Sunday, November 21, 2010

News stories for Sunday, November 21, 2010 Part 3

TSA now needs false flag security incident to convince Americans to accept obscene pat-downs

With the grassroots backlash over the TSA's obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it's becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another "terrorist incident" that's stopped by the TSA and its naked body scanners.

So far, the TSA is molesting children, teens and grannies without being able to demonstrate that this gross violation of Americans' Fourth Amendment rights is having any effect whatsoever on improving air travel safety. But if there's anything to be learned from 9/11, it's that the sheeple are always willing to give up their rights if they can be scared into doing so.

Think tank: 92% of Afghans never heard of 9/11

Fewer than one in 10 Afghans are aware of the 9/11 attacks and their precipitation of the war in Afghanistan, says a study from an international think tank. A report (PDF) from the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS) shows that 92 percent of those surveyed had never heard of the coordinated multiple attacks on US soil on September 11, 2001. It also shows that four in 10 Afghans believe the US is on their soil in order to "destroy Islam or occupy Afghanistan."

Global emissions of carbon dioxide drop 1.3%, say international scientists

"We're all doomed! Bring back cap and trade!" - Al Bore

From “Don’t Tread On Me” To “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Charles Krauthammer explains why the TSA search uproar has resonated so strongly with the American public: "Ah, the airport, where modern folk heroes are made. The airport, where that inspired flight attendant did what everyone who’s ever been in the spam-in-a-can crush of a flying aluminum tube – where we collectively pretend that a clutch of peanuts is a meal and a seat cushion is a “flotation device” – has always dreamed of doing: pull the lever, blow the door, explode the chute, grab a beer, slide to the tarmac and walk through the gates to the sanity that lies beyond. Not since Rick and Louis disappeared into the Casablanca fog headed for the Free French garrison in Brazzaville has a stroll on the tarmac thrilled so many. . .

Dear Dr. Thompson: “Felony Murder, Hunter S. Thompson, and the Last Gonzo Campaign”

Hunter S. Thompson was one of the 20th century’s greatest literary social critics, and one of the most anti-authoritarian. In the tradition of Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken, Thompson never flinched at exposing the hypocrisies and contradictions of American life and ideology, and his contempt for authority permeated not just his writing but his life as well.

Thompson killed himself in 2005, shortly before his remains were shot out of a giant cannon in Aspen, Colorado. Yet, right up to the end, Thompson made himself a gadfly and a nuisance and an enemy of the agents of the state who have so much power over the lives of the powerless.

IT'S OFFICIAL - Ireland Agrees To IMF, EU, U.S. Taxpayer Bailout - Bank Bondholders Don't Lose A Dime

U.S. taxpayers finance approximately 20% of the IMF's budget, so this is now the 2nd European member state to require your assistance to survive. Greece and Ireland now bailed out, the bond market's focus will turn to the next 2 weakest links - Spain and Portugal. Details inside.

Historical Zionist Quotes

This is what Trotsky was preparing for the Russians for the implementation of Communism, which Marx based on the Babylonian Talmud for Gentiles:

"We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red rather than white in color. Its color will be red literally because we would spill such torrents of blood that they will pale all human losses of the capitalist wars and make the survivors shudder.

Waterford (Michigan) Target To Close January 29th 2011

Target has announced their store in Waterford will be closing on January 29, 2011. According to Target, the decision to close “was made after careful consideration of the unit's long-term financial performance”...


The Palestinian child is directly affected by the scenes of incursion, blood and war. The child is not given the basic childhood rights. It is even hard for her/him to find a space for fun, and also to get her/him physiological needs satisfied. The child retains memories of all means of death that his/her family passed through during the time of instability and warfare caused by the Israeli regular militant activities in his/her area.

Obama Tells Americans: Stop Complaining About The TSA, Get in Line and Get Molested Like Everyone Else (VIDEO)

VIDEO - Obama on the TSA yesterday during a NATO press conference...


No Security Pat-Downs for Boehner - NYT

Updated Representative John A. Boehner, soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary passengers, including the controversial security pat-downs.

Warren Buffett's $600 Million INTEREST-FREE Loan From Taxpayers & Many Other Ways The Goverment HOSES You To HELP The Insanely Rich!

IMPORTANT VIDEO - David Cay Johnston, author, winner of the Pulitzer Prize


CHART: U.S. Dollar Chart From Reagan To Obama


Shows events on chart leading to Dollar spikes and falls. The US Dollar From 1980 Thru 2010.

George Soros also profiting off controversial new TSA scanners

Be sure and read Tim Carney’s Examiner column today on the politically-connected lobby for the controversial new TSA scanners that are upsetting airline employees and travelers everywhere. Carney notes that a company called Rapiscan got a $165 million contract for the new body image scanners four days after the underwear-bomber incident this past Christmas. Not surprisingly, Rapiscan is politically connected, observes Carney

George Carlin on Airport Security


If you decline the scan, because you don’t like the health odds, or because you object to having your nude photo taken and distributed on the internet, you can opt for the pat-down.

This is a same-sex grope.

Webmaster's Commentary:

See, if the TSA had men being searched by TSA workers who looked like this...

... nobody would complain! Especially if they let us smoke on the plane after it was all over!

But TSA hires ugly losers you would not be caught dead with on a date in public. then wonders why you are upset about it! That caller to my show was correct; they have to flunk an IQ test to be hired by TSA!

Standing Up to the TSA

Almost overnight, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has gone from national joke to national nightmare. Passengers used to laugh when screeners so inept they missed 60—75% of the fake bombs undercover investigators smuggled past them nonetheless proclaimed themselves gods. No one's laughing now, though, as the TSA ogles us with carcinogenic technology and sexually assaults anyone who objects. Webmaster's Commentary:

Would George Washington allowed the British soldiers to stick their hands down the front of Martha's bloomers?

Would Thomas Jefferson have stayed calm while British Soldiers stripped his daughter naked and l0ooked at her body?

Would John Adams have accepted having his genitals fondled by a British Soldier on the off-chance that he might have concealed a cannon in there?

No, these patriots would not have tolerated such actions.

So why the fuck are you?

Why Congress Isn't So Concerned With TSA Nude Scans & Gropes: They Get To Skip Them

Head of the Republican party Michael Steel confirmed that Congress members are, in fact, exempt from security screening. Webmaster's Commentary:

This is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and given the criminal records of the members of Congress, clearly a major security breach!


Chicago’s very own DePaul University just announced that their dining services will be discontinuing the sale of hummus manufactured by Sabra, an Israeli brand known for its vocal and material support of Israeli Defense Forces.


Minneapolis, MN- Three of the nine Minneapolis peace activists who’s homes were raided on September 24, 2010 received notice of new subpoenas coming from the Chicago Grand Jury ordering appearances some time after Thanksgiving. Details are being resolved with the victim’s attorneys and the Chicago US Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald. The subpoenas will likely include immunity which forces the individuals to testify or face jail time. The the activists are Sarah Martin, Tracy Molm and Anh Pham.Supporters rallied in the fresh cold evening in solidarity with the activists and to enlist further community support. A delegation of activists from Minneapolis is in Washington today to seek ‘Dear Colleague Letters’ and other action from the Minnesota Congressional Delegation.


First he asked for the money…. then he wanted it in writing…. NOW HE WANTS IT…. NOW!

Earlier this week, when the Israeli price was set at $3 billion (the cost of 20 F-35 fighter jets to be supplied to the Air Force,) it turned out that while Netanyahu may not be a great success story as a prime minister, he is phenomenal as a brothel manager. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Yes massa, yes massa, yes massa..." -- President Pussy

TSA Screening Will Be Yanked - Gerald Celente on FOX News

Look how hard the FOX talking heads try to defend the TSA.


List of Dead Scientists

Webmaster's Commentary:

Does the woman at the top look like a potential suicide to you?


She says she understands “how offensive it must be” for some people to undergo the searches. She says there’s a need to strike “the right balance” and to “get it better and less intrusive and more precise.” Would she submit to a pat-down? “Not if I could avoid it,” Clinton says. “No. I mean, who would?” She made the comments in interviews aired Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Eric Cantona's call for bank protest sparks online campaign

Cantona's call appeared to touch a popular chord and generated an instant response. Nearly 40,000 people have clicked on the YouTube clip, and a French-based movement – StopBanque – has taken up the campaign for a massive coordinated withdrawal of money from banks on 7 December. It is claimed that more than 14,000 people are already committed to removing deposits. The movement is also gaining increasing attention in Britain. Webmaster's Commentary:

We should do the same thing here!

Five Dancing Israelis was in New York to document the event on 9/11.

I am putting this up again because I am certain that Michael Chertoff and his cronies who are getting rich off of giving the rest of us cancer, rather than allow Americans the freedom to say "NO", will stage another phony crotch-bomber or bandini-bomber or toner-cartridge-of-death; any hoax they can come up with to justify the continued looting and harassment of the American people.

Dear Airline, I'm Leaving You

I'm not going to lie. It's come between us. If I have to let someone else see me naked in order to be with you--well, I'm just not that kinky. And deep down, I don't think you are either. I think it's the TSA making you act like this. Frankly, you haven't been the same since you started running around together. Webmaster's Commentary:

Congratulations Michael Chertoff. In your haste to make a fast buck off the Security Industrial Complex you may have just pushed the entire US airlines industry over the brink into bankruptcy!

TSA Screening Will Be Gone - Gerald Celente on FOX News 11/21/10

Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Erdogan is winning by a large majority, for having the courage to stand up to Israel and the US over the attack on the Aid Flotilla last May while President Pussy cowered in fear of Israel. Of course, there is that disclaimer that the Editors of Time can choose someone else for the honor (kinda makes having a poll rather pointless, doesn't it?), and no doubt Israel's bitches inside the United States are dead set against anyone being made a hero for defying Israel!

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