Friday, November 26, 2010

News stories for Friday, November 26, 2010 Part 2

CHINA TELLS AMERICA: Turn Around The USS George Washington

China's Foreign Ministry said in an online posting that naval exercises risks starting a war: "We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China's exclusive economic zone without approval." Webmaster's Commentary:

I think that it is obvious that the United States has decided that the best way to get out of the debts owed to China is to murder the people the money is owed to! Of course, American self-image requires some kind of hoax to make it look like China is to blame for the US attack. Like Hitler and Gliewitz, Roosevelt ad Pearl Harbor, or Bush and Saddam's 'nookular' weapons.

Sarkozy & Merkel Promise To Bailout The Entire European Continent Until The End Of Time & Fiat Currency


Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to implement a permanent bail-out facility amid speculation over a break up of the 16-nation eurozone. A joint statement with French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the two would propose replacing the existing fund that expires in 2013. MUST SEE VIDEO SATIRE INCLUDED

My View From the Bowl, past Bernanke, Obama, South Korea, and the toilet paper.

The U.S. is in debt huge to China, and although China isn't our largest debtor; it is truly the only one on the world stage with the ability to act alone with the same menacing ability as the U.S. claims it still cans. The reality?:

1) China could crash our economy within 4 hours if it felt it wanted to, AND that it would be a viable interest to its people and longevity. It CHOOSES not to due to the following-
a- Our dollar is kept just strong enough to attract goods from China which we all purchase and keeps China's people employed making all the stuff we used to. China wants its people working.

Yeah, Wikileaks is a false-front fake.

According to the London-based daily al-Hayat, the WikiLeaks release includes documents that show Turkey has helped al-Qaeda in Iraq... Webmaster's Commentary:

This further proves that Wikileaks is a "front" for the nudge-nudge-wink-wink crowd. Today Turkey threatens to stand with Palestine, and suddenly we get disinformation from Wikileaks trying to insinuate Turkey was helping The Toilet in Iraq.

NOTSA NO TSA = NAZI don't touch my JUNK!

A Different Legal System for the Rich: Imagine Getting Off Easy for Hit-and-Run Because You Run a Hedge Fund

The driver of the Mercedes took off, stopping later not to call for help for Milo, left bleeding at the scene, but for service for his damaged luxury sedan. In Milo’s words, the man “fled and left me for dead on the highway,” a serious felony. Webmaster's Commentary: Wait a moment: let me get my head around this: the DA was so "...concerned with Erzinger’s future" that he ruled this as a misdemeanor to save the guy's job?!?!?

What about the life and future of the Doctor he ran over?!?!? What is supposed to make that right now?!?

Struck in mouth playing basketball, Obama gets 12 stitches

The White House said Friday that President Obama received 12 stitches after being struck in the mouth by someone's elbow during a game of basketball. The individual who hit the president was not named. Webmaster's Commentary: .. but deserves a medal!

2nd Korean War? South admits firing first shells in row with North Korea

Man charged for covering head during police beating

Gilberto Matamoros, a 21-year-old youth center worker, says he was doing nothing wrong when police arrested him during a brawl in Miami's Coconut Grove neighborhood on Halloween. According to his lawyer, Ricardo Martinez-Cid, Matamoros was picked out of an unruly crowd and beaten unconscious by two Miami police officers. He had to be taken to a nearby hospital.

Cell phone footage of the incident shows a police officer hitting Matamoros five times on or near his head. Miami police launched an investigation into the two officers' actions after the video appeared on local news stations last week. Webmaster's Commentary: Wow, so this is how "to protect and serve" is interpreted by Miami police!

Flashback : Obama, How low will he go?

How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito
a wow bow (Updates with videos, pic)
November 14, 2009
Obama Politically Tone Deaf On TSA Outrage
Doug Mataconis · Sunday, November 21, 2010 ·
(TSA groper pic)

More Dishonesty About Our Security

Those of us who are protesting the so-called "security steps" are attempting to wake people up to the stupidity of the steps taken. We're not interested in seeing planes blown up or air travel destroyed as a means of transportation. Rather, we are interested in actual and pro-active security, along with identification of those who have facilitated previous attacks including the man who escorted Umar around departure procedures and let him on a plane and the people responsible for failing to interdict the 9/11 terrorists who were here on expired VISAS. We are very interested in ejecting those people from government service and, where possible, prosecution of those individuals for their roles in these attacks.


Some inside the Jewish world have asked why a group of 14 young activists affiliated with Jewish Voice for Peace chose to disrupt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America in New Orleans. Five of these young Jews stood up during Netanyahu’s G.A. address to unfurl banners and chant “The occupation delegitimizes Israel” and “The loyalty oath delegitimizes Israel.”

TSA "My Ding-a-Ling" Sing-Along

message from corporate masters

FedEx searches for missing radioactive equipment (Here Comes the next issue as the Dow Dives)

– Fri Nov 26, 10:07 am ET
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – FedEx is searching for radioactive rods used for medical equipment that went missing during shipment between North Dakota and Tennessee.
Memphis-based FedEx spokeswoman Sandra Munoz said Friday the rods are used for quality control purposes for CT scans. She says the rods were likely misplaced and there's no indication the material was stolen.
She says the shipment was from Fargo, N.D., to Knoxville, Tenn., this week and the rods are in a metal cylinder that is about 10 inches tall and weighs about 20 pounds.
Munoz says as long as no one tries to open the metal container, the rods do not pose a danger.

TSA making people drop their pants.

Israel conducts 'wave of demolitions,' including mosque, across West Bank

New airport-security measures don't fly with readers

I feel that I'm living in a parallel universe. Airline passengers are being treated like criminals. We are being subjected to full body scanners and "enhanced" pat-downs to detect bombs in our underwear because of a 2009 incident that involved a flight from Amsterdam, not from a U.S. city. But we allow our southern border with Mexico to allow more than 12 million unidentified illegal aliens to enter our country.



“Does (Israel) think it can enter Lebanon with the most modern aircraft and tanks to kill women and children, and destroy schools and hospitals, and then expect us to remain silent?” AFP quoted him as saying in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. We will not be silent and we will support justice by all means available to us.”

Police State USA: TSA Gestapo Empire

Before making up your mind, consider this report from on November 19: “TSA officials say that anyone refusing both the full body scanners and the enhanced pat down procedures will be taken into custody. Once there the detainees will not only be barred from flying, but will be held indefinitely as suspected terrorists . . . One sheriff’s office said they were already preparing to handle a large number of detainees and plan to treat them as terror suspects.” Who is cowing Americans into submission, terrorists or the TSA Gestapo?

Enhanced Airport Screening Controvery

In response to widespread complaints, Obama did what he does best, deceitfully saying the following: "TSA in consultation with counterterrorism experts have indicated to me that the procedures that they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective against the kind of threat that we saw in the Christmas Day bombing." False, as the above information explains, but more's at stake as well - the profit motive. Among others, Bush administration Homeland Security (DHS) head Michael Chertoff's company, the "Chertoff Group" profiteers from the scam, his company saying it: Webmaster's Commentary:

This has nothing to do with the real safety of passengers who fly, but everything to do with making killer profits from machines which can, potentially, cause death from cancer.

America: The Grim Truth

Americans, I have some bad news for you: You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin. If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker. I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home. I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.

TSA SCANNERS - How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather.


After a demanding and very long 7 week journey the convoy members have been given just over two days to stay in Gaza or risk joining the imprisoned population of Gaza; this is typical of the Egyptian control of the Rafah Crossing

Ken O’Keefe will remain in Gaza for 40 days (or longer if imprisoned) and begin daily video reports focusing on the children of Gaza. These will be posted at his Facebook and Twitter accounts and his blog.

VIDEO - New TV Commercial Compares GM To Evel Knievel & Thanks Taxpayers For The $55 Billion Bailout

GM RUINED My Thanksgiving Football Experience With Their Brand New Commercial.

Evel Knievel represents true capitalism. His moral hazard was DEATH, which he faced every time he got on his bike.

VIDEOS - GM's New Commercial

VIDEO - Evel Knievel's NEAR-DEATH Caesar's Palace Crash from 1967


TSA Is Recruiting Employees Via Pizza Box

Webmaster's Commentary: From...the department of "you can't make this stuff up!"

Pentagon Report: Pakistan Army Agrees to NATO Military Presence in Quetta

The details of exactly what the coalition military presence in the city will be were not released, and will likely be couched in terms of “advisers” as with other US troops in Pakistan. The city of Quetta, however, is increasingly of interest to the Obama Administration. In fact the US has been seeking permission to launch drone strikes against Quetta, a western city of nearly a million people, and Pakistan’s government had also recently agreed to allow CIA ground teams in the city. Webmaster's Commentary: If true, the Pakistani government and military have obviously surrendered the country's sovereignty to the United States.

This absolutely does not bode well for the future of the people of Pakistan.

Giant Sucking Sound - Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate

TSA Terrorize A Disabled 4 Year Old Boy By Removing His Leg Braces, Then Forcing Him To Walk

Israeli police blasted for abusing Jerusalem children

Israeli police were accused of "flagrant violations" of the law Thursday over their harsh and at times violent treatment of Palestinian children suspected of stone-throwing in east Jerusalem.

The allegations were detailed in a letter sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a group of 60 Israeli professionals, among them experts in medicine, psychology, education, social work and law -- all of whom work with children.

Is America on the path to 'permanent war'?

Webmaster's Commentary: The short answer to this question is, "yes", because the US government can see no other way of holding on to its hegemony. We don't make anything anyone wants to buy (as we have offshored most of our manufacturing); the government is eyeball deep in debt; the US dollar is about to be "retired" as the world's reserve currency (China and Russia have just dropped the dollar in their exchanges), and the exercise of unrestrained military might is all this country has left.

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