Friday, November 19, 2010

News stories for Friday, November 19, 2010 Part 2

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 11-18-10

A Seattle WA police officer already under investigation over a video released by the press yesterday showing him kick a teen in the crotch, face, and chest is the subject of more scrutiny after reporters uncovered another video filmed right after that incident which shows the undercover cop punch a man who was trying to record what was happening on his cell phone.

Denver Airport's Mobile Command Used for Sex

A Denver firefighter was forced to resign, and a female city employee fired, after they were caught on videotape using Denver International Airport's state of the art, $2.5 million mobile command post for sexual escapades. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Hey babe; wanna play TSA "Gate Rape?"

NY lawyer gets jail in Dead Sea Scrolls case

Some scholars, including New York University Judaic studies chairman Lawrence Schiffman, say the texts were assembled by a sect known as the Essenes. Others — including Norman Golb, a University of Chicago historian and Golb's father — believe the writings were the work of a range of Jewish groups and communities.

Schiffman went to authorities after some of his students and colleagues received e-mails from an address that used his name. The e-mails appeared to have him admitting that he plagiarized Norman Golb's work and asking the recipients to keep quiet about it. Schiffman denies copying the historian's work. Webmaster's Commentary:

Megaphonies and robo_posters take note!

Israel has a long history of attempting to hijack archaeology to support political agenda, from the now-discredited Temple Pomegranate to the Jehoash Tablet, to the mis-interpretation of the graves at Massada. This latest onlione fraud and harrassment appears to be another example of the "ends justify all means" approach that Israel's supporters engage in when they cannot win a debate with facts and logic.

Billions Missing from Iraq reconstruction funds. Pentagon doesn't know where it went...

I know this is chump change compared to the 2.3 trillion that was unaccounted for in 2001 (conveniently the CFOs were killed in the flight 77 crash the next day and SECC blown up in NY) but what makes this more of a sting is that 95% was earmarked for Iraqi reconstruction which wouldn't be necessary had the pentagon not blown them up, and the money is gone. We pay to kill but not to help.

The IRA Makes PUBLIC Threat to Kill Bankers

In one of the most bizarre bank bailout developments to date, the Real IRA has put British bankers on notice, threatening bombing attacks on banks and bankers, including London's financial district.

Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?

After a short time I received a visit from the arresting officer. "Mr. Monahan," he started, "Are you on drugs?" Was this even real? "No, I’m not on drugs." "Should you be?" "What do you mean?" "Should you be on any type of medication?""No." "Then why’d you react that way back there?" Webmaster's Commentary:

Anybody does that to my wife is going to the hospital or the morgue, and no; I am not on drugs other than the vitamin pills I take every morning.

Namibia 'bomb' was only a security test

A suspected bomb intercepted in Namibia that was to be put on a Munich-bound charter plane was only a US-made dummy used to test security checks, Germany's interior minister said Friday. Webmaster's Commentary:

So was this the source of all the dire warnings about a terror attack in Germany and of November?

"Is that freedom in your pants or are you just happy to see me, sir?"

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, I have seen that TSA bozo before, somewhere.

Lemme think a moment.

It's coming back.

Ah yes; that's right!

Abu Ghraib! No wonder TSA hired him! :)

Demand for new building dips in discouraging sign for construction industry, economy

A leading indicator of U.S. construction activity fell below 50 in October as credit for building projects continues to be tight, suggesting a recovery in the non-residential sector will not begin until late next year at the earliest. The Architecture Billings Index was down almost 2 points to 48.7 last month, according to the American Institute of Architects (AIA), an industry trade group. A separate index of project inquiries dipped to 61.7 from September's three-year high of 62.3.

A Slumber Party in Hell.

You’ve got troglodytes, misanthropes and sexual deviants, hired specifically for their temperament by TSA, which I think is an abbreviation for ‘Tits, slits and asses’. Then you’ve got a female senator from somewhere who had them do a ‘pat down’ on her and she didn’t mind at all. On the other hand, there is probably not one single, sexually balanced person in the whole of congress. They mostly all bend over for Israel because… because Jesus Christ must have told them to. Or is there another reason that ain’t got nothing to do with Jesus? Probably…

WTF! Are Progressives Seriously Defending the Federal Reserve?

Watching Progressives defend the Federal Reserve is one of the most horrifying developments I have seen, and we all know how horrifying things currently are. Just because some Republicans have come out against the Fed’s QE2 policy, doesn’t mean that you should think the policy is a good thing. Don’t be such a reactionary partisan hack!

Definition of 'Gate Rape' changes!


A post yesterday told of a Website exposing Israeli war criminals…
This sparked a not surprising reaction…

The site sparked wide public criticism, and Kadima MK Majali Wahabi even appealed to Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein and demanded that the site be investigated.
“Whoever incites against IDF soldiers and calls them war criminals deserves to be punished,” wrote Wahabi, who called on the police to find the culprit behind the site.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"The Fuhrer says you are not allowed to call us war criminals, schwein!"

Older retirees may not save Social Security

Raising the retirement age for Social Security would disproportionately hurt low-income workers and minorities, and increase disability claims by older people unable to work, government auditors told Congress. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Okay, how about we shoot them when they can't work any longer" -- Official White Horse Souse

Fly the Friendly Skies? Keep it.

A year or so after 9-11, my wife and I took a flight from Denver to Houston to visit family. Our experience with the TSA folks in Denver, prompted us to decide that our flying days were over.

Webmaster's Commentary: Get ready for an airline bailout at taxpayer expense.

Napolitano to exempt some muslims from body scans; defends their use for everyone else

Webmaster's Commentary:

That is like saying we are going to enforce checking immigration documents along Arizona's southern border for everyone except Mexicans! Oh...wait ... Obama already did that!

Jim Rogers: "Punish The Irish Banks & Their Reckless Bondholders, Let Ireland's Banks Go Bankrupt!"

Jimmy Rogers tells the undeniable truth... Even better, Rogers never mucks around with airtime. This is a solid 2 minutes of pain for bank-bullshitting fear mongers on both sides of the Pond. GREAT STUFF!

Widespread Silver Bar Shortages

At the COMEX close yesterday, registered (dealer) silver inventories fell below 50 million ounces. Even if you include the eligible (investor) silver inventories in the COMEX bonded warehouses, which are not available to fulfill COMEX deliveries unless the investor specifically chooses to do so, there were barely 107 million ounces to fulfill around 725 million ounces of contractual obligations. COMEX silver inventories are now down more than 10% from mid-June even while the amount of silver owed has soared! Webmaster's Commentary:

J.P. Morgan Chase is trying to cover their massive short positions, some of which are "naked" shorts inherited from Bear Sterns. But the music has stopped and players are scrambling for the chairs, wondering who gets left standing out in the cold.

CHART: Holy Tokyo! Check Out How Closely The U.S. Stock Market Has Mirrored Japan

Bernanke's Tokyo Nightmare Scenario... This is almost uncanny how the charts match up...Check it out in bright, living color.

'Naked' scanners at US airports may be dangerous: scientists

"They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays," Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University school of medicine, told AFP. "No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous but we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner," he said.

FUCK THE FED - Central Bank Love Song

It's not a profanity-laced tirade of any sort. It attempts to teach the following:

* "The Federal Reserve is not a government institution. It's a group of privately-owned banks to whom Congress illegally gave away the right to print the nation's money. Now they print it, loan it to us, and we pay it back with interest." Happy Friday to WRH readers, mods and Mike Rivero. DO NOT SKIP THIS ONE!

Don't Touch My Junk (the TSA Hustle) song + video by Michael Adams

An Austerity Message From The People To The Deficit Commission & Wall Street Political Class

The American people are willing to sacrifice as part of a shared effort at righting our budgetary path, but they are not prepared to be sacrificial lambs led to the ‘benefits and promises slaughterhouse’ while the Wall Street Banker Pigs gorge on trillions in stealth FED and FDIC bailouts, ZIRP giveaways and a record $144 billion in bonuses – an amount equivalent to the 49th largest GDP in the world. In this environment, selling 'cuts to social security' is not going to work, and considering the role you both played in creating the irresponsible federal spending machine that now controls Washington and has bankrupted future unborn generations, FUCK YOU for even bringing it up.

Signed, The Daily Bail

Measure to extend unemployment benefits fails House vote

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Let 'em eat ... Twinkies!"

Another TSA Outrage

As the Chalk Leader for my flight home from Afghanistan, I witnessed the following:When we were on our way back from Afghanistan, we flew out of Baghram Air Field. We went through customs at BAF, full body scanners (no groping), had all of our bags searched, the whole nine yardsOur first stop was Shannon, Ireland to refuel. After that, we had to stop at Indianapolis, Indiana to drop off about 100 folks from the Indiana National Guard. That’s where the stupid started. Webmaster's Commentary:

No, the stupid started a long time ago; that was just your first brush with it.

Georgetown Professor Tells Congress: "Citigroup, Bank Of America, JPMorgan & Wells Fargo Are All INSOLVENT"

BOMBSHELL - Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin - Wednesday before Congress He mentions Citigroup (nyse:C), JP Morgan (nyse:jpm), Bank of America (nyse:BAC), and Wells Fargo (nyse:wfc) by name.


* Letters Peddling War to Children

In any case, this controversy dredged up for me some far larger issues, such as the cozy relationship between the military-industrial complex and our multitrillion-dollar entertainment industry and, beyond that, the strange and sick relationship between the Pentagon and American boyhood, as manifested by the taxpayer-sponsored website, which since 2002 has been one of the Army’s most effective recruiting tools. The site sanitizes and romanticizes war for kids 13 and up, with the aim of reeling them in young.

Webmaster's Commentary: At any American military base, when there is an "open house", or "military appreciation day", replete with exhibits and a carnival atmosphere, there are always several young, articulate men, explaining to fascinated kids about the weapons they use. The atmosphere created is very psychologically seductive. Of course, what is never discussed, in these little presentations to inculcate a "gee, isn't war great!" attitude in the minds of these children, is the very real, horrific, and deadly damage these weapons are designed to do.

When these kids grow up and join the US military, the thrill of a video game is quickly replaced by the real ugliness of the stench and death war creates.

What has been the most dark and surreal about the US's current wars, is that they have been publicly funded wars for potential private profit.

Off The Net: 11 Steps To Create World Class Terrorists

Everything we are told is that terrorism is caused by "extremists," we read it in papers, hear it on the news, see it in movies," but more often than not, this is simply false, unforgiveably false.

What we are learning, more and more each day, is that the majority of terrorist acts are done for other reasons, done by governments we trust, planned by men we are told are honorable and decent. Children are blown up, subway trains or busses are destroyed, airliners crashed. We are, as a people, enraged and march against an enemy, the enemy that those 'honorable men" point us at, little knowing the same 'honourable men" are the terrorist masterminds themselves.

M-1 Abrams Destroyed in Iraq

More targets for the Taliban.

Lieberman to Push for Iran War Resolution?

Lieberman said that Congress would focus on pressing the Administration on sanctions, but also suggested Congress may decide to formally endorse military options against Iran. According to Lieberman, Congress’ role should include “that we express what I believe is actually there in the Congress and I think it's there in the American people.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Isn't it cute how he can say,"I think it's there in the American people" and keep a straight face?

No government can serve two masters. A government that serves Israel does not serve the American people.

U.S. deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time in Afghan war

The U.S. military is sending a contingent of heavily armored battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year war, defense officials said, a shift that signals a further escalation in the aggressive tactics that have been employed by American forces this fall to attack the Taliban."We've taken the gloves off, and it has had huge impact," one of the senior officials said.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder when the phrase "body count" is going to again creep into the corporate "newspeak" accounts of what is going on in Afghanistan. And how in heaven's name can Petraeus begin to make the case the case to NATO that "...the military's strategy is working..." nine years on in this quagmire?!? Are the US and NATO hellbent on destroying the entire country in order to "save" it?!? Apparently so: In the US/NATO strategy, "liberation" of Afghanistan appears to mean death to as many Afghans as possible.

Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program May Be Fraudulent

In one report after another, the IAEA has suggested that Iran has failed to cooperate with its inquiry into that alleged research, and that the agency, therefore, cannot verify that it has not diverted nuclear material to military purposes. That issue remains central to US policy toward Iran. The Obama administration says there can be no diplomatic negotiations with Iran unless Iran satisfies the IAEA fully in regard to the allegations derived from the documents that it had covert nuclear weapons program. That position is based on the premise that the intelligence documents that Iran has been asked to explain are genuine. The evidence now available, however, indicates that they are fabrications. Webmaster's Commentary:

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."

German aeroplane's bomb scare revealed to be a security test - but no one knows who did it

A bomb scare that rattled Europe and delayed a Germany-bound flight from Namibia for six hours is believed to have been a security test, but no one knows who did it. Webmaster's Commentary:

My nickle is bet on ICTS to scare everyone like that just for giggles.

World leaders arrive in Lisbon for NATO summit

World leaders are arriving in Lisbon to attend a NATO summit that’s due to last for two days. According to analysts, the summit will turn over a new leaf in the history of the alliance. The current summit is seen as one that will determine NATO’s future for the next decade. Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder precisely what can really be accomplished in just two days.This looks more like a "photo-op", where a lot of the really critical issues for NATO will be deferred to a future time and place, preferably more out of the public gaze.

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