Now that the elections are over, Congress can get back to the job of censoring the internet. The kerfuffle over the TSA taking naked pictures of you and/or giving you a groin pat-down has to come as a welcome voter distraction for those lawmakers bent on ramming S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) through Congress before voters even know what it is. Simply put, the COICA allows the government to keep “blacklists” of websites the government, in its sole discretion, decides are “dedicated to infringing activities.” The COICA does not require any hearing or judicial review, just “BAM” your website is gone. Not just the allegedly infringing material, not just the webpage upon which it appears, your entire website.
The relative, who said she didn’t want to be identified, said her flight from Corpus Christi to a city in the Midwest was fine. It was the enhanced pat-down in a side room that really set her off to crying. This was done after she declined to go through the radiation-emitting naked body scanner. She said it was awful and invasive and something that has made her think that traveling via commercial airliners is a thing of the past for her.
It should be noted that this is the same Texas airport where a woman noted that in 2008 she was singled out for ‘extended search procedures.’ In the process her blouse was lowered and breasts were exposed. This resulted in much high-fiving and whoopin’ n’ hollerin’ among the half-witted, boorish vulgarians among Corpus Christi airport’s TSA staff.
Following what ABC News reported were “high-level negotiations between Israeli and U.S. government officials”, a settlement was reached in the case of the five Urban Moving Systems suspects. Intense political pressure apparently had been brought to bear. The reputable Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that by the last week of October 2001, some six weeks after the men had been detained, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and two unidentified “prominent New York congressmen” were lobbying heavily for their release. According to a source at ABC News close to the 20/20 report, high-profile criminal lawyer Alan Dershowitz also stepped in as a negotiator on behalf of the men to smooth out differences with the U.S. government.
Israel is a democracy, right? That’s what all the press releases say, don’t they? But I wonder how those who praise said democracy to the skies manage to reconcile that with horror stories like the ones I’m about the recount.
The head of the Transportation Security Administration says thorough pat-downs and airport scanners that show naked images of passengers are necessary to insure the safety of American travelers. Webmaster's Commentary:
"... and the continued growth of the stocks I own in the companies that provide the scanners and other security services!"
If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."
“Afghanistan is, I would say, a trap for all the parties involved there,” Juppe insisted, adding that France was determined to hand over control of French dominated regions to the Afghan government as soon as they could.
Crystal Cathedral, the Orange County mega-church that filed for bankruptcy last month, allowed its chief financial officer to skirt federal income taxes by paying the bulk of his salary in the form of a housing allowance, a benefit reserved under law for ministers.
The national outcry over intrusive body searches at American airports intensified today after it emerged security staff were caught on camera frisking a crying three-year-old girl.Mandy Simon is seen sobbing and pleading with staff at Chattanooga, Tennessee airport. She had become upset after having to have her teddy bear put through an X-ray machine and can be heard screaming: 'Stop touching me!'
As nearly 2 million holiday travelers pack Bay Area airports starting Friday, local prosecutors have a warning for overzealous security agents performing the new federal pat-down: touch passengers the wrong way, and we'll throw you in jail. Webmaster's Commentary:
That is, if the passengers haven't already beaten you to death.
I am getting emails wondering if the US Government isn't using this TSA groping thing to trigger an uprising of the American people to justify a gun grab or martial law. If true, I wonder how TSA workers feel about being set up as target practice for the next staged phony terror attack. Grateful not to have to worry about an old age riddled with cancer from those machines, I guess.
But here is something for all those government spooks (about 60 of them from the last poll) reading this site. I know you are all relying on the results from the Combat Arms Survey of 1994, which concluded that US Marines would follow orders to fire on their fellow Americans to enforce a national gun seizure. Well, here is a little insight. One of those Marines who took that survey out at 29 Palms later came to work for us as a Graphics Designer, and he told us the Marines answered affirmatively because it was clear that is what the officers wanted them to answer, to prove how effective the training had been. But in reality, the Marines taking the combat arms survey knew they were lying.
So, if you are part of a plan to trigger a revolt, so the government can justify acting really butch, please keep in mind that the basis for assuming the unquestioning support of the Marines is no more based in reality than Margaret Mead's "Coming of Age in Samoa", and is being peddled by the same government that assured you Saddam had nuclear weapons.
In short, you might just start something you cannot really stop.
The head of the Transportation Security Administration is acknowledging that the new pat-downs are more invasive than what travelers were used to in the past.
TSA administrator John Pistole says he has received the new pat-down, as has his boss, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
"An Amarillo woman is suing the federal government for intentional infliction of emotional distress after Transportation Security Administration agents allegedly humiliated the woman when her breasts were publicly exposed during an "extended search" two years ago at a Corpus Christi airport."
"I stood there, an American citizen, a mom traveling with a baby with special needs formula, sexually assaulted by a government official. I began shaking and felt completely violated, abused and assaulted by the TSA agent. I shook for several hours, and woke up the next day shaking.
Here is why I was sexually assaulted. She never told me the new body search policy. She never told me that she was going to touch my private parts. She never told me when or where she was going to touch me. She did not inform me that a private screening was available. She did not inform me of my rights that were a part of these new enhanced patdown procedures."
Were I a betting person, I would bet that neither of these kinds of incidents took place when Napolitano got her patdown.
What these "enhanced patdowns" are supposed to accomplish,are primarily, two-fold:
1. Making a boatload of cash for the providers of the xray body scanning equipment, which may give people cancer, and
Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Quick, get Adam Pearlman, er, Gadahn, whatever his @#%ing name is down to Sanford with a crotch bomb or a bandini bomb or something and blow up a bunch of people! I took my money out of Gore's global warming scam and invested it with Chertoff and the security industrial complex, and if airports stop using TSA I will lose my @#$%ing shirt! " -- Official White Horse Souse
The foreign policy bait-and-switch continues. First, President Barack Obama declared the end of combat in Iraq, withdrawing some U.S. troops but leaving many others behind, possibly for decades, and redefining their role as “advise and assist” — whereupon they continued engaging in combat. Now, with Obama having publicly stated his intent to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan next July, both Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Gen. David Petraeus are arguing for a long-term, if not permanent, U.S. presence in Afghanistan.
Webmaster's Commentary: Continuing to pursue what does not work and has not worked is one of the classic signs of insanity. And that is the word, right now, which best characterizes the US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan.
The top U.S. and Israeli military officers met Wednesday amid some disagreement among senior leaders of the two countries on how best to pressure Iran to abandon its alleged nuclear weapons program. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, hosted his Israeli counterpart, General Gabi Ashkenazi at the Pentagon. On Tuesday at the Pentagon, Netanyahu's military chief, General Ashkenazi, agreed that the sanctions are having an impact, but questioned whether that will be enough. Admiral Mullen said he has no doubt Iran is trying to develop a nuclear weapon, and said that would be a "disaster for the region," and an "incredibly destabilizing" development. Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Israeli Defense Minister Ashkenzi and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen: if this is what you gentlemen believe, with utterly no hard evidence to support your claims, then why not just sack the IAEA, under whose protocols and inspections Iran, an NNPT signatory, is developing its nuclear power plant?!?
Because, gentlemen, to date:
1. There has been no evidence the IAEA has presented of any nuclear material missing or unaccounted for.
2. The Iranians are developing uranium only to a 20% enrichment for medical isotopes. As you both well know, it takes a minimum 95% enrichment of uranium to create a nuclear bomb.
3. To date, the IAEA has not reported any hard evidence of Iran attempting to develop a nuclear weapons program at this time.
So if the above 3 statements are true, why are you even seriously discussing a military attack against Iran?
The reason there is even a discussion of such an attack is very simple; even without its nuclear energy program, Iran has been characterized as Israel's "existential threat" in the region, and one that should (as was the case with Iraq) be "neutralized" by an American attack against it, with Americans paying the cost in blood and money such an attack would require.
There is a potential nightmare scenario here, and one that rarely gets mentioned in the corporate media: if there is an attack against Iran by the US (and/or Israel), what will Russia and China do?!?
A regional war could well become a world war, with Russia and China coming in on the side of Iran, and both of those nations have nuclear weapons.
ORANGE BEACH, Alabama, Nov 15, 2010 (IPS) – Increasing numbers of U.S. Gulf Coast residents attribute ongoing sicknesses to BP’s oil disaster and use of toxic dispersants.
“Now I have a bruising rash all around my stomach,” Denise Rednour of Long Beach, Mississippi told IPS. “This looks like bleeding under the skin.”
Rednour lives near the coast and has been walking on the beach nearly every day since a BP oil rig exploded on Apr. 20. She has noticed a dramatically lower number of wildlife, and said that many days the smell of chemicals from what she believes are BP’s toxic dispersants fill the air.
Yet her primary concern is that she and many people she knows in the area have gotten sick.
Google's cache of the same page already has had all the pictures removed, proving that Google is under Israeli control as well.
They were foolish to think that would work as the page, with photos, is already copied all over the internet, such as HERE and a zip file of the contents can be downloaded HERE
Here’s the rub: given the power of the Israel lobby, it’s unrealistic to think that the Obama administration would be able to put any overt pressure on Israel. Congress will make sure that Israel gets its annual aid package, and die-hard defenders like Representative Eric Cantor (R-Va) will make it impossible for Obama to use the leverage that is potentially at his disposal. And as noted above, those same forces will make sure that the United States continues veto any unfavorable resolutions in the U.N. Security Council and deflects international efforts to raise question about Israel’s nuclear program. So what’s a president to do?
What's typically a beautiful, quiet stretch of beach in the fall now resembles a construction site. Bulldozers and yellow dump trucks shake the ground; a giant sifting machine spits clean sand out one end, tar balls out another.
Using classical Zionist lies, prevarication, twisting of words and a lot of corrupt analogies, a Zionist propagandist used a Cambridge University student debate to defend the Nazi-like policies and practices of the apartheid state of Israel.
It seems that the information was collected via the internet, doubtlessly through extensive use of social networks. A quick search reveals that many of the pictures on the site, especially those of the younger low level soldiers, were taken from facebook profiles.
The study carried out by the New York-based Commonwealth Fund shows that at least a third of Americans have gone without medical care or skipped filling a prescription during 2010 because of costs. The data is compared to as few as one in 20 in the Netherlands and Britain. The study published in the Health Affairs journal on Thursday also indicates that while Americans pay far more per capita for healthcare, they are unhappier with the results and less healthy than people in other rich countries. The research adds that US adults are most likely to have trouble paying medical bills even when insured. Webmaster's Commentary: The health care legislation passed is an absolute Frankenstein's monster, particularly the part about the IRS being in control of Americans' health care:
What it will do is enhance cost, not care, and have the number of people not going to their doctors at all increase dramatically.
And for everyone who screams "socialistic" or "communistic" at any country which manages to have a working healthcare system, please stop screaming, and look logically at the very capitalistic Swiss model.
All Swiss citizens are required to buy health insurance; however, the insurance companies make their money by selling more elaborate policies to those who can afford them. The medical care is matched to the medical need. In other words, the person with a sprained thumb is not going to be met at the door by several orthopedic surgeons. No one gets turned away, people get they care they need, and go on with their lives not having to get a loan to pay their medical bills.
What's wrong with this picture?!? Absolutely nothing!!
A Florida woman who fell behind on her car payments is suing the company she claims has been using Facebook to contact her family members in a campaign to embarrass and intimidate her into paying the debt.
When Melanie Beacham of St. Petersburg had to take a medical leave of absence from her job this summer, she alerted the company, Mark One Financial, that she would likely fall behind on her monthly $362 car payments, her attorney told The Huffington Post. Two months later, the attorney said, Mark One representatives began calling Beacham up to 20 times a day and contacting her cousin and sister on Facebook.
Barack Obama's plans to try accused terrorists in civilian courts experienced a major setback last night when the first former Guantánamo detainee to be tried in one was convicted on just one of 285 charges over the 1998 attack on US embassies in East Africa which killed 224 people.
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a 36-year-old Tanzanian, was found guilty of conspiracy to destroy US government buildings and property for helping an al-Qaida cell to buy a lorry and bomb parts in the attacks on the American embassies in Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam. But a US federal jury acquitted him of all the more serious charges of murder and conspiracy.
Now that the game of political musical chairs is over and Republicans will control the House next year, the banksters are busy at work whittling away at provisions contained in the financial regulation bill pushed through Congress earlier this year by the Democrats. As should be expected, the corporate media is mostly mum, although McClatchy ran with a story.
“Lobbyists for Big Finance are working hardest to neutralize the so-called Volcker Rule, which would force big banks to spin off their lucrative proprietary trading operations, in which they invest their own capital in speculative deals,” Kevin G. Hall writes for McClatchy Newspapers.
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