I had the chance to hang with [Matt] Taibbi last week after he spoke to a Denver audience about his new book, "Griftopia," which argues that Wall Street's bubble-bailout cycle has been one of the greatest — and least prosecuted — crimes in history.
... Here’s the scenario as this Thanksgiving rolls around. Once again the economy is in deep doo-doo with unemployment high, millions on food stamps, and millions more facing foreclosures. The big banks seem to have “recovered;” most Americans haven’t.
Nevertheless, Christmas is for the shopping, a time to feign merriment through gift gifting, to spend what you don’t have. And the process will be “stimulated” and we will be guilted and mesmerized in our own homes by a non-stop electronic sellathon as TV advertising goes into hyperspeed. Local TV channels will soon start hyping the “action” at the local malls announcing plans to “go live” without mentioning that they are doing it to attract more advertising, or as part of deals they already have with sponsors to add news time to ad time. If the past is any guide, we will be told how packed the mall parking lots are...
...Unfortunately, a feast followed by days at the mall will not change any of this, and remember, if you will, the price our first Americans paid so that we could stuff ourselves on the road to national obesity. Happy Thanksgiving!
Leonard Lopate: When NFL star Pat Tillman decided to forego his lucrative football career in 2002 to join the military, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote in a memo that the Pentagon should "keep an eye on him." So no one should be surprised that when Tillman was killed several years later in Afghanistan, the military turned his biography into a propaganda tool. Pat Tillman's life and the controversy surrounding his death are the subjects of the new film called "The Tillman Story," which [one critic] described as "a clear-sighted, emotionally steady documentary that chronicles the Tillman family's mounting rage at the military's misappropriation of the story." We're joined now by Amir Bar-Lev, the film's director. I'm very pleased that brings him to our show.
Having just come across the article, "Who Owns the TV Networks" by Eustace Mullins, we felt it necessary to repost it in its entirety. The article is clearly dated, and many of these players have died, but rest assured they've simply been replaced by more of the same. Although many people today are aware that television and the mainstream media present a very carefully propagandized picture of world events, we doubt many truly grasp the depth of this perversion of reality. So, prepare to have your eyes opened further still. For yet another illuminating interview with Mr. Mullins, visit Rense.com. He goes into detail about the Federal Reserve, CFR, RIIA, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans and much more.
CHICAGO — As if air travel over the Thanksgiving holiday isn't tough enough, it could be even worse this year: Airports could see even more disruptions because of a loosely organized Internet boycott of full-body scans . . .
Food and its production has been a principle concern since the beginning of time. Governments monitor the food supply very carefully for the sake of national security. The fluctuation in the price of core goods can make life very hard for everyone. The poorest people in Haiti resorted to eating mud cookies and in Ireland the government is handing out free cheese as their economy crumbles under the burden of debt. Give us our daily bread because a hungry citizenry can bring a nation to ruin.
Three billion dollars for three months is one billion dollars a month to stop Israel's colonisation. That's half a billion dollars a fortnight. That's $500m a week. That's $71,428,571 a day, or $2,976,190 an hour, or $49,603 a minute. And as well as this pot of gold, Washington will continue to veto any resolutions critical of Israel in the UN and prevent "Palestine" from declaring itself a state. It's worth invading anyone to get that much cash to stage a military withdrawal, let alone the gracious gesture of not building more illegal colonies for only 90 days while furiously continuing illegal construction in Jerusalem at the same time.
Israel conditions the extension of a partial freeze on settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian lands on the freedom of one of Tel Aviv's spies imprisoned in the US.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the US to release the agent, Jonathan Pollard, in exchange for a temporary halt in Tel Aviv's construction of the Jewish settlements, Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post wrote on Sunday. Tel Aviv refused to renew a partial 10-month moratorium on its September 26 expiration date, breaking off Washington-backed direct talks with the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Something is going on that your government does not want you to know about. Very few journalists have written about it and little or nothing has appeared in the mainstream media. The story could be one of major stories of our time. Western powers have tried to destroy gold as a backing for currencies for many years. Presently the major media won’t touch the story and that is understandable. Something we have been writing about for years is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization known as SCO. Few have been listening and few have been interested in what their mission is and what they have been up to.
You should be aware that there is a French-based European movement that is gaining considerable strength that calls for massive, coordinated bank withdrawals across the continent on December 7. For European readers, here are the relevant Facebook pages:
* Italy * France * Germany * Holland * Great Britain * Greece
Heads up headline today: "iPad 'newspaper' created by Steve Jobs and Rupert MurdochApple and News Corp reportedly set to launch joint iPad news publication exclusively via download"
When I was invited to attend Project Gulf Impact’s conference at Seattle University I jumped at the opportunity. Not only was I able to finally meet PGI, I was able to speak to numerous fisherman who have literally had their lives destroyed by BP and their toxic dispersant. Little did I know that the event was actually put together by student activists at the university who were so deeply touched by the disaster that they invited PGI to speak at their school.
While I was touched by all the speakers, one stood out in particular. No human being should have to go through what this man and thousands of others have been put through at the hands of an international oil company.
The unexpected success of the Taliban in Afghanistan in eradicating three-quarters of the world's crop of opium poppies in one season is leading experts to ask where production is likely to spring up next. The director of the United Nations Drug Control Program, Pino Arlacchi, said there was no chance that opium from other sources would compensate this year for the loss of Afghan crops, and the prices of opium and heroin will rise substantially, with opium already worth five to seven times its usual price.
Hospitals are treating a growing number of drug users who have overdosed on heroin mixed with other substances by dealers because of a huge shortage of the opiate across the UK. One of the most severe heroin 'droughts' for five years has been reported in areas across the UK, including, London, Lancashire, Surrey, and Stockton-on-Tees. The shortage has been linked not to seizures of the drug by law enforcement agencies but to a fungus that has blighted this year's poppy crop in Afghanistan, reducing it by half.
Toddlers are to be inoculated against six diseases at once in a bid to boost vaccination rates, the Government revealed yesterday. The chief medical officer has told GPs to give the vaccines – including the MMR jab – during a single surgery visit once a baby has passed his or her first birthday. The ‘super-vaccination’ day will involve three injections to protect against measles, mumps, rubella, two forms of meningitis and bacteria that can cause pneumonia. Under the existing NHS timetable, a month normally separates the two meningitis jabs from the other vaccinations. The official advice was sent out to GPs in England and Wales last week.
A former foreign policy chief for the largest Israeli lobby in the US is threatening to provide evidence members of the organization regularly traffic in classified US government information.
The US needs the PA to help keep alive the whole fake story about the PA – Oslo’s “Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority”, supposedly “interim” to full Palestinian independence but actually “interim” to Israel’s final victory – to achieve what it needs to do in Afghanistan. Israel still needs the PA, too, because otherwise Israel will be identified for what it is: an Apartheid state.
If you're in the market for a car, be prepared to prove you are not a terrorist. The federal government's Red Flags Rule mandates that auto dealers, banks, credit unions and other "creditors" and "financial institutions" take additional steps to prevent identity theft and fraud, beginning Jan. 1. Included in the list of so-called creditors is your family doctor. Among those steps is determining whether a person applying for financing - or even paying cash for a car - appears on any government watch lists of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations.
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