Sunday, November 28, 2010

News stories for Sunday, November 28, 2010 Part 1

U.S. Seeks to Keep Korean Tension From Escalating to Conflict, Mullen Says

The U.S. is trying to prevent North Korea’s attack on a South Korean island from escalating into a more significant conflict, said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We’re very focused on restraint and not letting this thing get out of control,” Mullen told CNN in an interview scheduled for broadcast tomorrow on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” and posted on the network’s Website. “The South Koreans so far have responded that way. Nobody wants this thing to turn into a conflict.” Webmaster's Commentary: IF what Mullen is saying is true, why has there been no emergency meeting at the UN Security Council?

Why has there been no immediate and direct communication from the US to Chinese officials, in light of the fact that North Korea is a client state of China?

As reported today at:,7340,L-3990723,00.html

"China said on Sunday it wants emergency consultations among six governments involved in talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear programme, adding that the consultations would not amount to a full restart of the stalled negotiations. The call was made by a senior Chinese diplomat, Wu Dawei, at a brief news conference. The talks bring together North and South Korea, host China, the United States, Japan and Russia."

Large fish die-off at the mouth of the Mississippi

State wildlife officials are investigating a large fish kill at the mouth of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. "By our estimates there were thousands, and I'm talking about 5,000 to 15,000 dead fish. Different species were found dead including crabs, sting rays, eel, drum, speckled trout, red fish, you name it, included in that kill," said parish president Craig Taffaro.

U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [UPDATE: South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]

China's State Councilor Dai Bingguo, a senior foreign policy adviser, met with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in Seoul, according to Lee's office, which provided no details. South Korea's Yonhap news agency said they discussed the North Korean attack and how to ease tensions. The meeting followed similar discussions Saturday between Dai and South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan, according to Seoul's Foreign Ministry.

Webmaster's Commentary: The fact that one of China's top diplomats met with both South Korea's Foreign Minister and President indicates that neither country wants the situation with the North to escalate: these meetings are very significant.

Unfortunately, however, it is the US which appears to be salivating for a way to create a military confrontation against China. The US cannot possibly pay China back all the money it has borrowed to fund its perpetual war machine. China refused to revalue its currency at the G20, China and Russia have dropped the dollar in their economic dealings with each other, and now France's Sarcozy wants to include China's currency in a "basket" of currencies to replace the dollar as the reserve currency.

Additionally, there are those in the bowels of power in DC who believe that a war would distract people in the US from their current economic misery. I would like to strongly suggest to those people that this is a highly unlikely scenario.

On Korea, Here We Go Again!

If American journalism should have learned one thing over the years, it is to be cautious and skeptical during the first days of a foreign confrontation like the one now playing out on the Korean Peninsula. Often the initial accounts from the “U.S. side” don’t turn out to be entirely accurate.

MINUS 17C! Britain shivers as record low temperatures grip the country (and even a Arctic buzzard visits)

Britain shivered in record low temperatures overnight as the big freeze maintained its grip on the country, forecasters said today. The mercury at Llysdinam near Llandrindod Wells plunged to minus 17.3C - the principality's lowest ever temperature for November and the UK's chilliest for the month since 1985.

Detailed Info on The over 400 Palestinian Villages Burnt/Genocided by European Zionists in 1948

I challenge any Zionist or Israeli or Jewish who pretend that Palestine was the land of the Israelis , to produce and show us a map with the name Israel on it, before 1048.

Steven Spielberg: Body Snatcher–A Review of the Miniseries “Band of Brothers”

The 9th episode of Band of Brothers, titled “Why We Fight”, represents an unprecedented level of ambition — to claim America’s WWII sacrifices as motivated by the desire to save Jews from Nazi persecution, to make America’s sacrifice in WWII all about the Jews, not about Americans doing their duty in a tragic internecine conflict. Webmaster's Commentary:

We know this spin is a complete lie because present day Israel shows absolutely no gratitude for the sacrifices America made to stop Hitler in WW2.

Norandex (Building Materials Retailer) To Close 36 Stores By Year's End

Norandex, a distributor of building materials, plans to close 36 branches by the end of the year across the U.S. because of weak business or proximately to other branches. However, the company also plans to add an unspecified number of locations where business is strong, said Mike Horgan, Norandex communications specialist...

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

As part of a new expansion of government power over information, the Department of Homeland Security has begun seizing and shutting down internet websites (web domains) without due process or a proper trial. DHS simply seizes web domains that it wants to and posts an ominous "Department of Justice" logo on the web site.

Over 75 websites were seized and shut down last week, and there is no indication that the government will stop such efforts. Right now, their focus is websites that they claim "violate copyrights," yet the website that was seized by DHS contained no copyrighted content whatsoever. It was merely a search engine website that linked to destinations where people could access copyrighted content. Google also links to copyrighted content -- does that mean the feds will soon seize Google, too?

The TSA: Protecting The Government From YOU!

If ever there was an indicator of just how apathetic and well trained the American public truly is, it must be this situation with TSA. Like a herd of bedraggled sheep, thousands of you forfeited your 4th and 5th amendment rights and allowed the government to irradiate you and view your virtually naked body, or allowed yourself to be subjected to an enhanced pat-down…nothing short of a sexual encounter. And for what? This is a training and conditioning exercise you fools! This has nothing to do with making us safer, national security or protecting America. It has nothing to do with making your flight safer. It has everything to do with conditioning you to accept a full body assault as long as the persons doing it are wearing a government badge.

Inconvenient Truth About Green Agenda

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6 Reasons To Start World War III If You Are A Globalist

The average person can barely imagine why World War III would be anything but a civilization-ending event. And, yet, we have heard Neocons ramping up rhetoric that suggests a new world war would be a viable option to correct a dying dollar and economy. Or, perhaps it is simply a sound investment if you are a Globalist . . .

North Korea can trigger the feared 21st century US-China war

The recent exchange of artillery fire in the Yellow Sea between the armed forces of North Korea and South Korea caused Asian stocks to tumble and heightened fears that North Korea might recklessly instigate another US-China war, similar to what happened during the 1950s Korean War. By now, many Chair Wrecker readers have realized why we have been raising the alarm for over three years now for Filipinos to watch intently the moves that the US has been making in Mindanao and against China. Three years ago, your Chair Wrecker felt like a Biblical Prophet, alone and unheeded, crying out in the wilderness.

South Korea: A Dispatch From the Frontline of WW3

These people (South Korea) are tariffing the crap out of our cars and agricultural products. They are not worth one drop of American blood or treasure!

North Korea can trigger the feared 21st century US-China war


Britain In Grip of The Big Chill For Weeks!



Currently there is considerable anger in our political dialogue. An embattled president faces a Congress with many members who have achieved power by promoting fear over hope. It is a formula for short term political gain and long term national disaster. In such a time we might despair. One commenter in a recent posting on this blog admonished me to stop “bouncing back to MLK events”. I do not agree; this is no time to forget history.

How secure is your cash in Irish banks

The economic crisis in Ireland is causing near-panic among the 2.3 million British savers who have billions of pounds on deposit in bonds and accounts with the country's banks. Protection schemes are in place, but concerns are growing over whether the Irish scheme would have sufficient cash to pay out in the event of a bank default. Even if it does, some experts believe savers should not be taking risks, especially if better rates can be found elsewhere with traditional British banks and building societies. It now looks likely Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Bank will be part or fully nationalised. Anglo Irish was nationalised in September after its collapse. It is expected Allied will be fully nationalised with Dublin taking an 85 per cent stake in Bank of Ireland. This should mean a default is unlikely but the guarantee is only as strong as the Irish government itself.
With fears that the crisis may spread to Portugal and even Spain, savers in other foreign-owned banks are being urged to consider moving their money to safer organisation

We've Been Had!

P. S. A Special Invitation to the Herd:

After US the Deluge? Georgia swift to follow into America's debt steps

Tax the Rich: A Deficit Plan That Doesn't Hit We, The People

1) Restore pre-Reagan top tax rates. We didn't have massive deficits until we reduced the top tax rates.

2) Income is income. No more reduced capital gains tax rate. The incentive to invest should be to make a bunch of money from a good investment. The reason there is a low capital gains tax rate is that the wealthy get most of their income from capital gains. And the reason they get most of their income from capital gains is there is a low capital gains rate. The resulting income shifting schemes are a drag on the rest of us. (Also applies to dividends.)

Maliki wants foreign troops out of Iraq

Iraq's recently-reinstated prime minister has warned against any extension to the foreign presence on the strife-weary country's soil. Nouri al-Maliki, who was mandated earlier in the month to remain premier for another four years, said on Saturday, "I do not feel the need for the presence of any other international forces to help Iraqis control the security situation," the Associated Press reported.

"The security agreement with what it included of dates and commitments will remain valid," he said.

The remarks were reportedly some of the harshest the Iraqi leader had ever addressed to Washington. Under the arrangement, the almost 50,000 US soldiers deployed in Iraq, are expected to withdraw by the end of 2011.

Max Keiser: Teutonic Genie out of bottle, America punches itself in face

Anti-North riots rock South Korea as tension high

TSA Agent Claims Videotaping Against The Law!

The TSA has now been caught denying American citizens the right to videotape their encounters with airport security. It is very clear that TSA believes they are 100% above the law. Forbes

My wife and I arrived at the airport for our annual Thanksgiving pilgrimage Tuesday evening, and like millions of others, came face-to-face with the TSA’s upgraded security measures. I breezed through; My wife, who apparently looks far more dangerous than I do, was pulled aside for a pat-down.

Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order

The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve System. They in turn control the White House, Congress, the military, the mass media, the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the universities, etc. No one can rise to the top in any of these institutions without the elite’s stamp of approval. ...Rather the key is monetary reform, whether at the local or national levels. People have lost control of their ability to earn a living. But change could be accomplished through sovereign control by people and nations of the monetary means of exchange.

Exposing 8th grade US History textbook lies in wars, money, and power

*hyperlinks and video live at source* The following is what I wrote and delivered to meeting participants concerning our school’s 8th grade US History text; a leading national textbook. Surprisingly, the textbook company author in attendance was in agreement (this person co-authored the 7th grade text). All of Social Science teachers and administrator managing our department are also in agreement. We’re developing primary source documents for our students to read and then compare to the text’s account of history to see these lies of omission and commission for themselves. Consider the 5-minute PuppetGov video, “Simple card tricks for war” on the left as an historic and artistic expression to show how Americans are lied-into wars.

All news and commentary taken from

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