The first suspect transferred from Guantanamo military prison to face a U.S. civilian court was found not guilty of terrorism charges on Wednesday in a setback to President Barack's Obama plans for trying terrorism suspects. Webmaster's Commentary:
It is a setback only if you need to convict them despite being innocent of any wrongdoing. Otherwise this should be a validation that an open trial requiring proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is a sound system!
National book retailer Borders is closing its downtown Santa Barbara store amid a nationwide wave of store closings. Jason Roy, the general manager of the 900 State St. location, told the Business Times on Nov. 16 that the store would be closing in January.“It’s sad that this Borders is leaving State Street,” said Roy, who’s been with the company for nine years, the past three months at the Santa Barbara location. The store has about 35 employees, he said...
As the intrusive TSA security measures implode nationwide, the usual shills have surfaced. CBS, the same company that pushed the fraudulent WMDs in Iraq story, has posted an article titled, “Senators and TSA Defend “Love Pats” at Airports.”
Apparently, low IQ TSA thugs putting their hands INSIDE your pants is a simple love pat down. This is almost too ludicrous to report! Sen. Claire McCaskill apparently believes that strangers fondling your breasts and genitals is an act of love. As the London Guardian so elegantly put, these pat downs are far from love pats, in fact they are a form of sexual harassment!
The Department of Homeland Security is openly admitting that there is a 70% chance that a disease will escape their new infectious disease research laboratory. This is outrageous! What is being done to decrease the chance? Homeland Securities stated mission is the protection of the American homeland yet they are creating a center that has a 70% chance of unleashing a deadly disease on the American people! This situation in Kansas needs to be resolved immediately! Where is the corporate media? Are cave dwelling ninjas more dangerous than the release of a super infectious disease WITHIN America?
Southern Copper Corp., a Phoenix- based mining company that boasts some of the industry’s largest copper reserves, plans to invest $800 million this year in projects such as a new smelter and a more efficient natural-gas furnace.
Such spending sounds like just what the Federal Reserve had in mind in 2008 when it cut interest rates to near zero and started buying $1.7 trillion in securities to spur job growth. Yet Southern Copper, which raised $1.5 billion in an April debt offering, will use that money at its mines in Mexico and Peru, not the U.S., said Juan Rebolledo, spokesman for parent Grupo Mexico SAB de CV of Mexico City. Webmaster's Commentary: Only if Ben Bernake's and the Fed's desired outcome from QE2 was the complete destruction of the American economy, only then can we say "mission accomplished!"
Getting some shuteye in one New Jersey town could land you in hot water, depending on where you lay your head, 1010 WINS’ Steve Sandberg reports.In Roselle Park, it is against the law and you could be fined or arrested for sleeping in public. Webmaster's Commentary:
The criminalization of homelessness continues apace in this country.
And the utterly braindead concept of fining the homeless for sleeping in public: where are they supposed to get the money to pay the fine if they are jobless and homeless?!?!?
A lot of thought must have gone into the creation of this legislation!
Hot off the presses..."We're In Terribly Dangerous Territory, Bond Market Could Implode"
Just a quick thought for Bob. Perhaps if you, Greenspan and Larry Summers hadn't done everything in your power to derail and destroy Brooksley Born in the late 90's when she warned on derivatives and attempted to regulate them at the CFTC, then we wouldn't be in this extend-and-pretend, fed-ponzi, economic-collapse, national-debt nightmare.
According to a June 2010 fact sheet on the USAID Internet site, last year American taxpayers funded the paving of 63 kilometers of asphalt roads in the West Bank. Webmaster's Commentary: Great: while the infrastructure in the US rots and crumbles, and homeless Veterans sleep in our streets, US taxpayers are funding the building of Israeli roads in the West Bank!
And for throwing this stone -- a stone, a small, hand-sized fragment of stone -- this is what happens to you.
It's just a small story; what does it matter? It's just a tiny incident, far from the worst, in a vast, world-roiling conflict; what does it matter? It's just the scarcely noticed ruination of one obscure child's life; what does it matter? Only losers and lamesters, only those on the margins, only those who aren't serious, who aren't savvy -- only those who are struggling to keep hold of their humanity in the face of implacable systems of power, systems which seek at every turn to degrade and destroy what Arthur Silber calls "the sacred value of a single human life" -- would care about such discarded wretches.
Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to "normal" for Palestinian kids!!
Why has Greenpeace remained relatively silent about the Gulf of Mexico disaster? Does it have something to do with their relationship with the Rockefellers and the buried history of Standard Oil?
The construction projects are sprouting like mushrooms: walled complexes, high-strength weapons vaults, and underground bunkers with command and control capacities -- and they're being planned and funded by a military force intent on embedding itself ever more deeply in the Middle East.
If Iran were building these facilities, it would be front-page news and American hawks would be talking war, but that country’s Revolutionary Guards aren't behind this building boom, nor are the Syrians, Lebanon's Hezbollah, or some set of al-Qaeda affiliates. It's the U.S. military that's digging in, hardening, improving, and expanding its garrisons in and around the Persian Gulf at the very moment when it is officially in a draw-down phase in Iraq. Webmaster's Commentary: The US is digging in deep in the Middle East, and it appears that there will be no end in sight for these endless immoral and illegal wars.
Israel has been forced to reveal what Palestinians and other observers on the ground have known for a long time: that the blockade of Gaza is state policy intended to inflict collective punishment, not to bolster Israeli "security".
An Israeli human rights group has won a legal battle to compel the Israeli government to release three important documents. These outline state policy for permitting the transfer of goods into Gaza prior to the May 31 attack on the peace flotilla in which nine people were killed by Israeli forces. The group, Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, is demanding Israeli transparency. Meanwhile, Israel refuses to release documents on the current version of blockade policy which was "eased" after international condemnation following the flotilla attack. Webmaster's Commentary: These were simply cold-blooded portions of Israel's "final solution" for Palestinian Gazans.
The big picture here is that the U.S. is rapidly -- and without any public discussion -- expanding the "war on terror" into Yemen, an extremely poor country with little infrastructure, and ongoing, outrageous human rights violations by its despotic government. The Wall Street Journal reports today that US operations may include "elite Special Operations hunter-killer teams in Yemen to the control of the CIA." The U.S. is working with the feudal kingdom of Saudi Arabia to and pouring money into Yemen, as yet another front in the "overseas contingency operation" re-branded by the Obama administration. Webmaster's Commentary: This has everything to do with controlling the Gulf of Aden, in advance of an impending attack against Iran, and nothing to do with getting the Yemeni government to fix the fundamentals of government and infrastructure which, to people who have nothing left to lose, can make insurgency look attractive.
If only Jefferson could see us now. This weekend, the Obama administration promised to turn over $3 billion in stealth fighters to Israel (supplementing the 20 F-35s it will buy with the $2.75 billion in "grants" it gets from Washington) and veto any U.N. resolution that questions Israel's legitimacy -- all in exchange for Israel's pledge to extend a ten-month partial settlement moratorium for another 90 days. This is a bad idea. And it's dangerous. There are differences, of course, between the events of the last 24 hours and the crisis that Jefferson faced in 1804.
Seemingly on the brink of approving a limited 90 day settlement freeze this weekend, Israel’s government has put the cabinet vote on hold until further notice, and has demanded further concessions and a formal list of US guarantees ‘in writing’ before they will continue. The quest to secure ever more from the Obama Administration is still on, however, as Israeli officials are in “marathon talks” with the US right now seeking, among other things, a promise that the US won’t ask for another 90 day freeze after the proposed one expires. Webmaster's Commentary: It is though the folks in Washington are pathologically incapable of understanding that no matter what Israel is offered for an "appearance" of serious final status issues with the Palestinians, it will never be enough.
The alleged "freeze" will never be a total freeze of illegal Israeli settlement building; it will only be a token. And at the end of the day, this country will have forked over billions more to Israel to achieve... absolutely, utterly nothing.
Despite a long and deep recession, the collective personal wealth of congressional members increased by more than 16 percent between 2008 and 2009, according to a study released Wednesday by the Center for Responsive Politics. The study also indicates that a significant number of members owned shares of major players in the health-care and financial-services sectors, which were the subject of major reform legislation during the period.
Video: This protester does not like foreclosure liars... Absolutely brilliant. These are by far my favorite type of clips - Random, live, televised episodes of public-humiliation for the criminal bankster elite. The anger is definitely growing. The good guys are fighting back. Runs 1 very righteous minute...
"Now Facebook does a debt collector's work for them," Howard told Zimmer. "Now it's not only family members, it's all of your associates. It's a very powerful tool for debt collectors to use." Howard believes stalking through Facebook could become a standard technique for debt collectors if action isn't taken. "It's getting the desired result, and that is to start a domino effect of panic and embarrassment among family and friends, and people will do anything to stop that," he said. Howard wants MarkOne Financial to stop using Facebook and other social media to harass Beacham's family and friends. He's filed a lawsuit to make his point. Webmaster's Commentary: Ah, the "dark side" of social networking!
While North America's airports groan under the weight of another sea-change in security protocols, one word keeps popping out of the mouths of experts: Israelification. That is, how can we make our airports more like Israel's, which deal with far greater terror threat with far less inconvenience.
The Ontario Crown Attorney's Office withdrew criminal charges against a Toronto man accused of operating a multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme partly because the court lacks resources, CBC News has learned. Webmaster's Commentary: So Tzvi Erez, and yes he is Jewish, gets a free pass from prosecution for stealing $27 million form his investors, because they don't have enough room on the court?!? Dear Canadians, please learn from the downfall of the United States and save yourselves while there is still time.
"Is that a Pistole in your pocket, Nappy, or are you just happy to see us?"
Rady Ananda -- COTO Report In response to public and pilot outrage at sexual assault by transportation security authorities and to the carcinogenic x-ray machines used to scan flyers, New Jersey lawmakers announced on Monday the introduction of several resolutions banning such practices. Additionally, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security is holding a Transportation Security Administration Oversight Hearing today (10 AM Wednesday).
House lawmakers are scheduled to consider Wednesday a motion to override President Barack Obama's veto last month of a bill that critics claimed could make it harder for homeowners to stop flawed foreclosures.
With Florida’s attorney general, defense lawyers, even members of Congress challenging the state’s “foreclosure mill” law firms, lenders’ attorneys have had little trouble from one group: The Florida Bar. Out of the more than 200 lawyers the Bar suspended or stripped of licenses this year, none was punished for lying in a foreclosure trial or making fake documents for one, behavior that a cottage industry of critics works to document.But that could change quickly.
As the U.S. government retaliates against an American for refusing to allow airport security to grope his genitals, the nation’s Homeland Security secretary considers waving the intrusive “pat-downs” for Muslim women who consider them offensive. Webmaster's Commentary:
What about the rest of us who think they are offensive?
The submarine launch of an ICBM off the California coast on November 8 is a milestone in American history. The immediate denials that it was an American test were a public relations disaster. America’s government does little but lie to its people, 9/11, Osama bin Laden, we could go on forever. In fact, nothing coming out of Washington or the press is remotely credible and it has finally been proven.
In this jam packed edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi gets wind of a recently declassified investigation from a 1963 Senate Foreign Relations Committee. From it he breaks down the truth of how terrorism was used against the United States to manipulate our Middle East policy. You will never guess who was behind the terrorism. Bob McIlvaine joins the show to deliver the "behind the scenes" look at what happened when he entered FOX studios to disclose the truth of the collapse of WTC Building Seven while seeking justice for the son he lost on 9/11. Bob Dwyer joins the broadcast to give the details on the new super patriot event scheduled for December 12 at the historic Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA. Gary shares a list of important upcoming events that you need to attend. Nina delivers you the headlines this week including a story about abolishing the TSA and Ron Paul's new committee appointment. She also gives you the facts on the two girls expelled from school for raising awareness for breast cancer. Nina also provides an update on the Canadian hearings about police brutality during the Toronto G20. We read viewer mail about the mystery missile and a sneaky Congressman is branded an Enemy of the State.
"And what about tampons?" asked the blog Feminist Peace Network. "They look kind of like sticks of dynamite. Are they going to ask us to pull them out and show them just to be sure?"
"I stood there, an American citizen, a mom travelling with a baby with special needs formula, sexually assaulted by a government official. I began shaking and felt completely violated, abused and assaulted by the TSA agent. I shook for several hours, and woke up the next day shaking."
Robert S. Mueller III, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, traveled to Silicon Valley on Tuesday to meet with top executives of several technology firms about a proposal to make it easier to wiretap Internet users. Mr. Mueller and the F.B.I.’s general counsel, Valerie Caproni, were scheduled to meet with senior managers of several major companies, including Google and Facebook, according to several people familiar with the discussions.
Just the other day, President Obama urged other countries to stop censoring the Internet. But now the United States Congress is trying to censor the Internet here at home. A new bill being debated this week would have the Attorney General create an Internet blacklist of sites that US Internet providers would be required to block. (The first vote is scheduled Thursday, November 18!) This is the kind of heavy-handed censorship you'd expect from a dictatorship, where one man can decide what web sites you're not allowed to visit. But the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to pass the bill quickly -- and Senators say they haven't heard much in the way of objections! That's why we need you to sign our urgent petition to Congress demanding they oppose the Internet blacklist.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.
The alternative news has made it IMPOSSIBLE for the corporate media to ignore the intrusive naked body scanners. This story has gone ultra viral, with thousands of American citizens demanding that their genitals not be fondled by low IQ TSA Mongrels. The head of the Transportation Security Administration Wednesday defended his agency’s security procedures, telling lawmakers it is “using technology and protocols to stay ahead of the [terrorist] threat and keep you safe.” John Pistole’s testimony before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation follows a controversy that broke out over the past week about the agency’s full body scans and pat-downs.
Centrica today revealed its profits were set to be higher than expected, just days after the firm announced it will be increasing for British Gas customers. The group predicted operating profits for 2010 will be slightly ahead of analysts' expectations of £2.2 billion in a third quarter trading update.
The TSA has taken their tyranny to new levels, openly breaking the law in order to push their police state security. American Citizens are being subjected to the groping of their genitals by low IQ TSA agents. A report by Fox News has indicated that there will be NO religious exemptions when it comes to invasive TSA procedures. The Transportation Security Administration says airline passengers won’t get out of body imaging screening or pat-downs based on their religious beliefs. TSA chief John Pistole told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday that passengers who refuse to go through a full-body scanner machine and reject a pat-down won’t be allowed to board, even if they turned down the in-depth screening for religious reasons.
Arjangi said Iran's radar stations and observation posts picked up on the planes entering Iranian airspace during the five-day drill, which started Tuesday. Webmaster's Commentary:
Which is why Israel is demanding you buy them more F-35s.
The Obama administration is getting ready to unveil a new innovative healthcare initiative geared to bridge TSA, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Tourism Industry to provide airline travelers with several major physical examinations at No Cost. Based on the proposed plan US travelers will be offered thorough colon, prostate and breast exams, and will be given health certificates as part of their routine and mandatory TSA security checks at airports.
Moody's Investors Service has downgraded to A2 from A1 the rating on City of Philadelphia's $3.8 billion in general obligation bonds and unconditional General Fund debt obligations.
Webmaster's Commentary:
You could sell that bell on eBay if it wasn't cracked!
Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin is laying it on the line. At a confrence today at the Pierre Hotel in NYC he said, according to Arron Tusk, that the soaring federal budget deficit and the Fed's quantitative easing are putting the U.S. in "terribly dangerous territory" and warned of a bond market "implosion." Get this. He said Congress' vote on raising the deficit ceiling next spring could be the "trigger" for a rout in the Treasury market.
Infectious email messages have been circulating and spreading a virus called, "VBMania." If you receive any emails with "Here you have" or "Just for you" in the subject line, please delete these emails immediately. Webmaster's Commentary: Shoot the hackers. Then waterboard their computers. Then shoot the hackers again!
President Obama did not object to construction in Jerusalem, but in East Jerusalem. West Jerusalem is the internationally recognized capital of Israel; East Jerusalem, which was unilaterally annexed by Israel’s government in 1980, is not. Indeed, there is not a single foreign embassy even in West Jerusalem, so complete has been the international rejection of Israel’s unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem, an annexation that not a single previous U.S. administration has recognized.
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