Tuesday, November 16, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Part 1

IMF – International Monetary Fraudsters! The Banksters Are Going To Rape Our Country – Because We’re Asking For It!

Ask any ordinary person in the Third World after these gangsters have moved in and crippled them with debt if they think the IMF is a good thing and I think you’ll find an overwhelming majority, discounting the corrupt despots running these countries, who have seen their natural resources raped by international corporations, who have looted and pillaged every country they’ve gone into at the IMF’s behest for their international banker criminal cartel, you’ll find a resounding rejection of any such notion.

Senior Republican against US aid to Palestinians

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, who stands to head House Foreign Affairs Committee, opposes transfer of $150 in aid because Palestinian leadership 'failing to live up to commitments'

Body-Searching Children: No for the US Army, Yes for the TSA

A US Army staff sergeant, now serving in Afghanistan, writes about the new enhanced pat-down procedure from the TSA. Summary of his very powerful message: to avoid giving gross offense to the Afghan public, and to prevent the appearance of an uncontrolled security state, the US military forbids use on Afghan civilians of the very practices the TSA is now making routine for civilian travelers at US airports.

U.S. Pursues Wider Role in Yemen

Americans Move to Bring In Equipment and Operatives and Propose New Bases for Fight Against al Qaeda Affiliate Adam Entous and Julian E. Barnes Wall Street Journal The U.S. is preparing for an expanded campaign against al Qaeda in Yemen, mobilizing military and intelligence resources to enable Yemeni and American strikes and drawing up a longer-term proposal to establish Yemeni bases in remote areas where militants operate.

Orwellian Scenario: The "Total Control Society" Is Here: Iris Scanners

"In the future, whether it's entering your home, opening your car, entering your workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having your medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that is your iris. Every person, place, and thing on this planet will be connected [to the iris system] within the next 10 years."-- Jeff Carter, CDO of Global Rainmakers

Vietnam II-Same Lies Different Liar

Young people may never have had the dubious pleasure of experiencing Richard Nixon.If you did experience Nixon, you might be having a strong sense of deja vu right about now. Here's what I'm talking about.

NYPD Commences Use Of Iris Scans Of Suspects

Editor's Note: This is yet another application that started with military use and is now being used on Americans. First at checkpoints in Iraq, now in NY. Department Spending $24,000 Per Unit; Will Have 21 Around City CBS New York

NEW YORK (AP) – Along with fingerprints and mug shots, the New York City Police Department is now taking photographs of the irises of crime suspects.

Surviving Inflation

The most common topic in the email I receive daily is inflation. I’d say 60% of the emails I get revolve around inflation, the other 30% is security and the remaining 10% about various survival related topics. Crime is probably the main concern in Argentina, with inflation in a very close second place, but you must understand that its been almost 10 years now since our economy collapsed and things have… lets just say, “evolved” into a new reality for us. For several years after the 2001 collapse, here as well, inflation was the main topic, the greatest concern people had. I find this to be interesting in many ways...

Neuromarketing - Ads that Whisper to the Brain

WHAT happens in our brains when we watch a compelling TV commercial?

For one thing, certain brain waves that correlate with heightened attention become more active, according to researchers who have used EEGs, or electroencephalographs, to study the brain’s electrical frequencies. Brain waves that signal less-focused attention, meanwhile, tend to subside.

MODERN DAY HUNT BROTHERS: Buy Physical Silver & Beat the Banks

Climate funding may need taxes on flight tickets, forex deals: U.N. report

Taxes on international flights, shipping and financial transactions, as well as a global carbon price of $20 to $25 may be key to annually mobilising $100 billion in climate funding by 2020, according to the United Nations high level advisory group on climate change financing which submitted its report in New York on Friday.

Scanners: Abdulmutallab, Reid, Chertoff, that Nicely Dressed Indian Man and the Great Terror Lobby

The Chertoff Connection and ICTS

The Non-Existent Contract Between The US & The Unfinished State Of Israel

For the last sixty-two years the relationship between the so-called state of Israel and the United States has supposedly been based upon a "special relationship." However there is no treaty, no written contract, nothing, nada, zip that obligates the United States to do anything with regard to the still unfinished state of Israel. How much has this 'special relationship' cost the United States in money, in American lives, or in the global destruction of America's reputation in the world? It might be an overstatement to use the word "everything" but not by much!

What, really, is the Obama-Clinton game plan for Israel/Palestine?

On the face of it the package of “incentives” Secretary of State Clinton offered Prime Minister Netanyahu to persuade him to buy and sell to his coalition government a one-time-only freeze of 90 days on settlement construction in the occupied West Bank could be summed up with one “c” word - criminal. Criminal because by excluding occupied Arab East Jerusalem from the desired freeze, the Obama administration is not only going back on its own previous demands which were in accord with international law and various UN Security Council resolutions. It is effectively endorsing Israel’s illegal settlement activities there. Simply stated the U.S. is now openly complicit in Israel’s defiance of international law.

The great book robbery of 1948

A new documentary reveals a hidden chapter in the history of the Nakba — the Palestinian expulsion and flight at the hands of Zionist militias as Israel was established in 1948 — which saw the systematic looting of more than 60,000 Palestinian books by Israeli forces and the attempted destruction of Palestinian culture. As Palestinian homes sat silent in the haze of conflict, however, a systematic Israeli campaign was underway to enter the homes and rob them of a precious commodity — their books.

Sheriff Obama strikes a one-sided deal with gang leader Netanyahu

Barack Obama has promised to deliver 20 F-35 fighter jets to Israel, a deal worth $3 billion. Moreover, his administration has vowed to curb action by the United Nations on the Goldstone Report, block anti-Israel UN resolutions concerning the Gaza flotilla raid, and defeat resolutions aimed at exposing Israel’s nuclear programme at the International Atomic Energy Agency. In such situations it’s important to keep in mind that the sheriff (Obama) and not the gang leader (Netanyahu) is the major culprit.

Did Bibi Win the U.S. Midterms?

As a general rule, American politicians do not rally to the side of foreign leaders when those leaders directly confront the president of the United States. The American people, and thus their political leaders, will instinctively line up behind the president in the face of a direct challenge from abroad. Unless the country in question is Israel.Netanyahu appears to have been thinking, "I can tell Obama where to stick it, because now he's not only unpopular in Israel, but also weakened at home." "I think the Obama folks have underestimated the problem," says Daniel Levy, a Middle East expert and a founder of the liberal Jewish organization J Street. "You almost have to count Bibi among Obama's domestic adversaries."

James Turk Gold 8000 Hyperinflation a sure thing

Gold is in a 2nd stage of a bull market. We will see a more rapid price apriciaten than in the past years. Price target untill 2015: 8000 Dollar. Price manipulation has come to an end. Gold as natural alternative to currencies. Chances of hyperinflation 100%. Gold prohibition possible.



VIDEO - MUST SEE - He's 1 1/2 Years Old, VERY Upset About The Bank Bailouts, And The ONLY THING That Will Calm Him Down Is Bob Marley » I've watched this 35 times and I still can't stop laughing. It has 8 MILLION VIEWS on youtube in less than 5 days.

Flashback: Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens

A usually quiet U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemetery, has been extremely active, with trucks and construction equipment working throughout the night. The National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona is a beautiful 225 acre facility located in Phoenix.

For the past 30-45 days in the early hours of the morning until sunset, a massive construction operation has been underway. Major amounts of earth have been excavated out about 9-10 feet deep and 600-1000 feet wide. There are multiple locations on the property like this. From the satellite view, there appears to be even more sections that have been covered with the concrete lids and backfilled to look as if nothing is there.

Flashback 9/11: Who Gets The Last Laugh Now?

The widely distributed falsehood that Father Mychal Judge was administering last rites to a fallen firefighter when he was fatally injured, was a public relations scam, a lie endlessly repeated by authorities, which never had a grain of truth to it. . . . If anything, evidence and testimony show that Father Judge was giving an interview to Jules Naudet at the time of Tower 2's collapse and his mysterious death.. . .Father Judge's status as Victim # 00001 was likewise a public relations stunt.

BP donated 23,000 Dollars to School It “Taught” At

BP’s propaganda arm donated 23,000 dollars to Oaklawn Junior High, the same school that hosted their presentation that claimed that gulf seafood was SAFE to eat. The donation came months before the presentation but remains highly suspicious. Multiple residents have shown their displeasure with the presentation. One resident went as far as to claim that BP paid the school in question 50,000 dollars to present their whitewash of the gulf oil disaster

Federal Officials Claim Invasive TSA Procedures Are Necessary To Ward Off Terror Attacks

Essentially, TSA officials are going as far as to claim that if they do not radiate your body and grope your girlfriend then there will be another terror attack. Be on the look out in the next three weeks for some sort of Al Qaeda ninja attempting a “terror attack.” Remember, Obama operatives have publicly called for terror attacks to save his administration by “connecting” with the American people.

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