Monday, November 22, 2010

News stories for Monday, November 22, 2010 Part 2

A Full Body Scan of American Corruption

So, what does this all mean?

It means that airport body scanners are ineffective by any metric you care to apply:

• They are medically dangerous.

• They potentially cause more deaths than they would save.

• They can be easily defeated.

This has not prevented Michael Chertoff from going on every television show, pleading how these devices are necessary to protect the Homeland from the terrorist threat.

It’s as if Mr. Chertoff had been on a mission—

—but then again, at $150,000 a pop, and with a minimum order of 1,000 units necessary to put body scanners in each and every airport in the United States, this represents $150 million dollars to Rapiscan. Webmaster's Commentary: It's all about the money, folk; all about the money. And the fact that some people will wind up getting sick and dying of cancer from exposure to these machines?!? That's not the manufacturer's problem!!!

Bon Secour Shrimpers Say Nets and Shrimp Covered With Oil, After Shrimping Trip Off Louisiana Coast

Bon Secour shrimpers say their nets and catch were covered with oil from Gulf floor during a shrimping trip off the coast Louisiana Saturday. Debra Nelson says her husband and two sons headed offshore, about forty miles from where BP's oil rig exploded, to waters that were recently opened in hopes of catching royal red shrimp. When they pulled up the nets after a three-hour drag, they found an unusable catch coated in oil.

LA Times - 'Shut Up And Be Scanned'

The ownership of the Los Angeles Times are the same people that control the criminally-invassive polices that TSA is currently using and trying to justify. That rag that used to be called the LA Times ought to be subjected to a review of their records and their management - which is at least as thorough as are the searches of people
which they are advocataing against here. Webmaster's Commentary:

We have the same problem here in Hawaii. The local rag, the StarAdvertiser (a Frankenstein monster sewed together from two dead predecessors) has steadfastly refused to address the issue of TSA abuses even as our tourism plunges to record lows.


Incoming House Transportation chief against ‘Opt-Out’ Day in TSA protest

Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) urged airline passengers Sunday to not purposefully slow down airport security lines by refusing to go through body scanners. “I think the public needs to work with us. We will get it right,” Mica said on CNN’s "State of the Union." “I’m not going to support that but we need to get it right and we will.” Webmaster's Commentary: Oh, yes: I expect this government to get airline security just as "right" as it's gotten the economy for working Americans; just as "right" is it's gotten these two illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; and just as "right" as the next impending attack against the next manufactured villain, to distract Americans from the misery this government's foreign and domestic policies has created!!!

Back in 2002, I Saw the TSA Harassment Coming

…while the FAA sets the rules for screeners, the screeners are still employees of firms hired by the airlines. Because of this, they do have an incentive for passengers to make their flights on time. (This does not mean that everyone will make it through security on time, but at least the incentive is there for screeners not to overdo their searches.) Once screeners become full-fledged government employees, however, the incentives structure will change dramatically. The inspectors will be working for the federal government and will have no obligations at all toward passengers, except to treat all of them like criminals.

Ex-AIPAC official threatens to uncover mass spying at Israel lobby - Top AIPAC officials visited prostitutes, regularly watched porn at work

Is US's most influential advocate for Israel about to implode? Webmaster's Commentary:

One can only hope!

All War All the Time

Don’t you remember those halcyon days under Obama when we traded guns for butter, the military shrank, and peace was at hand? Me neither. These last years, of course, have seen the largest military budget in history, the repeated doubling down on one war, a pretend conclusion to another, the building up of the structure of U.S. military bases across the Greater Middle East and a massive buildup of such bases in Afghanistan, as well as the violent escalation of conflicts in nations not at war with the U.S., and record numbers of Special Forces troops – the military’s expanding secret military – sent into 75 countries (15 more than at the end of the Bush era).

With doves like these, who needs hawks?

Flashback: TSA chief John Pistole to put priority on rail, subways

Protecting riders on mass-transit systems from terrorist attacks will be as high a priority as ensuring safe air travel, the new head of the Transportation Security Administration promises. Webmaster's Commentary: Don't tell me that this is not about the boatloads of cash people are getting from the sales of these back-scatter xray machines, because such sales have nothing to do with the real safety of Americans.

If this government were really sincere about the safety of its citizens, it would stop mucking around in other peoples' countries!!

Full Spectrum Dominance: 8 Examples Of How The Government Is Attempting To Take Total Control Of Our Food, Our Health, Our Money And Even Our Dignity

It isn't just in one particular area that all of this government intrusion into our lives is so offensive. What we are witnessing is the government slowly digging its fingers even deeper into our lives in a thousand different ways. Sadly, most Americans see the government as the one who is supposed to take care of them from the cradle to the grave, as the one who is supposed to fix all of the problems in society and as the one who is their ultimate authority.

This is in direct contradiction to the concept of a "limited government" that our Founding Fathers tried so desperately to enshrine in our founding documents. The American people need a big-time wake up call. The following are 8 examples of how the U.S. government is attempting to take even more control over our lives....

One possible solution to the TSA abuses!

Government software error botches over 5,000 breast X-rays

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Those airport x-rays are safe. Honest! The government says so"

TSA Chief: US Will Never Ease Screening Policy

TSA Chief John Pistole reiterated today that the administration has absolutely no intention of ever changing its screening policy, insisting that the TSA is “the last line of defense for the US government” and that all the incidents of groping he was asked about were “appropriate” in the face of terrorists. Though some said President Obama’s feigned sympathy suggested a change might be in the offing, Pistole seemed determined to indicate that the system is only going to get more intrusive over time.

Webmaster's Commentary: In future years, John Pistole is going to be remembered as the person who put the US airline business in bankruptcy and out of business!

Way to go, John!!!

US defense chiefs warns LatAm nations on Iran cooperation

Latin American nations need to be cautious with Iran and its motives when negotiating development of their nuclear capacities, the US defense chief warned here Sunday.

"I think that countries that are dealing with Iran in this arena need to be very cautious and very careful about how they interact with the Iranians in terms of what the Iranians motives might be and what they're really trying to do," US Defense Secretary Robert Gates told journalists ahead of a pan-American defense meeting. Webmaster's Commentary:

If Sec Def Gates is "concerned" about Latin American Countries dealing with Iran to develop a civilian nuclear infrastructure, why isn't the US getting these nations to sign the NNPT and providing help in this arena?!? IF American help and know-how was used to create these programs, and this was coupled with IAEA inspections, we'd know precisely what was happening with nuclear energy programs in South America.

International Soccer Star: Reclaim Your Power By Pulling Your Money Out of Your Bank on December 7th

Most Americans haven't heard of him, but Eric Cantona is a huge international soccer star known throughout Europe and much of the world. Cantona is calling for Europeans to pull their money out of banks on December 7th: Webmaster's Commentary:

Not a bad idea!

Administration Is Setting Us Up For An "Event" So Obama Can Say "I Was Trying To Protect You"

Aged Saudi ruler to fly to US over blood clot

Saudi Arabia's aged ruler will fly to the United States for medical tests over a blood clot, according to a Saudi official, in a development that would renew questions about succession in the oil-rich kingdom. Webmaster's Commentary: As reported on 6 November, 20o7 at:

"Flying and Blood Clots: A Deadly Risk"

"Life-threatening blood clots and flying have been linked for more than 50 years, but a new study of business travelers confirms the risk, particularly for those who take long flights or fly frequently."

There are many medical centers in Europe which could treat King Abdullah very well for this kind of condition. One has to wonder that he would take the risk of flying all the way to the US for treatment. Flight time from Riyadh to New York is about 15 hours.

S. Korea Could Seek Deployment of US Tactical Nuclear Weapons

South Korea's defense minister says his country may consider having U.S. tactical nuclear weapons deployed on its soil for the first time in 19 years.

Defense Minister Kim Tae-young raised the possibility Monday during talks with a parliamentary committee about North Korea's latest nuclear escalation. He said the issue could be raised when a joint U.S.-South Korean military committee meets next month to discuss North Korea's nuclear programs. Webmaster's Commentary: Such a move would only escalate tensions between North and South Korea even further.

TSA head: We know nothing of Chertoff's pornoscanner conflict of interest.

Once again the government lies and they are not even being clever about it.

Russia Today crew arrested at Fort Benning deomonstrations.

Russia Today's crew were reporting on the annual demonstration outside Fort Benning known as the 'school of assassins' when they were arrested. Webmaster's Commentary: We seem to have a a really interesting case of US officials "shooting the messengers" in this incident. Fort Benning is where the US teaches favored foreign nationals about the intricacies of torture and assassination.

That we teach these tactics, let alone practice them consistently, does not do much to bolster America's alleged reputation in the world for valuing peace, democracy, and human rights.

Nude airport scanners 'may be dangerous': scientists

US scientists have warned that the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners being used to screen passengers and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe.

"They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays," Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University school of medicine, told AFP on Friday. "No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous, but we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner," he said. Webmaster's Commentary:

Not that I have the least amount of sympathy for them, because they chose to be what they are, but those TSA workers are getting bathed in the leakage of the backscatter machines every hour of every day they work. Yes, the government insists these highly-profitable machines are safe, but the US Government said exactly the same thing about the shoe store fluoroscopes in the 1940s ... right up until the shoe store salesmen started dying of cancer in the 1960s.

"Michael Chertoff is making money off this!”

A Full Body Scan of American Corruption

In the United States, if a policeman stops you for a traffic violation, and you offer him a $20 bill to forget about the whole thing, you’ll likely end up in jail. But if you leave your Federal government job and go work as a consultant to the very industry you used to regulate, you won’t go to jail—you’ll grow rich. Very rich.

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