Monday, November 15, 2010

News stories for Monday, November 15, 2010 Part 5

Angry Over Airport Full Body Scans? On the Horizon, Red Flag Tests

The federal government’s Red Flags Rule mandates that auto dealers, banks, credit unions and other “creditors” and “financial institutions” take additional steps to prevent identity theft and fraud, beginning Jan. 1. Included in the list of so-called creditors is your family doctor. Among those steps is determining whether a person applying for financing – or even paying cash for a car – appears on any government watch lists of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations.

Euro under siege after Portugal hits panic button

The euro is facing an unprecedented crisis after another country indicated that it was at a “high risk” of requiring an international bail-out. Webmaster's Commentary:

The global economy is a boat with ten holes in the bottom and only 5 corks, and all the world's leaders can do is yank out a cork and pound it into a different hole in front of the press cameras and insist they are doing something about the problem!A bailout simply means more debt, followed by "Austerity measures", meaning the starvation of the people to feed the bankers.

TSA or T&A, Say No to Airport Molestation and Voyeurism


NJ man gets 7 years for having licensed, locked guns in car trunk

Aitken was sentenced in August after he was convicted of felony possession of a handgun. Before his arrest, Aitken, an entrepreneur and owner of a media consulting business, had no criminal record, and it appears he made a good-faith effort to comply with New Jersey's stringent gun laws. Even the jurors who convicted him seem to have been looking for a reason to acquit him. But the judge gave them little choice.

Video: We Are Change Crew heckle Bush at book promo and are forcefully evicted by cops

Australia's Cultural Revolution

Every Victorian state school student will be forced to spend at least two weeks away from home to ready them for adult life under a $208 million education program unveiled by Premier John Brumby today. City children would experience life in the country, while country children could spend time in the city, he said.

New Castle councilman calls cops on boys' cupcake sale

New Castle Councilman Michael Wolfensohn came upon the sale and called the cops on the kids for operating without a license.

Fake Truth for Our Own Good?

In his book Public Opinion, Walter Lippmann discusses the "... insertion between man and his environment of a pseudo-environment. To that pseudo-environment his behavior is a response.

Second squadron of F-35s is ‘an offer hard to refuse’

Top IDF officers and Defense Ministry officials claimed Sunday that the arrival of a second squadron of F-35 joint strike fighters was of critical importance for the security of the State of Israel. In an effort to convince the Netanyahu government to impose a three-month moratorium on settlement construction in the West Bank, the Obama administration offered Israel last week a long list of security and diplomatic benefits, including 20 F-35s for free.

Crash JPMorgan, Buy Silver Now – A Report

Basically, the Art of Deception is nothing new, especially in financial markets. Deception is fundamentally at the very heart of the American Financial System given that the Federal Reserve is not a federal institution but rather a syndicate of Global Banks – also known as the World Central Banks. Some would argue – the New World Order.


The following Videos are representative of the Worldwide Effort Underway NOW to Crash JPMorgan by taking PHYSICAL DELIVERY of ALL METALS. Silver which is traded via ETF (electronic traded funds), where reportedly, JPMorgan and others have been MASSIVELY Overselling Silver at a rate of 100 to 1. By demanding delivery, people are legally demanding their Silver to be delivered into their possession.

Body Scanner Controversy Making Bang Within the Corporate Media

The body scanner controversy has become louder than ever before. We are now seeing the mainstream media report on the fact that people are unhappy with the radiation emitting scanners. This morning Fox News reported the fact that travelers were unhappy with being groped by TSA agents. In fact, one man was quoted as saying, “If you touch my junk I will have you arrested” Predictably, Janet Napolitano (DHS) is pushing the outdated claim that taking naked pictures of you and your family is for your own safety.

Flashback: 9/11 South Tower Demolition Initiating Explosion Loud And Clear

9/11 South Tower Demolition Initiating Explosion Loud And Clear
Helicopter hovers, then suspicious whistles, copter flies away quick, tower explodes down

111 Obamacare Waivers And Counting – Can The Rest Of Us Get Waivers From Having To Comply With Obamacare Please?

In a stunning admission of just how job-killing and business-crushing the new health care law really is, the Obama administration has issued a staggering total of 111 Obamacare waivers (and counting) so far. The list of the dozens of companies and organizations that have been approved for a waiver is very, very deeply buried on the website of the Department of Health & Human Services. In fact, it takes six separate clicks to get to the list. Some of the companies that have been granted waivers include McDonald's, Darden Restaurants (owners of the Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurant chains), Aetna, the United Federation of Teachers Welfare Fund in New York, and Dish Network. These Obamacare waivers cover a total of 1.2 million Americans. However, as news of these waivers spreads, it is inevitable that thousands more companies will want to apply. In the end, tens of millions of Americans may be covered by health plans that have been exempted from Obamacare. So can the rest of us get in on this action or is the Obama administration going to play favorites with these waivers?

Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website

Sheriff Obama strikes a one-sided deal with gang leader Netanyahu

Neve Gordon views US President Barack Obama’s reckless offer to arms Israel to the teeth, protect it from pressure at the United Nations and fend off attempts to expose its nuclear weapons programme in return for a temporary freeze on construction on stolen Palestinian land.

Gold And Economic Freedom - Written By Alan Greenspan (The Gold Bug) In 1966

Interesting thoughts from Greenspan the young man, before he worked for the FED. Includes a humorous photo of Greenspan, Volcker, Reagan and James Baker circa 1980.

AIPAC Bares All to Quash Lawsuit: Sex, Spies, and Videotape

On Nov. 8, 2010, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) filed a massive 260-page motion [.pdf] in the District of Columbia Superior Court. It asks Judge Erik Christian to dismiss former AIPAC employee Steven J. Rosen’s $20 million defamation suit. In October the court dismissed all counts of the March 2009 lawsuit except for Rosen’s claim of harm over AIPAC statements to the press that he did not uphold its standards of conduct. Rosen and AIPAC have – until now – abstained from filing damaging information about the internal workings of AIPAC in court. AIPAC’s willingness to publicly air some extremely sordid and revealing content to get the remaining count thrown out before an alternative dispute resolution hearing begins in December is a sign that AIPAC is now fighting for its life, or – as one former AIPAC attorney put it – “reason for being.” If Rosen proves in court that AIPAC has long handled classified information while lobbying for Israel, the worn public pretense that AIPAC is anything but a stealth extension of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs – from which it emerged in 1951 – will end forever.


You know, I still don’t understand why people made such a fuss about water boarding. When I was a kid, I used to love riding the waves at Kennybunkport and I thought the terrorists would too because they lived in the dessert. I know I’d love to ride a camel some day.


7 Really Big Holes

Spoiler ALERT -- Do not miss #7

Flashback: Philly Protesters Seize Street to Demand Housing Rights

Philly Protesters Seize Street to Demand Housing Rights
by Jeff Rousset | 12.05.2009
Honkala criticized the government for bailing out banks and corporations, and spending tens of billions of dollars to escalate war, while neglecting the swelling masses of Americans who are living in poverty and homelessness.
“Bail out the people, not the banks!” the group chanted in unison.

Dean Baker's Simple Idea To End The Foreclosure Crisis

And it would be easier to implement than HAMP or the current foreclosure process.

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers - VIDEO

Video - Runs 2 minutes - Chapman implicates Clinton, Bush Sr., Robert Rubin and Larry Summers.

Video - Testing Gold Bars With Ultrasound

Credit to Mike Rivero for these clips.

TSA "Security" Monkeys Flunk Physics and Evolution

One report from a very credible source (a famous health author whom I know quite well) reveals that glowing TSA officers told her the naked body scanners don't even emit X-rays. "It's a myth," the officer said. "There are no X-rays from those machines."

Really? Then how do they work? Are they MAGIC? Do TSA officers cast a magic Spell of X-Ray Vision on the air travel passengers like some sort of Dungeons & Dragons adventure?

Going Rate for Settlement Freeze: $3-Million a Day

America is used to buying its way to quasi-peace in Iraq and Afghanistan and appears to be doing something similar by buying Israel’s acquiescence in a 90-day, partial settlement freeze. The going price: $3.33-million a day for the entire 90 day process. Now, we know what Hillary and Bibi were doing in that New York hotel suite for seven hours earlier this week. It wasn’t canoodling! But she was virtually giving away the store. Webmaster's Commentary:

The calculation is wrong. 3 billion dollars divided by 90 days comes out to 33 million a day!

Gold Bar Testing With Ultrasound (VIDEO)

VIDEO - Watch how a gold bar is tested and scanned with ultrasound?. To ensure the integrity of the gold bars stored for customers, some companies now use GE's scanning technology.

Runs 2 Minutes.

In France they are withdrawing all monies on the 7th December!!

In France they are not wasting time.They are organising themselves to withdraw their money from the banks on the 7th of December!! Webmaster's Commentary:

Gotta love those French!

Body Scanner Controversy Making Loud Noise

The body scanner controversy has become louder. Not only do you see alternative news sites like and covering such important issues such as this , we are now seeing the mainstream media report on the fact that people are unhappy with the radiation emitting scanners.

Cash-hungry US war Ind stays armed as schools & clinics close

Israeli troops raid and loot house, commercial property of businessman

A large number of Israeli troops raided at dawn Monday the house of an imprisoned noted businessman called Ali Al-Dudu as well as his furniture showroom and stores in Tulkarem city and looted some contents of the house, all the merchandise and three of his vehicles.

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