Of course the FBI was grooming this pasty for terror! This is a perfect example of how staged terror actually works. The only difference between this and other actual attacks is that the FBI choose to supply Mohamed Osman Mahmud with a fake bomb rather than an actual explosive such as the one given to a mentally ill extremist to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993.
The FBI’s elaborate sting operation that led to the arrest of Mohamed Osman Mohamud for allegedly trying to blow up a fake car bomb during a crowded Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in Portland drew praise from many quarters. But Mohamud’s defense attorney and some Muslim leaders questioned whether the FBI tactics went too far, essentially “grooming” the 19-year-old Somali to commit a terrorist attack.
“The principal deficiency of Wikileaks is its lack of transparency about its operators and funds, characteristics of spies and secret societies up to no good and whose main purpose is to hide from public accountability and conceal corruption and criminality. Such organizations always use a noble purpose and claim secrecy is needed to protect supporters. In practice the secrecy protects the principal beneficiaries, the operators and sources of funds, and supporters are sacrificed to protect the continuation of the enterprise.
Wikileaks head Julian Assange told Forbes that the next leak will be regarding a major American bank. He said that Wikileaks plans to release the documents early next year. Webmaster's Commentary:
Seriously, I think Julian is desperate to distract from the growing awareness that WikiLeaks is an Israeli propaganda operation, and this "tease" of revelations yet to come is just a feint.Well, this gives the banks enough time to meet Julian's price to NOT leak the really juicy stuff, doesn't it?
The volume is very low on the above recording, but in it, Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet is captured by a hot mic saying, "It's rigged, it's all rigged"
It will be interesting to see if the New York Times, which has given so much coverage to Julian Assange's "leaks", will give this revelation about the reality of the US Congress the same degree of attention!
The cases were filed by two different companies and involve different copyrighted adult material. However, the tactics are the same. In both cases, the owners of the adult movies filed mass lawsuits based on single counts of copyright infringement stemming from the downloading of a pornographic film, and improperly lump hundreds of defendants together regardless of where the IP addresses indicate the defendants live. Consistent with a recent spike in similar "copyright troll" lawsuits, the motivation behind these cases appears to be to leverage the risk of embarrassment associated with pornography to coerce settlement payments despite serious problems with the underlying claims. Webmaster's Commentary:
Shakespeare was right about lawyers.This amounts to extortion by those lawyers. They accuse innocent people of downloading copyrighted pornography hoping that the accused will pay up rather than face public exposure!
Retiring baby boomers will impact government spending heavily and this year, combined spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are expected to make up 45 percent of primary federal spending, compared with 27 percent in 1975, she explained. Webmaster's Commentary:
It is all well and good to dump the blame for the crisis on the retiring baby boomers, but one needs to recall that Social Security taxes were increased in the 1980s to build up a cash reserve to cover the predicted outflows, but the Clinton administration "borrowed" that extra cash from Social Security, with which it created the illusion of a Federal Budget Surplus. And therein lies the problem. It doesn't matter what sacrifices the people make in higher taxes and reduced services if the government simply spends the extra cash wherever it wants, then announces a new crisis requiring yet more taxes and cuts to services.
Stockholm is forecast to experience its coldest seasonal temperatures for over 100 years this week as winter weather takes hold of the country, according to the Swedish Meteorological Institute (SMHI). So IPCC, where is that global warming your data models promised us? Could really use it now.
The average American is going to struggle throughout the next decade. It is hard to see how wages will go up so it is likely that home prices will adjust lower given the magnitude of foreclosures in the pipeline. People might be jumping up and down about the recent job growth but they are occurring in lower paying sectors. So this does nothing to justify current prices. Low mortgage rates are merely a gimmick so banks can use cheap money to speculate on a global scale. Even with mortgage rates at levels we’ve never seen the housing market remains stalled like an old car. Why? Because the actual sticker price is still inflated based on income levels.
Today global wealth is more highly concentrated in the hands of the elite than it ever has been at any other point in modern history. Once upon a time, the vast majority of the people in the world knew how to grow their own food, raise their own animals and take care of themselves. There weren't many that were fabulously wealthy, but there was a quiet dignity in having land you could call your own or in having a skill that you could turn into a business. Sadly, over the past several decades an increasingly growing percentage of agricultural land has been gobbled up by big corporations and by corrupt governments. Hundreds of millions of people have been pushed off their land and into highly concentrated urban areas.
Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn't think all the leaked information coming out of Wikileaks is a result of Army PFC Bradley Manning, as a matter of fact he suspects a foreign intelligence service may be providing the more embarrassing leaks. Webmaster's Commentary:
Along with the obvious pander to Israel's self-image and the pushing for war with Iran, the WikiLeaks dump did indeed contain some minor embarrassing revelations, and I think the message from Israel to the US Government is clear; "You think that was bad? Do as you are told, or we will use WikiLeaks to rip the lid off of 9-11 and put the entire blame on the US Government, and the public will believe us because the story will come from "independent" WikiLeaks, backed up by the US media Israel bribes with millions of dollars, and we in Israel will have deniability for the expose'!"
Decision Points! If the New Yorker's lengthy and incisive skewering of George W. Bush's new book wasn't pleasure enough, here's yet another stumble in the former president's attempt at scrubbing his resume. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder tells the Telegraph that Bush lied about his stance on the US invading Iraq.
But Arbor Networks, which analyzes malicious network traffic crossing the internet’s backbones, reports that the DDoS generated between 2 and 4 Gbps of disruptive traffic, slightly above the average for all DDoS attacks, but well below the peak 60 to 100 Gbps consumed by truly massive attacks against other websites over the last year.
With US warships and aircraft operating near this sensitive area, chances of a China-US clash are increasing. It’s even possible North Korea might move to provoke a clash, or lash out at South Korea and spark a wider war that draws China and the US into direct confrontation.
In any event, China cannot long tolerate a US fleet operating in its most important waters, any more than the US would permit a Chinese fleet to demonstrate in Chesapeake Bay or the Gulf of Mexico. Washington is wisely pressing China to rein in its excitable North Korean ally. Beijing has no desire for war at this time and has been openly urging calm on Pyongyang and more six-power talks. Webmaster's Commentary: Washington may appear to be "...pressing China to rein in its excitable North Korean ally." However, there are those in the bowels of power in DC who are thinking about a war against China might not be a bad idea right now.
The logical mind boggles at such a thought, but consider the following:
1. The US government is utterly incapable of paying back the billions of dollars it owes China.
2. Obama was thoroughly unsuccessful in persuading the Chinese government to revalue their currency, and there are those in the US government ready, and willing, to declare China a "currency manipulator"
4. And finally, there are those in the bowels of power in DC who believe that another war (any war) is desperately needed to distract Americans from the financial misery into which they have been placed by bad Federal policy decisions, and for the economy to get out of this depression. Historically with the US, that is what has happened. Secretary of State Clinton is off on a tour of Central Asia today, visiting Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. One has to wonder what she might be "shopping for", in terms of a potential US/NATO attack against China, as barking-dog mad as such a notion might seem.
Story ALSO includes more detail on Washington Mutual losing more than 100,000 U.S. mortgage files and all the associated personal data of the borrowers - names, addresses, DOBs, SS#s, bank accounts, etc. - all during a warehouse move to Juarez, Mexico. And the Time Magazine piece is a MUST READ to get a sense of Bank of America's absolute and unadulterated INCOMPETENCE in foreclosure matters.
"I believe that this is an inside operation that is aimed not only at improving Israel's image in the world at a time when she really looks quite bad but also as a means of blackmailing the United States government into going to war against Iran," Mark Glenn said in an interview with Press TV.
In visiting Germany one cannot help but reflect on history. The thoughts are transported to periods before I was born, periods in history and facts I have read and verified and contrast it with myths that are taught daily to unsuspecting publics. Germany lives in the modern presence but the mist of a heavy and dark past moves all around sometimes getting thick and blurring visions. Some people pump such smoke trying to convince Germans and themselves that this is that mist emanating from a relevant past. We think and speak of how best to explain to Germans that guilt feelings are misdirected. How do we explain the Nazi-Zionist collaborations and the horrors that happened because of a misunderstanding of what really happened nearly seven decades ago (2).
FBI undercover agents had bad been playing patsy with Mohamud since June of 2010, “claiming they were acting as accomplices of a supposed Pakistani terrorist that Mohamed had been in contact with as early as 2008,” The Activist Post tells us. The big difference is, “the FBI actually supplied him with a bomb.” If this isn’t entrapment, what is?
In America today, the person searching for a pure source of truth in the media inevitably stumbles across many poison wells. Even if they are not yet actively pursuing alternative outlets of information, many people are aware, at least intuitively, when someone is trying to swindle them. You can present us with the assurance of delectable sirloin steaks on ornate silver platters, but if our faces are struck with the sickly stench of decay, we aren’t going to bite. Through its dishonesty and its distinct lack of substance, the mainstream media has turned up more noses than any putrid slab of unkempt beef ever could. The raw data is merciless in regards to the implosion of the MSM… Webmaster's Commentary:
Behind the multiple, hypocritical layers of spin served to the frantic 24/7 news cycle, politics is mostly a tacky reality show.
But to believe, as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does, that these disclosures constitute "an attack not only on American foreign policy interests but on the international community"; or that WikiLeaks, as President Barack Obama has put it, committed a serious crime, is to display nothing but tacky imperial arrogance. As if the world didn't have the right to gorge itself on the kind of political junk food served to a few consumers inside the Washington palaces of power.
A major law firm knew it sometimes had no reliable evidence of unlawful filesharing when it demanded hundreds of pounds damages from internet users, according to the solicitors' watchdog. London-based Davenport Lyons threatened thousands of people with legal action for alleged copyright infringement between 2006 and 2009. They were told that by quickly paying around £500 damages, plus costs, they could avoid court. Following complaints to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), Davenport Lyons now stands accused of deliberately ignoring concerns over the standard of its evidence.
On the news today is the ludicrous statement that a majority of Americans support openly gay military personnel. If such a thing were the case then gay marriage and so many related interests would not be getting shut down all the time. Gays in the military is a much bigger deal than these other things. There is a systematic effort afoot to combine the forces of political correctness with socialism in order to create a soviet style atmosphere in the US. We all know who was behind the original Bolshevik Revolution and what they did in that time. One can readily assume that the same directives and conclusions are intended here as well. Stick a fork in America, she’s done.
This is a very bad deal. Irish workers have already endured nearly 3 years of depression-type conditions with shrinking wages, soaring unemployment and dwindling home equity. Now Brussels is taking aim at pensioners to save bondholders in Berlin and Paris from any losses on their bad bets
Mohamud was never a member of a terrorist group. The FBI provided him a fake bomb and worked with him in the planning of the attack. But that’s not unusual these days, because the government no longer just tries to find and arrest actual terrorists; it also tries to create terrorists it can then arrest. In fact, informants now like to stand in the parking lots of American mosques, offering hundreds of thousands of dollars and fancy cars to anyone who will sign up for jihad. It’s a brave new world for thoughtcrime.
Not content with merely pushing world war-style rationing and the complete de-industrialization of the planet, global warming alarmists meeting in Cancun Mexico this week will propose the forced relocation of entire populations in the name of offsetting man made climate change. The shocking proposal appears on page 6 of the executive summary of the Special Climate Change Program. As a means of mitigating climate change, encouraging sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions, the document calls for, “the implementation of relocation programs for human settlements and infrastructure in high risk areas.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says his country will not make "one iota" of concessions over its nuclear rights in upcoming talks with world powers.
"If you want results from the talks, you must put aside the devil's temper and sit together under equal conditions on the basis of justice and respect ... and talk about various economic and nuclear fields, reach a deal and do joint work," Ahmadinejad said Tuesday in a speech broadcast live on state TV. Webmaster's Commentary:
"The Obama Administration has effectively decriminalized water boarding, torture, or war crimes by refusing to have the Department of Justice investigate or prosecute former Bush Administration officials who now boast openly about their involvement in committing war crimes. Advocacy groups have tried to have the lawyers involved in creating legal justification for torture disbarred but, given the lack of interest in following the country’s obligation to investigate and prosecute war crimes, the groups have been unsuccessful." Webmaster's Commentary:
When this country institutionalizes torture, as has happened under the Bush administration, and completely sanitizes its use, as has happened under the Obama administration, here's what happens:
1. The United States of America,for all practical intents and purposes, walks away from any human rights treaty to which it was ever a signatory, including the Geneva Conventions.
2. When we torture, we cannot, as a nation, or individually, talk about how we respect democracy and human rights.
3. When we torture, we give hostile nations carte blanche to do precisely the same to American military members and civilians. (For those of you with friends or family currently serving in the military, please think about that one for a while.)
Today, out of an abundance of caution, NOAA has closed 4,213 square miles of Gulf of Mexico federal waters off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama to royal red shrimping. The precautionary measure was taken after a commercial shrimper, having hauled in his catch of the deep water shrimp, discovered tar balls in his net. Webmaster's Commentary:
It was NOT an "abundance of caution", it was the tar balls! NOAA is still trying to protect itself after going along with Obama's "Magic Vanishing Oil" act of last July.
Cities and towns across Michigan have seen property-tax collections plunge as much as 20 percent in the past year, the steepest drop since a 1994 state tax rewrite, forcing scores of communities to choose by March whether to borrow to pay bills or risk default on bonds.
Webmaster's Commentary:
In an economic system based on debt, where by design the debt always exceeds the amount of money in circulation, default is inevitable. Might as well get it over with now.
It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Reposted in light of the FBI's entrapment operation in Portland, and the obvious desire by the US Government to kick off WW3 before a COMEX gold and silver collapse brings down Wall Street.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) is the largest military force ever assembled, with a potential armed force of more than seven million. Two decades after its original enemy, the Soviet Union, disintegrated, the alliance has been searching for a new identity and new role. As it reinvents itself for the 21st century, Nato is also redefining its threat assessments and its area of operations. Webmaster's Commentary:
The Russian leadership is many things, but not foolish. As reported on 30 November, 2010 at:
"While the U.S. and Russia have been publicly crowing about their awesome new friendship for the past two years, Moscow’s been moving small, ground-based nuclear weapons closer to the borders of Washington’s easternmost NATO allies."
"As recently as this spring, the Russians have moved their tactical nukes to sites close to their Western frontiers, alarming the Baltic and Eastern European members of NATO, the Wall Street Journal reports. Russia’s longstanding position is that it won’t pull its tactical nuclear weapons behind the Ural Mountains until the U.S. gets its own small nukes out of Europe. True totals of Russian tactical nuclear weapons is a tightly-held secret, but the Federation of American Scientists estimated last year that Moscow has nearly 5,400 of them, with about 2,000 deployed." Unless the tension between Russia, China, and NATO is defused by some workable, verifiable treaty mechanism, we may well be looking at a recipe for disaster, culminating in a world war.
Drivers are being warned of gangs of 'frost-jackers' on the prowl as temperatures plummet. Three cars were stolen across Greater Manchester in just 20 minutes yesterday as owners left the engines running to defrost them.
People from the outside of the USA can't send you regular mail in many cases anymore. Americans have lost their freedoms and their country. How much longer will they tolerate what has happened to them? How much farther will they allow their government to invade on their privacy in order to give them "security"? Considering all the recent uproar about police brutality to TSA groping, I wonder, how many more of these mini cancers will be needed to accumulate before the entire system collapses?
All news and commentary taken from Mike Rivero's, whatreallyhappened.com.
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