Saturday, November 20, 2010

News stories for Saturday, November 20, 2010 Part 1

TSA Agents Absolutely Hate New Pat Downs, Find Them Disgusting And Morale Breaking

One of the common themes that people keep mentioning in talking about the new TSA pat down procedures is that those involved must "enjoy" the groping they're giving people. But, of course, most TSA agents are normal every day people who don't actually want to grope random people. Chris Tolles points us to a post from, who reached out to some TSA agents and found that many TSA agents hate the new rules and find it to be sapping morale to have to grope passengers. Some of it appears to be the verbal abuse they're getting from travelers, but some of it is just the fact that they have to keep touching people they'd rather not touch in that way:

"It is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man’s private parts, their butt, their inner thigh. Even worse is having to try and feel inside the flab rolls of obese passengers and we seem to get a lot of obese passengers!"

MSNBC: "Obama Agenda: 81% favor body scanners" ?! A Rather Spirited Analysis

BUSTED: Caught you red-handed, MSNBC, angling for that lucrative Fox demographic. Pandering to the increasingly common "Obama-nation" element, the crypto-racist, cerebrally-challenged, slogan-driven Brown Shirts concerned above all with the Security of the Homeland, and easily manipulable by this Fourth iteration of the Reich. You know, the people whose respect and favor is most quickly won by insulting their intelligence, pandering to their fears, Like a bad political ad. Patent lies that sound logical held together with emotional language and punctuated with the occasional ad hominem snarky quip: "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. ----- Wrong on safety ----- Wrong on security ----- WRONG FOR AMERICA." No, dear MSNBC: you are in error. I am notI'm here because I read...

...and the fastest way to lose me, to lose all of us, is to pander to the worst of us. You've already lost the intelligent, the discerning, the cultured, the educated .... You will lose what good-ol'-boys you gain once they catch onto what the Elite have in store for them. Just like the Brown Shirts. Under the bus.

Detonator at Namibian Airport Was a Test Device

BERLIN — German authorities said Friday that a laptop case carrying bomb components found at a Namibian airport was an American-made device designed to test airport security.

Propaganda Alert: AP reports Small Farms are Exempt from Food Safety Bill

A day after the Food Safety Modernization Act (S.510) passed cloture with a vote of 74-25, the Associated Press put out some world-class propaganda claiming that "Some small farms would be exempt from government efforts to prevent foodborne illness under a Senate agreement on food safety legislation." The article claims a last-minute deal was struck to allow small farms to "avoid expensive food safety plans That all sounds well and good, but it only exempts them from having to submit food safety plans, not from inspections that they get billed for, licensing requirements with expensive quality controls, product confiscation without cause or recourse, and even armed raids. We've already seen all of these ugly faces of food fascism unfold in America. Private organic co-ops have been raided by armed guards, lemonade stands fined and closed down, Amish Dairies raided, and a family farm had 50,000 pounds of cheese confiscated.

Tawdry Scandal Distracting AIPAC from its Usual Task of Standing in the Way of Peace

Here is what AIPAC would like to be devoting its energies and financial resources to right now. One, making sure that President Obama is unable to pressure Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to freeze settlements and move to final status negotiations. And, two, boxing the president in so that he has no choice but to either strike Iran's nuclear facilities or, more likely, let Israel do it. In fact, it is already planning its huge spring "policy conference," slated to be devoted to warmongering over Iran followed by congressional passage of AIPAC-drafted Iran-must-be-stopped resolutions. These are immense undertakings and they take lots of money and lots of time. But, thanks to Rosen, AIPAC is spending $10 million of its donors' money on legal fees. Its top people are working with lawyers virtually nonstop. And the whole place is in the grips of fear — fear that one former employee who has the goods on AIPAC will bring the whole house down.

Dollar to Become World’s ‘Weakest Currency,’ JPMorgan Predicts

The dollar may fall below 75 yen next year as it becomes the world’s “weakest currency” due to the Federal Reserve’s monetary-easing program, according to JPMorgan & Chase Co.

EU in Kosovo probes organ trafficking

Two others — Turkish Dr. Yusuf Sonmez and Moshe Harel, an Israeli citizen — are listed as wanted by Interpol.

Make This Go Viral! - Don't Touch My Junk - The TSA Hustle - Victory Over Dictatorship !

Collection of 3 TSA Videos in One Story

VIDEO - Don't Touch My Junk - The TSA Hustle - Brilliant New Song

VIDEO - The Crazy Taiwanese Animators On The TSA Nightmare

VIDEO - TSA Gangstaz - Excellent Rap Song From Yesterday

Tools on site to help these clips go viral.

Wells Fargo to pay Citigroup to settle Wachovia lawsuit

Wachovia nearly collapsed in October 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, under the weight of losses from real estate loans that went bad.

Maryland Politician Busted In FBI Sting Tells Wife To Hide $80,000 Cash In Her Bra (Video Reenactment)

"After FBI agents imaged the telephone, they returned the phone to Jack Johnson, who then left the area," according to an FBI affidavit. Now, who in their right mind would use that bugged phone just minutes later to tell his wife, who was at home with FBI agents knocking on the front door, "Tear up the check," grab $79,000 in cash and "put it in your bra and walk out or something," as the FBI alleges... Includes A Very Amusing Video Reenactment From The Taiwanese Animators

Bernanke Got HACKED! - Man Arrested After Cracking Federal Reserve Bank & Stealing 400,000 CC#s



A four-count indictment was returned by a federal grand jury in Brooklyn today charging Lin Mun Poo, a resident and citizen of Malaysia, with hacking into a computer network of the Federal Reserve Bank and possessing more than 400,000 stolen credit and debit card numbers.

ACLU Wants Justice Dept To Investigate Seattle Police

Another teenager was just beaten by a Seattle Police officer.

John Williams was shot just around the corner from me.

Cancer surviving flight attendant forced to remove prosthetic breast during pat-down

As a 3-year breast cancer survivor she says she didn't want the added radiation through her body. But, Bossi says she did agree.

Building a North American Union – “U.S. Super Spy Center” Uncovered in Mexico

Mexican Magazine Proceso reveals the location of a US Military-Intelligence Megaplex in Mexico City.
Megaplex includes offices for the CIA, FBI, DEA, Defense Intelligence, BATF, Department of Treasury and others.
U.S. Intelligence Operatives will no longer have to disguise themselves as diplomats.
Mexico will now have a Military ‘Liaison’ for NORTHCOM.
U.S. is now in charge of all tactical efforts against the drug war, counter-insurgency, and counter-terrorism in Mexico.
Obama and Hillary Clinton are credited for the creation of the Office of Bi-lateral Intelligence in Mexico (OBI).

CHART: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 23%

Updated CHART from John William's Shadow Government Statistics.

Scratch the old headline - it's now 23% unemployment with the November update.

In Ireland, Cancer Patients Lose Out To Bank Bondholders

Still don't think the bank bailouts are evil, misguided and stupid? In Ireland, even cancer patients and amputees take a back seat to bank bondholders.

Airport X-ray scanner is just as likely to kill you as a terrorist bomb

Full-body airport scanners are just as likely to kill you as a terrorist's bomb blowing your plane out of the sky, a leading scientist has said. The controversial machines have been brought in at major airports across the globe, including the UK, leading to fears that the increased exposure to harmful radiation may cause cancer. Now a US physics professor has added to the debate by claiming that the scanners are redundant because you are just as likely to contract cancer from the radiation as you are to die in a terrorist bomb on your flight.

UK Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg's initiation as Israeli stooge

From champion of the vulnerable to betrayer in one bound! Nick Clegg, Britain's new deputy prime minister, is surprisingly agile. Betrayal started with Sheffield Forgemasters, now the betrayal extends to the question of justice for the Palestinians and the arrest of war criminals. As a consequence, Israel's warmongers will be allowed to come and go as they please and continue their atrocities against Gaza's women and children, and very soon against Iran's and (again) Lebanon's.

Republican Cantor recants on Israel

Incoming House Majority Leader tries to explain why he pledged allegiance to Israel's leader over the US President. Soon-to-be House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is desperately trying to explain away the promise he made to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last Wednesday. Cantor huddled with Netanyahu just prior to the Prime Minister's meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton was expected to reaffirm the American commitment to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and opposition to Israeli settlement expansion. Cantor wanted Netanyahu to know that he had his back. Cantor's office itself put out a statement bragging about his pledge to Netanyahu: "Eric stressed that the new Republican majority will serve as a check on the Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington," the readout said.

Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program May Be Fraudulent

The evidence that documents at the center of the case for a covert Iranian nuclear weapons program are fraudulent suggests the need for a strategic reset on Iran policy. It raises both the possibility and the need for serious exploration of a diplomatic solution for the full range of issues dividing the two countries, which is the only sensible strategy for ensuring that Iran stays a non-nuclear state.

Worm Was Perfect for Sabotaging Centrifuges

Experts dissecting the computer worm suspected of being aimed at Iran’s nuclear program have determined that it was precisely calibrated in a way that could send nuclear centrifuges wildly out of control. Their conclusion, while not definitive, begins to clear some of the fog around the Stuxnet worm, a malicious program detected earlier this year on computers, primarily in Iran but also India, Indonesia and other countries. The paternity of the worm is still in dispute, but in recent weeks officials from Israel have broken into wide smiles when asked whether Israel was behind the attack, or knew who was. American officials have suggested it originated abroad.

Pot Growers Portrayed As Terrorists In US Counter-Terrorism Drill

It’s becoming increasingly evident that a terrorist is anyone who isn’t a state-supremacist. If you disagree with the Almighty and Blessed Federal State, you are a terrorist. Over at Jeff Stein’s Washington Post spy news column, an item on a counter-terrorism drill enacted by federal, state and local agencies in Northern California this Wednesday, November 17. During the exercise, participants playing the roles of local pot farmers set off bombs and took over the Shasta Dam, the nation’s second largest, to free an imprisoned comrade.

Canadians vote against fluoridated water supplies

Residents in Waterloo, Ontario have voted to stop adding fluoride to water supplies.

Campaigners against fluoride believe that adding fluoride to the water supply is tantamount to poisoning and are lobbying for fluoridation to be stopped all over Canada. Opponents of fluoride claim the chemical is illegal, unnecessary and dangerous; campaigners believe fluoride contributes to health conditions, including increased risk of cancer, thyroid disease and arthritis.

Borders Closing Marlton New Jersey Location

Longtime Route 73 book and music retailer Borders is on the verge of closing, according to an e-mail sent today to customers. The e-mail does not list a specific closing date, instead informing those on the mailing list of a "Store Closing Sale" for the Marlton location only with savings of up to 20 percent off "almost everything."...

"Fuck You, Deputy Stagg!" - Irish Parliament Video

If you can handle a few un-parliamentary F-bombs, then stop reading and watch...

* "With all due respect, in the most un-parliamentary language, FUCK YOU Deputy Stagg, Fuck you!"

* "I apologize now for my use of most un-parliamentary language."

This is some seriously brilliant shit...WATCH THIS ONE...

JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

I've often heard there is no intrinsic value in a Federal Reserve Note. I disagree.

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 11-18-10

A Seattle WA police officer already under investigation over a video released by the press yesterday showing him kick a teen in the crotch, face, and chest is the subject of more scrutiny after reporters uncovered another video filmed right after that incident which shows the undercover cop punch a man who was trying to record what was happening on his cell phone.

100% Vacant Plaza In Port Richey Florida

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