Saturday, November 27, 2010

News stories for Saturday, November 27, 2010 Part 2


President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.

FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -

1. denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
2. on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
3. having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.

Webmaster's Commentary:


"[Your information is] too precise, too complete to be believed. The questionnaire plus the other information you brought spell out in detail exactly where, when, how, and by whom we are to be attacked. If anything, it sounds like a trap."

FBI response to the top British spy, Dusko Popov (code named "Tricycle") on August 10, 1941, dismissing Popov's report of the complete Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor: The Verdict Of History by Gordon Prange, appendix 7 published in 1986. Based on records from the JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Nov 15, 1945 to May 31, 1946.

President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents

Much has already been written about Roosevelt's campaign of deception and outright lies in getting the United States to intervene in the Second World War prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Roosevelt's aid to Britain and the Soviet Union in violation of American neutrality and international law, his acts of war against Germany in the Atlantic in an effort to provoke a German declaration of war against the United States, his authorization of a vast "dirty tricks" campaign against U.S. citizens by British intelligence agents in violation of the Constitution, and his provocations and ultimatums against Japan which brought on the attack against Pearl Harbor -- all this is extensively documented and reasonably well known.[1]

TSA: "Your Secrets Are Safe With Us" - Gerald Celente on KSFO with Brian Sussman


What Good Is Wall Street? Much of what investment bankers do is socially worthless.

....In a recent article titled “What Do Banks Do?,” which appeared in a collection of essays devoted to the future of finance, Turner pointed out that although certain financial activities were genuinely valuable, others generated revenues and profits without delivering anything of real worth—payments that economists refer to as rents. “It is possible for financial activity to extract rents from the real economy rather than to deliver economic value,” Turner wrote. “Financial innovation . . . may in some ways and under some circumstances foster economic value creation, but that needs to be illustrated at the level of specific effects: it cannot be asserted a priori.” Turner’s viewpoint caused consternation in the City of London, the world’s largest financial market. A clear implication of his argument is that many people in the City and on Wall Street are the financial equivalent of slumlords or toll collectors in pin-striped suits. If they retired to their beach houses en masse, the rest of the economy would be fine, or perhaps even healthier.

Obama the Bomber Thanksgiving of the Drones

The Bush bomber handed over to the Obama bomber, to win the 'War on Terror’ to save America from destruction by evil Islamists. Johnson and Nixon ordered mega-deaths by bombing, and lied about their illegal barbarity, and didn’t care how many people died in their ferocious onslaughts. Half a century later, the bombs continue to hail down, killing at the whim of those who command their carnage. Cambodia collapsed into bloody revolution and genocide. Presumably that’s what Obama wants for Pakistan. Webmaster's Commentary: Take a good, hard look at those dead kids whose pictures top this article.Imagine for one second that they were your kids.

What would you think about your national government, which let this murder happen, courtesy of a foreign government?!?

And if the video cams the US is using are so precise that "The techno-killer sees the twitches of his beard, the wrinkles and crinkles at the corners of his eyes...", why does the US military continue murdering children and other non-combatants?!?

Dublin protesters march against cuts as bail-out looms

Tens of thousands of people have marched through Dublin in protest at the government's austerity programme. Webmaster's Commentary:

Dear Irish. Remember, you outnumber the bankers!

Obama Nearly Killed By Basketball

Webmaster's Commentary:

Apparently the Secret Service are NOT fast enough to throw themselves in front of a basketball!

The Harlem Globetrotters have been arrested as a potential threat to the President!


Everybody needs to carry basketballs at all future Obama public appearances.

Don’t do anything bad with them.

Just carry them. Dribble. Shoot a hoop. Spin them on a finger...

Famous Last Words: BP's Inside Game

In a rare display of emotion, Obama ranted for 20 straight minutes. The target of his anger wasn't BP but the press. He fumed that he was being unfairly portrayed as being remote and indifferent to the mounting crisis in the Gulf. "Hell, this isn't our mess," Obama railed.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Yes Obama, it is your mess. You are the President. You wanted the job and now you have it and a big part of that job, indeed the largest, is to make sure this country is running efficiently and smoothly and safely. Even as you came into office it was known that the Minerals Management Service, supposedly the protector of America's interests with regards to oil exploitation, was corrupt, lazy, and failing to enforce the existing safety regulations. Your first job, before that bible was even cold, should have been to start firing the governmental incompetents and replacing them with men and women who understood that they were not working for benefit of the oil companies (who dopnated so generously to your campaign), but the people of the United States.

But you did not do that.

So yes, President Pansy, this is indeed your mess!

Portuguese austerity plan, imminent Irish bailout deal fail to alleviate European debt crisis

Webmaster's Commentary:

The very nature of a private central bank issuing the public currency at interest is to sink the nation and the people further into debt. The Euro, like the dollar, is a boat with ten holes and only nine corks, and the "bailouts" are simply yanking a cork from one hole and pounding it into another in front of the assembled media while proclaiming that one is "doing something" about the sinking ship.

Afghanistan is About Perpetual War

The war in Afghanistan is about perpetual war, not Afghanistan.It’s about preventing democracy in the United States, not bringing it to Southwest Asia. And it is the tombstone of the Obama Presidency. To justify the fight, they’ve rounded up the usual suspects: Terror. Oil. Minerals. Poppies. Democracy. It keeps the public frightened and dependent.For a truly prosperous society, educated and secure, cannot be ruled by the few. Poverty, ignorance and fear are the three pillars of authoritarian control. Without war, they all disappear.Thus Afghanistan. Before it: the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, central America. After: whoever else is handy.

Protesters hit Italian streets a 2nd day

Students and teachers opposed to government reforms took to the streets for a second day Thursday, staging protests in cities across Italy, authorities said. Webmaster's Commentary:

The so-called "Clash of civilizations" is really a clash of banking systems, with the private central bank model attempting to impose itself on the rest of the world as it already did the United States and Eurozone. The bankers figured this would be easy since they were able to fool the public into helping them try to force Germany back into using the imposed central banking system of the Wiemar Republic.

Of course, it took a World War for the bankers to succeed in getting Germany off a state-issued currency. But then no number of other peoples' lives are too great a price to pay to ensure a cascade of debt created with nothing more costly than ink and paper. Apparently, the bankers are ready to play that same dirty trick again, this time against China.

However, while the media might have succeeded in concealing the true reasons for WW2 and the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy from the American people, the situation is decidedly different today. Time makes ancient truth uncouth, and it will be impossible for the bankers to talk the planet into a new world war to force the private central bank model on the rest of the world, when the people of the US and Eurozone understand clearly that it is that very same private central bank model that has impoverished the general population to enrich themselves; that is it that same predatory private central bank model that is the enemy of all the people of the world!

In daring greatly to bring about a global government to enforce a global private bank, it appears they may have triggered a truly global revolution against all private banks!

Spain's leader vows deficit reduction amid crisis

MADRID — Spain's prime minister mounted a vigorous defense Saturday of his nation's economy and finances, insisting his administration will forge ahead with austerity measures and force troubled banks and regional governments to reveal information about savings and restructuring efforts . . .

NATO and South Asian security: NATO Plants Itself In South Asia For The Long Haul

Overarching these considerations comes the U.S. strategy visualising NATO as the provider of security to the Silk Road that transports the multi-trillion dollar mineral wealth in Central Asia to the world market via the port of Gwadar. The Afghan-Pakistan trade and transit agreement concluded last month was a historic milestone and was possible only because of Washington's sense of urgency. Without doubt, Pakistan is assured of a key role in the U.S. regional strategy. This will keep foreign money flowing into Pakistan's economy and the Pakistani military will willingly accelerate the partnership programmes with NATO, and even upgrade them.

The Threat of War in Korea: Philippines prepares for possible mass evacuation from S.Korea, requests Japan's aid

President Aquino's concerns come after reports of a U.S. naval task force led by the George Washington nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that will join South Korean warships in naval exercises on November 28-December 1. Webmaster's Commentary: It is obvious, by both the holding of these talks, and the reporting of them by Japan's NHK, that the governments of both Japan and the Phillipines believe that renewed war between North and South Korea is imminent.

Torture Tort Terror

An administration truly concerned about excessive secrecy would have waited to see if either side in the lawsuit actually needed privileged information to make its case. Instead Obama, like George W. Bush before him, insisted that the mere possibility was enough to deprive torture victims of a legal remedy.

Given President Obama’s plans to continue extraordinary rendition under a different name, you can see why he’d rather not delve into questions like these. But candidate Obama told us to be wary of presidents who use national security as a cover for violating people’s rights.

Webmaster's Commentary: I'd almost be willing to bet that you didn't see anything that last paragraph had to say in any US Corporate media outlet! But as reported today at:

"Barack Obama to allow anti-terror rendition to continue"

"Despite ordering the closure of Guantanamo and an end to harsh interrogation techniques, the new president has failed to call an end to secret abductions and questioning."

"According to a detailed reading of the executive orders signed by Mr Obama on Jan 22, renditions have not been outlawed, with the new administration deciding it needs to retain some devices in Mr Bush's anti-terror arsenal amid continued threats to US national security."

So let me get my head around this: under Obama's watch, the US is still outsourcing torture?!?!?

This is unflipping believable, particularly since humankind has known from the time of the Catholic inquisition, that torture only gets someone to confess to having committed a pre-ordained list of crimes to get the torture to stop; but torture never gets a person to tell the truth.

Spanish Bailout Could Be Too Much for Euro

The eurozone has bailed out troubled member states with success thus far, but Europe now faces a graver economic threat then ever before: the possibility of a major economic collapse in Spain.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Claims of success are only cosmetic. The very nature of a private central bank issuing the public currency at interest is to sink the nation and the people further into debt. The Euro, like the dollar, is a boat with ten holes and only nine corks, and the "bailouts" are simply yanking a cork from one hole and pounding it into another in front of the assembled media while proclaiming that one is "doing something" about the sinking ship.

Iceland Is No Ireland as State Free of Bank Debt, Grimsson Says

Iceland’s President Olafur R. Grimsson said his country is better off than Ireland thanks to the government’s decision to allow the banks to fail two years ago and because the krona could be devalued. “The difference is that in Iceland we allowed the banks to fail,” Grimsson said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s Mark Barton today. “These were private banks and we didn’t pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks.” Webmaster's Commentary:

And if we here in the USA follow the same wisdom of allowing the bankers to collapse from their own greed and mistakes, and not loot the people to prop them up and save them from their own criminality, we too will be better off!

US Marines Shrug Off Afghan Anger at Civilians Killings

As Taliban leadership admonish their fighters to avoid civilian deaths, locals in the Sangin District of Afghanistan’s Helmand Province are increasingly angry, complaining that the US Marines who recently took over the district have been regularly killing the civilians and refusing to investigate. Webmaster's Commentary:

Unfortunately, every civilian death may well drive many of those left standing into the waiting embrace of the Taliban. Now, in the Orwellian language of US foreign policy, "protecting" civilians in Afghanistan apparently now translates as "killing them". One is reminded of the response of the Papal legate at the Siege against the Cathars at Montsegur in 1244. When informed that there were women and children with the men here, the Papal legate's response was: "kill them all: God will find His own."

Bankers take over at Hinchingbrooke Hospital

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Ireland

Again, is it down to save the nation or save the banks while it looks like the answer is the same as it ever was?

Swords and Knives for Personal Protection

Throughout history swords and knives have killed many more people than guns have. So it makes sense that people consider them to be a good alternative to having a firearm when guns aren’t obtainable. Before I continue I want to let you know that bladed weapons shouldn’t be considered an option if you live in a country where you can legally own a firearm...

AE Exclusive: High Level Leak from NSA “Wikileaks Prep” Meeting

Israeli Amb.: (reading from page) “Iran and Turkey sent nuclear weapon to Hamas with “Kill the Jews” written on the side of the bomb and it was signed “Iran and Turkey. with love”" How bout that one? NSA guy: (looking around) uh, that’s a little obvious, don’t you think?

Israeli Amb.: Alright. I’ll give you that. We can clean that one up a bit. How about this? (takes another “State Department Memo” from his case and reads) “Hamas and Amadinejad confess to having helped the Nazi’s stuff Jews in ovens”

NSA guy: um. Well… (looks around at the others at the table) uh… That might be a bit of a hard sell. Israeli Amb.: What do you mean? NSA guy: Well, I mean… Hamas wasn’t around back then and Amadinejad, what’s he like? 50? He wasn’t even born back then, was he?

Israeli fire wounds Gaza child: officials

A 12-year-old boy gathering gravel near the Gaza-Israel border was wounded on Saturday by Israeli army fire, officials and witnesses said. The boy was shot in the leg as he foraged for building materials near the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya, the officials said.

Gaza teenagers regularly risk injury or death to search for gravel in the ruins of abandoned Israeli settlement buildings along their side of the frontier, despite a strict 300-metre Israeli-imposed exclusion zone.

Building materials are scarce in the coastal strip due to Israeli sanctions and gravel finds a ready cash market. Webmaster's Commentary: How butch the IDF is, shooting, wounding, and killing children desperately trying to make a living!

What kind of monsters are these people?!?!?

This kid, and the kids of his age like him, should be in school, preparing for their lives ahead, living in a secure, stable enviornment.

Oh, I forgot: the Israelis, in their infinite benevolence, have destroyed many of the schools in Gaza, and refused to allow for their rebuilding.

As reported on 26 November, 2010 at:

"For most other rights, realizing them depends on education. It's "the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities." Israel, however, impedes or denies it through various means, including movement restrictions, a classroom shortage, and relentless persecution, arresting over 6,000 children since 2000 and intimidating the entire Palestinian population. Moreover, especially in Gaza, shortages of books and basic supplies exist. Foreign travel is also restricted or denied. In addition, military operations and displacements take their toll, including raids on hundreds of schools and eight or more universities, arresting students, teachers, professors, and/or other staff. Further, destroyed or damaged Gaza schools haven't been rebuilt or repaired." Welcome to the "new normal" for Palestinian kids in Gaza!

Protest march in Dublin: Austerity measures prove to be unpopular, to say the least

"I mean, really! Who could possibly object to starving the people to fatten the bankers That's the way the bankers' gods want the world to be! You don't want to go against the will of the gods, do you? Do YOU? "

French G20 agenda to push bigger yuan role

Weaning the global monetary system off its reliance on the dollar has eluded policy makers for decades, but the wind may now be blowing in France's favour as it seeks to build a consensus for change. Finding ways to diversify countries' international reserves away from the US currency is a key part of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan to sketch out a blueprint for a more stable monetary system during France's year-long presidency of the Group of 20 nations, which began this month. In the wake of the 2008-09 global financial crisis, France, which has long argued dollar volatility damages European economies, is finding common cause with emerging powers such as China and Brazil. Webmaster's Commentary: This is one of the reasons the US government may be seeking a military confrontation with China, under the guise of responding to North Korea's shelling of a South Korean island last week.

Unfortunately, unless this is an absolute blitzkrieg, there is no way the US can actually win such a war; we don't begin to have the troop strength in our military, already weakened by two wars going horrendously badly, and most of our manufacturing has been offshored.

All news and commentary taken from

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