Tuesday, November 30, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Part 1

Ben Affleck Becomes a Dupe of Global Government Operators

At one point in his Op-Ed he writes: Perhaps the lack of attention toward these atrocities explains the disconnect in Washington between the compassion felt for the people of eastern Congo and the nominal advancement of specific policies to bring sustainable change to the region. Fortunately, that began to change this summer with passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, which required reporting the origin of potential conflict minerals from Congo. I hope that the incoming Congress will continue the bipartisan movement for sustainable peace and prosperity in that region. I'd like to know who put this "conflict minerals" idea in Affleck's head.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This whole "conflict minerals" nonsense is a trick to protect certain monopolies. As just one example, the global diamond trade is dominated by the De Beers family, and those diamond cutters and merchants lucky enough to be affiliated with them. Diamonds are just carbon, after all, and their value is created through an enforced illusion of scarcity, even though every jewelry store in every shopping mall has am ample supply for the holidays.

But were a competing source for diamonds enter the world market, the illusion of scarcity would vanish, and the price of the diamond in your weeding ring would fall down to the price of the diamond in that drill bit in the garage. So, this whole nonsense about "conflict stones" was invented to trick people into not buying from De Beers' competition, to protect the monopoly, to maintain the illusion of scarcity, and to keep diamond prices high.

Havng been so successful at protecting the diamond monopoliy, the "conflict" hoax is being used to prop up other monopolies and crush potential competition before it ever gets off the ground. Far from assisting the Congo, Ben Affleck has just consigned them into perpetual poverty, unable to exploit and profit from their own mineral resources!

Ben has just proved that the inverse relationship between beauty and brains knows no gender!

Why does the FBI Orchestrate Fake Terror Plots?

When the US government has to go to such lengths to create "terrorists" out of hapless people, an undeclared agenda is being served. What could this agenda be? The answer is many agendas. One agenda is to justify wars of aggression that are war crimes under the Nuremberg standard created by the US government itself. One way to avoid war crimes charges is to create acts of terrorism that justify the naked aggressions against "terrorist countries."

Another agenda is to create a police state. A police state can control people who object to their impoverishment for the benefit of the superrich much more easily than can a democracy endowed with constitutional civil liberties. Webmaster's Commentary: When you are under barraged by alleged "terror" conditions, courtesy of the corporate media and you are scared, you can't think logically. When you pull back, and look at situations for what they are, suddenly, there is a moment of clarity as to why you are bombarded with all this "terror" nonsense, and the fear melts away.

Just doing their jobs? Psychology of TSA employees mirrors that of Nazi war criminals

Some apologists are now attempting to defend the lewd, obscene behavior of TSA agents by claiming "they're just doing their jobs." This is the exact same quote that was used by Nazi war criminals to justify their treatment of Jewish concentration camp prisoners; or by Japanese soldiers who raped and pillaged Chinese villages in World War II; or even by government hit men throughout history who have killed innocents because their bosses told them to.

"I'm just doing my job" is the excuse of the weak-minded. It is a desperate attempt to shift responsibility for one's actions to someone else and therefore take on the actions of a mindless, immoral automaton who is incapable of independent thought.

U.S. Provokes China

Bailout Contagion Hits Europe As Pensions Seized In France, Hungary & Ireland To Pay Banks

European governments are now seizing retirement accounts and pension assets.

The "Great Game" and the Conquest of Eurasia: Towards a World War III Scenario?

It is because of this project to conquer Eurasia that Russia, China, and Iran have moved closer towards one another and pushed for a united Eurasian front against America and its cohorts. All three Eurasian nations are encircled by a ring of U.S. military bases, military alliances dominated by the U.S. and NATO, and hostile governments supported and armed by both the U.S. government and military.

Robo Judges At Work Inside Florida's Rocket Docket

Foreclosure Sales Have Come to a Standstill in the Bubble States CNN Video - Inside Florida's Foreclosure Factories - Watch the Robo Judges In Action

Santa Barbara County Applies New Alcohol Law

To cut down on underage drinking, county officials will begin enforcement of a new ordinance next month that allows officers entry into residencies if they suspect minors are drinking on the premises.


Before Julian Assange runs off to Equador for asylum, could he at least come up with some ‘leaks’ that really matter to us all…

1. Who killed John F. Kennedy?

2. What role did the FBI play in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.??

3. Who is behind the horrors of 9/11???

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh, hell, we already know those! :)

Why Does the FBI Orchestrate Fake Terror Plots?

Think about this. The FBI did a year’s work in order to convince two people to participate in fake plots. If you are not too bright and some tough looking guys accost you and tell you that they are Al Qaeda and expect your help in a terrorist operation, you might be afraid to say no, or you might be thrilled to be part of a blowback against an American population that is indifferent to their government’s slaughter of people of your ethnicity in your country of origin. Whichever way it falls, it is unlikely the ensnared person would ever have done anything beyond talk had the FBI not organized them into action. In other cases the FBI entices people with money to participate in its fake plots.


Top 10 Wikileaks Palestine Nuggets


Israel agreed to ease its restrictions on goods and materials allowed into Gaza following its attack on a flotilla of aid boats in May, in which nine Turkish activists were killed. Since then the import of food and many other consumer items has resumed, although there is still a ban on exports and severe restrictions on construction materials. Israel argues that the latter could be used by militants for military purposes. Tony Blair, the representative of the Middle East Quartet of the US, the UN, the EU and Russia, echoed the call for Israel to accelerate its easing of its blockade in an interview at the weekend. “There has been significant change in Gaza, but not nearly as much as we need,” he told the Associated Press. Webmaster's Commentary:

It is important to note that WikiLeaks' dump of diplomatic cables contains nothing which is critical of Israel, yet clearly such diplomatic traffic had to be occurring in the months since Israel's attack on the aid flotilla. This glaring omission by itself proves WikiLeaks is an Israeli propaganda operation.

Comex Default for Gold and Silver Finally at Hand for December? Looks Like It May Finally Be the Month!

If you are in the least bit interested in metals - gold and silver than Harvey Organ's Blog is a must read! Every day he will put out the numbers of the Comex and today he gave the best news I have read yet about metals! He says a Comex Default looks to be at hand!! The amount of orders standing for delivery for the month of December is much more than the Comex has officially listed on hand! Also, remember the shorts on metals, especially J.P. Morgan has on silver is Huge! They have to cover their shorts for those who are standing for delivery! How will they do this? Considering the millions of ounces standing for delivery in December? Bet they will be calling those longs and offering a huge percentage over the long value order in cash, instead of physical. Webmaster's Commentary:

Except that the cash is pouring out of Bernanke's printing presses and cannot hold its value at all. Plus, COMEX will cover the losses by asking for a bailout, which means sticking YOU with the losses from their fraudulent over-selling of gold and silver contracts.

Assuming they are not all tungsten, I expect the US Government to use gold bars from Fort Knox to cover those COMEX longs not willing to accept cash for the metals they thought they were buying, but there is probably not enough silver metal available to cover the silver shorts.

Even if COMEX persuades the holders of those metals contracts to accept a huge cash payout (on the taxpayers back) to get them off the hook, international trust in the US financial markets will take a major hit when this all comes down!

A case of the wrong case: U.S. cities forced to spend millions changing street signs (because they are in capital letters)

Cash-strapped cities and towns across America are having to pay out millions of dollars on new signs under orders of the federal government - because they are the wrong letter size. Washington officials have demanded that every single street sign in the nation which is currently in capitals must be replaced because they are supposedly too hard to read. Webmaster's Commentary:

Yeah, that's really important to force cities to spend money on right now with people sleeping in alleys and eating out of trash dumpsters! This is just more pointless make-work policy to keep the unemployment numbers down with no long-term benefit at all.

Burn After Reading: WikiLeaked cables expose State Dept secrets

1. Russia says "it was fun to read, sure, but no basis for policy." ie it's all minor nonsense.

2. RT says the leaks are to undermine Obama.

3. RT questions the number of insiders ready to leak... Moral Decay could mean AIPAC.

RT's comments are quite insightful.

More than 8 million drop out of credit card use

Eileen AJ Connelly Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) - More than 8 million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year. The decline stems from a combination of consumer choices and bank actions ...

Ireland is Bankrupt...a letter from an Irish citizen

A letter sent from Ireland (updated):

For less than what the US spent to save AIG, a corporation, with relatively easy terms; a country sinks below the financial waves. TBTF reaches across the ocean. As posted by Zeus-boy, his comments on his homeland of Ireland. Ireland is Bankrupt

Ashley Furniture Store Closing Leaves Trail Of Doubt

The abrupt closing of an Abilene furniture store has left many customers wondering when they will get their money back or receive the furniture they ordered. Ashley Furniture HomeStore was closed Monday, with a sign taped to the door saying that stores in Abilene, San Angelo and Wichita Falls “have temporarily closed their doors due to shipping difficulty.” Attempts to reach the owner of the store, San Angelo-based Lanford and Bratton Holdings, LP, were unsuccessful Monday...

Russian president warns missile talks failure will provoke new arms race

Dmitry Medvedev stresses importance of Nato summit in address to Russian parliament

Associated Press A new arms race will erupt if Russia cannot agree with the west about a joint European missile defence programme, the Russian president warned today . . .

No hiding place from new U.S. Army rifles that use radio-controlled smart bullets

* Weapon hailed as a game-changer that can fire up and over barriers and down into trenches
* Soldiers will start using them in Afghanistan later this month

The U.S. army is to begin using a futuristic rifle that fires radio-controlled 'smart' bullets in Afghanistan for the first time, it has emerged. The XM25 rifle uses bullets that be programmed to explode when they have travelled a set distance, allowing enemies to be targeted no matter where they are hiding. The rifle also has a range of 2,300 feet making it possible to hit target which are well out of the reach of conventional rifles. The XM25 is being developed specially for the U.S. army and will be deployed with troops from later this month, it was revealed today.

Family: New Jersey man serving 7 years for guns he owned legally

Jason Nark Philly Daily News EVERYTHING Brian Aitken was or had worked for was wiped away one winter afternoon after his mother called the police on him . . .

POLICE STATE - TSA, Homeland Security & Tampa Police Set Up Nazi Checkpoints At Bus Stations

A two minute video

IMF and EU Hammer Ireland: "We're all Screwed"

This is nothing but extortion. If Ireland wants to put its banks on solid footing, there's a way to do it that doesn't involve years of debt-slavery for its people. The government can underwrite the banks with a €10 billion loan from the Pension Reserve Fund that will guarantee deposits while the banks are nationalized and restructured. It is an excruciating process, but it's been done many times before. Ireland does not have to accept indentured servitude if it chooses not to. And why would the government even consider paying an interest rate of 5.8% per annum? Interest rates should be the same as they are for the banks; 1 percent. Should a sovereign nation get a worse interest rate than a crooked banker who ripped off millions of investors?


Sources tell us that an act of war against the United States, one which can be blamed on Iran, is in the planning... The preferred weapon will be submarine launched missiles, probably with small nuclear warheads, that will appear to be launched from Iran. Israeli submarines are currently on station within range of American targets, subs known to be armed with cruise type missiles similar to those used by Iran. The attacks on US forces are dependent on the build-up of tensions tied to terror bombings that have killed one Iranian scientist and wounded another.

All 4 Lexington Graeter's stores are closing

The Lexington and Northern Kentucky franchisee of Graeter's ice cream stores announced Monday that all eight of the stores will close Friday. The closings come after a deal to sell the stores fell apart. "We've sought buyers, we've sought financing, and at this point, we don't have the cash to continue moving forward," said Zaki Barakat, president of franchisee International Brand Services...

ALCO Closing 44 Duckwall Stores

Abilene(Kansas) based Duckwall-ALCO is closing 44 Duckwall stores, and will put more money into its ALCO stores. According to the company, which currently operates 214 ALCO stores in 23 states including Kansas, intends to change its corporate name to ALCO Stores, Inc., to reflect its new strategic focus.

Imperial America's End Time

In 1991, Congress gave GHW Bush authorization to attack Iraq (the Gulf War). It didn't authorize GW Bush in 2001 or 2003. Yet he went to war anyway, violating international and US laws. As a result, the Iraq/Afghan/Pak wars are illegal. The president, supportive congressional members, other culpable officials, and military high command are war criminals. Those issues are out of sight and mind in the Pentagon and CSIS reports, yet they're more important than any others, and may only be belatedly addressed when America's end time arrives.

Pot raid at school turns up tomatoes

"We were all as a group eating outside as we usually do, and this unmarked drab-green helicopter kept flying over and dropping lower," explained Patricia Pantano, education director of the school, to the Santa Fe New Mexican about the incident. "Of course, the kids got all excited. They were telling me that they could see gun barrels outside the helicopter."

Belgium's survival at stake

Belgium's political drama has largely sailed under investor radar screens. But this fractious country of 10.8 million known for its Flemish painters, waffles, French fries and beer, potentially faces a profound political crisis that could see an end to the unified state, something which has substantial implications for the management of its debt. It tends to be forgotten, but Belgium has one of the higher levels of debt to gross domestic product in the EU with French banks having the largest exposure.

Wikileaks "Cablegate" Psychological Operation Justifies Zionist War Propaganda

While The World Focuses on the Stumbling US Dollar and the Euro, The "Workers' Paradise" Is Showing Signs of "Western" Contagion.

China’s new financial instability is another measure of the deepening global economic crisis and sharpening social antagonisms in what we are told is a classless society. Beijing’s measures to control inflation and speculation could slash growth sharply leading to rising unemployment, poverty and social discontent. And "social discontent" in a country of 1.4 billion people may be something of an understatment. What would Chairman Mao do?

'US Needs Tension To Stay In Korea'

The US government wants tension between North and South Koreas to have a justification for maintaining presence on the peninsula near its strategic rivals, a Koreas expert says.

"The United States wants to keep a base on the Korean Peninsula and really the only basis for staying there would be if North and South Korea are at each other's throat," Ella Rule said on Sunday. "If there is peace in Korea there will be no excuse for the United States to remain on the peninsula from where it has a foothold in his rivalries in China and Russia," she added in her interview with Press TV. Rule explained further that it was not “in the imperial interests of the United States to remove themselves from Korea and therefore they keep on inflaming the situation."
All News and commentary taken from Mike Rivero's, whatreallyhappened.com

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