Tuesday, November 23, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Part 2


"The skirmish began when Pyongyang warned the South to halt military drills in the area, according to South Korean officials. When Seoul refused and began firing artillery into disputed waters, albeit away from the North Korean shore, the North retaliated by bombarding the small island of Yeonpyeong, which houses South Korean military installations..."

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No, no; they are to blame! The commies! The commies! Hurt them! Hurt them!" -- ABCNNBBCBS

I am going to keep this one at the top of the page for a couple hours. New stories appearing below.

Optional Banner: WRH breaking

Traveller re-enters USA without passing through a pornoscanner or having his genitals touched

Matt returned from Paris to Cincinnati, where he was given the choice of a pornoscanner or a bit of the old nutsack-fondling from the TSA. Instead, Matt insisted that it was his right as an American with a passport who was n ot suspected of any wrongdoing to enter his country. The TSA told him the airport cops would arrest him if he didn't comply. The airport cops told him it was up to the TSA and clearly didn't appreciate being made to do someone else's dirty work. In the end, he was escorted out of the airport without having to submit to either procedure. He recorded much of the encounter on with his iPhone's audio recorder, too. Webmaster's Commentary:

Stories about arrest by the police and Sheriffs appear to be a propaganda campaign by TSA to terrorize Americans into accepting the cancer machines or being fondled by TSA workers carrying sexually transmitted diseases.

Is this the start of Obamacare? :)

Korean skirmish started as a South Korean military drill

The skirmish began when Pyongyang warned the South to halt military drills in the area, according to South Korean officials. When Seoul refused and began firing artillery into disputed waters, albeit away from the North Korean shore, the North retaliated by bombarding the small island of Yeonpyeong, which houses South Korean military installations and a small civilian population. Webmaster's Commentary:

70,000 SOUTH Korean troops plus some U.S. "advisers" were taking part in an Invade NORTH Korea drill at the time.

Is Wi-Fi killing trees? Dutch study shows leaves dying after exposure

Radiation from Wi-Fi networks may be damaging trees, according to a new study. Research in Holland showed that trees that were planted in close proximity to a wireless router suffered from damaged bark and dying leaves. The alarming study will raise fears that Wi-Fi radiation may also be having an effect on the human body and will lend weight to parents and teachers who have campaigned to stop wireless routers being installed in schools.

TSA workers face verbal abuse from travelers

“Our concern is that the public not confuse the people implementing the policies with the people who developed the policies,” said Sharon Pinnock, the union's director of membership and organization." Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, they already tried that "We are only following orders" excuse once before.

They hung the Nazis anyway.

"Why Can't We Just Let Anglo Irish Go Bust!"

STOP! Watch this one. Runs 2 minutes. Video - Ireland's Finance Minister Brian Lenihan Pay attention to the evasive, non-answer from Lenihan near the end about protecting Anglo Irish bank creditors.

Girl speaks out about TSA abuse and "random" selection

Girl speaks out about TSA abuse and "random" selection. They handcuffed her to a chair.

Bretton Woods 2

In 1944, when the nations of the world convened to establish the Bretton Woods system, Americans were legally prohibited from owning gold. You can not have a gold standard while prohibiting the use of gold as money! Bretton Woods was a system where our competitors could convert their surplus dollars into gold, but the American citizen could not.

Trying To Put A PRICE On Bank Forecloure Fraud

Gretchen Morgenson of the NYT has the TRUTH on Massive Foreclosure Fraud...

Alex Jones says that Hezbollah is on US-Mexico border advising Cartels

Yep, Alex said it!


Ever hear of a Columbian necktie? That is where the drug lords will take an informant, slit their throat, then drag the tongue back and down through the slit, as a bloody warning to others who might talk.

Husqvarna sells more chain saws to druggies to off their enemies than they sell to lumberjacks in Oregon.

What on Earth could Hezbollah possibly have to teach that those maniacs south of the border want to learn?

VIDEO - Sir Evelyn de Rothschild On The Global Financial Crisis And The Absolute Necessity Of Protecting Billionaire Bank Bondholders (Such As Himself)

CNBC VIDEO - Sir Evelyn de Rothschild with Maria Bartiromo Our earlier story on the IMF bailout for billionaire bondholders uncovered that the Rothschild Group is one of the Anglo-Irish bank creditors getting paid 100 cents on the dollar by U.S. taxpayers (thru the IMF) for their failed investments.

Be under no illusion, Nato is in no shape to make progress in this graveyard of empires

If Iraq was bad, Afghanistan is going to be worse. Nothing said or done at the Lisbon conference, which is largely an exercise in self-deception, is going to make this better and it may well make it worse. It is not just that the war is going badly, but that Nato's need to show progress has produced a number of counter-productive quick fixes likely to deepen the violence. Webmaster's Commentary: The last military commander who was actually able to hold Afghanistan was Alexander the Great.

EU: Despite Promises, Israel Never Eased Gaza Blockade

Israel has expressed outrage tonight following complaints from European Union Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton that they had failed to live up to their commitments to ease the blockade on the Gaza Strip.Israeli Information Minister Yuli Edelstein slammed the complaints, saying that Israel has done all they intend to do but that “there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” a claim which Israeli officials have been making since the blockade began. Webmaster's Commentary: The bovine excrement meter just blew a head gasket upon encountering Information Minister Edelstien's remarks here.And a small memo to Israel's "Infofuhrer": the big lie no longer works, sir!



Is there a secret law in place (yes, we have secret laws in this country) which uses bailout money to pay the airlines for all their revenue loses and it is why the airlines are quiet?This is the only explanation I can think of why a giant industry is silent when their TSA-caused loses must be in the billions. Webmaster's Commentary:

If that is true then we need bailouts for every tourism venue in America, (like right here in Hawaii), also wrecked by TSA.

Pakistan: No Need for US Drone Strikes in Quetta

Defending his government’s decision to bar the US from conducting drone strikes into the major western city of Quetta (population around 900,000), Interior Minister Rehman Malik insisted there was no such thing as the “Quetta Shura,” the Afghan Taliban leadership group the drones were supposed to target. Other officials familiar with the situation insist that Pakistan’s government is virtually obliged to take this position regardless of the situation in Quetta, because their weak coalition could never stand up to public opposition to the US strikes against such a major city. Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder what other modes of inflicting death and mayhem the US will come up with in this region, now that Pakistan has said no to the drone strikes.


By Jeff Stein / Spy Talk

The latest episode of the AIPAC spy scandal turned sordid last week, with the pro-Israeli lobby releasing its deposition of fired official Steven J. Rosen in which he confesses he engaged in extra-marital sex and watched pornography on his office computer. But largely buried beneath such tawdry details was an admission arguably far more damaging to Rosen’s drive to prove the organization ruined his professional life: that major Jewish donors supported him with hundreds of thousands of dollars during the four years after his dismissal in May 2005.

Existing Home Sales Down More Than Expected

What can Hezbollah Advise the Mexican Drug Cartel on in Terror?What a Joke

I have a hard time believing Lebanon based paramilitary group Hezbollah are advising the Mexican drug cartel in Mexico.What more can they advise? The Mexican drug cartel been known to behead local politicians,Judges,police officers,police chiefs,mayors and anyone who gets in their way. What different can they can give in advise? They already masters of terrorism turning Mexico into a war zone up to the Southern border well into miles inside United States.

India to deploy 36,000 extra troops on Chinese border

The formation of the two new divisions means that India's deployments in the eastern sector of its border with China now matches the five army divisions that existed in 1986-87, when the two countries nearly went to war. Gen Singh was not available for comment but one of his staff officers, on condition of anonymity, told the BBC that the army chief had "pushed very hard to fast-track the raising of the two divisions". He said that they should be "fully operational" by March 2011. He said their formation was India's response to the "huge Chinese build-up" in Tibet over the last three to four years. But he did not wish to elaborate. Webmaster's Commentary: This entire area has become a tinderbox of tensions, just waiting for some misunderstanding to ignite it.

The Oedipus Connection: Where Fiction and Fantasies Collide with the New World Order

ED NOTE: Jack Williams is writing an entertaining novel that gently incorporates some geo/political realities. My Catbird Seat will carry chapters of his book in installments.
Read Chapter One from “The Oedipus Connection: Where Fiction and Fantasies Collide with the New World Order” By Jack Speer-Williams Chapter One

“In closing, I’d like to tell you a little bed-time story, that hopefully will keep you awake, tonight,” said graduate assistant Rebecca Sarah Silverthorne to her Humanities class at the exclusive Williams College, in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Foreclosuregate - Payments Were Not Recorded by the Bank Who Then Foreclosed.

"The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible." -- THE BANKERS MANIFESTO - 1892

Israel must hold poll on any peace plan withdrawal after Knesset vot

Any peace deal involving withdrawal by Israel from annexed territory in East Jerusalem or the Golan Heights will need to be ratified by a national referendum under legislation approved by the Israeli parliament late last night. Land ceded to the Palestinians in exchange for the inclusion of some West Bank settlements within Israel when borders are drawn would also be subject to a referendum. But the West Bank, which Israel has occupied for the past 43 years but never annexed, is not covered by the legislation which passed by 65 votes to 33. Webmaster's Commentary: If the alleged "semblance" of peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis was comatose before this legislation was approved, it's life support systems has just been yanked out completely.

Deposition: Countrywide Never Sent Mortgage Notes to Trust; Mortgage-Backed Securities in Question

This is an enormous deal. If Countrywide never gave up possession of the note, then the trust has no standing to foreclose whatsoever. It also means that investors in the MBS don’t actually have securities backed by mortgages. The “allonge” appears to be an effort to clear up this situation, and it was signed years after the fact, well past the deadline of the pooling and servicing agreement, and not even affixed to the note as required by law. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Attack North Korea!!!!!!!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse

More Civil Unrest: One Dead, Two Wounded in Shooting Involving South Beach Eviction Case

A man being evicted from a South Beach condominium complex apparently opened fire Monday morning. Webmaster's Commentary:

To a banker, a house is just a tally on a balance sheet; a chip in the greater game of Monopoly as played in the real world. But to the homeowner, that house is his life and his identity. An attack on the house is perceived as an attack on the person and the person will react that way. No amount of operant conditioning founded on Margaret Mead's wishful thinking about the 'tabla rasa' human mind is going to change that most basic of survival instincts. I do not approve of shooting foreclosers, but I certainly understand why this homeowner did it, and why there will be more.

S. Korea may strike N. Korea's missile base: President Lee

President Lee Myung-bak ordered his military Tuesday to strike North Korea's missile base around its coastline artillery positions if it shows signs of additional provocation, his spokeswoman said. Webmaster's Commentary: Let us hope that, IF North Korea is actually responsible for this provocation, that cooler heads on both sides of the DMZ (and in DC and Beijing) will prevail. What North Korea has wanted for decades is rather simple: respect, the ability to trade, and a peace treaty to replace the cease-fire which technically ended the war back in the 50s. The US should be working in tandem with China to see that this happens, and assist in bringing North Korea into the 21st century. We have robust trade relations with Viet Nam at this point, for heaven's sake!


Young Israeli tourists have a reputation abroad, and it’s not a good one. To generalise, they are arrogant, pushy, rude and downright obnoxious. They have an attitude that the world belongs to them and they can behave in any manner they wish to, in other words, they are being Israeli.


THIS opened a whole new can of worms for Israel’s mouthpiece in America… the following might look unrelated to the porn scandal, but the timing is too coincidental for it not to be.


Occupation Terrorism, BDS successes, AIPAC and more

Israel and the Global Frottage Pat Down Rape.

Max Keiser says, boycott Coca Cola and you can bring down the system. He also says that if people start demanding physical silver, instead of buying the paper that says they own the silver, then J.P. Morgan- a front for Rothschild enterprises- will fall. This is because they are selling many times more silver on paper than they actually possess. This is typical of the swine (apologies to the people who love swine and appreciate their many virtues and would possibly go to bed with one to prove their point) in all areas of global and regional commerce who are playing variations of the oldest scams on the newest suckers. Max is probably right and it would be a wonderful thing if more of you started to ‘get right’ in the same way.

Israel and the Global Frottage Pat Down Rape.

Max Keiser says, boycott Coca Cola and you can bring down the system. He also says that if people start demanding physical silver, instead of buying the paper that says they own the silver, then J.P. Morgan- a front for Rothschild enterprises- will fall. This is because they are selling many times more silver on paper than they actually possess. This is typical of the swine (apologies to the people who love swine and appreciate their many virtues and would possibly go to bed with one to prove their point) in all areas of global and regional commerce who are playing variations of the oldest scams on the newest suckers. Max is probably right and it would be a wonderful thing if more of you started to ‘get right’ in the same way.

TSA Gestapo Empire

If Al Qaeda was anything like the organization that the US government claims, it would not be focused on trivial targets such as passenger airliners. The organization, if it exists, would be focused on its real enemies. Try to imagine the propaganda value of terrorists wiping out the neoconservatives in one fell swoop, followed by an announcement that every member of the federal government down to the lowest GS, every member of the House and Senate, and every governor was next in line to be bumped off.


Nobody has benefitted more from terrorism than the US, the UK, and Israel. They use terrorism as an excuse to change the law, giving more power to the authorities and withdrawing freedoms from the people. They use terrorism as an excuse to attack and conquer foreign lands. They exploit our fear to win support. If terrorism and WMD are such a threat, what are the causes? Nobody provides more money to terrorist groups and rogue states than the US and the UK. Nobody has or sells more weapons than the US and UK. Can you see what is happening here? Or are you still afraid of the boogey-man?

Florida's Unemployment Crisis To Wreak Havoc On State's Economy

BREAKING NEWS - North Korea Attacks South Korea


Webmaster's Commentary:

"Really, it's all their fault. Honest!" -- Official White Horse Souse

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