Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WRH News stories for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Part 2

I Call on the People of Illinois to do a Statewide Strike Over Tax Increase

I read a lot about the corruption in politics in Illinois. When I read about a sixty six percent tax increase in the state. I think it is time for the people of the state to act. The State of Illinois is no longer the land of Lincoln anymore. It is the state of taxation without hesitation. I believe the people have to send a message that they will not support a corrupt government anymore. They have the right not to fund and no longer tolerate the tradition of corruption that has been the history of the state for close to 100 years.


“Hezbollah are saying that this tribunal has been politicised and used by the US and Israel to discredit Hezbollah, that they have nothing to do with the death of Rafiq Hariri and they want Saad Hariri to come out and delegitimise its findings and end Lebanon’s co-operation with the tribunal.”/strong>

It's Raining BANKSTER Bullshit - Irish Leaders Castigated As Greatest TRAITORS Of All Time

All hail the billionaire global bankers - Editor's Note - Look for the Hank Paulson and & Bilderberg references...

Brilliant piece from Gabriel Donohoe...and a must see photo...

I don't want to spoil the surprise...

Arab League: Lebanon at risk of civil war

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa called on Lebanon's political leaders Wednesday to "act calmly and wisely" in the wake of the local government's collapse, warning that the country faces the risk of civil war.

Moussa urged Lebanese leaders to "leave room for dialogue between the two sides, so that Lebanon will be able to avoid tensions and tragedies which won't be of use to anyone but its enemies." He stressed that "the Arab League supports Arab efforts invested in extricating Lebanon from the dangers of civil war and the deterioration to political and security disputes which will harm Lebanese interests."

Webmaster's Commentary: Let's hope cooler heads prevail in this. Any instability will give the Israeli government their "justification" to re-invade Lebanon, and this time, they will go all the way to the Litani River, because they so desperately need the water.

Simon Johnson: "Age Of America Is Over; Chinese Yuan Will Be World's Reserve Currency Within 2 Decades"

"The age of American predominance is over," he told a panel. "The (Chinese) Yuan will be the world's reserve currency within two decades."

"I'm concerned about the excessive power of the largest global banks," he said. "Who are the government-sponsored enterprises now? It's the six biggest bank holding companies."

More inside...

Former Secretary of State Shultz Joins "Free Pollard" Bandwagon

Former Secretary of State George Shultz wrote a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, urging him to free Jonathan Pollard, the Washington Post has revealed.

Webmaster's Commentary: Apparently, upon having imbibed the "Free Pollard Koolaid", our former Secretary of State has developed some selective amnesia on this case. The world of hurt which was done through Pollard's actions to the American security establishment was incalculable: Israel should be delighted that the US didn't execute this traitor for treason.

China Worries Publicly About U.S. Treasury Holdings Ahead Of Hu Jintao's Trip To Washington

Story from Reuters plus the SNL Video of Obama and Hu Jintao arguing over the U.S. national debt...

The SNL clip is f*cking hilarious in case you haven't seen it...

West Bank protester has jail term extended

West Bank protester Abdallah Abu Rahmah is facing a further three months in prison after the Israeli military court of appeal today extended his sentence. Abu Rahmah was due to be released in November, but military prosecutors argued for him to be detained until their appeal for a longer sentence could be heard. They wanted him to serve two years "as a deterrence not only to [Abu Rahmah] himself, but also to others who may follow in his footsteps".

Webmaster's Commentary: What most terrifies the Israeli government about this is that fact the Abu Rahmah was using peaceful, non-violent protest, following in the footsteps of Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

When something gets blown up, bombed, or if an Israeli person is hurt or killed, the Israeli government can scream, holler, and yell about how terrible the Palestinians are.

But when peaceful, non-violent demonstrations show something for what it is (like the illegal separation barrier in B'lin and its horrific effect on the people living there), there's not a heck of a lot that Israeli government officials can actually say with a straight face that anyone in the world is willing to "buy".

Foreclosure fraud: AG releases critical report

Sweeping evidence of mortgage fraud was outlined in the 98-page presentation complete with copies of alleged forged signatures, false notarizations, bogus witnesses and improper mortgage assignments. Examples of alleged fraud and missteps made during the securitization process by major financial institutions when they wrote, packaged, and sold mortgages during the boom years was also provided.

The "Unfair, Deceptive and Unconscionable Acts in Foreclosure Cases" presentation meticulously documents cases of questionable signatures, notarizations that could not have occurred when claimed due to expired notary commissions and foreclosures filed by banks or law firms that lacked legal standing to foreclose on a particular property.

Webmaster's Commentary: This has not only happened in Florida: this has also happened most probably in every other state in the US. The point of Foreclosuregate was to bring back houses under the banks' financial control to make their balance sheets look better, after the banks were forced to buy back fraudulent mortgage backed securities.

US Banks Reporting Phantom Income on $1.4 Trillion Delinquent Mortgages

The giant US banks have been bailed out again from huge potential writeoffs by loosey-goosey accounting accepted by the accounting profession and the regulators.

They are allowed to accrue interest on non-performing mortgages ” until the actual foreclosure takes place, which on average takes about 16 months.

This means that Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo, among hundreds of other smaller institutions, can report interest due them, but not paid, on an estimated $1.4 trillion of face value mortgages on the 7 million homes that are in the process of being foreclosed.

Webmaster's Commentary: UNFLIPPING BELIEVABLE!!

Come on you laughed; admit it.

Netanyahu: WikiLeaks showed three top issues in Mideast are Iran, Iran, Iran

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told foreign journalists Tuesday that the American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks showed that Iran and its nuclear program were the primary concern for leaders in the Middle East.

Webmaster's Commentary: Any lingering doubt I may have had about WikiLeaks being an Israeli propaganda operation just evaporated.

US military chief predicts ‘more violence’ in Afghanistan in 2011

"As difficult as it may be to accept, we must prepare ourselves for more violence and more casualties in coming months," said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"The violence will be worse in 2011 than it was in 2010 in many parts of Afghanistan."

Webmaster's Commentary: "...Because we have to keep the drug profits flowing, and get that Turkmenistan/Afghanistan/Pakistan pipeline built, dammit!!"- Official White House Souse.

RTR: Giffords Attack Spins Out of Control

Before even the dust settled in Tucson and families could take a moment to grieve their loss, the media was out in force pointing fingers, trying to place blame for Jared Loughner's actions. Gary Franchi reveals the spin masters and grand standers in Reality Report #76 and Ernest Hancock from Freedom's Phoenix joins Gary to provide his analysis of the spin and weighs in on the Gabrielle Giffords attack.

Ali Rizvi the CEO of Gripe Genie and partner in the Patriot Response Project makes an appearance to explain the power of the new online tool. Tad Lumpkin, the Director and co-creator of "The American Dream" joins the show to discuss his mega-viral animated short film. Also making an appearance is Pasha Roberts, the Director of the Animated Feature length film "The Silver Circle". We'll play you the exclusive trailer and give you a sneak peek at some behind the scenes footage from their Boston Studio. Angie Ress returns to break down the headlines and Gary reads the results from last weeks Viewer poll and dips into the mail bag to read your comments. And as always, we'll brand some unlucky person as the new "Enemy of the State".

Portents of a Collapsed Society

Throughout history societies have developed, flourished, and collapsed; human nature has remained the same for eons. The pages of history illustrate to us that despotism and big government thrive when society is in a state of collapse. Where community has fallen, tyranny will quickly fill the void. The system – in its mechanized, wicked desire to perpetuate itself – has convinced many of us that we will be protected and rewarded for following its directives Our modern age manifestation of scientific tyranny is no different. A confluence of issues – both organic change and deliberate meddling – have broken our communities and deep ties to one another.

Ice closed Öresund bridge temporarily (Southern Sweden/Denmark)

While snow returned to much of Sweden on Wednesday, the treacherous icy conditions experienced in the past few days forced the temporary closure of the Öresund bridge, which links Sweden and Denmark. Car traffic over the bridge was stopped by police for a while around lunchtime after clumps of ice began falling from the cables high up on the bridge.

Pissed Off Irishman Talks Bankster Bailouts: "Greed, Greed, Cheap Money, And More Fucking Greed"

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
Runs just 2 minutes...

Tim Geithner Says The United States Is Insolvent

The U.S. government is insolvent. Who says so? Timothy F. Geithner, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

Who Incited Jared Loughner to commit murder? On Properly Placing Blame

Since the propagandists feel that it is important to place blame - I'll follow their logic. So let's think about who we can blame? Who is setting the tone? Who is setting the example - the gold standard the younger generation can strive to emulate?

Arizona Shooting Suspect Wrote `Die Bitch' on Giffords Letter, Police Say

The Sheriff’s Department also said yesterday that deputies had gone to the Loughner home prior to the attack. Jason Ogan, a department spokesman, declined to say why deputies had visited the house or how many times they had been there.

Clairvoyant Fail

Bill just presented in the Virginia House of Delegates

Webmaster's Commentary: Will provide significant protection to borrowers and essentially "shut down" the foreclosure process with forged/ bogus documents. Virginia is a non-judicial state and currently a home owner can be foreclosed on after bank/servicers send a letter notifying them of this within 14 days of the action. This prevents the home owner from getting a judicial hearing due to the fact that they are required to request one more than 14 days prior to the court date. Catch 22. If this Bill (House Bill No. 1506) becomes law, the foreclosing party/ Trustee must notify the home owner 45 days prior and, offer assistance in modifying or other forms of preventing foreclosure.

Lots of other restrictions on the "frontier" methods currently being allowed.

DC Mail Facility: Suspicious Package Reported

According to the Associated Press, there has been reports of a suspicious package at a mail facility in DC Wednesday. Istmania Bonilla, the DC police spokesperson said technicians were responding but had no additional info.

KPMG says public purse the main victim as fraud cases soar

Fraud committed by company managers was the fastest growing area, up 30pc in value to £441m against the previous year. Tax fraud, money laundering and complex cases involving new technology all increased in the year. According to KPMG many of the cases were directly linked to the tight economic conditions.

Food Prices SkyRocket! Riots Begin

Is this fear based reporting or are we really looking at social unrest and/or martial law due to rising food prices worldwide? With globalists such as World Bank President Robert Zoellick pushing for more so called “global stability” in the food market, it is clear that this is a REAL food crisis CREATED by the very people who will eventually pose the solution.

The cause of such alarm? On Wednesday, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported that global food prices had hit a record high and were likely to go on rising, entering what Abdolreza Abbassian, its senior grains economist, called “danger territory”.

Where did all the Haiti relief money go?

The amount of money raised for Haiti earthquake relief has reached a staggeringly high $1.4 billion in less than one year from the United States alone. Everyone from celebrities to regular people held telethons, bake sales and dinner parties whose proceeds went to help Haiti earthquake victims. A year later, people who opened their purse strings and wallets so generously are asking where the money went and how well was it spent. According to a survey by the Chronicle of Philanthropy of 60 major relief organizations, only 38 percent of that money has been spent to provide recovery and rebuilding aid. By comparison, in New Orleans, about 80 percent of the money raised for Hurricane Katrina victims has been spent.

WARNING on current Visa/ MasterCard SCAM - Do NOT give out any numbers on your card to a phone caller. Period. They want the 3-digit PIN # on the back. Don't give it out.

The REAL VISA Security Department told us it was a scam and in the last 15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card. We made a real fraud report and closed the VISA account. VISA is reissuing us a new number. What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don't give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or Master Card directly for verification of their conversation..

The Federal Reserve Becomes Most Profitable Bank In History

The Financial Times reports the financial crisis has helped the U.S. Federal Reserve become the most profitable bank in history. According to the the Fed, it turned an $80.9 billion profit in 2010. $76.2 billion of it came from securities the Fed bought during the financial crisis. The bank sent $78.4 billion of that profit to the U.S. Treasury.

Riots rage in Chile as gas price hike fuels flames of anger

Was Loughner In Love With Congresswoman Giffords?

It has now come to light that Loughner’s anger was fostered in part from being rejected by women. Messages posted on a gaming forum show that Loughner expressed his frustration with getting the brush off.

“On May 5, he started a thread titled “Talk, Talk, Talking about Rejection.” He solicited stories of rejection by the opposite sex. The next day he wrote, “Its funny…when..they say lets go on a date about 3 times..and they dont….go…” Three days later, he wrote, “Its funny when your 60 wondering……what happen at 21.”

Webmaster's Commentary: I still want to know if Jared Loughner was on anti-depressants.

5 Reasons NOT to Pay Your Credit Cards

We live in a matrix that goes to unspeakable expense to nurture us from the teat to be good consumers. You are issued a tax collection number at birth (SS#), another artificial number for your credit worthiness (FICO), and then you’re extended a certain amount of tokens to play “life” based on those numbers.

This virtual currency, not unlike your earned Farmville coins, only has value because you give it value. It is a brilliantly designed game: the banksters create a unit of money out of thin air; lend it to people with interest attached; get them to buy real items; then raise the rates, force people to work harder, hover like a vulture until expected default occurs, and rake in the forfeited assets.

You Gotta See This: Ohio Judge Follows JPMorgan's Advice And They Promptly Throw Him Into Foreclosure

Ohio Judge Follows JPMorgan's Advice, Ends up in Foreclosure

It's the 'ol loan modification bait and switch...

What's shocking, well maybe not so much for Jamie Dimon's operation, is that they did this to a JUDGE - Even more shocking? - That Bank of America didn't do it first! This is a MUST READ - Details inside

LIABLE FOR FRAUD - In Florida & New York, Bank Lawyers Are NOW Responsible For Accuracy Of Foreclosure Documents

The courts in New York State, along with Florida, have begun requiring that lawyers in foreclosure cases vouch for the accuracy of the documents they present, which prompted a protest from the New York bar. The requirement, which is being considered by courts in other states, could open lawyers to disciplinary actions that could harm or even end careers.

This is a BIG development... Excellent story from the NYT...very quick read...

National Guard Deployed in Mass.

Due to a massive snowstorm sweeping the northeast, blizzard conditions and the potential for danger; the National Guard has been deployed in Massachusetts as of Wednesday afternoon.

Patrick Deval the governor of Mass. has declared a state of emergency. At least 250 National Guard troops have been deployed to the region. A local source also reported power outages.

Member of Violent Gang Is Attacked

This organization is so large and pervasive that it systematically steals vast amounts of money from millions of people; rewards its servants and allies handsomely; regularly engages in turf wars with other vicious agencies and kills tens of thousands of innocent people in the process (collateral damage); forces some people to surrender honestly earned income to other people; dictates the kinds of foods, beverages, and drugs that peaceful people can ingest; forces people to “purchase” unwanted and wanted “services” from monopoly providers against their will; runs dozens of prison camps where people are incarcerated for engaging in peaceful behaviors that are forbidden to all but members of the gang....

Japan to hold naval drills involving U.S. warships in East China Sea

Tokyo: The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will hold drills in the East China Sea involving U.S. warships on Monday, the Japanese Defense Ministry said.

The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), a U.S. Navy Nimitz class supercarrier capable of carrying 90 fighter jets and helicopters, and U.S. destroyers will participate in the exercises, to be held to the west of the Kyushu island, the ministry said. Japan's NHK TV channel has said the drills are aimed at deterring possible naval operations by North Korea and China. Webmaster's Commentary: Great: rather than taking actions to calm the situation with North Korea, it appears that the US is ramping up the pressure on North Korea and China.

We Need More Political Rhetoric, Not Less

John Steele Gordon in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal documents the long history of political discourse -- overheated, boiling, or even incendiary -- as a trademark of American politics. Speechmaking and opinion-mongering have always been athletic pursuits, punctuated by the well-timed sarcastic jab or sweeping insult. Otherwise, what would be the point? Protecting political speech, by no accident, is found in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. If political speech were not poignant, direct, explicit, colorful, indeed overheated and frequently uncomfortable and unwelcome -- short of libelous and directly life-threatening -- it wouldn't need to be protected, would it?


Perhaps the most shocking of all things in Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is the way that children are treated. It is unimaginable that an Jewish Israeli child would be brought to court in shackles or even be placed in a court of law.

Beatings and abuse of children by the Israeli military is common and judges, such as the one below, don’t even blink an eye. Thus is legal racism established.

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to 21st century Israel, a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.

Media scraping the bottom of the barrel for distractions from the mortage-backed security fraud melt-down

Pakistan Will Move on North Waziristan Without U.S. Help, Ambassador Says

Pakistan will mount military assaults against terrorists in North Waziristan, a haven for Taliban and al-Qaeda along the Afghan border, the Pakistani ambassador to the United States vowed.

“It’s only a matter of how, when and in what manner do we conduct operations there against the extremists and terrorists,” Ambassador Husain Haqqani said in an interview at the Bloomberg Washington Bureau yesterday. Pakistan has amassed 38,000 military and paramilitary forces in the tribal area in the past few months, he said.

Webmaster's Commentary: As reported on 8 January 2011 at:

"Biden is expected to promise to speed up military assistance to Pakistan’s army, which often complains that shipments of equipment and reimbursements of funds come too slowly.

In return, Biden is expected to ask for what the U.S. continues to be desperate for: going after Afghan militants based in Pakistan, according to both Pakistani and U.S. officials. That means the Haqqani network in North Waziristan and, separately, the Taliban who attack in Kandahar and Helmand, commonly called the Quetta Shura but believed to be spread today between Quetta and Karachi. Biden is expected to push the military to specify exactly what it wants in return for a decision to eliminate its support for Haqqani and Quetta militants."

If this doesn't happen, look to see US military involvement on the ground in Pakistan, no matter if that is absolutely not what Pakistan wants or even if it exacerbates the situation.

Bernanke: FUCK the states!

In testimony on Friday before the Senate Budget Committee, Federal Reserve, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, was asked specifically about providing assistance to state and local governments facing budget deficits and high borrowing costs. His short answer: It’s not going to happen.

Gates: North Korea Could Nuke US

Citing North Korea’s continued effort to improve its not entirely effective long range missile program, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates predicted that not only would the nation have a “limited ability” to attack the continental United States within five years, but that they could use nuclear warheads when doing so.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to SecDef Gates: the North Korean government is many things, but collectively stupid/crazy enough to attempt to bomb the continental US when they know what the US military response would be?!?!? Please give us a break.

And sir, please explain to me how North Korea is to be "engaged" without negotiations? Are you talking about a military confrontation, which would inevitably lead to a shooting war between the US and China?!?

I'd really like to believe that's not what you, and your cronies in the bowels of power in DC, are contemplating.

Livni meets Norway FM; slams Palestinian state recognitions

"The stagnation in the peace process is very problematic but the nations of the world should not be tempted into unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state outside the parameters of a political arrangement," Livni said.

Webmaster's Commentary: Apparently, Tzipi Livni did not grasp the delicious irony of her comments here: Israel unilaterally declared its nationhood at the point of its founding.

FYI, it has snowed in Florida this winter!

Turkey's stark choice as nuclear talks host

Having regional power is not a concept. It is a complex and unpleasant process of balancing contradictory interests in order to prevent greater threats to a country's interests emerging in the long run. Having positioned itself as a host for negotiations between the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany on one hand and Iran on the other hand, Turkey has a basic decision to make: It can merely provide a table for the discussion, or it can shape and guarantee the outcome.

Tony Blair to appear before Iraq war inquiry

Blair to make second appearance at inquiry, a year after he first gave evidence, in light of revelations about advice he received on the legality of the war

Richard Norton-Taylor Guardian Tony Blair, summoned back to the inquiry into the Iraq invasion in light of damaging and conflicting evidence revealed since he answered questions a year ago, is to appear before Sir John Chilcot on 21 January, it has been revealed...

Netanyahu: Only 'credible' military threat led by U.S. can stop nuclear Iran

Only the convincing threat of military action headed by the United States will persuade Iran to drop plans to build an atomic bomb, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

"You have to ratchet up the pressure and ... I don't think that this pressure will be sufficient to have this regime change course without a credible military option that is put before them by the international community led by the United States," he said.

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: Netanyahu wants it to be American kids who die or get maimed for life in the process of "neutralizing" yet another of Israel's "existential threats". Israel's problem is that it considers all the rest of the Middle East as its "existential threat", to be "neutralized" by the US.


What has happened today will likely not come as a surprize to many of you. As it turns out Facebook deleted/deactivated/froze Uruknet’s account/profile. This falls into a greater trend of limiting/censuring/disabling peace/Palestine solidarity activists and this has to stop!

Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich

Power does not rest with the electorate. It does not reside with either of the two major political parties. It is not represented by the press. It is not arbitrated by a judiciary that protects us from predators. Power rests with corporations. And corporations gain very lucrative profits from war, even wars we have no chance of winning. All polite appeals to the formal systems of power will not end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must physically obstruct the war machine or accept a role as its accomplice.


“If the father in not White, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of America.”



Thirty-five protesters gathered during the lunch hour today outside the midtown Manhattan offices of Point Lookout Capital Partners, a New York firm that facilitates investment in Combined Systems Inc. (CSI). CSI, based in Pennsylvania, sells tear gas to the Israeli army that the Israeli army has then used to kill and seriously injure a number of unarmed protesters in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, including on January 1, 36-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahmah from the village of Bil’in.

B.C. professor's lecture prompts FBI call

A University of Victoria professor of indigenous studies says the FBI called her after she gave a lecture in the United States about Native American land rights.

Hezbollah Resigns: Lebanese Government Collapses As Political Party Pulls Out

Lebanon's national unity government has collapsed after Hezbollah ministers and their allies resigned over a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the assassination of Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The state-run National News Agency announced Wednesday that 11 ministers were stepping down from the 30-member Cabinet headed by Western-backed Saad Hariri, the slain prime minister's son.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder, with the Lebanese government in chaos, if this is the time Israel will choose for another invasion of Lebanon.

India Farmer Suicides Linked To Crop Failure, Climate Change

Loss of government subsidies, international competition and recently erratic climate patterns are all being blamed for a staggering number of Indian farmers who are resorting to suicide, Al-Jazeera is reporting.

More than 17,368 Indian farmers reportedly killed themselves in 2009, the worst figure for farm suicides in six years and an increase of 1,172 from the previous year's figure, data from the National Crime Records Bureau indicate. Nearly all of the bereaved families of those who have committed suicide reportedly had problems with debt and land loss due to failing crops.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This problem isn't new, but there is another culprit this article refuses to name. As reported 16 April, 2009 at:,500_indian_farmers_commit_mass_suicide:_why_we_are_complicit_in_these_deaths/

"While many may have been shocked by these deaths, farmer suicides in India, and increasingly across the world, are not new.

In the last ten years, the problem has been reaching epidemic proportions. In one region of India alone 1,300 cotton farmers took their own lives in 2006, but the culprit cannot rest solely on a falling water table.

As the Independent article continues:

Bharatendu Prakash, from the Organic Farming Association of India, told the Press Association: "Farmers' suicides are increasing due to a vicious circle created by money lenders. They lure farmers to take money but when the crops fail, they are left with no option other than death."

But there's more to the story than that. Farmer suicides can be attributed to, "something far more modern and sinister: genetically modified crops," the UK's Daily Mail reports.

"Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead."

"Beguiled by the promise of future riches, he borrowed money in order to buy the GM seeds. But when the harvests failed, he was left with spiraling debts -- and no income."

Somewhere Down a Dark Road.

I guess the hottest game in town now is “Jews in Jeopardy”. As everyone should know or, if you don’t, someone will point it out to you, one Jewish life is worth about one hundred thousand gentile lives on the open market; then again, who controls the market? Okay, I got it.

Israel calls for attack on Iran

Webmaster's Commentary: ... as long as Americans pay for it, and American kids die in it!

Media Caught Hiding Fact Loughner Is Jewish

This is an amazing story. We now learn that Jared Lee Loughner's mother Amy Loughner is a member of the SAME Reform synagogue as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords! That means that Amy's son, who lives with his Jewish parents, Amy and Randy Loughner, is ALSO a member of the same synagogue as his shooting victim, Rep. Giffords.
Why didn't we hear about this from our super-sleuth national media?
Instead, we hear that a 'WHITE MAN' is the shooter. We hear that 'ANTI-SEMITISM' is his motive. (Mass Mind Control anyone?)
But FACTS are leaking out!

Webmaster's Commentary:

I still have two questions.

1, Was Jared on anti-depressants?

2. Was there a closer relationship between Jared and Gabriella than we are being told, or more to the point, did Jared believe there was a close relationship?

'Very heavy snow' falling in Northeast

The storm that shut down much of the South slowly rolled into the Northeast late Tuesday, bringing "very heavy" falls of snow, officials said.

Storm warnings were in effect for most of southern and eastern New England. In the South, the weather left roads so icy that some truck drivers were stuck for more than a day in their rigs.

Webmaster's Commentary:

My brother is snowed in at an airport. They are telling him it will be at least tomorrow before he can try to get home.

Iran says more than 10 suspects linked to Mossad

Iran's intelligence chief said Tuesday that more than 10 people arrested in connection with last year's killing of a nuclear physicist were linked to the Mossad and he warned that Israel's spy agency was out to roll back scientific progress in Muslim nations.

Boehner opposes new gun-control bill

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control legislation offered by the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in response to the weekend shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others in Arizona. Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) announced plans Tuesday to introduce legislation prohibiting people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet of members of Congress.

BREAKING - BMW explodes in Arlington, Virginia

“It appears to be an accident,” said police spokesperson Det. Crystal Nosal. “Nothing at this point leads us to believe it’s intentional.”

The car was parked in front of a single family home, but in proximity of two large apartment complexes: Dorchester Towers and 2121 Columbia Pike Apartments. It is three to four blocks away from the high-security headquarters of the Defense Information Systems Agency.

A witness who lives in Dorchester Towers says heavily-armed police apprehended an approximately 18-year-old male on the fifth floor of the building. So far, authorities are emphatic in their description of the man — who was led away in handcuffs around 10:15 a.m. — as a “person of interest” and not a “suspect.” Witnesses say the man was seen running from the scene of the explosion.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Not intentional. but they have a guy in handcuffs anyway. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Lot of "wet work" going on in gov-town. Apparently they missed this time, but you know the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed..."

UK blames healthy people for causing flu vaccine shortage

So let me get this straight. As long as the vaccine supply was widely available (lots of shots to sell!), the big flu scare was being used to get everybody to buy as many vaccines as possible: Healthy people, pregnant women, children, senior citizens, you name it. But now, as supplies have run out precisely because of the scare mongering pushed by the vaccine industry, they admit that healthy people really don't need the vaccine anyway! So what about all those healthy people who already followed orders and enriched Big Pharma by getting the flu shot even though they didn't really need it? Now they're actually being blamed for the vaccine shortage!

If you outlaw violent speech...

If you outlaw violent speech, how will you adequately prepare soldiers and police to defend us against real threats? How effective would a non-threatening drill sergeant be? How will you motivate athletes to "Be aggressive...B..E..aggressive"? If you outlaw threats, what are you supposed to say to that person trying to break into your house in the middle of the night? How do you stop that drunken jerk from making advances at your wife? If you outlaw violent speech how interesting will the dialogue in your favorite movies and TV shows be? Should the heroes and villains be forced to talk civilly with one-another?

Record Labels To Pay $45 Million for Pirating Artists’ Music

The major record labels are known for their harsh stance on copyright infringements, which in an ironic turn of events is now costing them millions of dollars. Revealing a double standard when it comes to ‘piracy’, Warner Music, Sony BMG Music, EMI Music and Universal Music now have to pay Canadian artists $45 Million for the illegal use of thousands of tracks on compilation CDs.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Fires Back Against the Pima County Sheriff and the Crisis Vultures

Kudos for Sheriff Joe Arpaio for pointing out the hypocrisy of the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords. He pointed out the left wing makes inflammatory statements against him all the time and if he was ever murdered or ever injured. They leftist will never be blamed for the statements made against him as a contributing factor. You will never hear that people should tone down there rhetoric against the Maricopa County Sheriff because there is a bounty on his head by the Mexican drug Cartels. Can you see a double standard?This Sheriff been called every name in the book and had death threats against him. We do not hear cries to silence free speech over the threats and inflammatory statements from the patriot community.

Ibuprofen 'trebles the risk of a stroke' as doctors warn over dangers of long-term use

Large regular doses of ibuprofen and similar painkillers could treble the risk of strokes and increase the likelihood of heart attacks, researchers are warning. Scientists have found high doses of ibuprofen may carry a similar health risk to painkillers that were withdrawn from the market several years ago on safety grounds.

Westboro Baptist Church to Protest at 9-yr-old Christina Green Funeral

According to CNN International, Phelps and his family of misfits plan to picket the funerals of the victims of the Tucson shootings. One of the funerals, 9-yr-old Christina Green.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Morally and spiritually, I figure this planned protest scores about 8 points below screwing the altar boys in the rear end. Congratulations Phelps; this is a new record low for clergy!

Fed anti-terror exercise targets growers

It's gettin really scary out there.

Lawmakers consider new curbs on incendiary speech

Shocked and saddened lawmakers grappled on Monday with the weekend shooting of one of their own, with some suggesting that new laws and regulations are needed to curb incendiary speech. The aftermath of Saturday’s attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) brought a rare moment of unity on Capitol Hill, but it also escalated a contentious debate over violent imagery in the nation’s political discourse.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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