The SAME ICTS that on 9/11 helped those MOSSAD agents, made up to look like Arabs, onto several flights.

The SAME ICTS that let the 'Shoe Bomber,' Richard Reid board.

The SAME ICTS that sent a 'sharp-dressed man' to help out the Christmas day 'underwear bomber' board a flight, with no money and NO PASSPORT.

Surely this can't be related to Russia getting ready to recognize a Palestinian state, could it?

Dugway Proving Grounds(Bio Weapons) On Lockdown After National Security Concern

Dugway Proving Grounds is still on lockdown after some sort of National Security issue prompted a complete lockdown. No word as to what the security concern may be has been released. Dugway Proving Grounds is a bio weapons lab and possibly home to secret aerial projects. This is a very interesting alert that we should not let get swept under the rug.

Reports of ‘massacre’ in Suez as protests in Egypt move into third day

Anti-government protests in Egypt moved into their third day early Thursday, with unconfirmed reports of police "massacres" of civilians in the port city of Suez. In Cairo, protesters "played cat and mouse with police" into the early hours of Thursday, Reuters reported. Opposition groups reported on their websites that electronic communications had been cut off in the city center, and parts of the city were experiencing blackouts.

Traitors With Bloodstained Hands » Demands For The Resignation Of The Un-elected Palestinian leadership

Palestinians around the world and all their supporters watched in shock, but not total surprise as secret documents, “The Palestine Papers”, detailing carefully the years of so called peace negotiations were released by the news network Al-Jazeera during the last few days. While Palestinians are struggling to win back their rights to their homes and lands, some in the un-elected leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) were making offers to give away these rights.

Senate GOP pushing state sovereignty legislation

All 24 Republican members of the Iowa Senate have signed on to legislation declaring Iowa’s sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In the Iowa House, lawmakers are pushing House Joint Resolution 4, which demands Congress call a constitutional convention to amend the U.S. Constitution and allow the nullification of federal laws if two-thirds of states vote them down.

This joint resolution constitutes an application to the Congress of the United States from the State of Iowa through the Iowa General Assembly, as required by Article V of the Constitution of the United States, calling upon Congress to convene a constitutional convention for the purpose of considering a United States constitutional amendment to allow the several states to repeal any federal law or regulation by approval of two-thirds of the state legislatures.

The resolution stipulates the retroactive withdrawal of this application should a convention be summoned for any purpose other than for the proposed amendment.

Similar resolutions would need to be approved by two-thirds of the states for the constitutional convention to be called to propose the United States constitutional amendment set out in this resolution. Three-fourths of the states would need to ratify the constitutional amendment for the amendment to become part of the United States Constitution.


Ron Paul Explains How Iraq Was Made Into An Enemy In Order To "Redesign The Middle East"

America's Dirty Secret: How a Psycho-Sexual Cult Holds America Prisoner

On 9/11, the United States Air Force failed to respond to multiple hijacking reports, as required by well-established procedure. Additionally, the NORAD defense system was placed on “stand down” for the first time in its history. Was the command and control of America’s defenses compromised because military leaders had joined a religious cult that believed a “9/11 type” attack, a “Pearl Harbor” as it were, would justify a “holy war” coinciding with fringe interpretations of biblical prophecy?

Has an extremist cult “wormed” its way into defacto control of America’s military forces?


How the documents were obtained and given to Aljazeera is an important question. And, who filmed the negotiating sessions? Did the participants know they were being filmed? If one asks cui bono? – who benefits? – then Israel would be the likely answer: the leaks have discredited, if not humiliated, the Palestinian leadership, potentially fuelling the conflict between it and Hamas

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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