Friday, November 12, 2010

News stories for Friday, November 12, 2010 Part 2

Poll Finds Majority of American Men Would Have Voted For Naked Woman

Regardless of her party affiliation or theirs!

Pilots and passengers rail at new airport patdowns

With the busiest holiday travel season nearing, fliers face long security lines and new rigorous patdown checks begun in recent weeks aimed at discovering hidden explosives. As a result, some travelers are questioning whether to fly at all.

"We have received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls from travelers vowing to stop flying," said Geoff Freeman, an executive vice president of the U.S. Travel Association, which set up the meeting with the Obama administration officials.

Webmaster's Commentary:

GOOD! These demeaning, invasive searches are truly doing nothing to make flying more safe; it is simply about cowing the American people to to submit to any tyrannical procedure the to which Federal government wants them to submit.

Crash JP Morgan ... Buy Silver (Show the Too Big To Fails Who Is Boss)

Specifically, Keiser said that if everyone buys just 1 ounce of silver, it will force JP Morgan - a giant manipulator of the silver market - to cover its short positions, and drive it out of business.



Not only did the foul deeds committed on this ship not get the press attention they wanted…. it is actually backfiring on them as their lies are exposed…. BY THE VERY PRESS THEY HOPED WOULD HELP THEM…

Two Reports, both worth reading are linked here;
Gaza activists willingly on ship from Libya-ship manager
Activists tried to hijack ship to Gaza: owners
Not only is this a ship of fools, they think we all are fool enough to believe their saga at sea… Perhaps they can sell their story to the Enquirer

"My First Cavity Search" Spoof makes it onto TSA screen

This is a photo of the TSA booth by the security check-in point at Indianapolis International Airport. Take a close look at the wallpaper on the computer in that booth. Nervous yet?

Webmaster's Commentary:

These perverts think this is all one big joke!

Currency Wars for Dummies

Now, for the assertion that the Fed made a mistake. Wrong! They did exactly the best thing...FOR THE FED! The Fed is a privately held [consortium] of banks. Their actions are not necessarily intended to save us or the economy; their actions are intended to save the banks, to drive up asset valuations so the smart money can get out before the collapse.

Ben Bernanke was a boy wonder, child prodigy and a genius academician. He still is. He is only doing the bidding of his betters in this, saving the asses of the asses who drove the economy into the ground. To hell with the best interest of the US.

Preparing for War: US to boost weapons stockpile in Israel

The United States is to significantly increase the amount of military equipment held in Israel as part of a move to upgrade security ties between the two allies, press reports said on Thursday.

Israel made use of the stockpile during the 2006 war with the Lebanese Hezbollah militia—a conflict which killed 1,200 people in Lebanon, most of them civilians, and around 160 Israelis, most of them soldiers, the Haaretz daily reported.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One has to wonder if Lebanon is again in Israel's gun sites: they have been overflying Lebanese airspace consistently, in violation of the UN ceasefire, and Ban Ki Moon has commented that the region appears to be getting even more unstable.

But unfortunately,this time, because there are so many defense pacts in place between various players, this could devolve from a regional war into a world war in a heartbeat.

It's Not the "Great Recession". It's the Great Bank Robbery

The proof is in the pudding: a small handful of people have ended up with a lot more loot in their safes, while everyone else has gotten a lot poorer. And, unfortunately, radical concentration of wealth is destroying both capitalism and democracy.

The government has not only failed to enforce any laws to prevent theft, but has been so busy helping the big boys carry their bags of cash that - even with the sheriff's badges - it is difficult to tell who is who.

Timetable Abandoned: U.S. And NATO To Wage Endless War In Afghanistan

"Ever since he took office two years ago, Obama has made the deadly drones a key instrument in his fight against the militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The drones are also being used liberally to target militants in Yemen and Somalia." [9]

The Afghan war in its tenth year has expanded into a far broader conflict, one which grows in both scope and lethality with each passing week and will escalate yet further before it begins to wind down, if it ever does.

President Obama's pledge last year to "draw down" U.S. and NATO combat forces from South and Central Asia - they are also stationed in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - next year is now revealed to be the transparent political manipulation it was from the start.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Is there a scenario in which the US and NATO could actually "turn the tide" against these insurgents, given the absolute level of corruption of the governments of both Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Not probably without reinstituting the draft in the US, and putting 500,000 pairs of US boots on the ground in Afghanistan, and there are questions as to whether even such a show of force could make a difference, as the old Soviet Union found during their "military misadventure" in Afghanistan.

We will continue to stay in Afghanistan, and lose miserably, because this administration actually doesn't know what else to do, and doesn't want there to be a "Saigon moment" in Kabul.

The moral and ethical problem with this war, publicly funded and fought, is that it has been fought essentially for potential private profits. These were supposed to come from the installation of pipelines with which to control Eurasian oil (hasn't happened to date), and from the drug trade (which, after the invasion and occupation, has grown exponentially).

We have never had, and continue to not have, the moral high ground on our side. And because of this, ultimately, the US is destined to lose this war, after all the blood and money spent.

Bailing Out the Securitization Deviants

Now it appears that Congress may attempt to prevent any MERS meltdown from occurring. MERS is owned by all the biggest banks, and they certainly do not want it to be sunk by huge fines. Investors in mortgage-backed securities also do not want to see the value of their bonds sink because of doubts about the ownership of the underlying mortgages.

So it looks like the stage may be set for Congress to pass a bill that would limit MERS exposure on the recording fee issue and perhaps retroactively legitimate mortgage transfers conducted through MERS private database.

Herper's sellout - Canadian troops to stay in Afghanistan

Canadian troops will stay an extra three years in Afghanistan, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday, though he promises they’ll no longer engage in combat missions and will instead focus on safer training missions.

Paying To Be Raped By Sibel Edmonds

Every single day. Millions of us, Americans. Being violated. Being degraded. You know exactly what I am talking about. I am taking about me, you, your mother, her brother, his brother’s wife and toddler son, their grandmothers. I am talking about the systematic degradation of our people. I am talking about being raped of our dignity, privacy, and decency. I am talking about a daily systematic rape we actually pay to be subjected to. I am talking about severe violations we elect people to bring upon us. Yes, I am talking about traveling, TSA police, and being reduced to naked and helpless subjects of government police practices.

Netanyahu Bolstered by GOP Gains

"Netanyahu feels new confidence," said Indyk, since the Republicans took over the House, and he believes that Congress will be behind him even more strongly. As a result, during the current round of sniping over new Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Netanyahu felt brash enough to respond nastily to American criticism.

As Daniel Kurtzer, a pro-Obama analyst and former US ambassador to Israel told the New York Times today, of Netanyahu: "He's dealing with a president who's politically weakened. A lot of his friends in Washington are Republicans. He feels more comfortable with them, so he just feels that he's got a freer hand here."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Unfortunately, the undue Israeli influence in US foreign policy is a cancer which is sure to get worse when the congressional "changing of the guard" happens in January.

The ruinous costs, in blood and money, of the Afghanistan and Iraq military misadventures, wars Israel wanted to see the US fight, have taught Congress, and the White House, absolutely nothing.

Add to this the reality that historically, the US has gotten out of economic depressions by going to war, and Iran is yet another "existential threat" (as was Iraq) which Israel wants to see the US neutralize, and you have all the pieces in place for a potential military confrontation with Iran.

If Obama gets coerced into doing this, to look "butch" right before the 2012 election, it will be one of the worst decisions he will have made during his tenure in the Oval Office, and this President right now is the poster child for making really bad decisions while in office.

Household income falling faster than any year since the war

The average household income fell faster during the recession than at any time since the aftermath of the Second World War, official figures revealed yesterday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Yee-HAAAA; we DID IT!" -- Bank of Pigland


Back in ancient Rome there was this guy, Marcus Licineus Crassus. He was the Howard Hughes of his day. He grew rich by inventing the fire department. He had trained slaves with special wagons filled with firefighting equipment located throughout Rome. When a fire broke out, which was often, Crassus and the wagons would race to the scene whereupon Crassus would offer to buy the property on the spot for a fraction of its value.If the owner sold, the fire was put out. If the owner refused to sell, Crassus would allow the property to burn to the ground. By means of this simple method, Crassus soon became the largest landowner in Rome and the richest man in the then-known world. Crassus' greed was legendary and he entered politics, becoming a financial backer of Julius Caesar against Cicero. Following his exploitation of the Spartacus revolt, Crassus became Praetor and then First Consul of Rome, ending the Republic and setting the stage for the reign of the emperors. Among his other ostentatious shows of wealth, Crassus is credited with the trick of putting bits of gold leaf into his wine, a harmless bit of egotism which inspired the present day Goldschläger. When finally brought down by his enemies, Crassus' reputation for greed sealed his fate, and the Parthians poured molten gold into his mouth as punishment for his greed

Suffocated By Red Tape – 12 Ridiculous Regulations That Are Almost Too Bizarre To Believe

Today, the U.S. government has an "alphabet agency" for just about everything. The nanny state feels like it has to watch, track and tightly control virtually everything that we do. The Federal Register is the main source of regulations for U.S. government agencies. In 1936, the number of pages in the Federal Register was about 2,600. Today, the Federal Register is over 80,000 pages long. That is just one example of how bad things have gotten.

Matt Taibbi's Latest: Florida's Foreclosure Rocket Docket Expedites MASSIVE Bank Fraud

The rocket docket wasn't created to investigate any of that. It exists to launder the crime and bury the evidence by speeding thousands of fraudulent and predatory loans to the ends of their life cycles, so that the houses attached to them can be sold again with clean paperwork. The judges, in fact, openly admit that their primary mission is not justice but speed. One Jacksonville judge, the Honorable A.C. Soud, even told a local newspaper that his goal is to resolve 25 cases per hour. Given the way the system is rigged, that means His Honor could well be throwing one ass on the street every 2.4 minutes.

Do NOT Ask The Wife Of Goldman Sachs CEO, Laura Blankfein To Wait In Line

Why...because if you do, she'll flip her lid and the following will happen...

Iran Accuses IAEA of Leaking Info to US

Faced with a new series of demands from IAEA chief Amano Yukiya, including a reiteration of the call for them to aceept the controversial “Additional Protocol,” the Iranian government rejected the calls, saying the IAEA can’t be trusted to conduct even wider inspections.

The Additional Protocol would give the IAEA far greater rights of access to facilities, including the ability to probe any “suspected location” on short notice. Though Iran voluntarily complied with the protocol for a time, their parliament never ratified it, and ordered the government to stop complying with it in retaliation for UN sanctions.

Webmaster's Commentary:

When a signatory to the NNPT follows inspection procedures to the letter and still gets slammed by UN sanctions, who can blame them for not wanting to offer further cooperation?!?

Of course, the governments of the US and Israel are going to jump on this as as "proof" that Iran has a nuclear bomb program going.

And when they do, please remember: these are the same folks who told you that Iraq's Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons!

Clinton Makes Additional Security Pledges to Israel Over Peace Talks

Though for all intents and purposes the peace talks appear to be fully dead, the Obama Administration is continuing to make additional pledges to visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, assuring him of further US largesse in return for a peace deal that is seemingly not coming.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was up to make promises today, assuring Netanyahu of America’s “unshakable commitment to Israel’s security.” She assured that the borders of any Palestinian state would reflect Israel’s requirements.

Webmaster's Commentary:

How meaningful can any discussion of a potential Palestinian state's borders be in light of the fact that Israel has never actually declared its borders?!?!?

I think that Clinton has telegraphed to Netanyahu that there is zero US support for the existence of a Palestinian state, period, end of discussion.

So what we are apt to see, in the coming weeks and months, is a brisk annexation by Israel of the West Bank and Jerusalem, coupled with forcible expulsions of Palestinians from homes their families have lived in for generations.

More Looting of Taxpayers: Wall Street Collects $4 Billion as Swaps Backfire

In contrast to the subprime crisis, few taxpayers know anything about the cost of untangling municipal swaps. The only disclosure of payments to Wall Street often is buried in documents borrowers have to give investors when they sell bonds.

In many cases, firms getting payments aren’t explicitly identified and government officials often don’t call attention to payments made to cancel contracts. Many of the telephone calls and e-mails from Bloomberg News to dozens of government and nonprofit officials over the last eight months seeking comment on derivative transactions went unanswered…….

Iraq set to acquire pro-Iran government

Iraq is set to acquire a new government following a power sharing deal, which underscores Iran's growing influence in Baghdad.

Incumbent Prime Minister, Nouri Al Maliki, whose State of Law bloc won 89 seats will continue for a second term in office. With the 70-seat support coming recently from the former rival–turned-ally, Moqtada Al Sadr, Mr. Maliki had already edged close to the mark of 163 seats required to form a new government. Mr. Maliki's tenure for a second term was secured when the Kurdish alliance of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) decided to pool in its 43 seats in favour of the Shia combine.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, let me get my head around this: the real, and largest, beneficiary of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq turns out to be.....IRAN?!?!?!?!?

Student protests planned on a national scale on 24 November

Proposals drawn up for national day of direct action as head of lecturers' union at Goldsmiths, London praises students' actions. Webmaster's Commentary:

Globalism: The choice between global slavery or global revolution. Decide.

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America


The cure for the mortgage documents puts the loan out of eligibility for the trust. In order to cure, on a current basis, they have to argue that the loan goes retroactively back into the trust. This is the cure that the banks have been unwilling to do, because it is a big problem for the MBS. So instead they forge and fabricate documents.


Watchdog Planned for Online Privacy

Julia Angwin
The Wall Street Journal

The Obama administration is preparing a stepped-up approach to policing Internet privacy that calls for new laws and the creation of a new position to oversee the effort, according to people familiar with the situation.

'G-20 Solidarity Is Crumbling'

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: The rest of the world won't do what Obama tells them to!

Home prices fall in half of US cities

There was a fall in the mean price of a single-family home in 76 of 155 US metropolitan areas, the National Association of Realtors said in a report on Thursday, Bloomberg reported.

House prices in Florida, slumped 20 percent from last year, showing the largest decline overall. There was a 15 percent drop in prices in the cities of Palm Bay, Florida, and Tucson, Arizona. The mean price of US homes fell 0.2 percent to $177,900.

The US housing market is struggling as lenders continue to seize a record number of properties. This under pressure financial sector is also being hindered by a 26-year high in unemployment figures. Webmaster's Commentary: The massive property seizure is also due to a desire on the part of financial institutions to eliminate evidence that mortgages were sold and bundled multiple times, to the point where it was almost impossible to know who actually had title to the property.

G20 summit in chaos over currency war

The G20 summit of leaders of the world's leading economies in South Korea has been shrouded in great pessimism as leaders seem deeply divided over currency and trade policies.

Webmaster's Commentary:

What concerns me deeply about this turn of events are three aspects of the G20:

1. Currency wars can ultimately lead to actual shooting wars.

2. The US has traditionally gotten itself out of depressions by going to war.

3. Suddenly, because the US didn't get what it wanted from China in terms of China revaluing its currency, I am seeing a great deal of China-bashing in various forums today, and that is a very bad (and perhaps, telling) sign.

Holocaust? Censorship adds doubt not support to officialdum. Auto-vilification

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